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1、Lets Go To the Zoo!Unit 6 Lets go!第第1页页Study Aims1.words and phrases:zoo,lion,tiger,elephant,monkey,lonely,dream,noise,miss,forest,course2.key sentences:1.Lets go to the zoo.2.What is it?It is a.3.What are they doing?They are.4.The lion is lonely.ObjectsObjects第第2页页Lead-inLead-in第第3页页 cDo you like t

2、o go to the zoo?Lead-inLead-in第第4页页A lives in a tree and can fly in the sky.A only lives in China.birdGuess the animals.pandaLead-inLead-in第第5页页A eats carrots.It has two long ears.Its very beautiful.A eats grass.It gives people milk.Its black and white.rabbitcowLead-inLead-in第第6页页The monkey is eatin

3、g bananas.At the zooLead-inLead-in第第7页页The lion is lonely.He is missing the forest.Lead-inLead-in第第8页页The panda looks cute.Lead-inLead-in第第9页页1.dream v.&n.做梦e.g.His dream is to become a doctor.I often dream at night.2.noise n.响声;噪音e.g.Theres such a loud noise outside.PresentationPresentation第第10页页3.

4、lonely adj.孤独e.g.I dont feel lonely because I have a lot of friends here.4.miss v.想念;错过e.g.Youd better go now,or youll miss the train.PresentationPresentation第第11页页5.forest n.森林e.g.There are many tigers in the forest.6.course n.过程;经过 of course 当然e.g.Of course,I dont always sleep in the afternoon.Pre

5、sentationPresentation第第12页页1.go to the zoo 去动物园e.g.The children want to go to the zoo.2.make noises 喧华e.g.Nobody is allowed to make noises here.允许允许PresentationPresentation第第13页页Do animals have feelings?Is the zoo a happy place for animals?PresentationPresentation第第14页页Discuss the following question

6、s in groups.1.Where do animals like to live?In the zoo or in the forest?2.How do they feel?PresentationPresentation第第15页页1.定义:现在进行时主要表示现在或现 阶段正在进行动作。2.组成:be(am,is,are)+v-ing(动词原形加-ing 组成)(1)必定句:主语+am/is/are+v-ing+其它。比如:The monkey is eating bananas.Im doing my homework.PresentationPresentation第第16页页(

7、2)否定句:主语+am/is/are+not+v-ing +其它。比如:The lion is not feeling happy.The child is not crying.(3)普通疑问句:Am/Is/Are+主语+v-ing +其它。比如:Are they eating donuts?Is the elephant dreaming?PresentationPresentation第第17页页(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+普通疑问句 语序。比如:What are you doing?What is the panda doing?PresentationPresentation第第1

8、8页页3.现在进行时普通使用方法现在进行时普通使用方法1)普通情况下,现在进行时表示此时此刻)普通情况下,现在进行时表示此时此刻 正正在进行动作,通常与表示现在进行时时间状语在进行动作,通常与表示现在进行时时间状语now,at the moment等连用。比如:等连用。比如:The bird is singing now.We are speaking English now.The elephant is sleeping at the moment.PresentationPresentation第第19页页 2)现在进行时表示现阶段正在进行动 作(说话当初不一定在进行)。比如:They

9、are preparing for the New Year party these days.PresentationPresentation第第20页页【利用利用】请按要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩请按要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩写)。写)。1.The students are looking at the blackboard.(改为普通疑问句改为普通疑问句)_ the students _ at the blackboard?Arelooking PracticePractice第第21页页2.Is he writing a letter?(作必定回答作必定回答)_,he _.3.Are

10、 they doing their homework?(作否定回答作否定回答)_,they _.YesNois arent PracticePractice第第22页页1.The elephant is _(dream).2.The monkeys are _(eat).3.The lion is _(lone).4.Look!The farmers _ (work)in the field.5.Lets go to _(we)classroom.Fill in the blanks.dreamingeatinglonelyare workingourPracticePractice第第23页

11、页请依据图片内容及词汇提醒,用现在进行时写出句子。请依据图片内容及词汇提醒,用现在进行时写出句子。1.sleep_2.eat,peach_The elephant is sleeping.The monkey is eating a peach.PracticePractice第第24页页4.dream_3.play _The tiger is dreaming.The/Two cats are playing.PracticePractice第第25页页请依据括号内要求完成以下句子,每请依据括号内要求完成以下句子,每空一词(含缩写)。空一词(含缩写)。1.The monkey is eati

12、ng bananas.(改为否定句改为否定句)The monkey _ _ bananas.isnt eating PracticePractice第第26页页2.That animal is a tiger.(用用lion改写为选择疑问句改写为选择疑问句)_ that animal a tiger _ a _?3.The girl feels lonely.(就划线部分提就划线部分提 问问)_ _ the girl _?IsHow does feel orlion PracticePractice第第27页页4.The pandas are playing under the tree.(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问)_ _ the pandas _?5.The girls are washing clothes.(改为普通疑问句改为普通疑问句)_ the girls _ clothes?What are doingAre washingPracticePractice第第28页页

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