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1、语言学教程言学教程Chapter1.Language and CultureWhat is culturen nBroadly speaking,it means the total way of life of a people,including the patterns of belief,customs,objects,institutions,techniques,and language.n nIn a narrow sense,it refers to local or specific practice,beliefs or customs.1.1 The relationsh

2、ip between L&Cn nTo sum up,the relation of L to C is that of part to whole,for L is part of C.n nThe knowledge and beliefs that constitute a peoples culture are habitually encoded and transmitted in L.n nAnthropological study of linguistics:study of language in a socio-cultural context.n nBronislaw

3、Malinowski:1.1.The meaning of a word greatly depends upon its occurrence in a given context.2.2.Language functions as a link in human activity,a mode of action.n nAnthropological study of linguistics:n nJ.R.Firth:theory of context of situation1.1.The relevant features of the participants,persons,per

4、sonalities.2.2.The relevant objects.3.3.The effects of the verbal action.4.4.“who speaks what to whom and when and to what end”n nHymes:Ethnography of communication 1.1.Speech situation.2.2.Situation,event,and act.3.3.SPEAKING:situation,participants,ends,act sequence,key,instrumentalities,norms,and

5、genresn nSapir-Whorf Hypothesisn nLinguistic determinism:L may determine our thinking patterns.n nLinguistic relativity:different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around.n nTime in Hopi language-a“timeless language”n nAn example from the Dani language:evolutionary stages

6、 of basic color wordsn nEnglish:horseshoen nFrench:fer a cheval iron for horsen nGerman:hufeisen hoof ironn nThe Eskimos have countless words for snow.The Arabs,for camels.n nLinguistic evidence of cultural differencesn nTerms of addressn nGreetingsn nThanks and complimentsn nPrivacy and taboosn nCo

7、lor words1.2 Culture-loaded wordsn n烫手的山芋烫手的山芋 vs.hot potato n n雨后春笋雨后春笋 vs.spring like mushroom n n大鱼大肉、鱼肉百姓、酒肉朋友大鱼大肉、鱼肉百姓、酒肉朋友 n nmeat and potatoes,meat and drink to someonen nkill the goose that lays the golden eggs”vs.“杀杀鸡取卵鸡取卵”n nCold words vs.冷言冷语冷言冷语n nConstant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石滴水

8、穿石n nDiamond cut diamond.棋逢对手棋逢对手n nKill a man when he is down.落井下石落井下石1.3 Cultural overlap and diffusionn nThrough communication,some elements of culture A enter culture B and becomes part of culture B.n nLoan words in Japanese,Chinese,English.Loan wordsn n肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、耐克、肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、耐克、因特

9、网、因特网、KTV、E-MAILn nTyphoon,gongfu,speakn n顶顶(支持支持)n n555(呜呜呜呜呜呜)n nding(顶顶)n nmm/MM(妹妹妹妹)n nLZ(楼主楼主)n nDD/dd(弟弟弟弟)n n88(拜拜拜拜)n n偶偶(我我)n n马甲马甲n nIDn n斑主斑主(版主版主)n n恩恩(嗯嗯)n n汗或寒汗或寒(敬畏敬畏)n n晕晕(非常惊异非常惊异)n nps/PS(photoshop的简称的简称)n n灌水灌水(发帖子发帖子)n nddd(顶顶顶顶顶顶)n nbs/BS(鄙视鄙视)n n楼猪楼猪(楼主楼主)n n滴滴(的、地的、地)“2006年中国

10、主流报纸十大流行语年中国主流报纸十大流行语”n n和谐社会、社会主义新农村、青藏铁路、自和谐社会、社会主义新农村、青藏铁路、自主创新、社会主义荣辱观(八荣八耻)、中主创新、社会主义荣辱观(八荣八耻)、中非合作论坛、长征精神、消费税、非物质文非合作论坛、长征精神、消费税、非物质文化遗产、倒扁化遗产、倒扁n n文博会、文化创意产业、孔子、原生态、百文博会、文化创意产业、孔子、原生态、百家讲坛、于丹、潜规则、易中天、草根文化、家讲坛、于丹、潜规则、易中天、草根文化、恶搞恶搞“2005年中国主流报纸十大流行语年中国主流报纸十大流行语”n n保持共产党员先进性教育、保持共产党员先进性教育、“十一五十一五

