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1、近现代工业遗产的新时代产业创生可能性POSSIBILITIES OF INDUSTRY REVITALIZATION IN THE NEW ERA OF MODERN INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE宋照青SONGZhaoqing上海日清建筑设计有限公司创始人、总建筑师FounderandChiefArchitectofLacimeArchitects随着大众对精神追求的浪潮崛起,近年来工业遗存建筑改造日渐成为社会关注的大热议题。2006 年,国家文物局正式颁布了在工业遗产保护史上具有里程碑意义的 无锡建议,由此,严格意义上的中国近代工业遗址建筑保护开始慢慢起步。这份宪章性文件开创性地界

2、定了“20 世纪遗产”的价值,并将长期被忽视的近代工业遗产纳入保护范畴1。2022 年北京冬奥会举行,伴随着首钢滑雪大跳台的亮相,大众对工业遗产的关注达到了顶峰,奥运健儿英姿飒爽的身影背后硕大的工业烟囱背景引发社会热议2。工业建筑改造的现代设计史距今也仅 10 余年时间,然而以北京、上海、广州、武汉、青岛等为首的工业历史较厚重的城市近年来在这个崭新的领域里硕果累累,建成一大批独具代表性的佳作,既有像北京石景山首钢园工业建筑群这类改造为各式博物馆的工业遗产改造片区,也有像上海油罐艺术中心这类非文保单位因改造合宜而广受好评的杰出案例。近代工业建筑遗产(18401949 年建成)保育与中华人民共和国

3、发展的故事背景相伴相生,在“镁光灯”下得到了大众的广泛认可。一方面,青岛啤酒厂早期建筑等一批近现代工业遗产入选第六批全国重点文物保护单位,由此受到主流关注,大量被改造成博物馆或其他公共文化建筑3。另一方面,1949 年以后建成的近现代工业建筑遗产近年面对较大的困境与局限,只有少数具有鲜明特征的遗存被纳入了文保名单,大多数工业遗存因为缺少历史积淀,较难被有关部门认可;也因为对其价值的认知存在较高门槛,大众较难对这些工业遗产产生相应的认知。基于以上意识的缺乏,大量近现代工业建筑遗产现正面临被不当改造的风险。但其天然的历史性以及较少受到文保单位的条文约束的特点,亦能使其发挥更大的社会价值,当中蕴含的

4、机遇以及经济价值尚未被社会完全了解和认知。建筑评论 Architectural Review321近现代工业遗产建筑面临的困境1.1 建筑及历史价值无法被清晰认定与定义宝鸡申新纱厂、泸州洞窝水电站、万州瀼渡电厂等项目入选第八批全国重点文物保护单位名单,从中可以看出,近代工业遗存的保护开始受到学界和有关部门的重视。该名单中近代重要史迹及代表性建筑占比约 31%,远高于第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单中 19%的占比及第七批全国重点文物保护单位名单中 17%的占比4。毫无疑问,1949 年前建成的工业建筑见证了新中国的成立,其本身既在产业发展的建设史上有着功不可没的一笔,也受到了有关部门相应的重视与

5、保护。然而,很多1949年后建成的近现代工业遗存同样对产业发展做出了卓越贡献,但其却在价值得到合理认定与评估之前便因城市更新的需要而被拆除。造成对其价值认定缺失的关键因素之一,是长期以来国内对文保单位认定标准体系的缺位。以第八批全国重点文物保护单位的评定为例,官方给出的认定标准为“价值优先、质量第一、完善体系、填补空白”,除此之外,暂无更多关于该标准的细则以及评定标准被公布。1.2 近现代工业遗产因其特性易被首选为城市更新对象受新一轮新冠疫情影响,郑州第二砂轮厂旧址被官方选址为方舱医学观察点,即便已经被纳入全国重点文物保护单位名单,也难逃被改造的风险。虽然最终改造工程在舆论关注下刹停,但这次改

6、造对于建筑的破坏程度暂时不明。回看全国范围,同样的强干预事件屡屡发生。2009 年出版的上海工业遗产实录当中收录的苏州河沿岸 100 多个工业遗产大部分已不复存在,大多数被拆改腾挪,以释放出大量土地予城市发展之用5。近现代工业遗产具有产权明晰、用地集中及容积率低等特性,同时又因其决策链条较短、土建成本较低等,被官方及房地产企业视为较容易执行的城市更新项目,在旧城开发中往往首当其冲成为被改造的对象。1.3 改造项目运营不善导致投资回报欠佳深港城市建筑双城双年展和两年一度的上海城市空间艺术季均有用城市策展的手段改造建筑、激活片区的特点。2017 年上海城市空间艺术季主展场民生码头 8 万吨筒仓,便

