1、建筑与土木工程学院环境工程系给水排水管道系统课程设计(2014-2015学年 第二学期)设计题目: 城市排水管道设计 班 级: 环境工程 任课教师: 指导教师: 学生姓名: 学 号: 2015年6月20日目 录1.设计原始资料12.设计任务23.排水体制选择33.1排水系统规划设计原则33.2排水系统体制的选择33.2.1从环境保护方面来看33.2.2从造价方面来看33.2.3从维护管理方面来看44.污水管道的设计54.1在小区平面图上布置污水管道54.2街区编号并计算其面积54.3划分设计管段,计算设计流量54.4水力计算75.雨水管道的设计105.1划分排水流域和管道定线105.2划分设计
2、管段105.3划分并计算各设计管段的汇水面积105.4确定各排水流域的平均径流系数、设计重现期P、地面集水时间105.5求单位面积径流量q0105.6各管段的设计流量116.参考文献:137.设计小结:138.图纸部分131.设计原始资料(1)城市总平面图一张;(2)居住情况:人口密度为278cap/ha,卫生设备齐全,污水量设计标准186L/(capd),无集中流量;(3)城市位于我国的华北地区,冻线深度为0.5米;(4)土壤为砂粘土,地下水位距地表5米;(5)雨量资料:本地暴雨强度公式为:q= L/sha;(6)设计重现期为1a, 地面集水时间为8min;(7)当地综合径流系数为0.8。1
6、于控制。综合考虑各个因素,为了更好的保护环境,适应以后的发展,且便于污水厂的运行管理,采用分流制排水系统,即采用两个(雨水、污水)管道系统。44.污水管道的设计4.1在小区平面图上布置污水管道从小区平面图上可知该区地势倾斜,坡度较小,无明显分水线、可划分为一个排水流域。街道支管布置在街区地势较低一侧的道路下,干管基本上与等高线平行布置,主干管布置在北侧路下,基本上与等高线垂直。(见平面布置图)4.2街区编号并计算其面积将各街区遍上号码,并按各街区的平面范围计算它们的面积,列入表4-1中。表4-1 各街区的平面面积居民住宅编号12345678910面积(公顷) 1.51.31.
7、居民住宅编号11121314151617181920面积(公顷)居民住宅编号2122232425面积(公顷)划分设计管段,计算设计流量根据设计管段的定义和划分方法,将各干管和主干管中有本段流量进入的点和旁侧支管进入的点,作为设计管段的起迄点,并给检查井编上号码。 各设计管短的设计流量应列表计算。在初步设计阶段只计算干管和主干管的设计流量,如表4-2该城镇,人口密度为278cap/ha,污水量设计标准186L/(capd),则每ha街区面积的生活污水平均流量(比流量)为:表4
8、-2 生活污水量总变化系数污水平均日流量(L/s)51540701002005001000总变化系数() 表4-3 污水干管设计流量计算污水干管设计流量计算管段编号居民生活污水日平均流量分配管段设计流量计算本段转输流量(L/S)合计平均流量(L/s)总变化系数生活污水设计流量设计流量街坊编号街坊面积(hm2)比流量(L/hm2)流量(L/s)123456789105-61.18 1.18 2.3 2.712.716-72.65 2.65 2.3 6.106.10 7-84.02 402 2.3 9.36 9.36 8-96.53 6.53 2.3
9、 11.41 11.41 9-108.43 8.43 2.312.59 12.59 10-1110.1311.02 2.33.77 3.77 11-1211.54 12.12 2.3 7.51 7.51 12-113.05 13.12 2.310.44 10.44 1-2201.90.5980.8913.79 13.98 2.3 14.31 14.312-3211.30.5980.9514.4414.56 2.3 25.33 25.33 17-3 7.53 7.78 2.3 26.68 26.6816-176.72 6.72 2.3 4.09 4.09 15-165.03 5.03 2.3 8
10、.58 8.58 14-153.74 3.74 2.3 12.0712.07 13-141.78 1.78 2.315.05 15.05 4.4水力计算在确定设计流量后,便可以从上游管段开始依次进行主干管各设计管段的水力计算。一般常列表进行计算,如表4-5所示。水力计算步骤如下:1、从管道平面布置图上量出每一设计管段的长度,列入下表的第2项。2、将各设计管段的设计流量列入表中第3项。设计管段起讫点检查井处的地面标高列入表中第10、11项。3、计算每一设计管段的地面坡度(),作为确定管道坡度时参考。4、确定起始管段的管径以及设计流速v,设计坡度I,设计充满度h/D。首先拟采用最小管径mm,即查水
12、设计流速。根据Q和v即可在确定D那张水力计算图中查出相应的h/D和I值,若h/D和I值,若h/D和I值符合设计规范的要求,说明水力计算合理,将计算结果填入表中相应的项中。在水力计算中,由于Q、v、h/D、I、D各水力因素之间存在相互制约的关系,因此在查水力计算图时实际存在一个试算过程。 表4-4 最大设计充满度管径(D)或暗渠高(H)(mm)最大设计充满度()200-300350-450500-90010000.550.650700.756、计算各管段上端、下端的水面、管底标高及其埋设深度:(1)根据设计管段长度和管道坡度求降落量;(2)根据管径和充满度求管段的水深;(3)确定管网系统的控制点
13、。本题离污水厂最远的干管起点是7点,7点的埋深可用最小覆土厚度的限值确定,此地面坡度很小,较为平坦;(4)7点是主干管的起始点,地面荷载,覆土厚度等各因素,定位0.8m;(5)按照管道的连接方式,算出接下来管道的上、下端的管内底标高,水面标高及埋设深度。17管段编号长度m设计流量管径管坡流速充满度水深管底降落量高程覆土厚度地面坡度地面水面管底上端下端上端下端上端下端上端下端123456789101112131415161718一二三六七八四九十十一五1-210714.314501.7 0.60 0.540.170.43 58.85 58.74 60.69 59.76 57.46 57.15 1
14、.383 1.59 0.852-315325.334501.7 0.60 0.650.260.4358.85 58.74 59.80 58.80 57.46 57.15 1.592.039 0.365-61072.714003.0 0.60 0.550.250.49 58.8558.74 58.74 58.25 57.1557.15 2.039 2.65 06-71076.104002.8 0.60 0.650.360.51 58.85 58.74 58.25 57.74 57.15 57.152.76 2.91 1.17-81079.364003.00.60 0.650.360.43 57.