11、”规划、规划、神舟六号神舟六号(神六神六)、节约型社会、和平发展、节约型社会、和平发展、一篮子货币、油价上涨、同一个世界同一一篮子货币、油价上涨、同一个世界同一个梦想、连宋大陆行、取消农业税。个梦想、连宋大陆行、取消农业税。2004年春夏季中国主流报纸年春夏季中国主流报纸十大流行语(综合类)十大流行语(综合类)n n中国市场经济地位、欧锦赛、虐俘(虐囚)中国市场经济地位、欧锦赛、虐俘(虐囚)、科学发展观、高致病性禽流感、释法、科学发展观、高致病性禽流感、释法、劣质奶粉(问题奶粉)、电荒、和平崛起、劣质奶粉(问题奶粉)、电荒、和平崛起、审计风暴。审计风暴。2.Language and Socie

12、tyn nLanguage is not always used to exchange information as is generally assumed,but rather it is sometimes used to fulfill an important social function to maintain social relationship between people.n nUsers of the same language in a sense all speak differently.What each of them chooses to use is i

13、n part determined by his social background.When we speak we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues about our origin and our background.n nThe social environment can also be reflected in language,and can often have an effect on the structure of the vocabulary.For example,a societys kinship system is

14、 generally reflected in its kinship vocabulary.2.1 Sociolinguisticsn nThe sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between L and society,between the uses of L and the the social structures in which the users of L live.n nMicro-studiesn nMacro-studiesn nMicro-studies:To look at society from

15、 the point of view of an individual member within it,or a worms-eye view of L in use.n nMacro-studies:To look at society as a whole and consider how L functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations,a birds eye view of the language used in society.n npeople who claim to be users of t

16、he same language do not speak the language in the same manner.n nVarieties related to the user are normally known as dialects and varieties related to use as registers.n nRegional dialects are linguistic varieties used by people living in different regions.n nRegional dialect boundaries often coinci

17、de with geographical barriers such as mountains,rivers,or swamps.English:Scottish:It needs washingIt needs washedn nSocial-class dialect,or socioect,refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.n nSocial dialect has to do with separation brought about by different soc

18、ial conditions.n nThe upper class:America,cake,helping,ice,lavatory,looking glass,pudding,relatives,rich,Royalties,scent,scurf,sick,sofa,spectacles,writing papern nThe lower class:the States,pastry,portion,ice-cream,toilet,mirror,dessert,relations,wealthy,Royals,perfume,dandruff,ill,settee,notepaper

19、,glassesn nSpeaker A Speaker B I did it yesterday.I done it yesterday.He hasnt got it.He aint got it.It was she that said it.It was her what said it.n nWhen we look at the language used by two speakers A and B,we can estimate roughly their relative social status.In Britain,accent marker of statusn n

20、RP:a non-localized form of pronunciation,refers to the particular way of pronouncing standard English,an indicator of a public school education and thus a high social status on the part of the speaker.nAmerican Black Englishn nCharacterictics of black English:Characterictics of black English:n n1.Ph

21、onological level:simplification of consonant 1.Phonological level:simplification of consonant clusters at the end of a word,e.g.“passed”is clusters at the end of a word,e.g.“passed”is pronounced as pa:s.-th is often pronounced as/d/,pronounced as pa:s.-th is often pronounced as/d/,e.g.the-/de.g.the-

