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1、L/O/G/OUNIT TWOJob Hunting第1页The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it.-Goethe,German poet and dramatist 人生主要事情就是确定一个伟大目标,并决心实现它。-歌德(德国诗人、戏剧家)第2页Lead-in Translation Expressions Practice4123ContentsExtend 5第3页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place Previewi

2、ngPreviewing Film:Film:The Nanny DiariesThe Nanny Diaries Key factors for Key factors for a successful interviewa successful interview第4页Our financial analyst training program is so competitive.We have over 8,000 applicants for 10 positions.So,why dont you tell me,in your own words,who exactly is An

3、nie Braddock?Wow,thats.thats certainly an easy enough question.Mm-hm.Annie Braddock is a kind.well.I am.Go on.Well,you see.Mm-hm.I have absolutely no idea.第5页The Nanny DiariesThe Nanny DiariesAnnie could not answer such a simple question,can you?Who Are You?Who Are You?Where do you fit in?Where do y

4、ou fit in?Who are you gonna be?Who are you gonna be?Those are the questions you need to figure out before you start working.第6页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Film:The Nanny DiariesFilm:The Nanny Diaries Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful

5、interview1)PracticePracticeansweringinterviewquestionsandpracticeyourresponsestothetypical job interview questionsandanswersmostemployersask.Thinkofactualexamplesyoucanusetodescribeyourskills.Providingevidenceofyoursuccessesisagreatwaytopromoteyourcandidacy.Alsohavealistofyourownquestionstoasktheemp

6、loyerready.第7页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview2)ResearchPreparearesponsesoyouarereadyforthequestion.What do you know about this company?Knowtheinterviewersnameanduseitduringthejobinterview.Ifyour

7、enotsureofthename,callandaskpriortotheinterview.Trytorelatewhatyouknowaboutthecompanywhenansweringquestions.第8页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview3)Get ReadyMakesureyourinterviewattire(ta(r)服装)isnea

8、t,tidyandappropriateforthetypeoffirmyouareinterviewingwith.Bringaniceportfoliowithcopiesofyourresume.Includeapenandpaperfornotetaking.第9页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview4)Be On TimeBeontimeforthe

9、interview.Ontimemeansfive to ten minutes early.Ifneedbe,takesometimetodrivetotheinterviewlocationaheadoftimesoyouknowexactlywhereyouaregoingandhowlongitwilltaketogetthere.Heresmoreonpreparingforaninterview.第10页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful

10、interviewKey factors for a successful interview5)Stay CalmDuringthejobinterviewtrytorelaxandstayascalmpossible.Takeamomenttoregroup.Maintaineye contactwiththeinterviewer.Listen to the entire questionbeforeyouanswerandpayattention-youwillbeembarrassedifyouforgetthequestion!第11页Part One Work-place Par

11、t One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview6)Show What You KnowTrytorelatewhatyouknowaboutthecompanywhenansweringquestions.Whendiscussingyourcareeraccomplishmentsmatchthemtowhatthecompanyislookingfor.Hereshowtomake a match betwee

12、n your expertise(eksp:ti:z技能,专长)and the companys requirements.第12页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview7)Follow UpAlwaysfollow-upwitha thank you notereiteratingyourinterestintheposition.Ifyouinterview

13、withmultiplepeoplesendeachoneapersonalthankyounote.Sendyourthankyounote(emailisfine)within24hoursofyourinterview.第13页Part One Work-place Part One Work-place PreviewingPreviewing Key factors for a successful interviewKey factors for a successful interview8)Avoid Common Interview MistakesWhatshouldnty

14、oudowheninterviewing?Herearethemostcommonjobinterviewmistakes,blunders,anderrorsacandidateforemploymentcanmake.Takethetimetoreviewthesemistakesbeforeyourinterview,soyoudonthavetostressoutaboutblundersafterit.第14页The Pursuit of HappinessThe Pursuit of HappinessHow did he explain his inappropriate dre

15、ssing?Ive been sitting there for the last half-hour.trying to come up with a story.that would explain my being here dressed like this.And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities.that Im sure you all admire here,like earnestness or diligence.Team-playing,something.And I coul