7、是近年一个成功的工业遗产改造再利用的案例,其通过戏剧性的改造手法将筒仓改造成主展馆,将这座因工业外移而废弃了 10 多年的工业遗产打造成为当年精彩纷呈的展览空间。但是,自2017上海城市空间艺术季闭幕后,筒仓除特定的少量展演以外,又回归长期关闭的状态。同样的现象也发生在两届深港城市建筑双城双年展的工业改造建筑浮法玻璃厂、大成面粉厂项目中。通过事件性展览改造以后的场馆往往都存在无法持续经营的问题,当场地缺乏运营思维、没有核心运维团队的投入及对产品的反复研发,较难使场馆实现自我造血,空置现象由此出现。2工业遗产建筑改造的类别与定义纵观全球范围工业遗产改造项目主要分为以下 3 种类别:2.1 展示型

8、场地博物馆、展览馆作为原本便带有产业背景特征的场地,在转化为新时代用途的过程当中,必然是讲述自身故事最为恰当的容器,所以工业遗产建筑被改造成工业类博物馆是较为常见的设计手法。如民生码头8万吨筒仓 80,000-ton Silo Warehouse of Minsheng Wharf 图虫创意 Tuchong Creatives332022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice由上海江南造船厂改造而成的江南造船博物馆;由茂新面粉厂改造而成的民族工商业博物馆;由黄崖洞兵工厂改造而成的黄崖洞兵工厂展览馆;由北京焦化厂改造而成的博物馆建筑群等众多案例。这些宝贵的工业遗产建筑以空间参与

9、展览叙述的方式,为来访者呈现了当年的场景。目前,此类场馆纯粹以展示、博物及教育功能为主,较多自上而下单向输出观点和事实。虽然其教育意义毋容置疑,但在新时代浪潮中这些工业遗产是否还存在其他的发展方式仍值得思考。2.2 文化产业型场地创意设计园区及艺术家工作室对于工业改造建筑而言,除展示外,另一个大的类别便是创意相关行业的空间转换。北京 798 艺术区前身是由苏联援建、东德负责设计建造的重点工业顶目 718 联合厂,于 1952 年筹建。时至今日,60 多万的大型创意产业园区中,不乏北京最核心的文化机构。深圳华侨城创意园也是华南片区较为知名的文化高度聚集区,场所前期均为 20 世纪 80 年代引入

10、的“三来一补”工业产业园区。这两座在千禧年后相继落成的创新型文化产业园,在当时看来是具有创新运营思维和重大突破的产品,它们都非常重视项目与社会的互动,并开始关注工业遗存改造的创生关系,而非仅将其改造为展示场所。2.3 生活文化有机体体验至上的复合空间当下,一座功能单一、结构清晰的空间场所已经无法满足大众消费的期待。新时代的工业改造以商业及个人体验为核心,尊重偶发性和不稳定性,使空间基于活动而流动,让人们参与叙事成为建构历史的一部分,而非纯粹的接收者身份。日本横滨红砖仓库这座有着百年历史的建筑,曾经是辉煌的仓储重器,在 20 世纪 80 年代被废弃,又经过 10 年时间的保护及修缮,如今成为文化


12、时兼顾社区功能,构筑出新时代的社区体验场所,便能成为商业融合社区文化的生活有机体。3.1 对工业遗产商业属性的再认识以融创 1890 项目为例融创 1890 项目作为先行的精品地产销售中心,以其材料及空间的特性作为人们共同记忆的锚点,重塑人们对社区的归属感。项目原址为极具历史价值的武汉汉阳铁厂,由晚清名臣张日本横滨红砖仓库 Red Brick Warehouse of Yokohama,Japan 图虫创意 Tuchong Creatives建筑评论 Architectural Review34之洞于 1890 年创立。初代铁厂在 1938 年抗战期间被国民政府炸毁,现址上的工业遗产为 195

13、3 年旧址重建的汉阳钢厂。这段历经 130 年的中国钢铁历史也应该得到完整地审视。融创 1890项目场地中留存的两座工业遗存“制氧车间”及“氧气装站”分别建于 20 世纪 60 年代和 80 年代,本身的历史积淀并不深厚,较难成为重要的文保单位,纯粹从建筑角度来看其价值也不高,两栋建筑分别为单层和二层砖混结构,年久失修7。但当我们将其放回汉阳铁厂的历史中来看,其作为重要事件的见证以及在先导区中精神堡垒般的存在的重要性不言而喻。融创1890开创了将工业建筑遗产改造为精品地产销售中心的先例,为自身的产业提供了具有竞争力的商业价值。其表达出的工业建筑美学、日常性与项目希望传递出的场域厚重的历史魅力完

