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初中英语新目标七年级(下册)Unit 9 知识清单.docx

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1、一、词汇:1. V过去式: put - put describe - describedsing - sang swim - swamdance - danced play - played say - said join - joined tell - toldwrite - wrote show - showed talk - talkedmake - made teach - taught 2. 构词法: high - (名词)height build - (名词)build - (名词)buildingglass - (名词)glasseslate - (副词)later act -

2、(名词)actor/actress sing - (名词)singer art - (名词)artistcrime - (名词)criminal different-(名词)difference-(副词)differently real - (副词)really - (名词)reality 二、重点短语: look like. 看起来像.curl hair 卷发 long hair长发 straight hair 直发 short hair 短发medium height 中等高度medium build 中等身材long straight hair 长长的直发 go to the movie

3、 去电影院a little 一点blonde hair 金发put.in. 把.放进.里put. on. 把.放在.上the same way 同样的方式 in the end 最后 best friend 最好的朋友first of all 首先 cool and fun 又酷又搞笑refer to . 指的是. 三、重点句型:1.你的朋友长相如何呀?她中等身材,长长的直发。What does your friend look like? Shes of medium build and she has long straight hair.2.我的朋友David也要去,先在电影院门口与他碰

4、头吧。My friend David is going,too.Just meet him in front of the cinema first . 3.他们是直发还是卷发? Do they have straight hair or curly hair?4.他们告诉他罪犯的长相。They tell him what the criminal looks like. 5.然后Joe画出罪犯的图片,警察把它张贴在报刊或电视上以便抓住他。 Then Joe draws a good picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newsp

5、apers and on TV to find him.6.许多人并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述得不一样。Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.7.他们也并不总是记得牢靠。Also,they dont always remember well.8.另一位女士说:“他又高又瘦,长着金色的卷发,大约30岁。Another woman says, hes tall and thin, and he has curly blonde hair. Hes about thirty years old,9.结果,真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的老头儿。In the end , the real criminal is a short and heavy/fat old man, 10.让我告诉你他的外貌。 Let me tell you what he looks like. 四、不规则动词过去式:eat-ate feed-fed feel-felt fight-foughtfind-found fly-flew forget-forgot get-got go-went grow-grew

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