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1、Unit 1Workplace Manners第1页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersContentsUnit GoalsUnit GoalsLead-inLead-inListening&SpeakingListening&SpeakingReading&WritingReading&WritingLanguage in UseLanguage in UseUnit TaskUnit TaskExtended ActivitiesExtended ActivitiesFun TimeFun Time第2页英语(服务类)(职业模块

2、)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersUnit GoalsLearners should be able to understand customer requests talk about how to satisfy passenger needs read about proper workplace manners write about office manners第3页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersLead-inDo you know their workplace?Match.

3、restaurant hospital office shop plane hotelA hotel receptionist works in a _.Flight attendants work on a _.A store cashier works in a _.Waiters and waitresses work in a _.hotelplaneshoprestaurant第4页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersLead-inDo you know their workplace?Match.restaurant h

4、ospital office shop plane hotelA nurse works in a _.An office clerk works in an _.Chefs work in a_.A salesgirl works in a _.hospitalofficerestaurantshop第5页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersListening&SpeakingPart IPart IIWords and Expressions第6页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace

5、 MannersPart IListening 1Dialogue 1Role Play第7页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersListening 1Listen and number the pictures.()()()()BCD31script42A第8页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersDialogue 1What Can I Do for You?(A salesgirl is serving a customer in a shop politely.)S

6、alesgirl:Good morning,madam.What can I do for you?Customer:Yes,Im looking for a dress in size 36.Salesgirl:How about this blue one?Customer:The color is nice,but I prefer silver.Salesgirl:Sorry,madam,we dont have the right size in silver.But if you leave your phone number,Ill get in touch with you.(

7、The salesgirl takes a pen to write.)Customer:OK.Thank you for your help.Salesgirl:You are welcome.第10页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersRole PlayPractice the dialogue by using the pictures below and see if you can say more.handbagnotebook第11页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace M

8、annersPart IIListening 2Dialogue 2Role Play第12页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersListening 2Tick what the passenger needs.coffee magazine pillow water newspaper medicineCola headphones blanket script123第13页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersDialogue 2May I Have a Cup of

9、Coffee,Please?(A flight attendant is serving a passenger.)Flight attendant:May I help you,sir?Passenger:Id like something to drink.Flight attendant:Certainly.We have tea,coffee,fruit juice,Cola and water.Passenger:Id like to have a cup of coffee.Flight attendant:Yes,sir.Ill bring it for you.Passenge

10、r:By the way,can I have a pillow and a blanket?Flight attendant:Of course.Passenger:Thanks.第15页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersRole PlayPractice the dialogue by using the pictures below and see if you can say more.A:Can I help you,Madam?B:I feel a little _.Can I have some _?A:Yes,si

11、r.Here you are.B:Thanks.thirsty,tea sick,medicine 第16页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 1welcome/5welkEm/v.欢迎aboard/E5bC:d/adv.上飞机(船或车)chef/5Fef/n.厨师customer/5kQstEmE/n.用户politely/pE5laItlI/adv.礼貌地dress/dres/n.服装;连衣裙;女服size/saIz/n.尺码prefer/prI5f:/v.更喜欢Words and E

12、xpressions第17页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 2silver/5sIlvE/n.银色touch/tQtF/n.接触pillow/5pIlEu/n.枕头medicine/5medIsn/n.药headphones/5hedfEunz/n.耳机blanket/5blANkIt/n.毯子moment/5mEumEnt/n.片刻passenger/5pAsIndVE/n.乘客Words and Expressions第18页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UN

13、IT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 3fruit/fru:t/n.水果juice/dVu:s/n.汁thirsty/5W:stI/adj.口渴get in touch with 与取得联络flight attendant 空中乘务员by the way 顺便说一下Words and Expressions第19页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersReading&WritingReadingWriting第20页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Work

14、place MannersReadingPre-reading ActivityPre-reading ActivityTextTextWords and ExpressionsWords and ExpressionsMatch and DiscussMatch and DiscussTrue or FalseTrue or False第21页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPre-reading ActivityHave a discussion with your partner and tick the right wo

15、rkplace manners.wear beautiful clothes greet customers with a smile be friendly to customers follow customers everywhere make phone calls at any time be patient and keep smiling第22页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersTextGood Manners with Customerserve your customers in a fast,friendly

16、and helpful manner and they will visit you again.If you are interested in sharing this experience with us,here are some good tips:lWear clean company-issued clothes and a name tag;lGreet and serve each customer with a smile and make eye contact;lListen to customers carefully and answer each question

17、 patiently;lDeal with complaints helpfully and efficiently;lNever make any personal phone calls while serving;lNever try to argue with customers;lSay“Thank you for coming.”when customers leave.S第23页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 4workplace/5w:kpleIs/n.工作场所mann

