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1、第1页Where is the Europe?第2页How many coutries do you know?England FranceGermanIrelandNetherlandsLuxembourgBelgiumMoroccoPolandCzech RepublicSlovakiaHungaryAustriaSwitzerlandBrazilCanadaChina第3页Do you know what are they doing?第4页Marathon/mrn/马拉松(Marathon)国际上非常普及长跑比赛项目,全程距离26英里385码,折合为42.195公里(也有说法为42.1

2、93公里)。分全程马拉松(Full Marathon),半程马拉松(Half Marathon)和四分马拉松(Quarter Marathon)三种。以全程马拉松比赛最为普及,普通提及马拉松,即指全程马拉松。第5页MoroccanMorocco 第6页Brazilian Brazil 第7页 Australian澳大利亚国花是金合欢(Golden wattle,拉丁语学名:Acacia pycnantha),是合欢花卉一个系列,按照生物学分类,金合欢花来自金合欢树,树高两米至八米不等,每年冬天和春天开花,花香浓。花可用作香精和香水制作,其枝干可用作染料制作。金合欢多年来是澳大利亚民间公认国花,

3、于1988年被正式宣告为国花依据澳大利亚外交部常年公告,截至,澳大利亚没有官方认定国鸟,也没有任何官方认定象征澳大利亚动物,但澳大利亚民间普遍把鸸鹋(emu,汉语拼音r mio)认为是象征澳大利亚鸟类,并把袋鼠认为是象征澳大利亚动物。这两种动物只会前进,不会后退,是出现在澳大利亚国徽上两大动物。Australia第8页Germany German 第9页Canada Canadian 第10页ChineseChineseChinaChina第11页International 国际 event 比赛 race 赛跑 mile 英里Runner 赛跑选手World 世界Australia 澳大利亚

4、Compete 竞争European 欧洲Impressive令人印象深刻Rank 等级Marathon马拉松赛跑Practice 练习Moroccan 摩洛哥人Brazilian 巴西人Canadian 加拿大人German 德国人Chinese 中国人Name 命名New York 纽约Country 国家第12页CanadianMoroccanBrazilianpracticeGermanChineseNew Yorkname依据英语说出汉依据英语说出汉语意思语意思.第13页runnerracemile event worldAustraliaInternationalNew York依

5、据英语说出汉依据英语说出汉语意思语意思.第14页Listen and Number第15页Watch the DVD and then answer these questions:Q1:What nationalities are the other runners in Pauls race?The other runners come from all over the world.There are Moroccans,Brazilians,Canadians,Germans,Chinese and so on.Q2:How long is the race

6、this weekend?Ten miles.Q3:Who needs practice?Paul needs practice.nationality新概念青少版1B-DVDUnit30_Lesson59_标清.flv第16页CLAIRE:How long is the race this weekend?PAUL:Ten miles.Its not very long.long-表示距离:从起点到终点。How long is this road?(也表示时间:从开始到结束。How long is your English lesson?-An hour.)第17页CLAIRE:And wh

7、os in the race?PAUL:Well,there are lots of fantastic runners.They come from all over the world.Come from表示来自第18页CLAIRE:Like who?PAUL:Well,there are some from Australia.They compete in all the European events,and theyre pete in sth在方面竞争who for example 比如哪个人第19页CLAIRE:Can you compete with them?PAUL:We

8、ll.Im not in the first rank.I can compete in this race,but its my first half marathon.Compete with sb.和竞争In the first rank,一级选手第20页PAUL:I need practice for the London Marathon next year.CLAIRE:Im sure you can do well,Paul.PAUL:Well,maybe.第21页PAUL:The other runners are really international.There are

9、Moroccans,Brazilians,Canadians,Germans,Chinese you name it!Theyre all very good.Lets wait and see!Lets wait and see,我们等着瞧吧!第22页许多表示国籍形容词以-an/-ian结尾,这些词也能够用作可数名词,表示这些国家人。复数形式是经过在后面加-s组成。如:Moroccans,Brazilians,Canadians,Germans等等.以-ese结尾表示国籍形容词,也能够作可数名词指人,不过它们单数和复数形式没有改变。如:Chinese,Japanese等等.第23页Vocab

10、ulary Practice 1.That Australian runner is very _.A.fantastic B.impressive C.international 2.Your English is very good,but you still need more _.A.practice B.language C.studies B.3.This is an international race for runners form all _ the world.C.in B.on C.over 4.Which _ do you come from?I come from

