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1、Yanling HuangThe Chinese Academy of Agriculture ScienceInstitute of Animal ScienceMajor:Animal Nutrition and Feed SciencePhone:13730891431Chapter 1 General of English for Science and TechnologySection 1 The important of Study English for Science andTechnology1.1 Foreign languages for Science and Tec

2、hnology is a individual subjectForeign languages for Science and TechnologyLanguages for special Purposes(LSP)English for Science and TechnologyEnglish for Special Purposes(ESP)1.2 The important of Foreign languages for Science andTechnology1.3.1 Request of study in Foreign languages for Science and

3、Technology1.3.2 Study English book and magazine using dictionary1.3.3 Translation English book and magazine using dictionary1.3.4 Know how to write abstract for English paper1.4 Study methods of English for Science and Technology1.4.1 Understand study aim and plane1.4.2 Study methods1.4.3 Mastery th

4、e pronunciation,vocabulary and grammarPseudotuberculosisPseudo-tuberculo-sis pseudotumorI mmunoassayI mmuno-assayI mmunochemicalI mmuno-chemicalSection 2 The formation and development of several foreign language in normal using in the world2.1 The major language in the worldThere are 2700 nationalit

5、y and 5651 languages,but there are not words in three fourth.There are 500 languages studied by philologist.There are 70 different kind words published in foreign countries.English 60%German 11%Russian 11%France 7%J apanese 3%Spanish 2%Others 8%2.2 The origin and development of several major languag

6、es in I ndia and Europe腓尼基文/东希腊斯拉夫文沽希腊西希腊文一拉丁照、了西班牙语/日耳曼.动物的herbivore,ho:bivo:草食动物;carnivore 5ka:nivo:食肉 动物;omnivore,omni,vo:杂食动物2-phage乞(食)食.生物(体)-phagous吃(食).的phage feid3噬菌体;phagocyte faegausait吞噬细胞;zoophage食肉动物;saprophage saepr06feid3腐食者专业英语词根四、表示方位和程度的词素1.endo,ento,rt,在内endocrine endeukrain内分泌en

7、docytosis endeusaiteusis生(细胞)内吞作用endogamy endogemi近亲繁殖;intermarriage intafOmaeridjendolysin enPolisin(细胞)内溶素,(细胞)内溶菌素entodermenteude:m植内胚叶,内皮层;endoderm endeuda:m;endoblast fendeblat;entoblast entaubla:st2.ec,ect,exc,extra夕卜,夕卜面,表面ectoblast rekteublaest生外胚叶,外胚层,外膜;ectoderm ektaudQ:mparasitepaeresait寄

8、生虫,食客;ectoparasite ekteiTpaeresait皮夕卜寄生物,夕卜 寄生虫;entoparasite entaopaerasaitextract ikstraekt抽取,浸出3.meso中,中间 mesoblastmeseubdst中胚层;ectoblast;endoblastmesospheremesesfie中圈,中层;4.intra,intro,inters 内,向内intracellular inteseljule细胞内的;extracellular;intercellular intafzfseljula在细胞间的interurban inte(:)七:ben都市

9、城镇间的;intercity intesiti城市间的;intracity intros让i市内的allelic等位基因;intra-allelic interaction等位基因内相互作用5.centri,centro,medi,mid 中心,中央,中间centrifuge rsentrifju:d3离心分离机;centriolesentrieul生细胞中心粒,中心体;centrosome sentreseum中心小体centrogenesentreud3i:n生着丝基因6,epi,peri,外,旁epidermal eprd3:mel解生表皮的,外皮的;epidermal growth f

10、actor(EGF):表 皮生长因子;lune 口ju:n弓形,半月形,半月形物;perilune perilu:n近月点epibranchialU思的7.sub,sue,suf,sug 彳氐,小mucosa mju:*euse粘膜;submucosa sAbmjukausa解黍由膜下层subclone亚克隆;subcellularsAbseljule生亚细胞的;subsectionsAt/sekJ en小节,分部subway;marine mhri:n海的,海生的;船舶的,航海的;submarine8.super,supra,高,超conductor kandAkta;semiconduct

11、or;superconductor sju:pakandAktaoxide oksaid;peroxide paroksaid;superoxide sjuzpaoksaiddismutase dismju:teis歧化酶;superoxide dismutase(SOD)molecular meiTlekjule;supramolecular sjirpremelekjule超分子的(由许多分子 组成的)9.hyper超过,过多sensitive sensitiv;hypersensitive haipe(:)sensitiv过份敏感的elastic ilaestik有弹性的;hyperel

