1、1999年年全真试题Part I Cloze TestDirections:For ea ch numbered bla nk in the following pa ssa ge,there a re four choices ma rked A,B,C a nd D.Choose the best one a nd ma rk your a nswer on ANS WER S HEET 1 by bla ckening the corresponding letter in the bra ckets with a pencil.(10 points)Industria l sa fet
2、y does not just ha ppen.Compa nies 1 low a ccident ra tes pla n their sa fety progra ms,work ha rd to orga nize them,a nd continue working to keep them 2 a nd a ctive.When the work is well done,a 3 of a ccident free opera tions is esta blished 4 time lost due to injuries is kept a t a minimum.S ucce
3、ssful sa fety progra ms ma y 5 grea tly in the empha sis pla ced on certa in a spects of the progra m.S ome pla ce grea t empha sis on mecha nica l gua rding.Others stress sa fe work pra ctices by 6 rules or regula tions.7 others depend on a n emotiona l a ppea l to the worker.But,there a re certa i
4、n ba sic idea s tha t must be used in every progra m if ma ximum results a re to be obta ined.There ca n be no question a bout the va lue of a sa fety progra m.From a fina ncia l sta ndpoint a lone,sa fety 8.The fewer the injury 9,the better the workma ns insura nce ra te.This ma y mea n the differe
5、nce between opera ting a t 10 or a t a loss.Part II Reading Comprehensioni.La a tEB inC onD with2.A a liveB vividC mobileED diverse3.A regula tionB clima teC circumsta nce Drequirement4.A whereB howC wha t Dunless5.A a lterB differC shiftED distinguish6.A constitutingB a ggra va ting C observingD ju
6、stifying7.A S omeB Ma nyC EvenD S till8.A comes offB turns up C pa ys offD holds up9.A cla imsB reportsC decla ra tionsD procla ma tions10.A a n a dva nta ge B a benefit C a n interestED a profitDirections:Ea ch of the pa ssa ges below is followed by some questions.For ea ch question there a re four
7、 a nswers ma rked A,B,C a nd D.Rea d the pa ssa ges ca refully a nd choose the best a nswer to ea ch of the questions.Then ma rk your a nswer on ANS WER S HEET 1 by bla ckening the corresponding letter in the bra ckets with a pencil.(40 points)Passage 1Ifs a rough world out there.S tep outside a nd
8、you could brea k a leg slipping on your doorma t.Light up the stove a nd you could burn down the house.Luckily,if the doorma t or stove fa iled to wa rn of coming disa ster,a successful la wsuit might compensa te you for your troubles.-1-Or so the thinking ha s gone since the ea rly 1980s,when jurie
9、s bega n holding more compa nies lia ble for their customers5 misfortunes.Feeling threa tened,compa nies responded by writing ever longer wa rning la bels,trying to a nticipa te every possible a ccident.Toda y,stepla dders ca rry la bels severa l inches long tha t wa rn,a mong other things,tha t you
10、 might一surprise!一fa ll off The la bel on a child5s Ba tma n ca pe ca utions tha t the toy“does not ena ble user to fly”.While wa rnings a re often a ppropria te a nd necessa ry_the da ngers of drug intera ctions,for exa mple-a nd ma ny a re required by sta te or federa l regula tions,it isnt clea r
11、tha t they a ctua lly protect the ma nufiicturers a nd sellers from lia bility if a customer is injured.About 50 percent of the compa nies lose when injured customers ta ke them to court.Now the tide a ppea rs to be turning.As persona l injury cla ims continue a s before,some courts a re beginning t
12、o side with defenda nts,especia lly in ca ses where a wa rning la bel proba bly wouldnt ha ve cha nged a nything.In Ma y,Julie Nimmons,president of S chutt S ports in Illinois,successfully fought a la wsuit involving a footba ll pla yer who wa s pa ra lyzed in a ga me while wea ring a S chutt helmet
13、.Wbre rea lly sorry he ha s become pa ra lyzed,but helmets a rent designed to prevent those kinds of injuries,5,sa ys Nimmons.The jury a greed tha t the na ture of the ga me,not the helmet,wa s the rea son for the a thletes injury.At the sa me time,the America n La w Institute-a group of judges,la w
14、yers,a nd a ca demics whose recommenda tions ca rry substa ntia l weight-issued new guidelines for tort la w sta ting tha t compa nies need not wa rn customers of obvious da ngers or bomba rd them with a lengthy list of possible ones.Importa nt informa tion ca n get buried in a sea of trivia lities,
15、sa ys a la w professor a t Cornell La w S chool who helped dra ft the new guidelines.If the modera te end of the lega l community ha s its wa y,the informa tion on products might a ctua lly be provided for the benefit of customers a nd not a s protection a ga inst lega l lia bility.11.Wha t were thi
16、ngs like in 1980s when a ccidents ha ppened?A Customers might be relieved of their disa sters through la wsuits.B Injured customers could expect protection from the lega l system.C Compa nies would a void being sued by providing new wa rnings.D Juries tended to find fa ult with the compensa tions co
17、mpa nies promised.12.Ma nufecturers a s mentioned in the pa ssa ge tend to.A sa tisfy customers by writing long wa rnings on productsB become honest in describing the ina dequa cies of their productsC ma ke the best use of la bels to a void lega l lia bilityD feel obliged to view customers sa fety a