15、46 60.27 57.74 57.11 57.38 56.75 2.91 3.07 1.48-99711.414003.0 0.60 0.460.170.38 57.4660.57 60.17 58.92 57.46 58.75 3.70 1.52 0.839-109312.594003.00.60 0.650.230.3857.46 60.49 58.93 58.03 58.70 57.80 1.52 2.34 0.1610-11903.774003.0 0.60 0.650.260.38 57.4660.27 58.01 57.41 57.15 57.15 2.14 2.72 011-1
16、21877.514003.0 0.60 0.650.330.43 57.46 59.54 57.03 55.64 56.70 55.31 3.07 3.74 1.412-122310.444003.4 0.60 0.450.170.43 60.27 59.95 59.44 58.41 59.27 57.97 0.70 1.68 0.6213-1411015.054003.0 0.60 0.540.170.43 59.95 59.76 58.09 57.15 57.92 56.98 1.68 2.43 0.3514-159712.074003.0 0.60 0.650.250.32 59.76
17、59.54 57.15 56.43 56.90 56.18 2.51 3.01 0.5515-161838.584003.20.60 0.650.390.41 59.54 59.31 55.60 55.19 55.21 54.80 3.73 3.91 0.9616-17574.094001.7 0.60 0.650.260.2459.08 59.05 58.24 57.60 57.98 57.34 0.70 1.31 017-322326.684503.4 0.60 0.650.260.43 59.05 59.31 57.60 56.35 57.34 56.09 1.31 2.82 0 5.雨
19、井的地面标高。每一设计管段的长度。5.3划分并计算各设计管段的汇水面积各设计管段的汇水面积的划分应结合地形坡度、汇水面积的大小以及雨水管道布置等情况而划定。按照就近排入附近雨水管道的原则划分汇水面积,并将每块的编号、面积数、雨水流向标注在图1。5.4确定各排水流域的平均径流系数、设计重现期P、地面集水时间 当地综合径流系数为0.8,设计重现期为1a,地面集水时间为8min。5.5求单位面积径流量q0本地暴雨强度公式为q= L/shaq0= q5.6各管段的设计流量设计流量为根据设计流量查满留管的水力计算图确定各管段的管径、坡度、流速、管底标高和管道埋深。见表5-4管道起点的埋深根据根据冰冻情况
26、4128.2885.912145.171.359.7859.4457.5257.270.960.8724-252003.8428.811.6011.551.7231.0981.72353.781.3559.4459.0857.2256.940.870.7925-262304.1332.941.7013.261.9634.5377.612556.471.3559.0858.7856.9456.600.790.836.参考文献:(1) 水污染控制工程上册(2) 给排水管网系统7.设计小结:以上内容为本次课程设计的依据与计算过程,其中不足之处请老师给予纠正。通过一个学期的学习,我掌握了排水工程的一些
27、专业知识,而这次设计让我对给排水系统有了更进一步的了解,在设计过程中也遇到了很多问题,在老师的指导和同学们的帮助下,终于顺利完成了本次设计。总之,通过本次课程设计,使我巩固了已经学习的专业基础知识,锻炼了综合运用所学知识和解决问题的能力,培养了独立完成对小区的污水、雨水排水管道的设计能力,同时又加强了计算机绘图能力,真正实现了由理论向实践的过渡。最后再次感谢老师的耐心教导及在设计中给予的指导与帮助。8.图纸部分附图1附图2附图3 附图-3 请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!The origin of taxation in the United States can be traced to t
28、he time when the colonists were heavily taxed by Great Britain on everything from tea to legal and business documents that were required by the Stamp Tax. The colonists disdain for this taxation without representation (so-called because the colonies had no voice in the establishment of the taxes) ga
29、ve rise to revolts such as the Boston Tea Party. However, even after the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, the main source of revenue for the newly created states was money received from customs and excise taxes on items such as carriages, sugar, whiskey, and snuff. Income
30、 tax first appeared in the United States in 1862, during the Civil War. At that time only about one percent of the population was required to pay the tax. A flat-rate income tax was imposed in 1867. The income tax was repealed in its entirety in 1872. Income tax was a rallying point for the Populist
31、 party in 1892, and had enough support two years later that Congress passed the Income Tax Act of 1894. The tax at that time was two percent on individual incomes in excess of $4,000, which meant that it reached only the wealthiest members of the population. The Supreme Court struck down the tax, ho