12、astic haiperilaestik超弹性的tension tenjen紧张,张力,拉力;hypertension haipoenjon高血压,过度紧张 glycemia glaisi:mj9医血糖过多;hyperglycemia haipeglaisi:mi。多糖症,高血犍 hyperploid rhaipo(:)ploid生超倍的lO.hypo下,低,次hypostension;hypoglycemia haipauglaisizmiahypophysis haipofisis脑下垂体;pituitary pitju(:)iteri垂体(脑),脑下腺I L iso等,相同,同isopo

13、daisepod等足目动物;decapod;hexapodosmotic ozmot汰渗透的;isoosmoticisotope aiseuteup同位素12.oligo,olig少,低,寡,狭saccharidesaekeraid糖类;oligosaccharidepeptidepeptaid肽;oligopeptideoligogene;oligophagous oligofeges动寡食性的,狭食性的oligomer J igeume寡聚体;polymer 多聚体13.eury多,宽,广eurythermal juerigm对广温性的;euryhaline Oueriheilain,-h

14、aelain 能在不同盐分之环境中存活的,广盐性的14.ultr 超ultrastructure aI trestrAktJ可超微结构acoustics ku:stiks音响学,音响效果,声学;ultraacoustics超声学violet vaielit紫色的;ultra-violet紫外线15.infra T,低,远infrared infrared红外线的;ultrared Altraredinfrastructureinf田strAktJ e下部构造,下部组织,基础结构,基础设施infrahuman infrehju:menj氐于人类的(似人的)littoral literal海滨的,

15、海岸的,沿海的;infralittoral infreliterel远离岸的五、表示动物不同器官与组织的词素1.cephal,capit,cran 头颅 cephalic sefaelik adj.头的,头部的 cephalopod fsefalaupod2.cyte 细胞 phagocyte karyocyte nephrocyte3.carn,mymya,myo,肉,肌肉 carnivore ka:nivo:carnageka:nid3大屠杀 myocyte maia.sait4.haem,haemat,hem,aem,sangul 血 hemoglobin.hi:mouglaubin n

16、.血红蛋白 haemoglobin.hi:msuglaubin血色素,血红蛋白5.soma,corp 体,身体6.some,plast 体,颗粒 chromosome 7.hepa,hepat 肝hepatocyte;hepatopancreas hepateuaeokrias;n.动(甲壳动物的)肝胰腺hepatoma hepStaumal医肝细胞瘤(尤指恶性肿瘤)carcinoma.ka:sinaume heparin heparin月干素8.ren,nephr 肾adrenal dri:nl肾上腺;nephridia肾管;nephron nefron解肾单位,肾元 nephrocyte9

17、.card,cord 心toxin toksin毒素,毒质;cardiotoxin心脏毒素vascularvaeskjule血管的,脉管的;cardiovascular centerelectrocardiogram ilektr的ka:dieugraem心电图10.ophthalm,ocell,ocul 目艮ophthalmology ofeaelmoledji眼科;ophthalmia of0aelmie,op-眼炎11.branchi 鲤filibranchia丝鲤目;lamellibranch melibraerjk瓣鲤类(如蚌,牡蛎,干贝等)12.dent,odont 牙齿denti

18、st dentist;dentindentin牙质;odontoblast o,dontebla:st生成牙 质细胞13.foli,foil 叶folic acid;foliage feuliids叶子(总称)Chapter 3 The difference of English for science and technology and public English1 The character of comma language in English for science and technology The meaning of vocabulary is proprietary a

19、nd stabilitydo,make,takeThere is no feeling in English for science and technologyThere are no figure of speech,overstate and parallelismI t is a written language2.The characteristic of vocabulary in English for science and technology.I nternational There are 70%vocabulary come from Latin and Greece

20、in medicine and veterinary,Using normative written verbdiscover(find out)observe(look at).Using derivative adjectiveverb add-able,-ed,-ing,-ivebreath breathing,breathed,breather,breathlessnoun add-al,-ic,-iouselectron electronic,electropolar,electropositive3 The character of grammar structure in Eng

21、lish for science andtechnology1)Using noun and word groupThe title of paper(1)Methods of detecting drug-resistance in chicken coccidian(2)The pathway of cell death induced by lead in Wish cells(3)Establishment of a Radiorecepter Assay(RRA)capable of measuring serum bioactive LH/CG in a wide variety

22、of species水的质量和饲粮中钾对一年龄(yearling)小公牛(steer)生产性能和胴体(carcass)特 征的影响Effects of water quality and dietary K on performance and carcasscharacteristics of yearling steerEffects of water quality and dietary potassium on performance and carcasscharacteristics of yearling steers饲料(feedstuff)副产物(by-product)在饲

