1、期货期权电子交易服务协议书FUTURES AND OPTIONS ELECTRONIC TRADING SERVICES AGREEMENTThis Futures and Options Electronic Trading ServicesAgreement is supplemental to the Client Account Agreemententered into by the Company and the Customer to which thisFutures and Options Trading Services Agreement is annexedwhereb
2、y the Company agrees to provide to the CustomerElectronic Trading Services which enable the Customer togive electronic Instructions and to obtain quotations andother information via computer or telephone transmission foruse on compatible personal, home or small businesscomputers, including internet
3、appliance with modems,terminals or network computers that can connect totelecommunication network (“Electronic TradingServices”). Where any conflict arises between the ClientAccount Agreement and the provisions of this Futures andOptions Electronic Trading Services Agreement, theprovision of the lat
4、ter shall prevail.本期货 期权电子交易服务协议书乃本公司与客户所订立客户账户协议书之补充文件,并从属于该协议,据此,本公司同意向客户提供电子交易服务,令客 户可透过使用相容之个人、家庭或小型商业计算机,包括装有解调器之互联网设备、可接驳电讯网络之终端机或网络计算机,以计算机或电 话传递方式发出电子指示并获取报价及其它信息(电子交易服务)。假如客户账户协议书与本协议书条文出现任何抵触,概以后者之条文为 准。 Interpretation 释义1.1 Terms defined in this Agreement have the samemeanings as in the C
5、lient Account Agreementunless stated otherwise.1.1 除非另作说明,否则本协议书所界定之词汇与客户账户协议书之词汇具有相同意义。1.2 The following expressions shall, unless thecontext requires otherwise, have the followingmeanings:1.2 除文义另有规定者外,以下词汇具有下述意义:“Login ID” means the Customersidentification, used in conjunction with thePassword, t
6、o gain access to the ElectronicTrading Services;接 达代码指客户之身份识别码,与密码一起使用,以取用电子交易服务;“Information” means any transaction or marketdata, bid and ask quotations, news reports, thirdparty analysis reports, research and otherinformation relating to financial futures contractand the futures markets;信 息指与金融期货
7、合约及期货市场有关之任何交易或市场数据、卖出及买入报价、新闻报导、第三者分析报告、研究数据及其它信息;“Password” means the Customers password,used in conjunction with the Login ID, to gainaccess to the Electronic Trading Services.密码指客户之密码, 与接达代码一起使用,以取用电子交易服务。1.3 References to “Instructions” in the ClientAccount Agreement are deemed to includeelectr
8、onic Instructions given by means ofElectronic Trading Services.1.3 于客户账户协议内提述之指示乃视作包括以电子交易服务方式发出之电子指示。2 Using Electronic Trading Services2 使用电子交易服务2.1 On the issuance by the Company to theCustomer of its Login ID and Password, theElectronic Trading Services shall be activatedand the Company shall no
9、tify the Customer.2.1 当本公司向客户发出接达代码及密码后,客户可使用电子交易服务,而本公司将知会客户。2.2 The Company is entitled to require theCustomer to place a cash and/or securitiesdeposit prior to execution of any Instructions aswill be informed by the Company from time totime.2.2 本公司有权于执行任何指示之前,要求客户按本公司不时通知之方式存 放现金及或证券作为按金。22.3 The
10、 Customer agrees: 2.3 客户同意(i) that it shall use the Electronic TradingServices only in accordance with thisFutures and Options ElectronicTrading Services Agreement, theClient Account Agreement and theinstructions and procedures as set outby the Company for the Customer tofollow from time to time;(i)
11、 只会根据本期货期权电子交易服务协议书、客户账户协议书及本公司不时要求客户依循之指示及程序而使用电子交易 服务;(ii) that it shall be the only authorized userof the Electronic Trading Services;(ii) 彼乃电子交易服务之唯一获授权使用者;(iii) that it shall be responsible for theconfidentiality and use of its Login IDand Password.(iii) 彼乃负责接达代码及密码之保密及使用;(iv) that it shall be
12、solely responsible forall Instructions entered through theElectronic Trading Services using itsLogin ID and Password and anyInstructions so received by theCompany shall be deemed to be madeby the Customer at the time receivedby the Company and in the formreceived;(iv) 彼须就使用其接达代码及密码透过电子交易服务输入之所有指示承担全
