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1、征询服务协议中英文【篇一:工程征询协议范本中英文】 征询合作协议 party a: 甲方: party b: 乙方: it is hereby understood and agreed as follows: 双方就以下内容达成理解并达成协议: 1“party a”),currently working on the pre-qualification and following possible tendering works for(hereafter as the “project”) to be the project main contractor. 在 ,甲方目前正在参与 (以下

2、简称“项目”)的 工作,以 期成为该项目的总承包商。 2“party b”“owner”). (以 下称为“业主”)有着密切关系。 3 hereby, party a appoints party b as its independent and exclusive consultants for the project pre-qualification and tendering stage, to coordinate, facilitate and make the liaison for party a with owner to help party a to be success

3、fully awarded with the project and enter into the contract with owner. 在此,甲方委托乙方作为甲方在该项目资格审核及投标阶段的独立和唯一的征询顾问,协助 甲方与业主就该项目进行协调、辅助以及联络工作,使甲方能成功中标,并与业主签订总承 包协议。 4 liaison work with the high officials with owner during the pre-qualification/bidding work and the possible construction of the project. 乙方作为

4、甲方与业主之间关系的促进和协调机构,在整个资格审核、投标以及也许的项目施 工阶段,乙方负责与业主进行沟通。 5 during the whole process of pre-qualification/bid and the following possible construction work,government related services and collect the local material, labor information and local regulations regarding the project for/to party a. party b sha

5、ll collect the pre-qualification or bid documents(including but not limited to addendums, bidding drawings and other information or data relating to pre-qualification/bid work) from owner and obtain all prerequisite information, procedures, bylaws or local regulations, regarding any requirements on

6、pre-qualification of bidders, submission of pre-qualification/bid documents and all other information or data relating to, and required by the project, and transmit such documents to party a for pre-qualification/bid preparation. 在整个资格审核和投标以及随后也许的项目实行工作中,公司应协调和协助甲方与业主的关系,负责进行与本项目有关的与项目所在地政府及其他相关单位的沟

7、通工作,了解搜集并向甲方提供本地的材料信息、人工信息以及本地相关的法律法规。 公司负责从业主处搜集该项目的资格审核、投标相关的文献(涉及附件、投标图纸以及其他任何与此相关的文献资料),积极获得有关资格审核中关于投标者的先决性信息、程序、章程和地方性规定,以及其他与该项目有关的资料文献,并转交给甲方以便其进行项目资格审合和投标的准备工作。 6 party a hereto and party b shall bear its own costs and expenses (including but not limited to costs for legal, accounting, brok

8、ers or finders fees, professional or advisory services) in connection with the pre-qualification and following possible bidding preparation for this project. in the event that party a has signed the contract with owner on this project, party a agrees to pay party b commissions for its services in a

9、total amount equal to (percentage) of the signed total contract value (hereafter referred to as the “commission”) between party a and owner. the commission shall be paid by party a in the form of check for transfer to party b or its designated payee. party a agrees to pay party b the commission in 1

10、5 installments, on a pro rata basis within 15 working days upon the receipt by party a of the first ten payments from owner in accordance with the contract between party a and owner. 该协议中的甲乙双方就该项目的资格审核及随后的投标工作所产生的费用(涉及但不限于法律的、会计的、经纪的、现场考察的费用,以及专业性的或建议性的征询服务费用)将由各方自己承担。假如甲方与业主就该项目签署了总承包协议,甲方批准向乙方(所有的

11、征询顾问)一共支付该项目所签署协议总额的 (比例)作为征询服务报酬(以下简称“征询服务佣金”),征询顾问佣金将由甲方以转帐支票形式支付给乙方或乙方指定的收款人。甲方批准,将根据其与业主签署的总承包协议的相关条款,在收到业主支付的前十五次工程款后的十五个工作日内,按工程款比例分十五次向征询顾问支付征询服务佣金。 7 in the event that party a has not signed the contract with owner on this project, party a has no any obligations to pay the consultants any co