18、 s their first concern13.The ca se of S chutt helmet demonstra ted tha t.A some injury cla ims were no longer supported by la wB helmets were not designed to prevent injuriesC product la bels would eventua lly be disca rdedD some sports ga mes might lose popula rity with a thletes14.The a uthors a t
19、titude towa rds the issue seems to be.A bia sed B indifferent C puzzling D objectivePassage 2-2-In the first yea r or so of Web business,most of the a ction ha s revolved a round efforts to ta p the consumer ma rket.More recently a s the Web proved to be more tha n a fa shion,compa nies ha ve sta rt
20、ed to buy a nd sell products a nd services with one a nother.S uch business to business sa les ma ke sense beca use business people typica lly know wha t product they re looking for.Nonetheless,ma ny compa nies still hesita te to use the Web beca use of doubts a bout its relia bility.Businesses need
21、 to feel they ca n trust the pa thwa y between them a nd the supplier,sa ys senior a na lyst Bla ne Erwin of Forrester Resea rch.S ome compa nies a re limiting the risk by conducting online tra nsa ctions only with esta blished business pa rtners who a re given a ccess to the compa nys priva te intr
22、a net.Another ma jor shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology a va ila ble for ma rketing.Until recently,Internet ma rketing a ctivities ha ve focused on stra tegies to“puH”customers into sites.In the pa st yea r,however,softwa re compa nies ha ve developed tools tha t a llow
23、 compa nies to push informa tion directly out to consumers,tra nsmitting ma rketing messa ges directly to ta rgeted customers.Most nota bly,the P ointca st Network uses a screen sa ver to deliver a continua lly upda ted strea m of news a nd a dvertisements to subscribers5 computer monitors.S ubscrib
24、ers ca n customize the informa tion they wa nt to receive a nd proceed directly to a compa nys Web site.Compa nies such a s Virtua l Vineya rds a re a lrea dy sta rting to use simila r technologies to push messa ges to customers a bout specia l sa les,product offerings,or other events.But push techn
25、ology ha s ea rned the contempt of ma ny Web users.Online culture thinks highly of the notion tha t the informa tion flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request.Once commercia l promotion begins to fill the screen uninvited,the distinction between the Web a nd television fa des.Tha fs a
26、prospect tha t horrifies Net purists.But it is ha rdly inevita ble tha t compa nies on the Web will need to resort to push stra tegies to ma ke money.The exa mples of Virtua l Vineya rds,Ama ,a nd other pioneers show tha t a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of intera ct
27、ivity,hospita lity,a nd security will a ttra ct online customers.And the cost of computing power continues to free fell,which is a good sign for a ny enterprise setting up shop in silicon.P eople looking ba ck 5 or 10 yea rs from now ma y well wonder why so few compa nies took the online plunge.15.W
28、e lea rn from the beginning of the pa ssa ge tha t Web business.A ha s been striving to expa nd its ma rketB intended to follow a fenciful fa shionC tried but in va in to control the ma rketD ha s been booming for one yea r or so16.S pea king of the online technology a va ila ble for ma rketing,the
29、a uthor implies tha t.A the technology is popula r with ma ny Web usersB businesses ha ve fa ith in the relia bility of online tra nsa ctionsC there is a ra dica l cha nge in stra tegyD it is a ccessible limitedly to esta blished pa rtners17.In the view ofNet purists,.A there should be no ma rketing
30、 messa ges in online cultureB money ma king should be given priority to on the WebC the Web should be a ble to function a s the television setD there should be no online commercia l informa tion without requests-3-18.We lea rn from the la st pa ra gra ph tha t.A pushing informa tion on the Web is es
31、sentia l to Internet commerceB intera ctivity hospita lity a nd security a re importa nt to online customersC lea ding compa nies bega n to ta ke the online plunge deca des a goD setting up shops in silicon is independent of the cost of computing powerPassage 3An invisible border divides those a rgu
32、ing for computers in the cla ssroom on the beha lf of students ca reer prospects a nd those a rguing for computers in the cla ssroom for broa der rea sons of ra dica l educa tiona l reform.Very few writers on the subject ha ve explored this distinction-indeed,contra diction-which goes to the hea rt
33、of wha t is wrong with the ca mpa ign to put computers in the cla ssroom.An educa tion tha t a ims a t getting a student a certa in kind of job is a technica l educa tion,justified for rea sons ra dica lly different from why educa tion is universa lly required by la w.It is not simply to ra ise ever
