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1、第1页JackI have good news for you!RoseWhat?JackThe educational department has carried out rules to reduce students too much study load.RoseReally?If so,I dont have to stay up late to do so much homework and my mom may allow me to play computer games.JackThe best thing I think is that I can have more s

2、pare time to take exercise after class.RoseSure.By the way,who is your favorite sports star?JackLiu Xiang,I should say.RoseTell me something about him.JackWell,maybe I can show you some photos.第2页一一.We use modal verbs to talk about:1.Ability(能力)(能力)2.Obligation(义务)(义务)3.Certainty(可能性)(可能性)4.Permissi

3、on(允许)(允许)第3页二二.We also use modal verbs to:5.Make requests(提出请求)(提出请求)6.Make suggestions(提出提议)(提出提议)7.Make offers(提供帮助)(提供帮助)8.Give advice(提出意见)(提出意见)第4页1.Ability(能力能力):Liu Xiang can run the 110m hurdle race within 13 seconds.第5页can/could:1.can 普通表示与生俱来能力或者普通表示与生俱来能力或者一个客观可能性一个客观可能性,还能够表示请求还能够表示请求和允

4、许和允许。Learning English _ be difficult.canMan can not live without air._ I use your bike?Can第6页can/could:2.在疑问句中,用在疑问句中,用could可表示请可表示请求,语气较委婉。求,语气较委婉。_I have the television on?Yes,you _./No,you _CouldHe asks if he _ smoke here.couldcan/maycant/Im afraid not第7页can/could:3.表示惊异、怀疑、不相信态度。(主要表示惊异、怀疑、不相信态度

5、。(主要用在否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中)用在否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中)Hes such a nice person that he _ commit the crime.cant你怎么会如此地粗心!你怎么会如此地粗心!How can you be so careless!Can this be true?第8页can/could:4.can never/canttoo表示表示“不论怎样不论怎样也不过分也不过分”,“越越越越好好”。你过马路时候再小心也不为过。你过马路时候再小心也不为过。You cant be too careful while crossing the road.第9页can/b

6、e able to区分区分:Edison always wondered why hens could hatch(孵孵)chickens while he was not able to.Question:Are the two modal verbs interchangeable(交换交换)?If not,why?can表示表示与生俱来能力与生俱来能力或或一个客观可能一个客观可能,而,而be able to愈加强调愈加强调经过后天学习和努力取得能经过后天学习和努力取得能力,力,或者或者在某个客观场所和背景下在某个客观场所和背景下,能做到事,能做到事情。情。第10页can/be able

7、to区分区分:1.A big fire broke out in ABC hotel yesterday.Luckily,everyone _ run out of the building.was able to2.She _ speak both English and French.can第11页Im so tired!I have to do the training for at least 10 hours a day!2.Obligation(义务义务):yet he must work hard to win the gold medal.Although Liu Xiang

8、is so gifted in hurdle race第12页advisabilitynecessityought to/shouldhave tomustYour mother brings you up and takes good care of you,so when she is old,you _ look after her in return.A.can B.may C.have to D.must 第13页Shi Dongpeng might win a medal at the Olympic Games.Although the chance of winning a m

9、edal is small,Ill try my best!3.Certainty(可能性可能性):第14页very uncertainalmost certainmightshouldmustmaycouldought towill1.He _ be at home.2.He _ be at home,for he just called me from his home 15 seconds ago.A.may B.might C.must A.may B.might C.must (can)第15页1.must 表示必定猜测,译为表示必定猜测,译为“一定一定”,不,不能用于否定句或疑问句

10、。能用于否定句或疑问句。This must be your pen.He must be doing his homework now.He must have arrived already.must第16页must2.表示表示“坚持坚持”(惯用于固定句型:(惯用于固定句型:if you must do sth.假如你非得要做某事)假如你非得要做某事)假如你真要走,那就悄悄离开。假如你真要走,那就悄悄离开。If you must leave,do it quietly.第17页They_ be doing the experiment in the lab.Why?Because the l

11、ights are still burning.A.could B.can C.must D.would 第18页4.Permission(允许允许):May I eat KFC if I win the gold medal?第19页may/might:1.表示许可。表示请求、允许时,表示许可。表示请求、允许时,might比比may语气更委婉一些。语气更委婉一些。Might/May I use your computer?Yes,you can./No,you cant/mustnt.第20页may/might:2.用于祈使句中表示祝福。用于祈使句中表示祝福。3.表示推测、可能(只用于必定句

12、,表示推测、可能(只用于必定句,疑问句则要用疑问句则要用can或或could)。)。祝你成功!祝你成功!May you succeed.He may be very busy now.May you be happy all your life.第21页5.Making requests(提出要求提出要求):Can you help me with my training?I dont know how to use this equipment!will can could wouldinformalformal第22页6.Making suggestions(提出提议提出提议):Shall

13、 we do the training in the morning?Its too hot to take exercise in the afternoon.第23页shall:1.Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方意见、句中,表示说话人征求对方意见、向对方请示或提供帮助向对方请示或提供帮助。1.Shall we begin our lesson?2.When shall he be allowed to leave hospital?3.Shall I carry this bag for you?第24页shall:2.Shall用于第二、第