13、部责任,本公司接获之任何指示,乃视作于本公司接获时以本公 司所接获方式由客户发出;(v) that it shall immediately inform theCompany if it becomes aware of anyloss, theft or unauthorized use of itsLogin ID or Password;(v) 倘若获悉其接达代码或密码已遗失、遭偷取或擅用,须立即知会本公司;(vi) that the Company has the right tosuspend the Electronic TradingServices if an incorre
14、ct Login ID andPassword are entered on more than 5occasions;(vi) 倘若输入不正确之接达代码及密码超过5次,本公司有权暂停提供电子交易服务;(vii) that the Company may in its absolutediscretion impose restrictions on thetypes of orders, and the range ofprices for orders which can be placedthrough the Electronic TradingServices;(vii) 本公司可全
15、权就可透过电子交易服务发出之指令类 别、指令价格范围施加限制;(viii) that the Customer agrees to pay allsubscription, service and user fees, ifany, that the Company charges for theElectronic Trading Services andauthorizes the Company to debit theCustomers Account with the same;(viii) 支付本公司就电子交易服务所收取之一切订用、服务及使用费(如有),并授 权本公司于客户户口内扣
16、除该等款项;I(x) that it shall be bound by any consentthe Customer gives through theElectronic Trading Services for theCompany to provide any notices,statements, trade confirmations andother communications to theCustomer solely through ElectronicTrading Services; and(ix) 客户如透过电子交易服务同意本公司单独以电子交易服务方式向客户发出任何
17、通告、结单、买卖 确认书及其它通讯、则须受此项同意之约束;及(x) that it shall logoff the Electronicdi S i i di l(x) 彼须于每次电子交易服务完成后立即退3Trading Services immediatelyfollowing the completion of eachElectronic Trading Services Session.出登录电子交易服务。2.4 After the giving of an Instruction via theElectronic Trading Services, the Customer sh
18、allcheck via the Electronic Trading Services that itsInstruction has been correctly acknowledged bythe Company.2.4 于透过电子交易服务发出指示后,客户须透过电子交 易服务查看其指示是否已获本公司妥为认收。2.5 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Customer acknowledges and agrees that itmay not be possible to amend or cancel anIns
19、truction after it has been given through theElectronic Trading Services and that aninstruction may only be amended or cancelled ifit has not been executed by the Company. Insuch circumstances the Company will use itsbest efforts to amend or cancel the Instructionbut, notwithstanding an acknowledgeme
20、nt bythe Company in relation to the amendment orcancellation, there is no guarantee that theamendment or cancellation will occur, if theamendment or cancellation does not occur, theCustomer shall remain liable for the originalInstruction.2.5 在不局限上文之一般性原则下,客户承认及同意,透过电子交易服务发出之指示或不能修订或取消指示,但尽管本公司已认收有关修
21、订或取消之消息, 亦不能保证必定可作出修订或取消。假如未能作出修订或取消,客户仍须对原有指示承担责任。2.6 The Customer agrees that, in case the ElectronicTrading Services is not available, the Customershall place its Instructions to our company eitherin person or by telephone.2.6 客户同意倘若电子交易系统未能提供服务,客户则须亲 身或透过电话向本公司发出指示。3 Provision of Information3 信息
22、之提供3.1 The Company may convey Information to theCustomer by Electronic Trading Services. TheCustomer may be charged a fee for Informationthe Company provides that has been obtainedfrom any markets and from other third-partiesthat transmit information (collectively referredto as the “Information Prov
23、iders”).3.1 本公司可透过电子交易服务向客户传递信息。客户或需就本公 司所提供取自任何市场及传送信息之其它第三者(统称为信息供货商)之信息而缴付费用。3.2 The Information is the property of the Company,the Information Providers or others and isprotected by copyright. The Customer shall:3.2 信息乃本公司、信息供货商或其它人士之财产,受版权保障。客户不得:(i) not upload, post, reproduce ordistribute any
