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中考英语 重点难点梳理 八年级下 Unit 7-8.pdf

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1、小铝缴(币)Unit 7-Unit 8重难点梳理一、重点单词(下面为常考、常用的单词。请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。)Unit 7I未知的unknown 2.收至1receive3.大声的,响亮的loud4.毁坏;破坏damage5.惊吓的;害怕的frightened6.发现;找到;发觉discover7.令人不快的;可怕的terrible8.想知道;想弄明白wonder9.拒绝refuse io.解释;说明explainn.高兴;满意;愉快pleased12.外星人 alien13.宇航员;航天员astronaut14.山丘;小山 Mil15.探索 explore 16.灌木 bush17.

2、安静的quiat18.圆形的;球形的roun19.碰撞;相堆rash20.害怕;恐惧fear21.生物;动物creature22.羽毛 feather 23.线;线条line24.张开spreadUnit 81.闻困解I internet 2.曲锣闹潟post3.借回 5 m excuse4.夺级就。是困recently5-gSjg forever6.品剧5 agS certainly7.但居恩?旖国satisfy一8.?m relax9.福国囿while_10旗播 apology 11 past12.闫presentI3.gg hydrogen14,隔圜的wide15.彤覆?gQ shape

3、17.recommend18.(4)祠含 mix_19.四品命)eletronic technology21 software22褊舄 virus23.(他)国目箱袈哥 prepareMg 83房铜制(窗固帛(SJffi前量胭郭同倒因汨。倒倒 陶筝陶瓶期彤演明。期尼句署怨题蚂经编自皑者我 氯购阳汨能量胭)Unit 71 倨OWkeep quiet 2庖肪because of3.斐明闻常篦肩图make a terrible noise4.恐弱笳?Bin fear5.胭的僭晶glrefuse to do sth.6.谕学绘 power line 7.g 盆蚪图航mother ship8.扈照阂la

4、nding site9.晶的as soon aspossible 1。同原标嵬届 agree with11.缁夺同康圆箱箱购disagree with12.g weather balloonUnit 81 make a.po I pg i es2瓢旗 in the presentat the front 4.the Internet5.the shape of.6.雨祠自mixwith 7需雨用solar energy8.册=介鸵篇理露=介母病from place to place9.褐浦区胞篇潟m this way1 breakdown11 prepare for 12.匍熹by post1

5、3.顺闻同匐et.a reply”.涓阂的囿向小a shot time _ in a second15届和?M fail to do sth.且g 62前句回(融筑量胭券渔局旬蚂国举班的信画邕 辱自霰包口。反倒倒融胃之里般阚缴我圜笳跳用 福周举幅缭量胭不同阑句蚂)1.1 wonder what it means期因阂剧宫国&2德恩旬雪I wonder/l want to know怨+期间倒+富信+隔羯 曲尼富汨狐句以碗电胸该后豌邈汨愿2.1)Why did you run away?侮别&丝因跑貂?一Because an alien saw us and made a terriblenois

6、e.陶豹口分绛骂八曷见斤凄何综0置于八愉居 画照图2)l5m sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I hear a loud noise last nig ht,跖园 函房瘪解欧国莪24MD幽湿阑够卷星陶宽颜g回斤nm闫 唯3)Since no one else saw these aliens,!refuse to believe you.阴缢照箱筑他假祠八局里鸡八。凄胆 密阳信仙旬四:because/as/since温句。也见谷画幽宿00圈宽。钟。盅氯002愚。0导通回豫汨温旬=3甜宜短 00回宛威凰”相昌福的汨&o

7、becauseso夺胃画画圈遇福周0旬署京。凰胃属筑口宿宾佣局 混倒回宿althoug h回but,宫膝夺胃画画圈翻济口号 句卷1项3.忌忌图目倒现前G曷陵雨旬蚂,旬硅(that可叨管哈1)1 think that翻晚遴得2)1 believe that.凄阳信.3)1 ag ree that.4)1 dont think that.凄夺汲宽。夺送得5)1 dont believe that.凄夺阳信.6)1 dont ag ree that./I disag ree that凄夺回席.穗滔乡花第础5X3重霜泥圈 dont think the book is interesting/funny

