1、劳动合同书用人单位(甲 方)员 工(乙 方)名称:_姓 名:_地址:_身 份证号:_法定代表人(主 要负责人):_性别:_联系人:_现 住址:_联系电话:_联 系电话:_根 据中华人民共和国劳动法等有关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方按照平等自愿、协商一致的原则,达成如下协议:一、合 同期限(一)合 同期限甲 乙双方选择以下第_种 形式确定本合同期限。1.有 固定期限,从_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。2.无 固定期限,从_年_月_日起3.以 完成一定的工作为期限,从_年_月_日起至工作 任务完成止。(二)试 用期限试用期为_(试 用期包括在合同期内,如无试用期,则填写“无”)。二、工 作内容(一)乙
2、 方的工作岗位(工 作地点、部门、工种或职务)为_(二)乙 方的工作任务或职责是_(三)甲 方因生产经营需要调整乙方的工作岗位,按变更本 合同办理,双方签章确认的协议书或通知书作为本合同的附件。(四)如 甲方派乙方到外单位工作,应签订补充协议。三、工 作时间(一)甲 方实行国家规定的以下第_种 工时制度。1. 标准工时制,即每日工作_小时(不超过8小时),每周工作_小时(不超过40小时),每周至少休息一 天。2. 不定时工作制,即经区劳动行政部门审批,乙方所在岗实行不定时工作制。3. 综合计算工时工作制,即经区劳动行政部门审批,乙方所在岗位实行综合计算工时工作制。(二)甲 方由于生产经营需要延
3、长工作时间的,按劳动法第四十一条执行。四、工 资待遇(一)乙方正常工作时间(每月不超过20.92天)的工资按下列第()种形式执行,不 得低于宝安区最低工资标准。1.乙 方试用期工资_元/月;试用期满工资_元/月( _元/日)。2.其 他形式:_。(二)甲方每月_日为发薪 日,甲方至少每月以货币形式向乙方支付一次工资,不得克扣或无故拖欠乙方工资。(三)乙方加班加点工 资、假期工资及特殊情况下的工资支付按深圳市员工工资支付条例等法律法规的有关规定执行。五、劳动保护和劳动条件(一)甲方应为乙方提供 符合国家规定的劳动安全、卫生条件和必要的劳动防护用。(二)乙方从事_作业,可 能产生_职 业危害,甲方
4、采取_防 护措施,并每年免费安排乙方健康检查_次。(三)乙方有权拒绝甲方 的违章指挥,强令冒险作业;对甲方危害生命安生和身体健康的行为,乙方有权要求改正,提出批评检举和控告。六、社会保险和福利待遇(一)甲方应依法为乙方 办理社会保险。若甲方违约,乙方有权向社会保险部门投诉,请求社会保险部门依法处理。(二)乙方患病或非因工 伤负伤,甲方应按国家规定给予医疗期,并依深圳市员工工资支付条例支付病伤假期工资;甲方未为乙方办理医疗保险的,应按医疗保险的有关规定支付医疗费 用。(三)乙方患职业病、因 工负伤或因工死亡的,甲方依国家职业病防治法、工伤保险条例等有关法律法规的规定处理。(四)甲方按规定给予乙
5、方享受法定节假日、产假、年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假等带薪假期,并依法支付假期的工资。七、劳动纪律(一)甲方根据国家和省 的有关法律、法规通过民主程序制定的各项规章制度,应向乙方公示;甲方有权对乙方执行规章制度的情况进行检查、考核和奖惩。(二)乙方应自觉遵守国 家、省、市的有关法律法规和甲方依法制定的规章制度,遵守安全操作规程,按时完成工作任务。(三)乙方应自觉遵守国 家、省、市计划生育的规定。八、本合同变更(一)任何一方要求变更 本合同的有关内容,都应以书面形式通知对方。(二)甲乙双方经协商一 致,可以变更本合同,并办理变更合同的手续。九、本合同解除(一)甲乙双方提前解除 劳动合同,应当符合法
6、律法规的有关规定。符合发放经济补偿金条件的,甲方应依法向乙方发放经济补偿金。(二)甲乙双方解除本合 同后,应在3日 内办理解除劳动合同手续。十、本合同终止(一)本合同期满或双方 的劳动合同终止条件出现,本合同即行终止。(二)本合同期满前,甲 方应向乙方提出终止或续订劳动合同的书面意向。甲乙双方同意续订劳动合同的,应在本合同期满前30日内办理手续。终止劳动合同的,应在本合同期满后3日内办理相关手 续。十一、违约责任(一)甲 方的违约情形及违约责任:(二)乙 方的违约情形及违约责任:十二、争议处理甲乙双方发生劳动争议后,应先协商解决。协商不成的,可以向甲方劳动争议调解委员会申请调解;调解无效,可在
7、争议发生之日起六十日内向 当地劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁;也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决无异议的,双方必须履行;对仲裁裁决不服的,可在十五日内向人民法 院起诉。十三、双方认为需要急约定的其他事项:(内容不得违反法律法规及相关规定,可另加双方签名或盖章的附页):十四、本合同未尽事宜可合同条款与现行法律规定有抵触的,按现行法律法规执行。十五、本合同自甲乙双方签字或盖章之日起生效,涂改或未经书面授权代签无效。十六、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方盖章:乙方签名或盖章:法定代表人签名:年月日年月日说明:本合同一式二份,黄色由员工留存,白色由用人单位留存。Employing E
8、ntity (Party A): Employee (Party B):Name: Name:Address: Identity Card:Legal Representative: Gender:Contact Person: Present Dwelling Place:Telephone: Telephone:Under the provisions of such relevant laws and regulations as the P.R.C Contract Law and in line with the principles of equality, voluntarine
9、ss and consensus consultation, both Party A and Party B agree as follows:1. Contract Period(1) Contract PeriodBoth Party A and Party B determine the Contract Period by the followingperiod.1. In case that it is a fixed period, it shall commence from and terminate on .2. In case that it is a non-fixed
10、 period, it shall commence from .3. In case that it is determined by the work to be accomplished, it shall commence from , and terminate at the time when the work has been accomplished.(2) Probation PeriodThe Probation Period shall be (The probation period is included in the Contract Period; if ther
11、e is no Probation Period, “no” shall be filled in).2. Work Duties(1) Party Bs working position (working place, department, job or position) shall be respectively:(2) Party Bs work assignments or responsibilities shall be .(3) If Party A needs to make an adjustment to Party Bs position due to its bus
12、iness operation, the matter shall be handled by the method to change the Contract. Any agreements or notices sealed and confirmed by both parties shall be attached hereto as appendixes.(4) In case that Party A appoints Party B to work with any other entity, the supplemental agreement thereon shall b