14、整匹配,为来访者提供以往较少在其他销售中心体验到的另类感。其更侧重文化及地方性身份认同的隐性策划,也为惯常以奢华高端为特点的房地产销售策略提供了一种转型样本。融创 1890 在原有销售中心单一使用方式的基础上有了更多元的拓展,更多作为城市基地提供其他功能,如为社区、文化、展览以及党建活动提供场所,已经举办了设计展、时尚秀及摄影展等大型活动。总而言之,积极拥抱新商业场景能够使得工业建筑焕发新生,以创生性的方式实现产业升级与再利用。但业界及学界针对将工业遗产建筑改造为商业属性的研究与讨论,在深度和数量上远不及将工业遗产改造为纯文化及公共服务属性,也导致相关实践缺乏坚实的理论指导,使得社会层面的认知

15、存在缺位,故我们应该增加对于该领域整体性的研究与探讨8。3.2 回归“日常”的工业空间正义性随着后工业化社会的到来,社会从重工业化时代走向了轻盈的信息化时代,大众对于能够主动参与空间性格的塑造有了新的要求。“厚重”的历史建筑如何能够适应时代变化,转化成为回归服务大众的“日常”建筑?如何让工业遗产建筑从庄严且神秘的状态回归市民平常使用?如何将工业遗产空间从以往不平等的社会关系层面有效地释放出来,使其不再像一尊历史大型展品般束之高阁?应提升其空间正义的有效性。大卫 哈维(DavidHarvey)在其“空间正义理论”中提及讨论的关键在于紧随资本逻辑,和空间生产共同讨论正义性的问题9。即单一地从道德角

16、度批判资本,而非从其核心运作结构出发,将无法改善空间正义不足的现状,也不能适配现代节奏。现今,大众较多关注象征权力或制度核心下产生的历史建筑,工业建筑在观感上更多被认为是落后或者经济衰退的表现10。正因如此,工业建筑更应该为人们日常的生活体验或者消费娱乐活动提供合适的另类容器,重新发挥其使命价值。同时,我们应该关注到,工业建筑本身便是具有典型 20 世纪工业发展时代特征的生活符号的一部分。工业生产的结构性独大,大众的生活与其密不可分。20 世纪 50 年代进入武汉钢铁厂工作门槛较高、待遇较好,当时进入工厂工作便被人们普遍认为是拥有了“铁饭碗”。这样的环境下产生了罗中立这类成长于工人家庭的艺术家

17、,创作出父亲这样源于生活的动人画作。回溯这样的生活场景,我们很难将工业空间刻板地定义成单一的生产型载体。工业遗产不仅仅是生产发展的见证,其本身也是对应时代的文化结晶。除此之外,被动教育(Accidentaleducation)的发展也将会成为普及工业遗产保育的重要一环,使大众在不经意间对于其社会价值有更深入的思考及亲身体验的认知,相较由大型工业建筑改造成的博物馆,更容易走入民心。爱德华 索亚(EdwardW.Soja)一直强调的“三元辩证法”中提到正义具有社会性、历史性和空间性11,不仅从空间生产或权属的角度讨论,其正义性也体现在普罗大众的个体是否能够参与其中。这一“城市到社区”层级的历史认知

18、与参与,能够使得大众的空间决策权利得到提升并增加本地居民的认同。4结语就现状而言,我们距离真正意义上支持良好的工业遗产建筑改造的社会状态尚有差距。面对日益增长的现代化需求,社会已经不满足于只将建筑作为一个静态不变的单体,而是将其视为一个能够自我运作的有机体。如何使一座完成历史使命的构筑物焕发新生,实现工业遗存建筑在新时代中的逻辑重构,在符合当代审美和系统语境的同时能够与资本逻辑合理化结合,形成有效的产业创生空间联盟任重而道远,但是其将有效补充近现代工业建筑的存在合理性及持续发展性。融创 1890 项目保留原树木的围合广场 Enclosed square with original trees

19、kept of SUNAC 1890 project 山间影像 Inter-mountain352022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeWith the rise of the publics spiritual pursuit,the renovation of industrial heritage buildings has become a hot topic in recent years.In 2006,the National Cultural Heritage Administration officially promulgated the Wuxi

