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1、Unit 1 This is my new friend.Just seak 0China America Englandfrom AmericaShai 邛 Hjhfrom SifiyaporcJW/rv good frici小Where arc x,z nl m vou from。7?川叫O吧SingaporeWhere3 Im5&Where3 Let9s sinImWhere are you from?Mum,this 15 m,.new frKnd,JunHi.Jun.W here 5 0 ouvV further?/、KC tOIn meet vcmi!lul cluvsn in C

2、 Oik;Ciciitkr Fmir.Im in Cljss Two.Grade Three.Hou about vou?jHi.Kau.his is nn n friend.SuJustIm number fiiuitccn.WIuiI m your iiuinlvrz?*yoir)Cm number y umbs:J k(h,ncvn.thirteen fourteen3What oik andI in numberYes!And thats seven imdeiht?Hi,Muni.Whjrtvour minibcr?JustfifteensixteenlirtccnSixteenFu

3、urteeiiiw igl il k MirvHu飞Just read and writeHircchs 田 cmcim)d morning Mr Li.一J morningWhatsciglK _:ind mhcLLet、couM from one lo cIiJme JJust sKale h;is ihirtccn books.Gao W ci has fourteen book、.Peter hu、fiHccn book、.Li Yun ha ixlccn book、.Lily has sewntwn bds I hac eighteen books!Hi、c aww milk“J J

4、,No.ihankn*up!一“Mx up.PeterWhaCs the line Mum?nineteen twentv金3CI1,3 h s c h c.MXl c v n.RevisionU X imd TJGood!fifteenUhaf$10 and 10?2 Just check 0工 Put a pencil in hcccncrv.4.Play j game-eieiGi65令2 Just r-d 1!)rM k 11noWLEa t Ih c a ppl e.Cut th e w a te nne l o n.Thank you.Cuc umbe rs,c uc umbe r

5、s.Ca rro ts,c a rro ts.Do yo u l ik e c uc umbe rs?No.I do nt.Do yo u l ik e c a rro ts?Whafs this?Are you sure?Is il gi、or red?eggplant green pepperRevisiona camM.cucumberLook!Are you Mire-二hxcusc me、whai,s this in、Englixhy Whafs thaler?3.Colour(he picture.2.Draw sine fruit4.Talk about ihc fruit.Hi

6、ke、waicrnKrkxis.I dem(like pineapple/Pur*t:1Lefs chant10 n IS 加 16 12(Slou name this vegetablek iw ifruit,12 k iw ifruit,k iw ifruih|6 k iw ifruit.k iw ifniit Tw e nty!to ma to e s.|8 to ma to e s.to ma to e s.fA l o ma l o e s to ma to e s.Ba c k to te n!1.Lkaw 4in c-i-c-n td vtPart;3A(Iwmv.what ar

7、c you.Dad?、)Watermelon groupMum?Whats yourPei Pei s Mumo driverLi Jion*s Mwm,4 Cultural linkBe ijing Lo ndo n Otta w a Wa sh ingto n D.C.(Ch ina)(UK)(Ca na da)(USA)Hows the weatherJustHi.Pticr!Hnc kxhy.L pitiy fiKMball.fGrc4uT)OK.Let、2 Just read and write c3 Lefs chant bIt、fine to da y.Ids go a nd p

8、l a y!It s nic e to da y.We re h a ppy to pl a y.cool loday?1 like pandas be51rs:uxj ligers.I.about you.Mar 1 like monkeys flcptumg uikJ bird、I-b Sing togethersing.、Co l d w e a th e r,c o l d w e a th e r.I l ik e c o l d w e a th e r.4lci g 吵=d 孑 We are happy to playk riiinyl*ul(M your 4urtOK.Muin

9、/Mum,howS(he weiiOicr UxliiyHow the wither tody?snowyRevision1 Fun stoS 3 nuiuiy ludav!h xnoy kxlay*尸 Ha,ha!Micky,bo wM the、尸 eilicr lod 纥名I.Finish the card.2.Talk about il.eioiGiLook ai ihos jeans1.7 二淀 Just speak2 Just read and write 0SureTtrousersjeansIkrv Ukz l itwi an orange ycM and&red skinFin