12、mmission for its services. 假如甲方没有与业主签署任何协议,甲方没有任何义务向乙方支付任何征询服务佣金。 8 party a agrees to keep all the information on the project, provided through party b or directly by owner confidential. party b agrees to keep all the information regarding the works of pre-qualification and bidding of the project co

13、nfidential. this provision is strictly construed but shall not prevent the parties from disclosing information to third parties who have obtained the written consent of all the parties, and are necessary to assist accomplishing the purpose of the pre-qualification and bidding of the project. 甲方批准对通过

14、乙方或直接由业主提供的所有关于项目的信息予以保密,乙方将对该项目资格审核和投标准备工作中的所有信息予以保密。该条内容采用严格解释,但不应严禁该协议中的任一方向由本协议各方当事人一致批准的,且对于完毕该项目资格审核和投标内容起到必要协助作用的第三方进行信息披露。 9 once the agreement comes into effect, it should be strictly observed by both parties hereto. any 本协议生效后,甲、乙双方均应严格履行。任何一方不履行或不完全履行本协议规定的义务,均构成违约,并应承担违约责任。任何一方违约,应承担其违约行

15、为给守约方导致的所有损失。 10 if there are any disputes arising out of this agreement, all parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute amicably through direct discussions among the parties. in case that the parties fail to settle the dispute amicably, the parties may refer arbitration to china international eco

16、nomic and trade arbitration commission, and the cietacs arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration shall apply. 本协议中的各方就本协议产生的任何争议,各方应先进行和谐协商,如协商不一致,则应向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁,按照仲裁申请时中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 11 this agreement will be signed in english and chinese. in case of an

17、y discrepancy between the documents, the one written in english shall prevail. 本协议具有英文、中文两种版本,两版本之间若有任何不同以英文版为准。 this agreement in three original versions shall become effective on the date when it is executed by the parties below. 本协议一式三份,下列三方各持一份。本协议由以下三方代表签署并于签字日起生效。 签字页: on and behalf of 为并代表 si

18、gned by:_ 签字: name:_ 姓名 title:_ 职务 date: august _, 2023 日期:2023年8月_日 on and behalf of 为并代表 signed by:_ 签字: name:_ 姓名 title:_ 职务 date: august _, 2023 日期:2023年8月_日 on and behalf of 为并代表 signed by:_ 签字: name:_ 姓名 title:_ 职务 date: august _, 2023 日期:2023年8月_日【篇二:项目管理征询服务协议(中英文对照)】 第三条 为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应

19、当向乙方提供下列工作条件: 1 甲方若已有以下资料应免费提供乙方一份; 建设单位情况; 项目建议书及批准文献; 建设项目选址意见书; 规划局有关规划参数的批准文献; 经有关方面征询的地块建设项目的规划、环境保护、园林绿化、卫生防疫、水、电、煤、通信、交通和消防等; 土地权属证明(房地产权证)及其他相关文献; 建设基地动迁量及市政配套情况(涉及动迁安顿补偿情况、大市政配套情况等); 地形图、地质资料; 规划设计总体位置平面图;周边环境及其规划情况;拟建项目的规划用途及分类情况; 规划设计方案想法说明:(总建筑面积、容积率、绿化率、设计户型、结构类型、装修标准、供配电、煤气容量) ? 如享受减免优

20、惠政策的文献或说明(公建配套费、人防费等) ? 建设项目的资金筹措及资金流入情况; 2.其他 ? 甲方提供的资料应准确无误,若乙方对甲方提供的资料或数据有异议时,甲方应及时负责解答,并尽也许给乙方的工作提供方便; ? 甲方应对乙方工作提供及时的、合理的相关协助。同时甲方应当提前半天告知乙方急需要解决的相关事情; 第四条 甲方向乙方支付技术服务费及支付方式: 1. 乙方项目管理服务费暂按万元的基数和优惠后的包干费率工程造价的1% 2. 设计、勘察、监理、施工、材料招标代理费可以减免甲方部分相关费用,如甲方要收取乙方相关费用,可以在招标时招标文献中说明。 3. 服务费有甲方分期支付乙方: 具体支付