11、America.A.rank B.make C.write 5.Im sure you can _ well in the exam.A.do B.make C.write 6.Those girls _ German.A.Come from B.are C.live in 第24页1.Do the runners come from England?No,they dont.The runners come from all over the world.2.Are the runners form Australia useless?No,they arent.They are impre

12、ssive.3.Does Claire need practice for the London Marathon?No,she doesnt.Paul needs practice for the London Marathon.4.Are the other runners useless?No,they arent.They are all very good.第25页Claire:is the race this weekend?Paul:miles.Its very .How long1.Tennotlong第26页Claire:And whos the race?Paul:Well

13、,there are lots of fantastic runners.They come from the world.all overin2.第27页Claire:Like who?3.Paul:Well,there are some Australia.They all the European events,and theyre impressive.fromcompetein第28页Claire:Can you compete them?Paul:Well.Im not .I can compete in this race,but its my first half marath

14、on.with in the first rank4.第29页Paul:I need the London Marathon next year.Claire:Im sure you can do ,Paul.Paul:Well,maybe.forwell5.practice第30页Paul:runners are really international.There are Moroccans,Brazilians,Canadians,Germans,Chinese you name it!Theyre very good.Lets wait see!The otheralland6.第31

15、页Lesson 60第32页/j/yes you your young yoghurt yo-yo beyond William/but come husband hungry umbrella young第33页Sydney /sidni/悉尼第34页点击添加标题点击添加内容BrazilBrazilian/brzil/brzilin/第35页Sao Paulo/saupaulu/巴西最大城市巴西最大城市,最大工业中最大工业中心心,世界最大城市之一世界最大城市之一.第36页点击添加标题PortugalPortuguese/p:tju:gl/,p:tugi:z/第37页Berlin /b:lin

16、/柏林第38页Australian live Sydney language Brazil澳大利亚澳大利亚生活生活悉尼悉尼语言语言巴西巴西第39页Sao PauloPortugueseGermanyBerlinCanadaAmerica圣保罗葡萄牙德国柏林加拿大美国第40页SydneyliveBerlinBrazilSao PauloGerman languageCanadaAmericaPortugueseAustralianBig BenBrazilianWordlist第41页国家国家 人人Germany 德国德国 German 德国人()德国人()Korea 南韩南韩 Korean 韩

17、国人()韩国人()Switzerland 瑞士瑞士 Swiss 瑞士人()瑞士人()Britain 英国英国 British 英国人()英国人()Italy 意大利意大利 Italian 意大利人()意大利人()France 法国法国 French 法国人()法国人()Morocco 摩洛哥摩洛哥 Moroccan 摩洛哥人摩洛哥人()第42页国家国家 人人 Japan 日本日本 Japanese 日本人()日本人()China 中国中国 Chinese 中国人中国人()Portugal 葡萄牙葡萄牙 Portuguese 葡萄牙人葡萄牙人()Australia 澳大利亚澳大利亚 Austra

18、lian澳大利亚人澳大利亚人()Brazil 巴西巴西 Brazilian 巴西人巴西人()Canada 加拿大加拿大 Canadian 加拿大人加拿大人()第43页Pattern Practice 1.Whos that?/Whats his/her name?2.What nationality is he/she?3.Where does _/he/she come from?4.Is _English?5.Where does _/he/she live?6.What language does he/she speak?Bruce/AustralianAustraliaSydneyE

19、nglish第44页1.Whos that?/Whats his/her name?2.What nationality is he/she?3.Where does _/he/she come from?4.Is _English?5.Where does _/he/she live?6.What language does he/she speak?Maria/BrazilianBrazilSao PauloPortuguese第45页1.Whos that?/Whats his/her name?2.What nationality is he/she?3.Where does _/he

20、/she come from?4.Is _English?5.Where does _/he/she live?6.What language does he/she speak?Xiaomeng/Chinese China ShanghaiChinese 第46页They are Hans and Helga.They are German,they come from Germany.They live in Berlin,and they speak German.?第47页Listening 1.Where is Daisy?2.Who is ill?3.What must William do?4.What time is the flight due in?5.What is the fight number?第48页Role-playS1:Where are you?What times your flight due in?Whats the fight number?S2:Im at_ My flights due in at_.The flight number is_第49页

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