16、dnt think of anything.So the truth is.I was arrested for fail to pay parking tickets.A successful modelA successful model第15页The Pursuit of HappinessThe Pursuit of HappinessWhat has he done to make the interview happen?-Jay says youre pretty determined.-Hes been waiting outside the front of the buil

17、ding with some 40-pound gizmo(小创造)for over a month.-He said youre smart.-Well,I like to think so.-And you want to learn this business?-Yes,sir,I wanna learn the business.Have you already started learning on your own?Absolutely.-Jay?-Yes,sir.How many times have you seen Chris?I dont know.One too many

18、,apparently.Was he ever dressed like this?-No.No.Jacket and tie.第16页The Pursuit of HappinessThe Pursuit of Happiness What did he say when he sensed they are not satisfied?Can I say something?Im the type of person.if you ask me a question,and I dont know the answer.Im gonna tell youthat I dont know.B

19、ut I bet you what?I know how to find the answer,and I will find the answer.Is that fair enough?第17页-Chris,what would you say if a guy walk in for an interview without a shirt?And I hire him,what would you say?-he must have a really nice pants.第18页Section ABrief Section ABrief IntroductionIntroductio

20、n(Yoyo will graduate from college,and now she takes part in a job interview.)David:Tell me a little bit about yourself,please.Yoyo:My name is Sun Lin and I live in Beijing.I was born in 1990.I will graduate from Guangzhou University this July.I major in international trade.大卫:能告诉我一些你自己情况吗?优优:我叫孙林,住在

21、北京。我出生于1990年。今年七月将从广州大学毕业,我主修专业是国际贸易。第19页1.graduate from2.major HegraduatedfromTaipeiUniversity.Hewasgraduatedfromanormalcollege.Mymajoris.Shemajors inBusinessAdministration.rdt毕业可主动可被动med(r)专业、主修第20页David:Then tell me your birthplace.Yoyo:My birthplace is Nanjing.David:Ok,I know you are not areside

22、ntof Beijing.Where is your domicile place then?大卫:你出生地是?优优:我出生地是南京。大卫:好,我知道你不是北京人。那你原籍是哪里?rezdnt居民、定居第21页Yoyo:My domicile place is Nanjing,too.David:Are you married?Yoyo:No,I am still single.优优:我原籍也是南京。大卫:你结婚了吗?优优:没有,我还是单身.第22页David:Would you tell me something about your family?Yoyo:There are three

23、in my family,my parents and myself.My father is a teacher and my mother is a worker.大卫:能说说你家庭情况吗?优优:我们家三口人,我和我父母。我父亲是一位教师,我母亲是一名工人。第23页Section B-Other Section B-Other Questions in Job Questions in Job InterviewInterview(During the job interview,Yoyo answers some other questions to David.)David:What

24、kind of person do you think you are?Yoyo:Well,I am always energetic and enthusiastic.Thats my strongest personality.David:What are your strengths and weaknesses?大卫:你以为你自己个性怎样?优优:嗯,我以为自己精力很充沛,做事很有热情。这是我最大特点了。大卫:那你认为自己最大优点和缺点是什么呢?nju:zistk热心、热情第24页Yoyo:As I have said,Im diligent and industrious.On the

25、 other hand,sometimes Im too hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.David:What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team?优优:嗯,正如我刚才说过,我工作尤其勤奋认真。不过,有时为了尽可能把事情办得完美些,我又会让自己背上太多压力,工作太辛劳。expectof:对(某人)寄予对(某人)寄予期待,期待,指望(某人)指望(某人)不定式作目状语现在分词作后置定语大卫:你认为团体组

26、员需要具备什么样品质?第25页Yoyo:To work in a team,in my opinion,two characteristics are necessary for a person.That is,the person must be cooperative and aggressive.David:How do you spend your leisure time?Yoyo:I like playing games and having sports.They are my favorite hobbies.优优:依我之见,作为团体中一员,合作精神和进取精神二者皆不可少。大

27、卫:你业余时间都做些什么?优优:我爱玩游戏和体育运动,这是我最大兴趣。第26页David:So,what kinds of sports do you like most?Yoyo:Oh,its hard to narrow it down to just one.I mean,I like all kinds of sports,basketball,swimming,bike riding and so on.Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous.David:Do you have any questi

