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1、Lesson 23Lesson 23A new house第1页One mans meat is another mans poison.各有所爱。Everyday English第2页Where do you want to live?buildingvillaOld house第3页第4页第5页第6页第7页第8页第9页第10页第11页第12页Lesson 23 A new houseI had a letter from my sister yesterday.She lives in Nigeria.In her letter,she said that she would come t

2、o England next year.If she comes,she will get a surprise.We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country.Work on it had begun before she left.The house was completed five months ago.In my letter,I told her that she could stay with us.The house has many large rooms and there is a very big g

3、arden.It is a very modern house,so it looks strange to some people.It must be the only modern house in the district.第13页第14页 1.yesterday,2.now 3.next year have a letter,my sister ,Nigeria,England I had a letter from my sister yesterday.She lives in Nigeria now.She will come to England next year.She

4、said that she would come to England next year.第15页第16页 now before my sister left five months ago next year 2.work on it had begun3.the house was completed 1.living in a beautiful new housecomes,will get a surprisecan stay with us4.could stay with us第17页第18页I_ from_ yesterday.She lives_.In her letter

5、,she said_ next year.If she comes,she_.We are now living in _ in the country.Work on it_ begun before she left.The house_ five months_.In my letter,I told her that_.The house has_ and there is a lovely garden.It is a very_ house,so it looks strange _ some people.It _the only modern house in the_.had

6、 a lettermy sisterin Nigeriathat she would come to Englandwill get a surprisea beautiful new househadwas completedagoshe could stay with usmany large roomsmoderntomust bedistrict第19页1have a letter from sb.2.She said that she would 3.get a surprise 4.in the country 5.be completed =be finished 6.a mod

7、ern house 7.must be 8.In the district Phrases收到某人来信她说她要.感到惊奇 在乡下被建完当代化房子一定是 在这一区里 第20页complete v.完成 vt.完成,结束 eg.The new school will be completed next year.adj.完整,全部 eg.This is a complete family.adj.十足,彻底,绝正确 eg.There is complete silence in the room.finish v.完成 finish/complete homework finish/complet

8、e doing sth 某事做完了第21页strange adj.奇怪 adj.陌生,生疏 eg.That morning,he saw a strange face in the classroom be strange to sth 对不习惯,对陌生 eg.This city is quite strange to mestranger n.陌生人 adj.不日常,奇特,奇怪,古怪 eg.The house looks strange to some people第22页第23页第24页It must be the onlyIt must be the only modern house

9、in the district.must be the only 一定是唯一一定是唯一Mr.mad must be the only person who stayed.“疯狂疯狂”先生一定是唯一留下来人先生一定是唯一留下来人了了.第25页modern a.当代;时髦to do with the present or the recent pasta modern house 当代化房子当代化房子 modern art 当代艺术当代艺术modern dancing 第26页 Text第27页have a letter from 收到来信1.I had a letter from my sist

10、er yesterday.I received a letter from my sister.=I heard from my sister.第28页said.would vs.told1.She said that she would come to England next year.她说他明年会到英国来她说他明年会到英国来.2.say(that)will said(that)would 说将要说将要3.Tell sb.to do 告诉告诉第29页3、If she comes,she will get a surprise.get a surprise 感到惊奇 (这里surprise是

11、可数名词可数名词,指“令人惊奇事,意想不到事”)eg.Its a surprise to me that they cant sell their flat.surprise也能够作不可数名词不可数名词,表示“诧异诧异”eg.She looked at the man in surprise.to ones surprise=I get a shock.令感到吃惊第30页I will have a good time tomorrow.I will go to the party tomorrow.If I go to the party,Ill have a good time.合并合并 i

12、f引导一个条件状语从句引导一个条件状语从句 当主句是普通未来时时,当主句是普通未来时时,if引导从句必须用现在时来引导从句必须用现在时来表示未来可能发生动作或存在状态。表示未来可能发生动作或存在状态。(“主主”将从将从“现现”)Grammar Focus第31页A:What do you want to be?B:I want to be a teacher.A:What will you do if if you are a teacher?B:If If I am a teacher,I willwill.A:If you do,you will.Pair workLets talkOth

13、er jobs you can talk about:doctor,nurse,bus driver,reporter,athelet,movie star,boss(老板老板),housewife(家庭主妇家庭主妇),DJ(电台音乐节目主持人)(电台音乐节目主持人),etc.第32页Have a try 用括号内所给词正确形式填空1.Im sure if he _(go)to the party,he_ (have)a great time.2.If the rain _(stop)tonight,we will go to the cinema.3.Ill buy a computer i

14、f I _(have)enough money.4.You _(not get)nervous if you _(do)enough exercise.5.If she _(be)kind to me,I _(not argue)with her.6.I want to know if he _(come)tomorrow,if he _(come),I _(give)the massage to him.7.If you _(pay)more attention to that,he _ (not get)injured.goes will have stopshave wont getdo

15、 iswont argue comes comes will give pay wont get第33页8.Mr Li will be mad if we _(break)the rules.9.If it _(be)cloudy,they _(not go)there by air.10.Please let us know if he _(arrive)tomorrow.Please let us know if he _(arrive)tomorrow.11.Shall I say“Hello”when the foreigner _(come)into the classroom?12

16、.Hell get better grades if he _(study)hard.13.If you work really hard,you _ (be)famous and rich.break is wont go will arrive arrives请告诉我们他明天是否会来。假如他明天来话请告诉我们。comesstudieswill be第34页4、We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country.(1)live指长久居住长久居住,普通不用进行时。但例句中进行时是为了强调当前居住情况。(2)country指“乡下乡

17、下”(与town相对)时,普通与the连用,而不与my等全部格形容词连用,指“祖祖国国”时则能够:eg.I enjoy living in the country.我喜欢住在乡下 My country is China.我祖国是中国第35页5、In my letter,I told her that she could stay with us.stay with是一固定搭配,表示“跟暂住在一起”短语扩展:短语扩展:stay the night 过夜 stay in 呆在家里,不外出 stay out 呆在户外,不在家,不回家 stay over 留宿 stay up 熬夜,深夜不睡 第36页

18、6、It must be the only modern house in thedistrict.(1)modern 能够指“当代当代”、“时髦时髦”eg.This car/dress looks quite modern.这辆车/这件衣服看上去很时髦 (2)district dstrkt n.地域,行政区,地域。通常隶属于某个整体或含有一些地理特征:Haidian District 北京海淀区 area er n.地段地段 第37页【Special Difficulties】There is and It is 在说明或问询人或物等存在时说明或问询人或物等存在时可用there be结构。这种结构能够用普通现在时、普通过去时、普通未来时及现在完成时等时态。在用there表示过存在后,就必须用it或人称代词作深入说明:eg.Theres a bus coming,but its full.it作为“虚主语虚主语”表示时间、距离、天气等概念时,不能用there be结构 eg.Its fifteen miles to the school.第38页

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