13、e executed.3. Working Time(1) Party A will implement the following working hours system provided for by the State.1. Standard Working Hours System, under which Party B will work for hours everyday (not exceeding eight hours), for hours every week (not exceeding forty hours), and at least have one da
14、y off for one week.2. Flexible Time Work System, under which Party B will implement the flexible time work system for his/her position, with approval by the administrative department in charge of labor in the district.3. Comprehensively-calculated Working Hours System, under which Party B will imple
15、ment the comprehensively-calculated working hours system for his/her position, with approval by the administrative department in charge of labor in the district.(2) In case that Party A needs to extend working time due to its business operation, the matter shall be handled under Article 41 of the La
16、bor Law.4. Salary(1) The salary during Party Bs normal working time (not exceeding 20.92 days per month) shall be determined by the following method, and shall not be less than the minimum amount in Boan District.1. Party Bs monthly salary shall be yuan during his/her probation period, and yuan afte
17、r the expiration of the probation period ( yuan/day).2. Other Methods: .(2) The of every month shall be the payday, and Party A shall at least pay Party B a salary in cash per month, and shall not deduct or delay in payment of Party Bs salary without any reason.(3) Party Bs overtime pay, leave pay a
18、nd the salary payment under special circumstances shall be in compliance with relevant provisions of such laws and regulations as Regulations Regarding Payment of Salaries for Employees in Shenzhen Municipality.5. Labor Protection and Conditions(1) Party A shall provide Party B with the labor safety
19、, sanitary conditions and necessary labor protecting articles, as required by the State.(2) As Party B will engage in operation, he/she may suffer fromoccupational harm, and Party A shall take protective measures for , and arranged for Party B per year to be examined physically without payment.(3) P
20、arty B shall be entitled to refuse Party As commands violating regulations to enforce him/her to risk operation; with respect to such actions by Party A doing harm to life safety and physical health, Party A shall be entitle to require him/her to make corrections, raise criticisms and lodge prosecut
21、ion and accusation against such actions.6. Social Insurance and Benefit(1) Party A shall purchase social insurance legally for Party B. In case that Party A breaches the Contract, Party B shall be entitled to complain to the social insurance department, and request it to handle the matter legally.(2
22、) In case that Party B suffers from an illness or is injured not for work reasons, Party A shall give a medical period as required by the State, and pay the salary for the sick or injured leave under the Regulations Regarding Payment of Salaries for Employees in Shenzhen Municipality.(3) In case tha
23、t Party B suffers from an occupational illness, is injured or dies for work reasons, Party A shall handle the matter under the provisions of such relevant laws and regulations as the Occupational Illness Prevention and Treatment Law and Work related Injury Insurance Regulations.(4) Party A shall giv
24、e Party B, as required by relevant provisions, such paid leave as legal festival and holiday, maternity leave, home leave, marriage leave and funeral leave, and pay the leave pay legally.7. Labor Discipline(1) Party A shall publicize to Party B all bylaws formulated by democratic procedures under re
25、levant laws and regulations of the State and Guangdong Province; Party A shall be entitled to examine, assess Party Bs compliance with the bylaws and make rewards and punishments therefor.(2) Party B shall comply self-consciously with relevant laws and regulations of the State, Guangdong Province an