10、d(he blue jec、叩d green shorts,zLetsJust read and writesocksshoes3 Lets simi=T Where is my hat?5 61、3 156 15 Where ismyhat?Hereilk.Where iirvmywvks?Ikrvllwyarv.5 6|1 3 1I3 11 2-Where ismyhat?Here1 4 itis.Where aremywck oWhere ismydrvss?Hereitis.Where arcmysboe?Herv(hey3rc.RevisionWheres myWhcrv arc m

11、ymv drew?Here they arcmy shons?、look funnyC Here they are海3.Put on the clothes.4,Talk about the clothes.OIOIGII=f|The opposite song31|31 15 5_ 5 1Bi&small.big.Sha h la la.31|53 I2 2 2 2|Big,sinalLsmulLbig.Sha la h la.31|31 I5 5 A 3|Big,smallunxILbigShj la la la.22|55|3 l_ I 1Big.big.small,small.Sha

12、la la Ulh,ii has long carx and a short tail.Look.Uml、I have a rabbit.JustLook al l.monkeyWow!It has a big mouth and a long uilA ra bbit h a a sh o rt ta il.Just read and write cAn c l c ph a nl h a s big e a rs.A e nt h a s Nina l l e a rs.A mo nk e y h a s a l o ng ta il.short工 short und fatlook hk

13、e twins!,We look short and fatFa th e r ta l l.Mo th e r is sh o rt.Bro th e r is fa l.Siste r is th in.Lisa a nd I a re th e sa me.We a re tw ins!Ihpfy New Year!OK.Let s go!Lei 飞 go and kc Misn Liu.Justll:ippy New Yer!HcHn.Mi%Liu.monkev!Look ut my、Jong earv/I have aJong!I have a lonp ta小h.m a rabbi

14、t avc a short tailxjluve a short tailI have a longHello.Mimi c vmir new clshc、.、Let sing Happy Neu Yc4ir3 LeVs chantCo me a nd pl a y.Co me a nd pl a y,It s sunny tixh y.Co ine a nd pl a y.Co nic a nd pl a y.It s w indy tc xia y.Co me a nd pl a y.Ctne a nd pl a y.Il s sno w y to da y.Sample cardsGrw

15、p START(;ro up 2STARTshort and talllong and xhortnA imudlFINISHFINISH2.4,6=whileSay x-nleixx Io inovc.Merry Chrlsimos!eighteen.|八nine.九ten.fnineteen.九twenty.二十Unit 3(10 个)pineapple.fit。lemon.,?慢wiitcnnclon.描 Akiwifmit.擀 IK 桃orange.KF f.橘九物色的banana-.做potato.上t.4依卷tomato .dtl*CSITOt,*卜cucumber.Keggpla

16、nt.fii Ggreen pepper火嘏Unit 4 01 个)fine.(天气)的nie,一好的.令人快的kite.*.风不cool.凉口的cold water.1.1.本tuniiv ”口 Mjcloudy.,学会的.用大的windy.有风的.、乂的skirt-UM!rainy 一1.下雨的.”雨的wiowy.下的,安的diirt.MbUnit 5(10 个)cap.(无边的).hut.(而边的)ffl礼新swks.短“HT-shirt.T,drcsw.-tVti 连衣相Unit 6(io 个)hR-人的small.小的j4Kkc(.te Eft!哭克归raincoal.南 tswea

17、ter.C纹,九 t,Ajeans.Tff HtnxiM:n.M fi KM坨甲,no,Elull.。的short.取的.岐的tat.胖的thin.*的new.1.新的happy-.书帕的.怪乐的Vocabulary 词汇表(2.体国*求学生*手.说.1L XVI!自1UUIR作麻,设,Uitlt)A褂色的1.27AmericaXM1114bu、公大汽率121apple1-33Carm砧*.ftt M6cakea132auntK 91Canada加拿大111-2B伯.W).1147candy果1120cap3的)bagkfit1-7IRf111-25ball球M9car小汽卡1-21ballo