24、 information, softwareor other material protected bycopyright or other intellectualproperty right (as well as rights ofpublicity and privacy) without firstobtaining the permission of the ownerof such rights; and(i) 未经版权拥有人许可,上载、张贴、复制或分派受版权或其它知识产权(包括公开数据及保持私隐之权利)保障之任何资讯、软件或其它 材料;及(ii) not use the Inf
25、ormation or any partthereof other than for its own use orin the ordinary course of its ownbusiness.(ii) 于其本身用途或其通常业务运作范围以外使用该等信息或其任何部分。3.3 The Customer agrees not to;3.3 客户同意:(i) reproduce, retransmit, disseminate,sell, distribute, publish, broadcast,circulate or commercially exploit theInformation
26、in any manner without(i) 未经本公司及有关信息供应以书面明示同意,不得复制、再传送、传播、出售、分 派、刊登、广播、传阅或使用该等信息作任何商业用途;4the express written consent of theCompany and the relevantInformation Provide(s);作任何商业用途;(ii) use the Information for any unlawfulpurpose;(ii) 不得使用该等信息作非法用途;(iii) use the Information or any partthereof to establi
27、sh, maintain orprovide or to assist in establishing,maintaining or providing a tradingfloor or dealing service for trading infutures listed on the HKFE.(iii) 不得使用该等信息或其任何部分以建立、维持或提供或协助建立、维持或提供买卖于香港期交所挂牌之期货之交易场所或买卖服务。3.4 The Customer agrees to comply with reasonablewritten requests by the Company to
28、protect theInformation Providers and the Companysrespective rights in the information and theElectronic Trading Services.3.4 客户同意遵从本公司为保障信息供货商及本公司在信息及电子交易服务各自之权利而提出之合理书面要求。3.5 The Customer shall comply with suchreasonably directions as the Company may givefrom time to time concerning permitted use o
29、fthe Information.3.5 客户须遵从本公司不时发出有关获准使用信息之合理指示。4 Intellectual Property Rights4 知识产权4.1 The Customer acknowledges that the ElectronicTrading Services, and any software comprisedin it, is proprietary to the company. TheCustomer warrants and undertakes that it shallnot, and shall not attempt to, tamper
30、 with,modify, decompile, reverse engineer orotherwise alter in any way, and shall notattempt to gain unauthorized access to, any partof the Electronic Trading Services or any of thesoftware comprised in it. The Customeragrees that the Company shall be entitled toterminate this Electronic Trading Ser
31、vicesAgreement if at any time the customerbreaches, or if the Company at any timereasonably suspects that the Customer hasbreached, this warranty and undertaking.4.1 客户承认,电子交易服务及所包括之任何软件乃属本公司专有。客户保证及承诺,彼不得及不得试图窜 改、修改、解编、反编程破坏、策划或以任何其他方式予以改动,亦不得试图未经授权进入电子交易服务之任何部分或所包括之任何软件。客户同意, 倘若于任何时候客户违反或本公司于任何时候合
32、理怀疑客户已违反此项保证及承诺,本公司有权终止本电子交易服务协议书。5 Limitation of Liability and Indemnification5 法律责任及弥补之上限5.1 The Company, Associates, its agents and theInformation Providers shall not be responsiblefor any losses, costs, expenses or liabilitiessuffered by the Customer resulting fromcircumstances beyond their reas
33、onable controlincluding, without limitation:5.1 本公司、联络人士、其代理人及信息供货商无须就因 超出彼等合理控制范围之情况(包括但不限于以下各项)而令客户蒙受之任何损失、费用、开支或负债承担责任:(i) delays, failure or inaccuracies intransmission of communications to orfrom the Company through telephone,electronic or other systems that are notunder our control;(i) 透过电话、电子
34、或其它不受本公司控制之系统向本公司传 送之通讯出现延误、故障及不准确情况;(ii) delays, inaccuracies or omissions in orunavailability of research, analysis,market data and other informationprepared by Information Providers;(ii) 由信息供货商提供之研究、分析、市场数据及其它信息出现延误、不准确、 遗漏或无法取用之情况;5(iii) unauthorized access to communicationsystems, including una
35、uthorized use ofthe Customer access number(s),password(s) and/or account numbers; and(iii) 被未经授权进入通讯系统,包括未经授权使用客户上网号码、密码及 或户口号码;及(iv) war or military action, governmentrestrictions, labour disputes or closure ofor disruption to orderly trading on anymarket or exchange, severe weatherconditions and a