26、d Shenzhen Municipality, the bylaws formulated by Party A legally and the safety operation rules, and accomplish work task on time.(3) Party B shall comply self-consciously with the provisions of the State, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipality regarding family planning.8. Change of the Contr
27、act(1) In case that either party wishes to change relevant contents of the Contract, it shall give a written notice for such change to the other party.(2) After a consensus consultation between both parties, they may change the Contract, and follow the procedures for such change.9. Rescission of the
28、 Contract(1) Any early rescission by both parties of the Labor Contract shall be in compliance with relevant provisions of laws and regulations. In case that the conditions for granting economic compensation are met, Party A shall grant legally economic compensation to Party B.(2) After both parties
29、 rescind the Contract, the procedures for such rescission shall be followed within three days thereafter.10. Termination of the Contract(1) In case that the Contract expires or the conditions to terminate Labor Contract are met, the Contract shall be terminated.(2) Prior to the expiration of the Con
30、tract, Party A shall provide Party B with the written intent letter to terminate or renew the Labor Contract. In case that both Party A and Party B agree to renew the Labor Contract, the procedures for such renew shall be followed within thirty days prior to the expiration of the Contract. In case t
31、hat the Labor Contract is terminated, relevant procedures for such termination shall be followed within three days after the expiration of the Labor Contract.11. Responsibilities for Breach of the Contract(1) Party As Breaches and Responsibilities for Its Breaches(2) Party Bs Breaches and Responsibi
32、lities for His/her Breaches12. Settlement of DisputesAny dispute arising between Party A and Party B shall be first settled amicably. In case that such settlement fails to be reached, Party B may apply for mediation to Party As Labor Dispute Mediation Commission; In case that such mediation produces
33、 no results, Party B may apply for arbitration to the local labor dispute arbitration commission within sixty days from the date when the dispute arises; and Party B may also apply directly for arbitration to the labor dispute arbitration commission. In case that no objections are made to the arbitr
34、ation award, both party must carry out the same; in case that either party is dissatisfied with the arbitration award, the party may institute legal proceedings in the peoples court within fifteen days thereafter.13. Other maters deemed by both parties necessary to be agreed upon: (The matters shall
35、 not violate any laws and regulations and relevant provisions, and additional pages thereon signed or sealed by both parties may be attached hereto as an appendix):14. Any matter not covered by the Contract may be agreed upon separately, and in case that there is any inconsistency between the terms
36、of the Contract and the provisions of present laws, the present laws shall prefer.15. The Contract shall become effective upon the signature or sealing by both Party A and Party B, and any alteration or signature or sealing without written authorization on behalf of Party B shall not become effectiv
37、e.16. The Contract is executed in two originals, and both parties each hold one original.Sealing by Party A: Signature or sealing by Party B:Signature by Legal Representative:Dated byNote: The Contract is executed in two originals, and the one in yellow shall be reserved by employees, the one in white by the employing entity.