22、/d/,-ng as/n/,e.g.thinking-/,-ng as/n/,e.g.thinking-/ikin/ikin/n n2.Syntactical level:(1)the deletion of the link verb“be”,2.Syntactical level:(1)the deletion of the link verb“be”,e.g.“They mine”.(the use of double negation,e.g.“He e.g.“They mine”.(the use of double negation,e.g.“He dont know nothin

23、g.”dont know nothing.”n n The evaluation of a linguistic form is entirely social.To a linguist,all languages are equally good as far as they can fulfill the communicative functions they are expected to fulfill.Black English is just another non-standard variety of English,which differs from standard

24、English in ways similar to those in which other non-standard varieties of English differ from the standard variety.n nLanguage and Gendern n1.Compared with men,women tend to use such adverbs:horridly,abominably,immensely,excessively,amazingly,so,most,etc.n nThe overuse of these words imply that the

25、users are sentimental,shallow and not objective enough.(1)(1)An example from“Pride and Prejudice”:Oh!My dear Mr.Bennet,we have had a most excellent ball.Jane was so admired.Every body said how well she looked.Mr.Bingley thought her quite beautiful,I was so vexed to see him stand up with her.I am qui

26、te delighted with him.He is so excessively handsome!(2)Wife:You always leave your papers about dear!Husband:Really Didnt I put them in place yesterdayIn a sense,the overuse of the words of absoluteness or extremity may cause changes in the meaning of a word at least in the eye of a man.2.Women have

27、their own vocabulary for emphasizing certain effects:females:so good,such fun,exquisite,lovely,divine,precious,adorable,darling,fantastic.neutral:great,terrific,cool,neat3.Aside from specific lexical items,there are differences between the speech of women and that of men in the use of particles that

28、 grammarians often describe as“meaningless”.n nMale:Shit,damn,darn it,the helln nFemale:Oh dear,dear me,goodness me,my goodness,4.Women use more tag questions.5.Women use more statement questions with a rising intonation at the end.6.Womens linguistic behavior is more indirect and more polite.n nIdi

29、olect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional,social,gender,and age variations.Standard dialect:n nSocially prestigious dialect.n nBy the government,mass media,schools.n nAny member can possibly use.n nBased on a selected variety.n nNot acquired natur

30、ally,superimposed.n n普通话的定义是:普通话的定义是:n n以北京语音为标准音以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方以北方话为基础方言言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代汉民族共同语。的现代汉民族共同语。n nHalliday:Registern nL varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations.n nThe type of L which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a

31、register.n nField of discourse:what is going on,purpose and subject-matter of communication.,why,whatn nTechnical vs.non-technicaln nTenor of discourse:the role of relationship in the situation,who,to whomn nThe level of formalityn nMode of discourse:the means of communication,hown nA lecture on bio

32、logyn nMartin Joos:Degree of formalityn nVisitors would make their way at once to the upper floor by way of the staircase.(frozen)n nVisitors should go up the stairs at once.(formal)n nWould you mind going upstairs please(consultative)n nTime you all went upstairs now.(casual)n nUp you go,Chaps!(int

33、imate)2.2 Sociolinguistic study of societyn nTo know more about a given society by examining the linguistic behavior of its members.n nDiglossian nBilingualism&Multilingualismn nCode-switchingn nMonolingual:Speakers of a single language control different varieties of that language.n nBilingual:Peopl

34、e develop some ability in a second language.n nHow to describen n1.to identify each of the languages.n n2.the way each language was acquired.“X is a native speaker of Cantonese and learned English in school.”n n3.mastery of skills:reading,writing,speaking.n n4.function or domain:for each of the doma

35、ins,a bilingual tends to prefer a certain language.n nMonolingual speech communities are rare;monolingual countries are even rarer.n nBilingualism the two languages are in contact.n nThis contact may lead to interference.n nPidgin,Creole,diglossian nPidgin:It is the mixture of two or more languages