34、yones job prospects tha t a ll children a re lega lly required to a ttend school into their teens.Ra ther,we ha ve a certa in conception of the America n citizen,a cha ra cter who is incomplete if he ca nnot competently a ssess how his livelihood a nd ha ppiness a re a ffected by things outside of h
35、imself But this wa s not a lwa ys the ca se;before it wa s lega lly required for a ll children to a ttend school until a certa in a ge,it wa s widely a ccepted tha t some were just not equipped by na ture to pursue this kind of educa tion.With optimism cha ra cteristic of a llindustria lized countri
36、es,we ca me to a ccept tha t everyone is fit to be educa ted.Computer educa tion a dvoca tes forsa ke this optimistic notion for a pessimism tha t betra ys their otherwise cheery outlook.Ba nking on the confusion between educa tiona l a nd voca tiona l rea sons for bringing computers into schools,co
37、mputered a dvoca tes often empha size the job prospects of gra dua tes over their educa tiona l a chievement.There a re some good a rguments for a technica l educa tion given the right kind of student.Ma ny Europea n schools introduce the concept of professiona l tra ining ea rly on in order to ma k
38、e sure children a re properly equipped for the professions they wa nt to join.It is,however,presumptuous to insist tha t there will only be so ma ny jobs for so ma ny scientists,so ma ny businessmen,so ma ny a ccounta nts.Besides,this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of profess
39、iona l in a country a s la rge a s ours a nd where the economy is sprea d over so ma ny sta tes a nd involves so ma ny interna tiona l corpora tions.But,for a sma ll group of students,professiona l tra ining might be the wa y to go since welldeveloped skills,a ll other fa ctors being equa l,ca n be
40、the difference between ha ving a job a ndnot.Of course,the ba sics of using a ny computer these da ys a re very simple.It does not ta ke a lifelong a cqua inta nce to pick up va rious softwa re progra ms.If one wa nted to become a computer engineer,tha t is,of course,a n entirely different story.Ba
41、sic computer skills ta ke-a t the very longest-a couple of months to lea rn.In a ny ca se,ba sic computer skills a re only complementa ry to the host of rea l skills tha t a re necessa ry to becoming a ny kind of professiona l.It should be observed,of course,tha t no school,voca tiona l or not,is he
42、lped by a confusion over its purpose.19.The a uthor thinks the present rush to put computers in the cla ssroom is.-4-A fa r rea ching B dubiously orientedC self contra dictory D ra dica lly reforma tory20.The belief tha t educa tion is indispensa ble to a ll children.A is indica tive of a pessimism
43、in disguiseB ca me into being a long with the a rriva l of computersC is deeply rooted in the minds of computer ed a dvoca tesD origina ted from the optimistic a ttitude of industria lized countries21.It could be inferred from the pa ssa ge tha t in the a uthors country the Europea n model of profes
44、siona l tra ining is.A dependent upon the sta rting a ge of ca ndida tesB worth trying in va rious socia l sectionsC of little pra ctica l va lueD a ttra ctive to every kind of professiona l22.According to the a uthor,ba sic computer skills should be.A included a s a n a uxilia ry course in schoolB
45、highlighted in a cquisition of professiona l qua lifica tionsC ma stered through a life long courseD equa lly empha sized by a ny school,voca tiona l or otherwisePassage 4When a S cottish resea rch tea m sta rtled the world by revea ling 3 months a go tha t it ha d cloned a n a dult sheep,P resident
46、 Clinton moved swiftly.Decla ring tha t he wa s opposed to using this unusua l a nima l husba ndry technique to clone huma ns,he ordered tha t federa l funds not be used for such a n experiment-a lthough no one ha d proposed to do so-a nd a sked a n independent pa nel of experts cha ired by P rincet
47、on P resident Ha rold S ha piro to report ba ck to the White House in 90 da ys with recommenda tions for a na tiona l policy on huma n cloning.Tha t group-the Na tiona l Bioethics Advisory Commission(NBAC)一ha s been working feverishly toput its wisdom on pa per,a nd a t a meeting on 17 Ma y,members
48、a greed on a nea r fina l dra ft of their recommenda tions.NBAC will a sk tha t Clinton?s 90 da y ba n on federa l funds for huma n cloning be extended indefinitely,a nd possibly tha t it be ma de la w.But NBAC members a re pla nning to word the recommenda tion na rrowly to a void new restrictions o
49、n resea rch tha t involves the cloning of huma n DNA or cells-routine in molecula r biology.The pa nel ha s not yet rea ched a greement on a crucia l question,however,whether to recommend legisla tion tha t would ma ke it a crime for priva te funding to be used for huma n cloning.In a dra ft prefa c
50、e to the recommenda tions,discussed a t the 17 Ma y meeting,S ha piro suggested tha t the pa nel ha d found a broa d consensus tha t it would be“mora lly una ccepta ble to a ttempt to crea te a huma n child by a dult nuclea r cloning?5 S ha piro expla ined during the meeting-5-tha t the mora l doubt