21、方式和时间如下: a、 本协议签定后3日内,甲方向乙方预付项目管理服务费的20%,作为项目启动资金; b、 施工招标代理工作完毕后,甲方向乙方支付到项目管理服务费的40%; c、 根据总工期按每月平均支付项目管理服务费的95%; d、 竣工验收完毕,甲方向乙方一次性付清余款。 4. 乙方开户行和帐号: 开户行: 帐号: 第五条双方拟定在履行本协议期间应遵守的保密义务,乙方对甲方提供的资料按甲方的规定承担保密义务;甲方对乙方提供的成果报告等承担保密义务。 第六条本协议的变更必须由双方协商一致,并以书面形式拟定。 第七条其他 1.质量奖励: 2.文明施工奖励: 3.如由于甲方的资金不能及时到位而导

22、致的工程延误或索赔损失,由甲方承担。 4.工程筹建和施工期间有乙方因素导致工程质量问题(事故)视问题(事故)大小、责任限度,承担相关责任并予以处罚。 5. 甲乙双方优势互补,乙方应充足发挥甲方的前期优势,具体合作由甲乙双方另行和谐商议。 第八条 双方拟定在本协议有效期内,甲方指定 为甲方联系人,乙方指定 为乙方联系人。 第九条 双方拟定出现下列情况,致本协议的履行行为不必要或不也许,也许解除本协议: 1. 发生不可抗力; 2. 第十条双方因履行本协议而发生的争议,应当协商解决,协商或协调不成的拟定按以下第2种方式解决 1.提交 仲裁委员会仲裁2.依法向工程所在地人民法院起诉。 第十一条 本协议

23、一式肆份,甲乙双方各二份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方: 乙方: 法定代表人(委托) 法定代表人(委托) 日期 日期 4. project planning and construction period b causes the quality of the project (1998) as the (1998) size, level of responsibility to shoulder responsibility and be punished. 5. consists of two complementary strengths, b should give full play

24、to the buyer early advantage consists of concrete cooperation by the two sides further friendly discussion. the two sides established the 8th of this contract period, the buyer designated as the buyer contacts, b to b designated contacts. article 9 of the parties identified in any of the following s

25、ituations, to the fulfillment of this contract acts unnecessary or impossible, possible lifting of the contract : 1. force majeure; 2. both sides of the 10th because of the discharge of thecontract and the dispute should be resolved through consultation. consultation or coordination failures identif

26、ied by the following paragraph two ways to deal with one. submitted to arbitration 2. according to the works to a peoples court. article 11 of this contract were a carry, both the first and second sets, has the same legal effect. party a : b : legal representative (commission) legal representative (

27、commission)【篇三:(修正) 服务协议中英文版-43884usd】 service contract服务协议 contract no. bc/hs2023-4协议编号 bc/hs2023-4 party a: (supplier) norinco equipment co. ltd北方装备有限责任公司 party b: (receiver) china huashi group representa?o em angola,limitada中国海山集团有限公司安哥拉分公司 party a and party b, intending to be legally bound, and

28、in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, agree as follows: 甲乙双方根据本协议所列条文,以及批准此协议受法律约束的情况下,一致达成协议如下: 1. item of service服务内容 the “service” herein referred to, is armored car. the improving for bullet proof grade covers b1-b6. 本协议所指的服务,是指对装甲车的维修、改造及征询服务,改造内容为针对b1-b6级的防弹改造

29、。 upon request by the party b, the party a shall keep the party b informed about the applications, features, and specifications in the area of armored car as they may broaden or change from time to time as well as be available for assisting in quality control issues. 应乙方规定,甲方应随时告知乙方有关运钞车领域的应用、特点和规格,

30、由于此类信息也许不时地扩大或改变,同时有助于质量控制。 2、 competition竞争 the party a represents to the party b that does not have any agreement or contract to provide consulting services to any other party, firm, or company in the armored car industry on matters relating to the scope of this consultancy, and will not enter int

31、o any such agreement or contract during the term of this contract. the party b acknowledges and agrees, however, that nothing in this contract shall affect the obligation of party a, or research on behalf of, the party a or any component of the party a, including, but not limited to, obligations or