36、and not a native language of anyone.It is learned informally in contact and used especially as trade language.n ne.g.Nigerian Pidgin English;Vietnamese Pidgin French;New Guinea Pidgin German,etc.n n上海话中的洋泾浜英语上海话中的洋泾浜英语n n“蹩脚蹩脚”(BILGE,船底污水,引申为肮脏的、,船底污水,引申为肮脏的、下三滥的、劣质的)下三滥的、劣质的)n n“大兴大兴”(DASHY,浮华的,华而不

37、实的,引,浮华的,华而不实的,引申为假的、冒牌的、劣质的)申为假的、冒牌的、劣质的)n n肮三肮三(ON SALE,二手货贱卖,引申为垃,二手货贱卖,引申为垃圾货、形容人的品质低劣)圾货、形容人的品质低劣)n n“瘪三瘪三”(BEG SIR,乞丐先生,用来形容,乞丐先生,用来形容叫花子、难民、逃荒者等各式穷人,后引叫花子、难民、逃荒者等各式穷人,后引申为最广泛的骂人用语之一:申为最广泛的骂人用语之一:n n赤佬赤佬是英语是英语CHEAT(欺骗)和中文(欺骗)和中文佬佬的混生词语,一个鲁迅时代最流行的洋的混生词语,一个鲁迅时代最流行的洋泾浜俚语(隐语);泾浜俚语(隐语);n nFrom pidg

38、in to Creolen nAs a result of intermarriage,the pidgin is spoken at home and learned by children as a mother tongue.n nPidgin is not just a contact language with limited social functions,but can deal with more.n nWhen a pidgin has become the primary language of a speech community,and is acquired by

39、the children of that speech community as their mother tongue,it is said to have become a Creole.n ne.g.French-based Haitian Creole,Hawaiian Creole Englishn nDiglossia:Two distinct varieties of the same language are used,side by side,for two different sets of functions.n nSwitzerland:High German as t

40、he standard(public,official)Swiss German as the vernacular(informal,daily)n nCode-Switching:Bilinguals often switch between their two languages in the middle of a conversation.n nMetaphorical switching:the purpose of communicationn nSituational switching:role-relationshipn nMixed code:words from new

41、 languages are used in old languages.e.g.New Zealand Englishn n“Hi,你好呀!,你好呀!Thismorning,我们对你的,我们对你的case进行了进行了discuss,我们发现,这对我们没什么,我们发现,这对我们没什么benefit。所以我们不得不遗憾地告诉你:与这。所以我们不得不遗憾地告诉你:与这件事相关的所有件事相关的所有Project都将被都将被cancel掉。掉。”n n“事实证明,事实证明,Download已经不吃香了,已经不吃香了,Portal也也正在逐渐没落。正在逐渐没落。ISP与与ICP都没有什么很都没有什么很P


43、有津、剑桥没有津、剑桥没有 他们的他们的他们的他们的tutorial system tutorial system 是怎么一回事是怎么一回事是怎么一回事是怎么一回事”3.3.这种同情比笑骂还难受这种同情比笑骂还难受这种同情比笑骂还难受这种同情比笑骂还难受,鸿渐咬牙来个中西合璧的鸿渐咬牙来个中西合璧的鸿渐咬牙来个中西合璧的鸿渐咬牙来个中西合璧的咒骂咒骂咒骂咒骂:“To Hell:“To Hell 滚你妈的蛋滚你妈的蛋滚你妈的蛋滚你妈的蛋!”!”n n什么年代吹着什么样的风什么年代吹着什么样的风我拿我的麦克风我拿我的麦克风唱出唱出old school showyall ready to roll

44、70的年代的年代复古我最复古我最highdisco fever从来不肯从来不肯say goodbye n n歌曲:快乐崇拜歌曲:快乐崇拜 歌手:潘玮柏歌手:潘玮柏vs张韶涵张韶涵 n n下面的这首诗歌是介绍澳门的。下面的这首诗歌是介绍澳门的。莲归莲归凌空俯瞰那凌空俯瞰那“泉通十字门泉通十字门宝聚三巴寺宝聚三巴寺”汉夷杂居之地汉夷杂居之地澳门如一朵莲花悬浮海上澳门如一朵莲花悬浮海上莲茎与香洲、关闸一脉相连莲茎与香洲、关闸一脉相连大桥如弓射出辉煌澳门大桥如弓射出辉煌澳门海堤相接路环岛更加葱茏海堤相接路环岛更加葱茏CASINO 的轮盘滚动的轮盘滚动任君去赢得开心输得高兴任君去赢得开心输得高兴(羊城晚

