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1、Module 9 Unit 1 We are enjoying the school trip a lot.第1页Play a game:We are standing now.We are sitting now.We are reading a book now.We are sleeping now.We are taking photos now.be+动词动词-ing现在进行时:现在进行时:now第2页读单词,把单词变成现在分词形式buy_ wait_ write _ shop _ talk_ tell_have _ swim_ walk _ drink_ take_ run_ ea

2、t _ enjoy_ drive_ get_ lie_buyingtalkingwalkingeatingwaitingtellingdrinkingenjoyingwritinghavingtakingdrivingshoppingswimmingrunninggettinglying小结小结:现在:现在分词改变形式有多少种呢?分词改变形式有多少种呢?第3页Look at the pictures and talk about them.stand in line wait for the buscallwalk on the Great Wallbuy postcards call lie

3、 in the sun shop stand in linetake photos wait for the bus walk on the Great Wall第4页 lie in the suntake photosshopbuy postcards第5页They are standing in line .They are waiting for the bus.She is calling.They are walking on the Great Wall.The boy is lying in the sun.The boy is taking photos.The girl is

4、 shopping.The girl is buying postcards第6页Listen and number the pictures.4 4132第7页the Great Wall of ChinaWe are proud(骄傲骄傲)of the Great Wall.a school tripBetty and her friends are on a school trip.第8页Listen to the tape and complete the sentences.Betty is _ on the Great Wall of China and _ to her moth

5、er.Tony is _ a delicious ice cream.Wang Hui is _ lots of photos.Lingling _ _ a few presents and postcards.Daming _ _ lunch and _ in the sun.standingtalkingeatingtakingis buying is havinglying第9页Underline the correct words.The children are on a school trip/holiday to the Great Wall.Theyre walking on

6、it,taking photos and buying a few/a lot of presents,ice creams and postcards on sale/line at the shop.They are enjoying/arent enjoying the trip a lot._第10页Finish the sentences.我们正在进行一次学校旅行。我们正在进行一次学校旅行。We _ _ a school trip.其它人呢其它人呢?What about the _?What about the _ _?他们和你在一起吗?他们和你在一起吗?_ they _ you?请

7、你拍一些长城照片,用电子邮件发给我。请你拍一些长城照片,用电子邮件发给我。Please _ some photos _ the Great Wall,send them _ me _ email.are onothersother studentsAre with我和妈妈在一起。I am with my mother.takeoftobybe with:和某人在一起和某人在一起第11页我们非常喜欢学校旅行。我们非常喜欢学校旅行。We _ _ the school trip _ _.公园里有许多人。公园里有许多人。现在该回学校了。现在该回学校了。Its time _ _ _ _ school n

8、ow.are enjoyinga lotto go back to very much该起床了。该起床了。该回家了。该回家了。Its time to get up.Its time to go home.There are _ _ _ people in the park.a lot of第12页Work in pairs.say what people are doing in the conversation.Betty Tony Wang HuiDaming Lingling 第13页 A:What are they doing?B:They areShe is running now.He is playing computer games.They are swimming.They are talking.第14页She is driving a car.Daming is walking.She is drinking.He is sleeping.She is reading.第15页Play a game:act and guess第16页Homework:1.Recite words and phrases.2.Do Exercise Book.第17页

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