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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?第1页学习目标学习目标1.Key Vocabulary:matter,sore,throat,stomachache,foot,neck,stomach,fever,lie,rest,cough,toothache,headache,have a sore back,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,see a dentist,get an X-ray,take ones temperature,have a fever,have a headache,take breaks,in the same

2、way,go to a doctor2.掌握句型掌握句型(1)Whats the matter with you?(2)Whats the matter with her?3.能够正确描述表示身体各部位名称。能够正确描述表示身体各部位名称。4.准确表示身体种种不适,讨论健康问题,并提出合准确表示身体种种不适,讨论健康问题,并提出合理提议。理提议。第2页eararmhandlegfootheadeyenosemouthtooth(teeth)facestomachbackWhere is his neck?第3页 Look at the picture and write the correct

3、 letter a-m for each part of the body.arm back ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth h g i b j l c d k f a em1a第4页 Listen and look at the picture.Then number the names 1-5.Nancy Sarah 1 David .Ben Judy .4 3 2 51b第5页Look at the picture.What are the students problems?Make conversati

4、ons.A:Whats the matter with Judy?B:She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.She has a very sore throat now.第6页Look at the picture.What are the students problems?Make conversations.A:Whats the matter with Ben?B:He was playing soccer the other day and he hurt himself.It seemed OK at

5、first,but now he has a really sore back.He can really move.第7页Look at the picture.What are the students problems?Make conversations.A:Whats the matter with David?B:He ate too much junk food at his friends birthday party.So last night,he got a stomachache.He almost couldnt get himself out of bed this

6、 morning.第8页Look at the picture.What are the students problems?Make conversations.A:Whats the matter with Nancy?B:She didnt sleep very well last night.She has a toothache.Its terrible!She cant really eat anything either.It hurts a lot.第9页Explanation1.Whats the matter?这是问询病人病情时最惯用问句这是问询病人病情时最惯用问句,意意思

7、是思是“怎么了怎么了?”其后通常与介词其后通常与介词with连连用。类似问句还有用。类似问句还有:Whats wrong?怎么啦怎么啦?Whats wrong with you?你怎么了你怎么了?Whats your trouble?你怎么了你怎么了?Whats the trouble with you?你怎么了你怎么了?Whats up?你怎么了你怎么了?第10页2.have a cold 伤风伤风,感冒感冒,是固定词组是固定词组 表示身体不适惯用词组还有表示身体不适惯用词组还有:1.牙疼牙疼 2.胃疼胃疼 3.发烧发烧have a toothachehave a stomachacheha

8、ve a fever第11页4.嗓子疼嗓子疼,喉咙疼喉咙疼5.背疼背疼6.背疼背疼7.感冒感冒8.头疼头疼have a sore throathave a sore backhave a backachehave a coldhave a headache第12页Illness:at the doctors(在医生诊所在医生诊所)Whats the matter?I have a toothache.第13页 Whats the matter?I have a cold.第14页-Whats the matter with you?-I _have a feverhave a stomacha

9、che第15页I have a sore back.第16页I have a headache.I have a sore throat.第17页Problems:have a headache -ache headache stomachache backache toothache earacheWhats the matter?I have a第18页 soresore throatsore backsore armsore eyesProblems:have a sore throat/Whats the matter?I have a第19页Whats the matter?I ha

10、ve a headache a sore throat a coldWork in pairs:One is the doctor,the other is the patient.第20页adviceYou should see a dentist.I have a toothache.illness第21页Whats the matter with her?She has a sore throat.What should she do?She should drink some hot tea with honey.第22页Advice:You shoulddrink a lot of

11、water/hot tea with honeylie down and rest/go to bed early/stay in bed take some medicine/aspirin/Chinese herblisten to music/do some exercises第23页Advice:You shouldntdrink coffee/soda/cold drink go to work/lift heavy things eat desserts/ice-cream/sweets 第24页224315第25页2b第26页He may be at home now.第27页第28页第29页点击领读第30页第31页第32页HomeworkRecite the new words in the unit.第33页第34页

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