32、lding that it violated the constitutional requirement that direct taxes be apportioned among the states by population (pollock v. farmers loan & trust, 158 U.S. 601, 15 S. Ct. 912, 39 L. Ed. 1108 1895). After many years of debate and compromise, the sixteenth amendment to the Constitution was ratifi
33、ed in 1913, providing Congress with the power to lay and collect taxes on income without apportionment among the states. The objectives of the income tax were the equitable distribution of the tax burden and the raising of revenue. Since 1913 the U.S. income tax system has become very complex. In 19
34、13 the income tax laws were contained in eighteen pages of legislation; the explanation of the tax reform act of 1986 was more than thirteen hundred pages long (Pub. L. 99-514, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2085). Commerce Clearing House, a publisher of tax information, released a version of the Internal
35、 Revenue Code in the early 1990s that was four times thicker than its version in 1953. Changes to the tax laws often reflect the times. The flat tax of 1913 was later replaced with a graduated tax. After the United States entered world war i, the War Revenue Act of 1917 imposed a maximum tax rate fo
36、r individuals of 67 percent, compared with a rate of 13 percent in 1916. In 1924 Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, speaking to Congress about the high level of taxation, stated, The present system is a failure. It was an emergency measure, adopted under the pressure of war necessity and no
37、t to be counted upon as a permanent part of our revenue structure. The high rates put pressure on taxpayers to reduce their taxable income, tend to destroy individual initiative and enterprise, and seriously impede the development of productive business. Ways will always be found to avoid taxes so d
38、estructive in their nature, and the only way to save the situation is to put the taxes on a reasonable basis that will permit business to go on and industry to develop. Consequently, the Revenue Act of 1924 reduced the maximum individual tax rate to 43 percent (Revenue Acts, June 2, 1924, ch. 234, 4
39、3 Stat. 253). In 1926 the rate was further reduced to 25 percent. The Revenue Act of 1932 was the first tax law passed during the Great Depression (Revenue Acts, June 6, 1932, ch. 209, 47 Stat. 169). It increased the individual maximum rate from 25 to 63 percent, and reduced personal exemptions from
40、 $1,500 to $1,000 for single persons, and from $3,500 to $2,500 for married couples. The national industrial recovery act of 1933 (NIRA), part of President franklin d. roosevelts new deal, imposed a five percent excise tax on dividend receipts, imposed a capital stock tax and an excess profits tax, and suspended all deductions for losses (June 16, 1933, ch. 90, 48 Stat. 195). The repeal in 1933 of the eighteenth amendment, which had prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol, brought in an estimated $90 million in new liquor taxes in 1934. The social s