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1、Unit 1 Topic 1 Im going to play basketball.Section A 第第1页页Review these sports:basketballfootball第第2页页volleyballtable tennis第第3页页 swimmingboating(rowing)第第4页页Whats your favorite sport?第第5页页Learn some other sports:cyclingmountain climbing第第6页页tennisbaseball第第7页页bowlinggolf第第8页页a basketball teamDo you

2、prefer playing basketball?Are you going to join the school basketball team?第第9页页Michael:Hi,Kangkang!Kangkang:Hi,Michael!What are you going to do?Michael:Im going to play basketball.Kangkang:You like playing basketball,right?I often saw you play basketball during the summer holidays.1a listen,look an

3、d say.第第10页页Michael:Yes,you know,we are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.Kangkang:I hope your team will win.Michael:Me,too.Would you like top come and cheer us on?Kangkang:sure,Id love to.第第11页页1b Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer.Kangkang and Michael are talkin

4、g about _.A.the football game on SaturdayB.the summer holidaysC.the football game on SundayD.the basketball game on Sunday第第12页页1c Listen again and mark T(True)or F(False).1.Michael is going to play football.()2.Michael doesnt like playing basketball,but he has to practice every day.()3.Michael and

5、Kangkang are in Class 3.()4.Both Michael and Kangkang hope their team will win.()第第13页页1d Read 1a and fill in the blanks.Michael is going to play _ because he and his classmates are going to have a basketball game _ Class Three on Sunday.Both of them hope their team will _.Kangkang will go and _ the

6、m on.basketballagainstwincheer第第14页页2 look at the picture and make up conversations with your partner.Example:A:Which sport do you prefer,swimming or rowing?B:I prefer rowing.A:Do you row much?B:Yes,quite a bit/a lot./No,seldom.A:Are you going to join the school rowing club?B:Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im

7、going to 第第15页页sportstable tennisswimmingskatingcyclingrowingtennis第第16页页3a Listen to the conversation and complete the table.Name Sport Time What to takeSally Bob skating8:00 a.m.food,drinks,a cameraplaying basketballtomorrow afternoonwater,fruit第第17页页3b Pair workNamesFavorite SportsLily My favorit

8、e sport is playing volleyball.第第18页页Make dialogs after the exampleFor example:A:Which sports do you like better,skating or playing volleyball?B:I like playing volleyball better.1第第19页页Which sport do you like better or?I like better.第第20页页 Which sport do you prefer,or?I prefer skatingskiing第第21页页 Whi

9、ch sport do you prefer,or?I prefer cyclingclimbing第第22页页playing baseballhiking Which sport do you prefer,or?I prefer 第第23页页playing basketballplaying soccer Which sport do you prefer,or?I prefer 第第24页页playing volleyballrunning Which sport do you prefer,or?I prefer 第第25页页Do you row much?提醒词提醒词basketba

10、llfootballswimming runningvolleyball table tenniscyclingrowing skatingskiingYes,quite a bit/a lot.Do you much?=Do you often?Yes,quite a bit/a lot.=Yes,I do.No,seldom.=No,I dont.No,seldom.极少极少第第26页页Are you going to join the school swimming team?Yes,I am.提醒词提醒词basketballfootballswimming runningvolleyb

11、all table tenniscyclingrowing skatingskiingNo,Im not.Im going to 第第27页页Make a dialog with your partner,using the following sentences.A:Which sport do you prefer or?B:I prefer A:Do you much?B:Yes,quite a bit/a lot./No,seldom.A:Are you going to join the school team?B:Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im going to 2队

12、,组队,组第第28页页What are you going to do tomorrow?I am going tobe going to 用于普通未来时,用于普通未来时,表示打算,计划去做某事。表示打算,计划去做某事。Eg:我们明天打算去野炊。我们明天打算去野炊。We are going to go for a picnic.第第29页页l be going to do sth.这一结构表示打算或准这一结构表示打算或准备做某事,它是普通未来时基本结构。备做某事,它是普通未来时基本结构。e.g.He is going to swim this morning.l There is going