28、ons you want to ask?大卫:那么你最喜欢什么体育运动?优优:哦,那可实在太多了,我喜欢各类体育运动,打篮球、游泳、骑车之类。可能这是我精力如此充沛原因吧。大卫:你有什么问题要问吗?定语从句定语从句第27页Yoyo:Yes,Id like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific training.David:If necessary there will be.Any other questions?Yoyo:When will I know your decision?优优:有,我想知道贵

29、企业未来是否提供特殊培训机会。大卫:假如需要话,会有,还有问题吗?优优:我何时能知道最终止果呢?第28页David:Well give you our decision in a few days.How can we get in touch with you?Yoyo:I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening.My office phone number and home phone number are in my resume.David:Thank you for your i

30、nterest in our company.大卫:我们会在几天内通知你我们最终决定,我们怎样才能和你取得联络呢?优优:工作时间我在办公室,晚上我在家,你们都能找到我。我办公室和家里电话号码都在我简历里。大卫:非常感激你来我们企业面试。第29页Yoyo:Thank you,sir.I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.David:Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out?Yoyo:All right.Goodbye.优优:谢谢你,先生。我期待着能尽快得到您

31、消息。大卫:你出去时候能通知下一个应聘者进来吗?优优:好,再见。第30页Words and PhrasesWords and PhrasesIntroduction introduce/birthplace/graduate/majortell me sth about/born in/graduate from /major in 1)Can you tell me something about yourself/your family/our company/former leader?2)I was born_,and graduated from_ where I majored i

32、n_.I have got _degree in_ and took courses in_,and passed _.第31页Quality:Quality:efficient有效率responsible 负责reliable可靠 aggressive 有进取心easygoing 轻易与人相处optimisticptmstk 乐观strong-minded 坚强outgoing/lively 外sociable 善交际open-minded 思想开明imaginative 富想象力original具独创enthusiastic 充满热情第32页HobbyHobby:like doingin

33、my spare timeinterested insports/music/dancing/reading/traveling第33页Experience:Experience:certificate/intern 实习生/assistant助手used to work asbe familiar with be of no challengeget in touch with sb.第34页Others:Others:resume/gender/address/male/female/single/marriedposition职位/occupation职业/recommendation推

34、荐信/award 奖励/scholarship 奖学金/appreciate 感激第35页3)I am writing to apply for the position of _ that I have seen from_.I have got _degree.4)My hobbies are_.5)I am skillful in_.6)I have good command of _.7)I am an optimistic/strong-minded/outgoing/imaginative person.8)Be familiar with computer operation s

35、pecial as Word/Excel/PPT/Photoshop/Internet.第36页9)Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge,but I like challenge.10)Why do you think you are qualified for the designer/secretary/manager assistant?11)Thank you for your interest in our company.12)Thank you for taking time out

36、 of your busy schedule to interview me.13)How can we get in touch with you?14)We will get in touch with you by the end of next week.15)I am enclosing my resume and a recent photograph.16)I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.第37页Task 1:Match A Task 1:Match A with Bwith BA BA B1.身份证2.英语证书3.毕业

37、证书 4.质量证实书5.职业资格证书6.计算机二级证书 7.会计资格证 8.有效证书 9.驾驶证putergradeIIcertificateg.drivinglicencec.identitycertificated.professionalqualificationcertificatef.validcertificateb.accountingcertificateb.accountingcertificateh.Englishcertificatei.graduationcertificate第38页Task 2:Task 2:Translation Translation 负责 可靠

38、有进取心 勤奋努力有合作精神 精力充沛轻易与人相处 乐观坚强 外向思想开明 富想象力responsibleaggressivecooperativeeasygoingstrong-mindedopen-mindedreliablehard-workingenergeticoptimisticoutgoingimaginative第39页1.你为何认为你有这个资格来做这个职位?2.你认为你有哪些性格方面特点?3.在压力下我工作得很好。Whydoyouthinkyouarequalifiedforthisposition?Whatkindofpersonalitydoyouthinkyouhave

39、?Iworkwellunderpressure.第40页4.你朋友或同事怎么形容你?5.他们说孙先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心人。Howwouldyourfriendsorcolleaguesdescribeyou?TheysayMr.Sunisafriendly,sensitive,caringanddeterminedperson.第41页Part 5:ResumePart 5:Resume技巧1:简历中常出现项目名称Family name first nameDate of birth sex/genderBirth place residenceNationality tele