18、onF120carrot胡,卜III 16banami133calblbear1,chair r11-5big大的urnchicken叫肉1-35Hkc行隼1.22China中间IIMbird%1-5Chinese book丽文3IMblack辑色的1-28class.111-7blouse女N杉111-26classroom教室IMblue曲色的1 25cloudy,云的.boat小船123网天的HI-22book151-7coal大衣.外会1135box,入输r 1133coffeeIb21boy外传1113Coke彳n可乐1 31bread也包11-19cold客冷的11121broth

19、er兄必IM4coal原夫的111-20brown馀色的.crayonli-3ctKumbcrMAIIM6fiveA1110DfboW1-17daughter女儿IM5fourN1M0desknsfourteenin1小8dciclorKI1115(riemlVI履1112dog物1-2fruitn-21dollKAtttt119QdoughnutII 20girl女传1113女”,glue般木1-9连女帼111-26grade年修HI-7driver词机.grandfiilher(grandpaHM(外)祖父IM6duck12grandmochcr(grandma)E(外)祖母IM6carK

20、M5grope勤,11-22egg*142green量色的126eggplant茄于IIM7green pepper行蛔111-178ht八11-9grey味色的129eighteenIAIIMOHelephantZ1129hamburgerMleleven十一IbllhaitdM6EnglandIIM奉忸的.English buukKiHKIM快底的II1-35eraser度NMOhat“,边的)fflf.eyeMM113礼帽1112sFbeadAM5fave114honey蜂*11-22hriiKr依民IIMboi炎热的1H-21fat胖的llllancE1.23milk的l-MpoMma

21、n都&员Ilh5monkey*rMpotatomosquito蚊r1126nIIM5mother(mum)IM3purple紫色的127mOUM!CM1-5Qmouth嘴M4quail11-28NRneckM6rabbit她不b4nesi11-26raiiKoai雨衣111-27new精的111-35rainyTMMinice好的./*的11123华人愉快的11119redftfctt125nine九II-9rice135nineteen十九llbllroomer公嗝11-28noodlesik秋1-35ruler尺子MlnoseOfI 13school*瓶5g seven seventeen

22、 sharpener ship shirt shoes xhort Singapore sisterMX sixteen skirt raall snowysocks son storybook Mudent Mnny sweaterT ull Uxi teacher ten thinin*r.11.nr Hwnna i域的.m的HL32新加眩111-2皿妹1M44 八11-81六1119UNt1131小的111-31Fir Mi线的11123触梅111-29儿子1115112学生111-3第的III 22帆女11-35高的111-33tun*1-22载师IIM十II 9的111-34liii

23、rtccn上三IIIRthree11-7(iger&虎11 29tomaloMttltIIM5train火不1.22trousersHf.KMIII 2XT-rfiirtIh3ltwelve卜二IMItwenty-IUMItwo11-7uuncle*倘M*林箕.帧父1117uniformMH.校Hl32V我。1132wwarm温的11120watch1133waler1 uwaler boule京*11-2w3icnnclonIIM4uhitc白色的1.28windy有风的.风大的11122Yyich(快快 11-34jxrllou,黄色的1-26Zzebra现,1134z,pnM.2.AWo

24、rds in Each Unit 单元词汇表(注 说.it.SSflt 自体单日只修所.iR.Unit 1 as 个)China .卜国Amcrka .XIMUnit 2(io个)clw.输级grade.年损Singapixc.制加域Canada.想拿大friends.朋友boy 为孩girl.女传sdudent.小driver.同机,mtrtfour.四thinccn.卜三fotiitccn.fPMfive.ksx一六 fifhxn.-|fisixiecn.六doctor.医不nur.护上postman.seven.七eight.Aseventeen.f 匕Unit 3 Its a pineapple.;:H;ippy birthckiy to you!)Say the number sind colour.Say iIk word.Say and spell the word.削 Say I Ik country.MANISH and WIN!一、

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