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1、七年级英语(七年级英语(JJJJ下下)教)教学课件学课件Get Ready for Summer Holiday!第1页Learning targets Key words&phrases:noon,hamburger,nature,wish,at noon,have a party Key sentences:1.Danny had a big smile on his face.2.Now I am ready for my summer holiday.3.Wish you a great summer holiday!Make a detailed plan for your trip

2、.第2页Lead inlWhat do you often do after the exam?lCan you tell something about your last school year?lHow did you feel about the past school year?第3页outdoor travelvisit my friends第4页play footballgo to the beach第5页play basketballgo on a picnic第6页 noonn.中午中午hamburgern.汉堡汉堡naturen.大自然大自然wishvt./n.希望希望at

3、 noonhave a party在中午在中午举行聚会举行聚会Words and expressions第7页Read the lesson in Page 120 and complete the tasks.1.What did Jenny and her classmates do this morning?They played a baseball game outside.2.What did they do at noon?They had a party.3.Where are Jenny and her friends going next week?They are goi

4、ng to a national park in western Canada.PresentationTask 1第8页Task 2Write true(T)or false(F).1.Jenny had a big smile on her face.2.Jenny and her friends will walk in the forest,fish at the lake,listen to the birds.3.The beach is 6 500 from kilometres away from their home.第9页Hi Li Ming!Can you believe

5、 it?Another school year is _.This morning,we played a _ game outside.We had fun together!At _,we had a party.We had _ and pop!Mr.Jones even brought donuts!Danny had a big smile _.overbaseballhamburgeron his facenoonTask 3 Fill in the blanks according to what you heard.第10页I did well in my exams.How

6、did you do?Now I am _ my summer holiday.Next week,my friends and I are going to a _ park in western Canada.We will walk in the _,fish at the lake,listen to the birds and learn more about Canadian _.We will see a lot of great things.ready fornationalforestnature第11页In August,my family will go to the

7、beach.Its 650 kilometres _ _ our home.It will be a long drive.But its my favourite place for summer._ you a great summer holiday!Write soon,Jenny Wishawayfrom第12页1.What did Jenny do on the last day of school?What is her plan for the summer?Read the lesson and match the time adverbs with the sentence

8、s.Lets Do It!This morning Next week At noon today In Augustmy friends and I are goingto a national park.we played a baseball game outside.my family will go to the beach.we had a party!第13页go to2.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Betty has big _ this summer.She _ visit her aunt and cousins

9、 in Beijing.She will stay there for two _.On the first day,they are going to _ the Palace Museum.And later,they will _ Wangfujing Street.The next day,they plan to _ the Great Wall.They _ the Wall and have a picnic near the mountains.On _,they are going to the Beijing Zoo.Betty _ to see the pandas at

10、 the zoo.She loves pandas!Its going to be a great _.planswillweeksvisitvisitwill climbFridaywishessummer第14页1.They _(go)to school tomorrow.2.He _(leave)the house at 8:00 a.m.everyday.3.She _(go)to work on weekdays.4.Jenny _(watch)a movie next Tuesday evening.5.We_(play)basketball together the day af

11、ter tomorrow.6.I (listen)to the English radio program every morning.3.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.will go leaveswill go will watch will playlisten第15页4.Imagine you will go with Jenny to the national park in western Canada.Make a detailed plan for your trip and then w

12、rite about it.On July 10,we are going to fish at the lake._ _ _ 第16页lWe will walk in the forest.lWe will fish at the lake.lWe will listen to the birds.lWe will learn more about Canadian nature.lWe will take many photos of the animals in the forest.lWe will have a picnic near the river.lWe will sing

13、songs and dance to the music together.lWe will.l.Our plan第17页【辨析辨析】介词介词at,on与与 in1.At noon,we had a party.at noon在中午在中午Language points第18页例:例:Early in the morning,I got up to catch the bus to the zoo一大早我便起床坐公共汽车到动物园。一大早我便起床坐公共汽车到动物园。My father begins work at 8:00 in the morning and stops his work at

14、4:00 in the afternoon 我父亲早我父亲早晨晨8点上班,下午点上班,下午4点下班。点下班。I bought a small gift for my mother on the morning of March 8th.在在3月月8日早上,日早上,我给妈妈买了一份小我给妈妈买了一份小礼品。礼品。第19页 句中句中drive是名词,意为是名词,意为“驱车旅行,驾车旅程驱车旅行,驾车旅程”。惯用短语:惯用短语:go for a drive 开车去兜风。开车去兜风。例:例:Would you like to go for a drive with me?你想和我一起开车去兜风吗?你想

15、和我一起开车去兜风吗?【拓展拓展】drive 作动词,意为作动词,意为“开,驾驶开,驾驶”。2.Now I am ready for my summer holiday.be ready for,相当于,相当于 be ready to do 准备好做准备好做.例:例:I am ready for the final exam.=I am ready to take the final exam.我准备好考试了。我准备好考试了。3.It will be a long drive.第20页【拓展】【拓展】wish 可作可数名词可作可数名词“祝福祝福”,惯用复数。,惯用复数。hope 作不可数名词作

16、不可数名词“希望希望”,4.Wish you a great summer holiday!wish v.希希望望;祝福祝福;想要想要。该句。该句普通用于生日和普通用于生日和过节过节“祝福祝福”,祝人好运等。,祝人好运等。wish作动词表示祝福作动词表示祝福时时,后面能够接名词或代词作宾语。后面能够接名词或代词作宾语。例:例:Wish you a great summer holiday!希望你有一个美好暑假!希望你有一个美好暑假!Wish you have a good dream.愿你有个好梦。愿你有个好梦。例:例:Best wishes for you!向你致以向你致以最最美好美好祝福祝

17、福 第21页【辨析辨析】wish与与hope区分区分【温馨提醒】【温馨提醒】hope 后接宾语从句常表示后接宾语从句常表示能够实现愿望能够实现愿望,wish后接宾语从句常表示后接宾语从句常表示不轻易实现愿望不轻易实现愿望。第22页1.我们早餐吃汉堡喝汽水。We have _ and _ for breakfast.2.你中午几点吃午饭?_ do you have lunch _?3.他打算举行聚会。He is going to _.4.希望你旅途愉快。_ you a great trip.5.我们准备好野餐了。We _ _ _ the picnic.pop hamburgersWish are

18、 ready forhave a party at noonWhenExercises一、依据汉语意思完成句子。一、依据汉语意思完成句子。第23页1.Nick did very well _ his English exam.A.in B.for C.at D.with 2.Bill _ his father to buy a new car for him.A.want B.wishes C.plans D.hopes 3.I hear our teacher will be back _ three weeks time.A.at B.in C.for D.after二、单项选择。二、单项

19、选择。第24页4.Im sorry I left the book at home.I _ it here tomorrow,I promise.A.Bring B.will bring C.brought D.brings5.We are glad to hear that the Greens _ to a new flat next week.A.move B.moved C.will move D.moves6.I _ my friends _ visit me when I am ill.A.hope;to B.wish;to C.hope;that D.wish;that第25页1

20、.Words and phrases:noon,hamburger,nature,wish,at noon,have a party2.Sentences:(1)Danny had a big smile on his face.(2)Now I am ready for my summer holiday.(3)Wish you a great summer holiday!Summary第26页1.Preview the new words and phrases in Lesson 46.2.Choose one or two sentences you like in the text to remember.3.Make your own plan for your next vacation.Homework第27页

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