23、喂劣质饲草肉牛(beef cattle)瘤胃(rumen-ruminal)降解(degradation)特点Ruminal degradation characteristics of by-product feedstuff in beef cattlefed with low quality forageRuminal degradation characteristics of by-product feedstuffs for beefcattle consuming low-quality forage利用行为预测和辨别动物的疾病Using behavior to predict a

24、nd identify disease of animalsPredicting and identifying disease of animals by useing of behaviorUsing behavior to predict and identify ill health in animals生长猪中蛋白质的吸收与代谢Absorption and metabolism of protein in growing pigs2)Using passive voiceThe Toxplasma gondii infection were found in animals as e

25、arly as in 1950s in Fujian province of China.During the next twenty-odd years much progress was made and more than 100 papers were published.3)Using participle as adjective(1)The sounds heard in the heart are due to the closing of the valves.(2)A zoonotic disease is defined as a disease shared by an

26、imals andhumans.4)Using more than two clause(1)Such use as we are able to make of helpful bacteria and such control as we have of harmful ones depend upon our knowledge of their habits.(2)Water provided to the hogs was sampled and soil from the site ofmost recent slurry spread was collected.5)Using

27、it as antecedence subject(1)I t makes no difference to take this medicine before or after meals.(2)I t can be concluded that bovine embryo recloning is similar to the embryos cloning except for the embryos low in vitro developmentability.6)Using preposition word groupThese cases are grouped by the s

28、everity of the disease.7)Using as guidance active and positive sentences As the illustration showsAs has been statedAs followsABSTRACTAbstract(summary)is in front of text of article.There are about 200 words long.I t contains purpose,methods,results and conclusion of research.I t is used past indefi

29、nite tense for research process and results,present tense for conclusion.2)Sentence pattern for expression purpose of researchThe purpose of this study(investigation)was to.The objectives of this study were to.The aim of the present research was to.This study was designed(undertaken)to.I n this stud

30、y,an attempt was made to.I n an attempt to.I n order to.I n an effort to.4.Sentence pattern in abstract1)Sentence pattern for expression conclusion*Our results suggest that.,*The data obtained suggest that.,These observation strongly suggest that.I n conclusion,we suggest that.,*lt is concluded that

31、.The data show that.,*Data fail to confirm.*lt is recommendedthat.Effect of Exogenous PGF2a on Fertility of Postpartum CowAbstract:Twenty-five mg of prostaglandin F2a(PGF2a)was injected intramuscularly to each of the 20 normally calved dairy cows within six hours after calving to study the effect of

32、 the hormone on their subsequent fertility.The cows with PGF2a injection had shorter intervals both from calving to the completion of uterine involution and to the subsequent conception as compared with the control group.Results suggest that 25 mg of exogenous PGF2a canimprove the fertility of the p

33、ostpartum cow.Fertility n.肥沃,丰饶,生产力fa:tilitiPostpartum adj.产后的paustpalomprostaglandin n.生化前列腺素.prostaglaendinExogenous eksodinas uterine ju:terain conception kansepjeninvolution.involujanadj.外生的(外界产生的,由外生长的)endogenousadj.子宫的,同母异父的,母系的n.观念,概念;受精n.卷绕,内卷,回旋reduction in size of an organ or part(as in th

34、e return of the uterus to normal size after childbirth)calveka:vv.生小牛,下儿,分离Effects of breed and diet on growth and body composition of crossbred Boer and Spanish wether goatsSixty growing 3/4 Boer x 1/4 Spanish(BS)and Spanish(SP)wethers were used to determine influences of diet and breed on growth a

35、nd body composition.A pelleted 50%concentrate diet(CD)and a diet based on grass hay(HD)were fed for ad libitum intake.Six wethers of each breed were slaughtered at 0 wk(total of 12).Six wethers of each diet-breed combination were slaughtered at 14 and 28 wk(24 per time)after consumption of the CD or

36、 HD.I nitial BW of fed wethers were 21.6 and 18.8 kg for BS and SP,respectively(SEM=0.7).Average daily gain during the entire experiment was influenced by an interaction(P 0.05)between breed and diet(199,142,44,and 50 g/d for BS:CD,SP:CD,BS:HD,and SP:HD,respectively).Carcass mass was greater(P 0.05)