32、research of the party a in connection with a transfer by the party a of materials or intellectual property developed in whole or in part by the party a, or in connection with research collaborations. 甲方向乙方保证甲方不会在此征询范围内没有任何协议或协议向运钞车行业的任何一方、公司提供征询服务,并在此协议期限内也不会签署此类协议或协议。乙方认可并批准,然而,此协议没有任何条款能改变顾问方对其任何组

33、成部分的义务或代表甲方及其任何组成部分进行的研究,涉及但不限于,由甲方所有或部分开发的知识产权或材料或和研究合作有关的转让。 3. price and payment terms价格及支付条约 party b agrees to pay the amount of service fees for the fixed term of service as listed below toparty a. 乙方批准按协议注明的服务期间支付甲方如下服务费用。 total amount:43,884美元 say us dollar forty three thousand and eight hund

34、red eighty four only. 4. breach of contract违约规定 in the event that either party breaches any provision of the contract that results in the other party incurring economic losses, the party in breach shall be liable to compensate the other party for the corresponding economic losses. 任何一方因违反本协议的任何条款导致对

35、方蒙受经济损失的,违约一方应有义务补偿对方相关经济损失。 5. jurisdiction and lawsuit司法诉讼 this contract is constructed and to be executed and interpreted by the laws of the peoples republic of china. 本协议的订立、执行和解释均合用中华人民共和国法律。 any controversy or claim arising hereunder that cannot be resolved by the parties themselves, shall be

36、settled by arbitration in china, 任何不能由双方自行解决的争议和索赔,应在中国仲裁解决。 any award rendered thereon shall be in writing and shall be final and binding on the parties and judgment may be entered thereon in any court of competent jurisdiction. each party shall bear its own costs and expenses in connection with th

37、e arbitration and the costs and expenses of the arbitrators shall be borne as determined by the arbitrator. 任何由以上所述仲裁作出的裁决将为最终裁决并对双方均具有约束力,任何拥有司法管辖权的法院均可依法执行。双方应自行承担与仲裁相关费用,仲裁费由仲裁庭决定。 6. force majeure不可抗力 the effected party shall notify the other party of the cases of force majeure occurred by telex

38、 or cable as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail, within 20 days thereafter, a certificate issued by the authorities or departments concerned to the other party for confirmation. 受不可抗力影响的一方应尽快将发生不可抗力事故的情况以电传或电报告知对方,并于其后二十天内以航空挂号信件将有权证明的机构出具的证明文献提交给另一方进行确认。 should the effect of the

39、force majeure cases last for more than 100 days, both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the contract through friendly consultations as soon as possible. 如不可抗力时间影响连续超过100天,则双方应尽快通过和谐协商解决协议的执行问题。 7. confidentiality保密条款 except as expressly set forth herein, the parties shall main

40、tain in confidence the confidential information of the other side. the parties shall not disclose such confidential information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other side. 除非本协议有明确规定,协议任何一方应对对方的机密信息进行保密,未经对方书面许可不得将此类机密信息透露给第三方。 both parties shall abide by the terms of con

41、fidentiality in this contract and have obligation to maintain the confidential information after the termination of the contract. the obligation shall end only upon theconsent of the other side or only if the disclosure of the confidential information will not cause any loss of the other side. 双方应遵守

42、本协议中的保密条款,并且在本协议终止之后,各方仍需遵守本协议之保密条款,履行其所承诺的保密义务,直到对方批准其解除此项义务,或事实上不会因违反本协议的保密条款而给对方导致任何形式的损害为止。 8. effectiveness of the contract协议的效力 this contract commences on the date when party a receives the contract duly signed and affixed with the subscribers company chop. 本协议在甲方收到签署者已妥善签署并盖上印章的协议当天正式生效。 9. l

43、anguages语言 the present contract is drawn in chinese and english as well, both texts being equally authentic. in case of any divergence of interpretation, the chinese text shall prevail. 本协议以英文和中文书就,两种文本具有同等效力。但在对其解释产生异议时,以中文文本为准。 party a (signature): norinco equipment co. ltd party b (signature): china huashi group representa?o em angola,limitada signing date:nov.06,2023 signing place: beijing,china

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