36、cts of god.(iv) 爆发战争或军事行动、政府限制、劳资纠纷或任何市场或交易所关闭或正常买卖受干扰、天气情况恶劣及天灾。5.2 The Customer agrees to defend, indemnify andhold the Company, its Associates, its agents andthe Information Providers harmless from andagainst any and all claims, losses, liability costand expense (including but not limited toattor
37、neys fees) arising from the Customersviolation of the Client Account Agreement(including this Electronic Trading ServicesAgreement), applicable futures laws orregulations, or any third partys right, includingbut not limited to infringement of anycopyright, violation of any proprietary right andinvas
38、ion of any privacy rights. This obligationwill survive the termination of this ElectronicTrading Services Agreement.5.2 客户同意,就因客户违反客户账户协议书(包括本电子交易服务协议书)、适用之期货法例或规定或任何 第三者权利(包括网上交易协议)、适用之期货法例或任何第三者权利(包括但不限于侵犯任何版权、违反任何所有权权利及侵犯任何私隐权)而引 致之任何及所有索偿、损失、负债、费用及开支(包括但不限于律师费),本公司、其相应代理人及信息供货商作出答辩、弥补及令彼等不受损害 而承
39、担责任(不论属侵权行为,合约或其它责任)。5.3 The Customer accepts that while the Companyendeavours to ensure the accuracy andreliability of the information provided, theCompany does not guarantee its accuracy orreliability and accepts no liability (whether Itort, contract or otherwise) for any loss ordamage from any in
40、accuracies or omission.5.3 客户承认,尽管本公司已尽力确保所提供信息可靠,但本公司不能担保其准确性,故此不会就因任何不确或遗漏而引致之损失或损害而承担责任 (不论属侵权行为、合约或其它责任)。6 Termination of Electronic Trading Services6 电子交易服务之终止6.1 The Company reserves the right to terminatethe Customers access to the Electronic TradingServices or any portion of them in its sole
41、discretion, without notice and withoutlimitation, for any reason whatsoever, includingbut not limited to the unauthorized use of theCustomers Login ID, Password and/or accountnumber(s), breach of this Electronic TradingServices Agreement or the Client AccountAgreement, discontinuance of the Companys
42、access to any Information from any InformationProvider or termination of one or moreagreements between the Company andInformation Providers.6.1 本公司保留权利,可因以下任何理由,在无须通知及不受限制下全权决定终止客户取用电子交易服务或其任何部分、该等理由包括但不限于被擅 自使用客户之接达代码、密码及或户口号码,违反本电子交易服务协议书或客户账户协议书,本公司取用信息供货商之任何信息中断, 或本公司与信息供应商之间之一项或多项协议被终止。6.2 In t
43、he event of termination by the Company, theInformation Providers, and the Company shallhave no liability to the Customer; provided,however, that if the termination is without causethe company will refund the pro rata portion ofany fee that may have been paid by theCustomer for the portion of the Ele
44、ctronicTrading Services not furnished to the Customeras of the date of such termination.6.2 假如终止乃由本公司或信息供货商提出,本公司无须向客户承担责任, 但倘若在并无任何理由下终止有关服务,本公司须按比例退还客户就计至终止之日尚未提供之该部分电子交易服务已缴付之任何费用。67 General7 一般事项7.1 In the event of any dispute between the parties,the Customer agrees that the records of theCompan
45、y (including electronic records) shallprevail.7.1 假若双方出现任何争议,客户同意以本公司之记录(包括电子记录为准)。7.2 The Company may change the terms in thisElectronic Trading Services Agreement fromtime to time by giving the Customer reasonablenotice in writing or via Electronic TradingServices.7.2 本公司可透过向客户发出合理书面通知或透过电子交易服务,不时
46、 更改本电子交易服务协议书之条款。8 Risk Disclosure 8 风险披露If you undertake Financial Futures transactions viaElectronic Trading Services, you will be exposed torisks associated with the Electronic TradingServices system including the failure of hardwareand software, and the result of any system failuremay be that your order is either not executedaccording to your Instructions or is not executed atall;如 果你透过电子交易服务进行买卖,你便须承受该电子交易服务系统带来的风险,包括有关系统硬件和软件可能会失灵的风险。系统失灵可能会导致 你的买卖不能根据指示执行,甚或完全不获执行;Due to unpredictable traffic congestion and otherreasons, Electronic Trading Services may not berelia