45、报羊城晚报,1999 年年12 月月08 日日B2 版版)2.3 Code-Switchingn n为顺应社会规约交际者通过语码转换可以避免社会为顺应社会规约交际者通过语码转换可以避免社会为顺应社会规约交际者通过语码转换可以避免社会为顺应社会规约交际者通过语码转换可以避免社会性的尴尬性的尴尬性的尴尬性的尴尬Social EmbarrassmentSocial Embarrassmentn n(Two flies are copulating in front of a boy and his(Two flies are copulating in front of a boy and his

46、mother)mother)n nChild:Do you know what these two flies are doingChild:Do you know what these two flies are doingn nMother:No.Mother:No.n nChild:Ils font Lamour Child:Ils font Lamour 法语意为法语意为法语意为法语意为 They are making They are making love.love.n nMother:Ok,Ok.Mother:Ok,Ok.n nChild:You know,if Id said

47、this in Arabic,you would Child:You know,if Id said this in Arabic,you would have left the room immediately.have left the room immediately.n n顺应社会规约的另外一个重要内容是文化顺应社会规约的另外一个重要内容是文化顺应社会规约的另外一个重要内容是文化顺应社会规约的另外一个重要内容是文化(三位研究生在他们坐火车去国内某地开会的途中三位研究生在他们坐火车去国内某地开会的途中三位研究生在他们坐火车去国内某地开会的途中三位研究生在他们坐火车去国内某地开会的途中)A

48、 A 去澳大利亚都看了些什么去澳大利亚都看了些什么去澳大利亚都看了些什么去澳大利亚都看了些什么B B 啊看到的东西太多了比如美丽的城市清净的乡村啊看到的东西太多了比如美丽的城市清净的乡村啊看到的东西太多了比如美丽的城市清净的乡村啊看到的东西太多了比如美丽的城市清净的乡村对了黄金海岸的沙滩和海水太美了对了黄金海岸的沙滩和海水太美了对了黄金海岸的沙滩和海水太美了对了黄金海岸的沙滩和海水太美了C C 有没有去看有没有去看有没有去看有没有去看StripperStripperB Frankly speaking,yes.It was really a different B Frankly speaki

49、ng,yes.It was really a different experience.And the performers have excellent experience.And the performers have excellent figures.Oh,amazing figures.Oh,amazing n n方便功能方便功能n ne.g.辛楣吃晚饭回来辛楣吃晚饭回来,问鸿渐道问鸿渐道:“你在英国你在英国到过牛津、剑桥没有到过牛津、剑桥没有 他们的他们的tutorial system 是是怎么一回事怎么一回事”n n引用功能引用功能n ne.g.今天是作文的日子今天是作文的日子

50、,孙小姐进课堂就瞧见黑孙小姐进课堂就瞧见黑板上写着板上写着:“Beat down Miss S.Miss S.is Japanese enemy!”n n强调功能强调功能e.g.哲学家碰见问题哲学家碰见问题,第一步研究问题第一步研究问题:这成不成问题这成不成问题,不成问题的是假问题不成问题的是假问题Pseudo2question,不用解决不用解决,也不可解决。也不可解决。n n回避功能回避功能e.g.柔嘉不耐烦道柔嘉不耐烦道:“没有结没有结!要穿要穿,你自己去你自己去买。我没见过像你这样买。我没见过像你这样nasty的人的人!”n n社会地位标志功能社会地位标志功能n ne.g.鸿渐拿了几件鸿

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