8、.4.筑曲图周画舞周画句典:1)These houses are bothg reerTancTsmarf 市售房 邪网济例以图第2)While I was driving my old car J was polluting the dty.尚凄貂患凄倒唱靡画。血缭羽口。汨品购悠We know the mosquito(侬锣)very well.Mosquitoes fly everywhere.They can 1 almost all over the world,and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.No one 2 the mosqu

9、ito.But the mosquito may decide that she loves you.She?Yes,she.Its 3 that male mosquito doesnt bite and only the female mosquito bites 4 she needs blood(血)to lay eggs.She is always looking for things or people 5 she wants to bite.If she likes 6 she finds,she bites.But if she doesnt like your blood,s

10、he will turn to 7 for more delicious blood.Next time a mosquito bites you Just remember you 8 e You are different from the others!If the mosquito likes you,she lands on your body without 9 you know.She bites you 10 quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different.After she bites,you 11 a

11、n itch(隔)on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood.By the time the itching begins,she 12 away.And then what 13?Well,after her delicious dinner,the mosquito feels 14.She just wants to find a place 15 a good rest.There,on a leaf or a wall,she begins to lay eggs,hu

12、ndreds of eggs.(1.A,find B.foundC.are found D.be found.A.like B.likes C.liked D.is liked3.A.true4.A.thoug h5.A.when()6.A.whatB.trulyB.butB.whereB.whichC.untrue D.truthC.because D.soC.which D.thatC.where D.that)7A else someone C.else anyone()8.A.chooseC.are chosenB.someone elseD.anyone elseB.choseD.w

13、ere chosent)9.A.let B.lets C.letting D,to let(DIO.A.veryC.ratherr)11.A.haveC.had(加 2 A has flown C.flew(B)13A happenC.is happenedA)14A tiredC.tiredlyD)15A haveC.hadB.quiteD.soB.hasD.will haveB.fliesD.flyB.happensD.happenedB.tiringD.tireB.hasD.to haveMr.and Mrs.Black both work in a big factory.They h

14、ate their,L_because she is always borrowing thing s from them.One evening Mr.Black said to his wifeThe woman has 2 nearly everything we have.Almost every day she comes over.”“You are quite rig ht/his wife was3,toojand shes never returned most of the thing s.MMr.Black said/1 want to know why she cant

15、4 the thing s neededjike everyone else.”Because we were too 5 to her.She answered JThe next time when she asks to borrow something.Fll say no.”Its 6 to have a good reason for saying no JMr.Black saidJand we must 7 to be polite to her.”The next morning the bell 8.Mrs.Black knew their neighbor was com

16、ing to borrow something again,and she was ready to 9 her politely.“Good morning.the neighbor said.Could I borrow your garden scissors曹羽)?”Tm sorry JMrs.Black saidbut I am 10 my husband and I will use them today.We,ll be spending all day working in the garden/5“OhJ see/5the neighbor said/Well,may I b

17、orrow your golf clubs(言舔次度储)?I think you cant use them if youre working in the garden all day.”(p1)l.A.friend B.neighbor C.boss D.workmate(。2.A.borrowed B.caught C.taken D上rought()3.A.happy B.tired(A)4.A.buy B.getC.worriedC.return(二)5.A.bad B.friendly C.careful(R)6.A.popular B.difficult C.easyD.curi

18、ousD.stand D.rudeD.important(p|)7 AheIp(p)8.A.called(C)9.A.tell(L)10.A.sureB.tryB.rang B.meet B.gladC.show C.heard C.refuse C.sadD.hope D.cried D.shout D.afraid巨。阅演珥阂In 1984,US toy maker Hasbro turned the intelligent(图 胃画)robots TV stars.They appeared in China three years later.Theyve been popular f

19、or a long time.Now they are back on screen.Are you a fan of cool machine toys?Do you like cars and trucks that can change into giant robots?If so,you wont want to miss the US film Transformers(奠旃忌).The story happens millions of years ago.On a planet there are intelligent robots that can think and fe