13、to be 将有将有e.g.There is going to be a concert in our school next week.第第30页页l see sb.do sth.意为意为“看见某人做某事看见某人做某事”。表示看见、行动全过程,动作已经结束。表示看见、行动全过程,动作已经结束。e.g.He saw a girl pick many flowers.l see sb.doing sth.意为意为“看到某人正在做看到某人正在做某事某事”。强调事件、行动正在进行。强调事件、行动正在进行。e.g.I saw a thief stealing a womans purse in the

14、 bus.第第31页页l play against 同同比赛比赛 e.g.Our team will play against their team.l play with 同同一起玩;一起玩;玩弄玩弄 e.g.I often play with my friends.The cat is playing with a ball.第第32页页lDo you row much?你经常划船吗?你经常划船吗?在必定句、否定句或疑问句中,在必定句、否定句或疑问句中,(very)much 常与动词连用,用来描述某个动常与动词连用,用来描述某个动作发生频率,或与表示情感动词连用,作发生频率,或与表示情感动

15、词连用,表示情感深浅程度。表示情感深浅程度。e.g.I go to the movies much.I dont like ice cream much.第第33页页lquite a bit/a lot 许多,大量许多,大量;quite a lot of 后既可接可数名词也可接不可数名后既可接可数名词也可接不可数名词。词。e.g.He read quite a lot of books.We got quite a lot of information on the Internet.lquite a few 意为意为“相当多、颇有几个相当多、颇有几个”。后接可数名词复数。后接可数名词复数。e

16、.g.Quite a few students are doing voluntary work.第第34页页ljoin sb 表示表示“加入某人行列,和某人一加入某人行列,和某人一起起”。join+组织组织,表示,表示“加入某个组织加入某个组织”。join in+活动活动,表示,表示“参加某项活动参加某项活动”。e.g.Will you join us?He joined the school basketball club yesterday.Can I join in the game?第第35页页We learn:We learn:the future tense with“be go

17、ing to”.We can:We can:1.talk about sports and games.2.talk about preferences.第第36页页1.What are you going to _ tomorrow?A.do B.does C.is D.be2.-Are you going to join the school cycling team?-_ I am going to join the swimming team.A.Yes,I am.B.Yes,you are.C.No,Im not.D.No,you arent.3.-Would you like to

18、 come and cheer Jim on?-_A.Yes,I will.B.Yes,I would.C.Sure,Id love to.D.Yes,I do.第第37页页1.There are 24 h_ in a day.2.I p_ playing volleyball to playing soccer.3.She likes skiing.She wants to j_ the skiing club.4.I s_ you go to school early every morning.5.Michael Jordan is a f_ basketball star.oursre

19、feroineeamousFinish the words according to the first given letter.第第38页页Translate these sentences into English.1.你打算去打排球吗?你打算去打排球吗?2.她喜欢骑自行车多于划船。她喜欢骑自行车多于划船。Are you going to play volleyball?She prefers cycling to rowing.第第39页页3.你愿意加入我们学校足球俱乐部吗?你愿意加入我们学校足球俱乐部吗?是,我非常愿意。是,我非常愿意。4.上学期我几乎每个星期都回家。上学期我几乎每个

20、星期都回家。Would you like to join our school football club?Yes,Id love to.I went home almost every week last term.第第40页页All our class will cheer our school swimming team on.There is going to be a basketball match between Class Seven and Class Eight this afternoon.He goes to play table tennis quite a lot/bit.I hope our class will win.5.我们全班都将为我们学校游泳队加油。我们全班都将为我们学校游泳队加油。6.今天下午七班和八班将会有一场篮球比赛。今天下午七班和八班将会有一场篮球比赛。7.他经常去打乒乓球。他经常去打乒乓球。8.我希望我们班会赢。我希望我们班会赢。第第41页页1.用用be going to造造五五个个句句子子,要求用不一样人称、句式。要求用不一样人称、句式。2.仿照仿照 1a 与同桌进行对话与同桌进行对话。第第42页页第第43页页

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