1、中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系 别: 工程技术系 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓 名: 何飞 学 号: 05208308 2012年 4 月 15 日外文资料翻译译文CNC技术数控(NC)是可编程的自动化的一种形式。其加工设备由一系列的数字、字母和其他符号控制。这些数字、字母和符号被编成一定的格式,以便为一个特定的工步或者工作定义一个指令程序。当工作改变时,指令程序也随之改变。这种改变程序的能力使NC适应小、中批量生产。编写新的程序要比大批量调换生产设备容易的多。1.NC的基本组成部分一个数控系统包括以三个组成部分:指令编程、机械控制单元、加工设备。三者之间的关系是:程序导入
8、0%-40%,金属的数量达到80%-90%。4.数控程序一个数控程序包含一系列的能使数控机床正确加工的指令。NC程序由内置程序完成,在商品架上或者从外部资源购买。程序也可以手工或者计算机辅助编程。程序包括指令和命令,G指令定义刀具和工件间的相互运动。P指令定义主轴转速、进给速度、刀具等。T指令定义插补号和工作台或刀具的快、慢移动。S指令定义主轴转动、换刀和工件的进给等等。(1)手工编程 手工编程首先计算刀具、工件和工作台的相互位置关系。它基于工程图和制造工艺和它们的顺序。然后准备好一个表,其中包括加工特定工序所需的必要信息。例如:切削刀具、主轴转速、进给速度、切削深度、切削液、切削力、刀具或者
9、工件的相对位置和运动。有了这些信息,程序部分就准备好了。通常输出程序的纸带要先准备好。手工编程可以由懂得特定加工过程的专业人士来做,他可以理解、阅读和改变程序。因为他们熟悉机床刀具,一些有能力的,有技术的工程师通过一些编程训练就可以手工编程。然而,这项工作十分乏味、耗时。手工编程大多数情况下用于简单的点定位中。(2)计算机辅助编程 计算机辅助编程有特殊的程序语言。它决定了工件的拐角、边缘、和表面上的相关点。程序语言是和计算机交流的一种方式。编程人员用这种语言描述加工零件,而由计算机将零件程序转化为数控机床的执行指令。一些有多种特征和应用的语言都可以使用。第一种被运用的类似英语的语言叫做ATP(
11、水平,部件的复杂程度,可用的设备和电脑型号,编程中的时间和成本。因为数控中数据的输入与工件材料和加工过程有关,程序必须由有机器加工相关方面知识的加工人员或者编程人员完成。在生产开始前,程序必须被验证,或者通过CRT屏幕观看加工过程的模型,或者用不贵重的材料模拟加工,例如:铝、木材或者塑料。5.加工中心当前,许多技术更为先进的车床叫做加工中心。因为,它们除了完成常规的车削工作之外,还可以完成某些铣削、钻削工作。加工中心基本上可以认为是转塔车床和铣床的组合体。有时,制造厂商为了增加机床的多用性,还会增加一些其他的性能。6.数 字 控 制先进制造技术中的一个最基本的概念是数字控制(NC)。在数控技术
18、 TECHNOLOGYNumerical control (NC) is a form of programmable automation in which the processing equipment is controlled by means of numbers, letters, and other symbols. The numbers, letters, and symbols are coded in an appropriate format to define a program of instructions for a particular workpart o
19、r job. When the job changes, the program of instructions is changed. The capability to change the program is what makes NC suitable for low-and medium-volume production. It is much easier to write new programs than to make major alterations of the processing equipment.1.BASIC COMPONENTS OF NCA numer
20、ical control system consists of the following three basic components:Program of instructions,Machine control unit,Processing equipment。The general relationship among the three components is: the program is fed into the control unit, which directs the processing equipment accordingly.The program of i
21、nstructions is the detailed step-by-step commands that direct the processing equipment. In its most common form, the commands refer to positions of a machine tool spindle with respect to the worktable on which the part is fixtured. More advanced instructions include selection of spindle speeds, cutt
22、ing tool, and other function. The most common medium in use over the last several decades has been 1-in. -wide punched tape. Because of the widespread use of the punched tape, NC is sometimes called tape control. However, this is a misnomer in modern usage of numerical control. Coming into use more
23、recently have been magnetic tape cassettes and floppy diskettes.The machine control unit (MCU) consists of the electronics and control hardware that read and interpret the program of instruction and convert it into mechanical actions of the machine tool or other processing equipment.The processing e
24、quipment is the third basic component of an NC system. It is the component that performs useful work. In the most common example of numerical control, one that performs machining operations, the processing equipment consists of the worktable and spindle as well as the motors and controls needed to d
25、rive them.2.Types Of Control SystemsThere are two basic types of control systems in numerical control: point-to-point and contouring. In the point-to-point system, also called positioning, each axis of the machine is driven separately by leadscrews and, depending on the type of operation, at differe
26、nt velocities. The machine moves initially at maximum velocity in order to reduce nonproductive time but decelerates as the tool reaches its numerically defined position. Thus in an potation such as drilling or punching, the positioning and cutting take place sequentially. After the hole is drilled
27、or punched, the tool retracts, moves rapidly to another position, and repeats the operation. The path followed from one position to another is important in only one respect: The time required should be minimized for efficiency. Point-to-point systems are used mainly in drilling, punching, and straig
28、ht milling operations.In the contouring system, also known as the continuous path system, positioning and cutting operations are both along controlled paths but at different velocities. Because the tool cuts as it travels along a prescribed path, accurate control and synchronization of velocities an
29、d movements are important. The contouring system is used on lathes, milling machines, grinders, welding machinery, and machining centers.Movement along the path, or interpolation, occurs incrementally, by one of several basic methods. In all interpolations, the path controlled is that of the center
30、of rotation of the tool. Compensation for different tools, different diameter tools, or tool wear during machining, can be made in the NC program.There are a number of interpolation schemes that have been developed to deal with the various problems that are encountered in generating a smooth continu
31、ous path with a contouring-type NC system. They include:Linear interpolation,Circular interpolation,Helical interpolation,Parabolic interpolation,Cubic interpolation。Each of these interpolation procedures permits the programmer (or operator) to generate machine instructions for linear or curvilinear