14、三人称,表用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。诺或威胁。You shall fail if you dont work harder.He shall be punished according to the rule.等我读完这本书,就会给他。等我读完这本书,就会给他。He shall have the book when I finish it.警告警告威胁威胁允诺允诺第25页7.Making offers(提供帮助提供帮助):Dont worry,dear,I will wash them right away.Mom,my dirty

15、 clothes have been piled up!I dont have time第26页will/would:1.表示请求、提议等,表示请求、提议等,would比比will委婉客气。委婉客气。sentence pattern Would you pleaseWould you mindWould ratherWould you like第27页will/would:2.表示意志、愿望和决心。表示意志、愿望和决心。I will never do that again.第28页will/would:3.可表示经常性、习惯性、倾向可表示经常性、习惯性、倾向性。翻译为性。翻译为“经常、惯于、总

16、是经常、惯于、总是”。1).The old man _have a smoke under a big tree every afternoon after he finished his farm work.would第29页2).门就是打不开门就是打不开!The door wont open.第30页will/would:I will go to the park with you tomorrow if you will offer me lunch.Question:Is this sentence correct?Why?情态动词情态动词表示表示“意愿意愿”第31页8.Giving

17、advice(提出意见提出意见):You should not/ought not to eat so much before running.How delicious!第32页should:1.Should表示劝说、提议、命令,表示劝说、提议、命令,其同义词是其同义词是ought to;在疑问句中,;在疑问句中,通惯用通惯用should代替代替oughtto。Should I open the window?我们应该要相互学习。我们应该要相互学习。We should learn from each other.第33页should:2.情态动词情态动词should用于第一人称用于第一人称时

18、能够表示说话人一个谦逊、客时能够表示说话人一个谦逊、客气、委婉语气。气、委婉语气。RoseSure.By the way,who is your idol?JackLiu Xiang,I should say.I should advise you not to do that again.第34页3.should表示意外或诧异表示意外或诧异 常译为常译为 “竟然,竟然竟然,竟然”。I cant believe such a gentleman should be so rude to the old.我不敢相信这么一个绅士竟然对老人我不敢相信这么一个绅士竟然对老人如此无礼。如此无礼。shou

19、ld:第35页4.should 表示猜测时,普通指按经验或逻辑表示猜测时,普通指按经验或逻辑判断,翻译成判断,翻译成“照说应该,预计,想必照说应该,预计,想必”should:-When can I come for the photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon.-They _be ready by 12:00.A.can B.should C.might D.need第36页第37页三三.“情态动词情态动词+have done”使用方法使用方法(1)must have done对过去某事十分必定猜测对过去某事十分必定猜测(2)may/might have

20、done对过去某事可能性猜对过去某事可能性猜测测(3)cant/couldnt have done对过去某事否定猜对过去某事否定猜测测(4)should/ought to have done过去应该做而未过去应该做而未做做(5)shouldnt/oughtnt to have done 过去不应该做而实际上做了过去不应该做而实际上做了(6)neednt have done 本没有必要做事实际却做本没有必要做事实际却做了了(7)could have done 原来能够做(有能力做)事实际却未做到原来能够做(有能力做)事实际却未做到第38页第39页Practice1.With so much wo

21、rk on hand,you _to see the game last night.A.mustnt go B.could have goneC.shouldnt go D.shouldnt have gone2.There was plenty of time.She _.A.mustnt have hurried B.couldnt have hurriedC.must not hurry D.neednt have hurried第40页Practice3.I saw Mary in the library yesterday.-You_ her.She is still abroad

22、.A.mustnt see B.cant have seen C.mustnt have seen D.couldnt see4.Aunt Mary_the train,otherwise she would have arrived here by now.A.must have missed B.should have missedC.had missed D.might miss第41页四四.可兼做行为动词情态动词:可兼做行为动词情态动词:need、dare 情态动词(+动词原形)行为动词needdare 1.1.无人称和数改变无人称和数改变;2.2.尤其用于:尤其用于:*否定句及疑问句

23、中否定句及疑问句中;*在在if/whetherif/whether之后之后;*或与或与hardlyhardly,nevernever,no oneno one,nobodynobody连用连用;3.3.常以常以needntneednt 和和darentdarent 形式出现形式出现;4.dare4.dare有其过去时有其过去时dareddared.多用于必定句多用于必定句;(sb.)need to do dare to do(sth.)need to be done(sth.)need doing 第42页He darent speak English before such a crowd,

24、dare he?判断正误判断正误:He darent to speak English before such a crowd,did he?These dishes need be cleaned carefully.These dishes need to be cleaned carefully.These dishes need cleaning carefully.第43页五五.表示否定情态动词使用方法表示否定情态动词使用方法:部分情态动词否定式是情态动词中考点部分情态动词否定式是情态动词中考点之一。之一。mustnt 不准不准,禁止禁止 neednt 没必要没必要(=dont ha

25、ve to)cant 不能不能;不可能不可能may not 不能够不能够;可能不可能不shouldnt 不应该不应该(=ought not to)第44页 How can we deal with exercises How can we deal with exercises concerning modal verbs?concerning modal verbs?Functions&usage of modal verbsLanguage context(上下文、上下文、语境语境)Functions&usage of modal verbsLanguage context(上下文、上下文、语境语境)第45页Review the usage of modal verbs and finish the exercise paper 第46页第47页

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