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1、Unit 17 Smile,please笑一笑第1页Challenge your eyes 挑战你眼睛(比比谁最快)funbelievethe River ThamesreallypassLondon EyebridgeTower BridgefunbelievepassbridgeTower Bridgethe London Eyethe River Thames第2页 London Eye 伦敦眼伦敦眼 binoculars 望远镜望远镜 fun 乐趣乐趣 any 任何一个任何一个 believe 相信相信 ship 轮船轮船 together 一起一起 some 一些一些 River T

2、hames 泰晤士河泰晤士河 Westminster Bridge bridge 桥梁桥梁 down there 下面那里下面那里 Tower Bridge 塔桥塔桥 Big Ben 大本钟大本钟 really 真正地真正地 its 它它 pass 递给递给第3页Translate1.教室里有一些孩子吗?是,有。/不,没有。2.公园里有一些足球运动员吗?3.是,有。不过街上没有一些足球运动员。4.你能看到一些农田吗?5.是,我能。教堂后面有一些农田。6.河边有一些吗?不,河边没有一些。7.你能看到一些小船在海滩上吗?8.不,我不能,不过我能看到一些小船在河上。9.电影院前有一些男人吗?10.是

3、,有。不过商店旁边没有一些男人。11.你能看到一些妇女吗?12.是,我能。商店前面有一些妇女。13.你能看到一些车在学院旁吗?14.不,我不能,不过我能看到一些车在桥上。15.有一些人在河边吗?16.是,有。不过公园里没有一些人。第4页Free-talkingT:拿出一个球或者老师单脚踮脚站立:Can you balance on your ball?/“Can you balance on your foot?”Look!I can balance on my toes as well!Can you do it?第5页Hello!Im Flora.Hello!Im Lucy.Hello!I

4、m Vikki.第6页1.Can Flora balance(平衡)on a ball?2.Who can balance on the knees(膝盖)?3.Is Vikki good at(擅长于)gymnastics?4.Is Lucy useless at(差劲于)Maths and Music?5.Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?第7页1.Can Flora balance(平衡)on a ball?2.Who can balance on the knees(膝盖)?3.Is Vikki good at(擅长于)gymnastics?

5、4.Is Lucy useless at(差劲于)Maths and Music?5.Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?Yes,she can.Flora and Lucy.No,she isnt.Yes,she is.Vikki.第8页as well第9页on ones knees第10页 smal smilewt watchblns balanceiz easydmnstks gymnasticsdm gymtens tennisdfklt difficultdrav drivespik speaktratrybe good at on ones

6、 knees take a photo ueslessmathsmusic第11页smiledogymnasticsnothing is impossible anything is possible watchtrygymmathsbalanceas wellbe good vatuselessfingertake a photomusicdifficultdriveridespeaktennis第12页Words grammar1.wt watch v.看看 watch TV see 表示结果 I can see a book.2.on ones knees 跪着 eg.I am on m

7、y knees.He is on his knees.3.be good at 擅长 eg.我擅长于英语。4.be useless at 不擅长 eg.我不擅长于音乐。5.spik speak 6.tennis-play tennis speak EnglishI am good at English.I am useless at English.第13页1.Listening to the recording,and then answer this question:1.Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?2.Can Flora balance

8、on a ball?3.Is Vikki good at gymnastics?第14页Flora:Watch this,Lucy!(祈使句)I can balance on this ball!Can you do it?Lucy:I can try.第15页第16页Lucy:Oh,yes!I can balance on a ball as well.Its easy!Look at us,Vikki!Can+动词原形as well也=(,too)宾格(me,him,her,them,you)第17页第18页Flora:Look at now,Lucy!Im on my knees!Can

9、 you balance like this?Lucy:Yes,I can do that,too.Its fun!On ones knees跪着像第19页Flora:Come on,Vikki!Can you balance on a big ball like us?Vikki:No,I cant.Youre both good at gymnastics,but Im useless.I cant do it.Be good at擅长第20页Lusy:Never mind,Vikki!You can do Maths and Music and I cant!Im useless at

10、Maths.Flora:And you can take a photo of us!Come on!Take a photo on your mobile.never mind没关系,不要紧be useless at不擅长.第21页Vikki:OK!Ready?One,two,three!Smile please!第22页今天你笑了吗?第23页第24页微笑 看保持平衡不擅长尝试简单擅长跪着单词大比拼第25页数学网球体操驾驶音乐摄影困难体育馆单词大比拼第26页/w/第27页/w /第28页我能我能 I can-英语中用英语中用 I can-表示表示 :我有能力做:我有能力做-事情事情用用 I

11、cant-表示表示 :我没有能力做:我没有能力做-事情事情普通疑问句是普通疑问句是 can you-?必定回答:必定回答:Yes,I can 否定回答:否定回答:No,I cant.第29页 do Maths do gymnastics drive a car ride a bicycle speak Chinese play tennis play football come on做数学题做体操开车骑自行车讲汉语打网球踢足球加油第30页你能骑自行车吗?你能骑自行车吗?Can you ride a bicycle?我能骑自行车,我能骑自行车,它很轻易。它很轻易。I can ride a bic

12、ycle.Its easy.Yes,I can.我不能骑自行车,它极难。我不能骑自行车,它极难。I cant ride a bicycle.Its difficult.No,I cant.第31页A:Can Lucy do Maths?B:No,she cant.A:Can she do gymnastics?B:Yes,she can.第32页A:Can Lucy do Maths?B:No,she cant do Maths,but she can do gymnastics.第33页A:Can you do Maths?B:No,I cant.Its difficult./Yes,I can.Its easy.第34页A:Can you do Maths?B:No,I cant,but I can do gymnastics.第35页A:Can you do Maths?B:No,I cant.Im useless at it./Yes,I can.I m good at it.第36页

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