32、 paths, using a relatively few input parameters. The interpolation module in the MCU performs the calculations and directs the tool along the path.Linear interpolation is the most basic and is used when a straight-line path is to be generated in continuous-path NC. Two-axis and three-axis linear int
33、erpolation routines are sometimes distinguished in practice, but conceptually they are the same. The program is required to specify the beginning point and end point of the straight line, and the feed rate that is to be followed along the straight line. The interpolator computes the feed rates for e
34、ach of the two (or three) axes in order to achieve the specified feed rate.Linear interpolation for creating a circular path would be quite inappropriate because the programmer would be required to specify the line segments and their respective end points that are to be used to approximate the circl
35、e. Circular interpolation schemes have been developed that permit the programming of a path consisting of a circular arc by specifying the following parameters of the arc: the coordinates of its end points, the coordinates of its center, its radius, and the direction of the cutter along the arc. The
36、 tool path that is created consists of a series of straight-line segments, but the segments are calculated by the interpolation module rather than the programmer. The cutter is directed to move along each line segment one by one in order to generate the smooth circular path. A limitation of circular
37、 interpolation is that the plane in which the circular arc exists must be a plane defined by two axes of the NC system.Helical interpolation combines the circular interpolation scheme for two axes described above with linear movement of a third axis. This permits the definition of a helical path in
38、three-dimensional space.Parabolic and cubic interpolation routines are used to provide approximations of free-form curves using higher-order equations. They generally require considerable computational power and are not as common as linear and circular interpolation. Their applications are concentra
39、ted in the automobile industry for fabricating dies for car body panels styled with free-form designs that cannot accurately and conveniently be approximated by combining linear and circular interpolations.3.Programming For NCA program for numerical control consists of a sequence of directions that
40、causes an NC machine to carry out a certain operation, machining being the most commonly used process. Programming for NC may be done by an internal programming department, on the shop floor, or purchased from an outside source. Also, programming may be done manually or with computer assistance.The
41、program contains instructions and commands. Geometric instructions pertain to relative movements between the tool and the work piece. Processing instructions pertain to spindle speeds, feeds, tools, and so on. Travel instructions pertain to the type of interpolation and slow or rapid movements of th
42、e tool or worktable. Switching commands pertain to on/off position for coolant supplies, spindle rotation, direction of spindle rotation, tool changes, work piece feeding, clamping, and so on.(1) Manual Programming Manual part programming consists of first calculating dimensional relationships of th
43、e tool, work piece, and work table, based on the engineering drawings of the part, and manufacturing operations to be performed and their sequence. A program sheet is then prepared, which consists of the necessary information to carry out the operation, such as cutting tools, spindle speeds, feeds,
44、depth of cut, cutting fluids, power, and tool or work piece ally a paper tape is first prepared for trying out and debugging the program. Depending on how often it is to be used, the tape may be made of more durable Mylar.Manual programming can be done by someone knowledgeable about the particular p
45、rocess and able to understand, read, and change part programs. Because they are familiar with machine tools and process capabilities, skilled machinists can do manual programming with some training in programming. However, the work is tedious, time consuming, and uneconomical-and is used mostly in s
46、imple point-to-point applications.(2) Computer-Aided Programming Computer-aided part programming involves special symbolic programming languages that determine the coordinate points of corners, edges, and surfaces of the part. Programming language is the means of communicating with the computer and
47、involves the use of symbolic characters. The programmer describes the component to be processed in this language, and the computer converts it to commands for the NC machine. Several languages having various features and applications are commercially available. The first language that used English-l
48、ike statements was developed in the late 1950s and is called APT (for Automatically Programmed Tools). This language, in its various expanded forms, is still the most widely used for both point-to-point and continuous-path programming.Computer-aided part programming has the following significant advantages over manual methods: Use of relatively easy to use symbolic languageReduced programming time. Programming is capable of accommodating a large amount of data concerning machine characteristics and process variables, such as power, speeds, feed, tool shape, compensation for t