40、phone numberAddress post codee-mail height姓名出生日期性别出生地居住地国籍地址邮编电子邮箱身高第42页weight marital statushealth educational backgroundwork experience strengthshobby interestscharacter achievementsforeign language objectiveposition wanted salary expected体重健康情况工作经验兴趣兴趣性格特征外语申请职位婚姻情况教育背景优点兴趣兴趣优势求职目标期望薪资第43页A resum

41、e sample A resume sample ResumeResumeName:Name:Cai Min Sex:Sex:Male Date of birth:Date of birth:July 29,1989Marital status:Marital status:single Health:Health:ExcellentAddress:Address:RM201,west of Jiangnan Road,Guangzhou Telephone:Telephone:84423456性别不能写girl/boy/man/woman女性为:female汉字名用汉语拼音即可,名和姓分开,

42、第一个字首字母大写:OuyangXiu/LiWenwen英文日期分英式和美式,举比如下:8thMarch,2004或8March,2004(英式)2)March8th,2004或March8,2004(美式)第44页Education:Education:September July Department of Economics,Macao university,Majoring in EconomicsSeptember July College of Technology,Guangzhou University,Majoring in Administrative Management

43、July Graduate,42nd Middle School,GuangzhouWorking experience:Working experience:noneSkills:Skills:Fluent Cantonese,Mandarin and English,computer operation,drivingCharacteristicsCharacteristics:Cheerful,careful in dealing with details,honest and brave,strong ambition.教育经历从最高学历开始写,直到高中工作经验跟教育经历一样从最近倒着

44、往回写第45页英文地址写法:英文地址写法:110室/房:Room 11088号:No.88201宿舍:201 Dormitory大安村:Daan Village*住宅区/小区:*Residential Quarter*巷/弄:*Lane*单元:Unit*号楼/幢:*Building*路:*Road*花园:*Garden第46页*县:*County*镇:*Town*市:*City*区:*District*省:*Prov.英文地址写法:从小到大标准,中间用逗号隔开中山市东区亨达花园7栋702虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room702,7thBuilding,HengdaGarden,Ea

45、stDistrict,ZhongshanRoom201,No.34,Lane125,XiKangRoad(South),HongkouDistrict第47页Part II Part II Reading and Reading and CommentingCommenting 1.Sample Reading 2ObjectiveTo To obtainobtain a position as software engineer with an a position as software engineer with an emphasis in software design and de

46、velopmentemphasis in software design and developmentEducation.9-.6 Dept.Automation,Graduate School of Peking .9-.6 Dept.Automation,Graduate School of Peking University,M.E.University,M.E.9-.7 Dept.Automation,Peking University,B.E.9-.7 Dept.Automation,Peking University,B.E.obtainobtain v.取得,得到 第48页Pa

47、rt II Part II Reading and Reading and CommentingCommenting Academic Main Courses Mathematics:Mathematics:Advanced Advanced Mathematics,Mathematics,Probability Probability and and Statistics,Statistics,Linear AlgebraLinear AlgebraElectronics Electronics and and Computer:Computer:Circuit Circuit Princ

48、ipal,Principal,Data Data Structures,Structures,Digital EletronicsDigital EletronicsComputer Abilities Skilled Skilled in in use use of of MS MS FrontPage,FrontPage,Win Win 95/NT,95/NT,HTML,HTML,CGI,CGI,java java script,script,C,C,C+,C+,Project Project 98,98,Office Office 97,97,Process,Process,Pascal

49、,PL/I and SQL software.Pascal,PL/I and SQL software.第49页Part II Part II Reading and Reading and CommentingCommenting Academic Main Courses Mathematics:Mathematics:Advanced Advanced Mathematics,Mathematics,Probability Probability and and Statistics,Statistics,Linear AlgebraLinear AlgebraElectronics a

50、nd Computer:Circuit Principal,Data StructuresElectronics and Computer:Circuit Principal,Data StructuresComputer Abilities Skilled Skilled in in the the use use of of MS MS FrontPage,FrontPage,Win Win 95/NT,95/NT,HTML,HTML,CGI,CGI,java java script,script,C,C,C+,C+,Project Project 98,98,Office Office

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