37、for CD vs.HD(56.2,56.2,53.2,and 54.0%of empty BW for BS:CD,SP:CD,BS:HD,and SP:HD,respectively).Mass of the liver(2.11,1.92,2.00,and 1.98%of empty BW;SEM=0.05)and gastrointestinal tract(5.50,4.83,8.43,and 8.36%of empty BW for BS:CD,SP:CD,BS:HD,and SP:HD,respectively;SEM=0.16)tended(尸 0.07)to be influ

38、enced by an interaction between breed and diet.Mass of internal fat(12.2,12.1,3.4,and 3.4%empty BW for BS:CD,SP:CD,BS:HD,and SP:HD,respectively;SEM=0.3)differed(P 0Q5)between diets.-I n conclusion,relatively high growth potential of growing Boer crossbred goats with a moderate to high nutritional pl

39、ane does not entail a penalty in realized growth when the nutritional plane is low.Body composition of growing Boer and Spanish goats is fairly similar regardless of growth rate.For growing meat goats other than with a prolonged limited nutritional plane,an average energy concentration in accreted t

40、issue is 17.3 MJ/kg.Key Words:body composition diet goatDigestion and AbsorptionThe gastrointestinal system is the portal through which nutritive substances,vitamins,minerals and fluids enter the body.Proteins,fats,and complex carbohydrates are broken down into absorbable units(digested),principally

41、 in the small intestine.The products of digestion and the vitamins,minerals,and water cross the mucosa and enter the lymph or the blood(absorption).Digestion of the major foodstuffs is an orderly process involving the action of a large number of digestive enzymes.Some of these enzymes are found in t

42、he secretions of the salivary glands,the stomach,and the exocrine portion of the pancreas.Other enzymes are found in the luminal membranes and the cytoplasm of the cells that line the small intestine.The action of the enzymes is aided by the:hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach and the bile sec

43、reted by the liver.粘股纵肌层肠肌间神经丛环肌层粘股F层及速神是丛The mucosal cells in the small intestine have a brush border made up of numerous microvilli lining their apical surface.This border is rich in enzymes.The membranes of the mucosal cells contain glycoprotein enzymes that hydrolyze carbohydrates and peptides.N

44、ext to the brush border is a 100-to 400pm unstirred water layer(UWL)similar to the UWL adjacent to other biologic membranes.Solutes must diffuse across the UWL to reach the mucosal cells.The mucous coat overlying the cells also constitutes a significant barrier to diffusion.Substances pass from the

45、lumen of the gastrointestinal tract to the extracellular fluid and then to the lymph and blood by diffusion,facilitated diffusion,active transport,secondary active transport(coupled transport),and endocytosis.Most substances must pass from the intestinal lumen into the mucosal cells and then out of

46、the mucosal cells to the extracellular fluid,and the processes responsible for movement across the luminal cell membrane are often quite different from those responsible for movement across the basal and lateral cell membranes to the extracellular fluid.gastrointestinal.gaestrouintestanl胃肠的 mucosa m

47、ju:kause粘膜lymph limf淋巴,淋巴液foodstuff fu:dstAf|食物salivary glands 唾液腺exocrine portion 夕卜分泌部 endocrineluminal membrane 管腔膜cytoplasm saitouplaezm细胞质bile bail胆汁brush border刷状缘microvilli maikreiTvilai微绒毛apical aepikel顶上的,顶点的luminal I juminael内腔的hydrolyze,n.水解endocytosis.n.内吞噬作用 exocytosisunstirred water la

48、yer(UWL)稳定水层mucous mju:kas粘液的,似粘液的饲粮锌对阉山羊生长性能的影响 Effect of dietary zinc on the performance of wether goats选用60只一年龄生长阉山羊(约20kg)进行试验,研 究饲粮锌对阉山羊生长性能的影响.Sixty one-year old growing wether goats wereselected(used)to study the effect of dietary zinc on their performance.试验期2个月,分别饲喂锌为0,20,40,60mg/kg的饲粮,每月测定

49、一次平均日增重.The goats were fed with diets supplemented with 0,20,40,60mg/kg zinc respectively,for 2 months.Average daily gain was investigated once a month.结果表明,平均日增重受到饲粮锌含量的显著影响(P0.05),40mg/kg组日增重最大.从本试验数据可知,对阉 山羊而言,饲粮中40mg/kg的锌最适宜.Results showed that average daily gain was influenced by dietary zinc(P

50、0.05),and it was the largest in 40mg/kg zinc group.The data obtained suggest that 40mg/kg zinc is suitablefor the diet of whether goats.biomedical.baiaumedikllivestock laivstokpoultry peultrienterocyte enterovirus.entorQuvaiarasenterobacterium.entoraubaektioriQmnephron nefronsubstrate sAbstreit rume

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