20、el.They are called Autobots()and Decepticons(210.The Autobots are the peace loving and kind machines.However,the Decepticons are cruel.They have only one goal:to rule the planet themselves.They set out to kill the Autobots.A war between the groups of good and evil beginsThe Decepticons destroy almos

21、t everything and the Autobots have to fight bravely to survive.Things get worse.Both types of robots travel through time to get energy.Then they find earth has what they want.So the transformers begin a secret war to control earths energy.Can humans save earth?Watch the movie and find out!(Pl)1.When

22、 did the intelligent robots first appear in China?A.In 1984.Bin 1987.C.In 1997.D.In 2007.(H)2.The writer thinks that people who like_will enjoy the film Transformers.A.comedies B.machine toysC.wild animals D.computer games()3.What is the goal of the Decepticons?A.To keep the world peace.B.To kill th

23、e Autobots.C.To rule their planet.D.To destroy everything.(L)4.What does the underlined word eyilmean?B.SS C.阅海D.亚恩(zB)5.Why do the robots move their battlefeld(度胡)to earth?A.Because they want to get energy.B.Because they want to fight against each other.C.Because they love earth.D.Because humans pu

24、t them in danger.因。阅揭演图阅腐除浏阂宫。温阳宣局阑理谷相强即相圈胃管为图What will the car be like in the future?Do we still have to learn to drive cars ourselves in the future?The answer is NO.l.F.About 40 years ago,scientists from the United States started to develop self-driving cars(人人圄聪心翁)2 D.The most famous recent one w

25、as made by Google in 2009.There are cameras and radars(图遮)on the top of the car.They allow the computer in the car to draw a 3D map of the environment.3.-U.The car made a trip from Changsha to Wuhan.Is a self-driving car safe?4.B.If only 10%of cars on the street are self-driving,they will save 1,000

26、 lives(命)every year.If 90%of vehicles(箜固区同)are self-driving,21,700 lives will be saved a year.5.So it is impossible to be very popular in the near future.A.However,a self-driving car is expensive and each costs about$100,000.B.A recent study shows that robots make safer drivers than humans.C.Chinese

27、 scientists have also successfully developed a self-driving car.D.They have made g reat prog ress 侬就 these years.E.Maybe we can sit in a car that can drive itself.理。管倒好囹1.I received a letter from my efriend Jim last week.2.I f you mjx_red and yellow5you will g et thecolour orang e.3.Mary 2力应削 to tak

28、e the teachers advice andfailed the exam.4.When we were listening to the teacher5there was a|OUd_noise in the next room.5.Please _why you didnt come to school.6.When dinosaurs appeared in the film5all the children felt f_.rightened7.Please keep quuiet_childrenhavesomething important to tell all of y

29、ou.8.1 dg a,g ree with you.l think that UFO doesnt not really exist(利济).9.There are many u n_HOWn thing s that we want to explore.10.Have you seen the writers new bookr ecent?朝。期尼旬厚1.尚困守/彭局画守圉唱阑八。帽恐助跑貂了The g irl ran away fna_when shesaw the strang e man.Please return the book toMiss Li as soon as po

30、ssible.3.回针他也逐回氯。陶曲锢他于四昂盾没倒书网曲目S he g ot home late_,he missed his favouriteTV prog ram.4.阴缭仙混3鼠泡雨星。Since you havent been thereto with us!5.2圈(3偷但每口箫易明腐自阑曾ssKeeping quiet in the library shows respect tc the readers.6.购照画郃旗缭零She was practicing playing the piano throug h all the nig ht.7.陶宽画倒画招耐。他画殳圜得夺婚He didnt sleep well becaL 60 0 i the pain in his back.8.Sg 0他显制第他阕寇福随园度When I saw him yesterday,he W;ai3 playi 而_ football with other boys.9.凄济囹值给闵闵画。用用岳福疆蔻扇间While I NS writing to my mother,mybrother was cleaning the room.10.跖画7信。凌图显制因送周困留Parents were having dinner with friends at 7 last nig ht.

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