18、er/5mAnE/n.举止wear/weE/v.穿greet/5ri:t/v.问候friendly/5frendlI/adj.友善follow/5flEu/v.跟随everywhere/5evrIweE/adv.处处patient/5peIFEnt/adj.有耐心helpful/5helpfl/adj.有帮助Words and Expressions第24页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 5visit/5vIzIt/v.造访interested/5IntrIstId/adj.感兴趣sh

19、are/FeE/v.分享tip/tIp/n.提醒issue/5Isju:/v.分配;发给contact/5kntAkt/n.接触patiently/5peIFEntlI/adv.耐心地deal/di:l/v.处理complaint/kEm5pleInt/n.投诉Words and Expressions第25页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersWords and Expressions 6efficiently/I5fIFEntlI/adv.高效地personal/5p:sEnl/adj.私人while/waIl/adv.当时候a

20、rgue/5B:ju:/v.争吵be interested in 对感兴趣name tag 名称标签share.with 与分享argue with sb 与某人争论Words and Expressions第26页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersMatch and DiscussMatch B with C and then discuss dos and donts in serving customers.Doswearcustomerslisten to a name tagmakecarefullyDontsmakep

21、ersonal callsargue witheye contactA B C第27页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersTrue or FalseTick the correct answers according to what you read in the text.T F 1.Serving customers only in a fast way can make them visit again.2.Wear company-issued clothes and a name tag when serving cust

22、omers.3.Greet each customer with a smile.4.Dont make personal phone calls while serving customers.5.Argue with customers if you feel you are right.第28页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersToday is Lindas first day to work in an office._WritingWrite about Lindas first day at a customer se

23、rvice center.Be sure to use the following words in your writing:company-issued clothes;smile;eye contact;deal with complaint;say good-bye to customers.1234She is working in clean company-issued clothes.She is serving the customer with a smile and keeps eye contact.When she deals with the complaint,s

24、he tries to help the customer.She is saying good-bye to the customer when he leaves.第29页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersLanguage in UsePart I.SpellPart Part II.II.ListenListenPart Part III.III.SpeakSpeakPart IV.ReadPart IV.ReadPart Part V.V.WriteWriteProblem SolvingProblem SolvingCu

25、lture TipsCulture Tips第30页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart I.SpellSpell out the missing words.The first letter of the words is already given.1Betty is a friendlyr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a small hotel.2Ann is a happy c_ _ _ and she always smiles.3Tom is making a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a

26、tthe front desk.4Susan always s_ _ _ _s customers with a smile.eceptionist hef omplaint erve 第31页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart I.SpellSpell out the missing words.The first letter of the words is already given.5Mr White is wearinga n_ _ _ _ _ _on his suit.6The receptionistsg _

27、 _ _ _ the customerwith a smile.7Wed better nota_ _ _ _ with ourworkmates.8The supermarketc_ _ _ _ _ _ isstanding behindthe desk.ame tagreetrgueashier第32页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart II.ListenListen and tick the food and drinks they are talking about.roast chickenBeijing Duc

28、kfried fishorange juicehot teamineral waterfried ricecoffeenoodlesscript第33页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart III.SpeakSpeak out.In pairs,practice the dialogue by using the pictures below.See if you can say more.A:Todays meal is either _ or _.What would you like,sir?B:_,please.A:

29、Here you are.B:Excuse me.I wonder if I can have another portion of _.A:Sure.Enjoy your meal.beef fish noodles fried rice beeffishFishfish第35页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart IV.ReadRead the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.1.A passenger would like to have

30、 Beijing Duck.2.The passenger feels satisfied because hecan get both chicken and fish.3.Alice is a flight attendant and she worksevery three days.4.Alice explains patiently that they do notserve the duck on the plane.5.Now she is serving meals.ABCDE第36页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace Manne

31、rsPart V.WriteWrite out the missing words to complete a story.Alice is a flight _ and she works every three days.Now she is serving meals.They _ fried fish and roast chicken today.However,a passenger asks if he can have Beijing Roast Duck.Alice explains _ to him that they do not serve the duck.The p

32、assenger then asks for both chicken and fish,and Alice meets his need immediately.The _ feels happy.attendantserve patientlypassenger第37页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersProblem SolvingPart 1Part 2第38页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 1You are a shop assistant in

33、a department store.A customer wants to buy a T-shirt for her son.Please help her out.Use the pictures below as a help.Shop assistant:Good afternoon,Madam._?Customer:Yes,Id like to buy a T-shirt for my son.Shop assistant:Oh,I see.Whats his size?Customer:Size M.Shop assistant:How about _?Customer:I do

34、nt like the color,and its out of fashion.blackyellowgreenWhat can I do for you the black one 第39页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 1You are a shop assistant in a department store.A customer wants to buy a T-shirt for her son.Please help her out.Use the pictures below as a help.Sh

35、op assistant:How about _?Customer:The style is good,but the color is too bright.Oh,that green one looks nice.Do you think so?Shop assistant:Yes,I _.Customer:How much is it?Shop assistant:75 yuan.Customer:Ill take it.Heres the money.Shop assistant:Thank you _.blackyellowgreenthe yellow onethink sover

36、y much第40页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 1You are a shop assistant in a department store.A customer wants to buy a T-shirt for her son.Please help her out.Use the pictures below as a help.Shop assistant:下午好,女士。能下午好,女士。能为您做什么您做什么吗?Customer:我想我想给我儿子我儿子买件件T恤。恤。Shop assistant:知道了,

37、他尺知道了,他尺码是多少?是多少?Customer:中中码。Shop assistant:黑色黑色这件怎么件怎么样?Customer:我不喜我不喜欢这个个颜色,而且款式也色,而且款式也过时了。了。Shop assistant:那黄色那黄色这件呢?件呢?Customer:款式不款式不错,不,不过颜色太亮了。哦,色太亮了。哦,绿色色 这件看起来很漂亮。你件看起来很漂亮。你认为呢?呢?Shop assistant:是,我是,我认为是。是。Customer:多少多少钱?Shop assistant:75元元Customer:好,我好,我买下了。拿好下了。拿好钱。Shop assistant:谢谢bla

38、ckyellowgreen第41页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 2You are a flight attendant.Passengers on the plane will have many different requests.Try your best to meet their needs politely and patiently.Conversation 1F:May I help you,sir?P:Id like something to drink.F:Sure!We have _.P:A c

39、up of tea,please.F:_.tea,coffee and fruit juice Yes,sir.Here you are 第42页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 2You are a flight attendant.Passengers on the plane will have many different requests.Try your best to meet their needs politely and patiently.Conversation 2F:May I help you

40、,sir?P:My headphones dont work well.Could you help me adjust them?F:Of course!Ill _.P:Thanks.have a try第43页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart 2You are a flight attendant.Passengers on the plane will have many different requests.Try your best to meet their needs politely and patien

41、tly.Conversation 3F:May I help you,sir?P:I feel a little cold.May I have a blanket?F:Yes,sir._.P:By the way,Id like a glass of orange juice.F:_.Here you areHere you are第44页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersCulture Tips 西方人在交流中考究“eye contact”,交谈双方要注视对方双眼。西方人士认为,说话一方“两眼直视”表示自己诚意和坦白胸怀,听话

42、一方“两眼直视”表示了自己对话题兴趣和对于对方尊重。不过,交谈时将目光转向地面或天花板,或将视线停在对方身体上任何一个部位,这些都是对对方不礼貌表现。目光交流(eye contact)第45页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersCulture Tips 商务人员或服务人员普通将自己工作名牌戴在自己左胸前。上面印有姓名、照片、所属部门、职务和头衔等信息。工作名牌工作名牌(name tag)第46页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersUnit TaskWhat can I d

43、o for you?Suppose you are a sales person in a gift shop and helps Amy and Jack to buy some birthday gifts for their friend Ben.1.Brainstorm with your group members and list out the appropriate gifts for Ben.2.A pair of sun glasses,a post card,a notebook,_,_,_,_,_,_,_.第47页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UN

44、IT 1Workplace MannersUnit Task2.In turn,group members serve Amy and Jack in the gift shop.3.Judge which of the group members has shown the best work manners.Things theylook atpriceWould Benlike it?Is it a usefulgift?How much moneydo you have?sunglassespost cardsnotebooks.第48页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模

45、块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersExtended ActivitiesPart APart BPart C第49页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart AListen and put the following sentences in the correct order.1.Greet every customer with a smile and make eye contact with them.2.Keep our counter clean.3.You should be patient and

46、 polite all the time.4.Wear a clean company-issued shirt and a name tag.5.Never argue with customers.6.Never make any personal phone calls while serving customers.413526()()()()()()script第50页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart AWorkplace Manners(Mary and Linda are talking about wor

47、kplace manners.)Mary:Im a little nervous,Linda.I almost forget what to do.Linda:Dont worry.Let me see.You wear a clean company-issued shirt and a name tag.Excellent!Mary:Thank you.Whats next?Linda:Greet every customer with a smile and make eye contact with them.Mary:Then I may ask them what I can do

48、 for them.Linda:Of course.And you should be patient and polite all the time.Mary:Yes,I remember,never argue with customers.Linda:Thats right.Try to keep our counter clean and never make any personal phone calls while serving customers.Oh,someone is coming.Smile!第51页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Wo

49、rkplace MannersPart BRead and decide the good manners in work places.Tick()in the brackets.()1.Wear clean company-issued clothes while working.()2.You can greet your customers without looking at them.()3.If the customer is wrong,you can argue with him.()4.Never make personal phone calls when serving

50、 customers.()5.Make sure your workplace is clean.()6.Be patient and polite all the time.第52页英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 1Workplace MannersPart CWrite down the missing words to sum up the workplace manners.While working,you should wear _ clothes,and put on your _.Greet and serve your customers wit

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