20、Proposal,a milestone in the history of industrial heritage protection,thus,the strict sense of the protection of modern industrial heritage in China began to slowly start.This charter document defines the value of 20th Century Heritage in a pioneering way,and brings the long-neglected modern industr

21、ial heritage into the category of protection1.In Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022,with the appearance of the Big Air Shougang,the publics attention to industrial heritage reached its peak,and the huge industrial smokestack background behind the valiant figures of Olympic athletes triggered a heated

22、 debate in the society2.The history of modern design of industrial building renovation is just over 10 years.However,in recent years,cities with rich industrial history led by Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Wuhan and Qingdao have made fruitful achievements in this new field,and built a large number of u

23、nique representative works.There are both in-dustrial heritage renovation areas such as Beijing Shijingshan Shougang Park industrial buildings group,which has been renovated into various museums,and outstanding cases such as TANK Shanghai,which has been widely acclaimed for its appropriate renovatio

24、n out of historical and cultural heritage protection sites.The conservation of modern industrial architectural heritage(built from 18401949)is accompanied by the story background of the development of the Peoples Republic of China,which has been widely recognized by the public under the magnesium li

25、ght.On the one hand,a batch of modern industrial heritages,such as the early buildings of Tsingtao Brewery,have been selected as the sixth batch of Major Historical and Cultural Sites List protected at the national level,thus attracting attention of mainstream and being largely renovated into museum

26、s or other public cultural buildings3.On the other hand,the modern industrial archi-tectural heritage built after 1949 has faced great difficulties and limitations in recent years.Only a few distinctive features of the heritage have been included in the historical and cul-tural protection sites list

27、,and most of the industrial heritage is difficult to be recognized by the relevant departments be-cause of the lack of historical accumulation.It is also difficult for the public to have a corresponding recognition of these industrial heritages because of the high threshold of recogni-tion of their

28、value.Based on the lack of consciousness above,a large number of modern industrial architectural heritage is now facing the risk of improper renovation.However,its natural history and less restricted by the provisions of the historical and cultural protection sites can also enable it to play a great

29、er social value.The opportunities and economic value contained in it have not been fully understood and recognized by the society.1 Difficulties Faced by Modern Industrial Heritage Buildings1.1 Architectural and Historical Values Cannot Be Clearly Identified and DefinedThe projects like Baoji Shenxi

30、n Cotton Mills,Luzhou Dongwo Hydropower Plants and Wanzhou Xiangdu Electric Power Plants were included in the eighth batch of Major Historical and Cultural Sites List protected at the national level.It can 首钢滑雪大跳台 Big Air Shougang 图虫创意 Tuchong Creatives建筑评论 Architectural Review36be seen that the pro

31、tection of the modern industrial heritage has begun to be valued by academia and relevant depart-ments.In this list,the proportion of important historical sites and representative buildings in modern times is about 31%,which is much higher than that of 19%in the sixth batch of Major Historical and C

32、ultural Sites List protected at the national level and that of 17%in the seventh batch of Major Historical and Cultural Sites List protected at the national level4.There is no doubt that the industrial buildings built before 1949 witnessed the founding of the Peoples Republic of China,which itself n

33、ot only played an indispensable role in the construction history of industrial development,but also received the corresponding attention and protection of the relevant departments.However,many modern indus-trial heritage built after 1949 have also made outstanding contributions to industrial develop

34、ment,but they have been demolished for urban renewal before their value can be properly recognized and assessed.One of the key factors that causes lack of value recognition is the absence of standard assessment system of domestic historical and cultural protection sites for a long time.Take the asse

35、ssment of the Eighth Batch of Major Historical and Cultural Sites List protected at the national level as an example.The official criteria for recognition is value first,quality first,improving the system and filling the gaps.Other than that,no more detailed rules and assessment criteria have been p

36、ublished.1.2 Modern Industrial Heritage Is Preferred for Urban Renewal Due to Its CharacteristicsDue to the new round of COVID-19 outbreak,the former site of Zhengzhou No.2 Grinding Wheel Factory was officially selected as a Fangcang medical observation point,even though it has been included in Majo

37、r Historical and Cultural Sites List protected at the national level,it cannot escape the risk of renovation.Althoughin the end,this renovation project came to a halt under the attention of public opinion,the extent of damage to buildings is temporarily unknown.Looking back nationwide,the same kind

38、of heavy intervention cases repeated continuously.Most of the more than 100 industrial heritages along the Suzhou Creek listed in the Records of Shanghai Industrial Heritage published in 2009 no longer exist,and most of them have been demolished and relocated to release a large amount of land for ur

39、ban development5.Modern industrial heritage is characterized with clear property rights,concentrated land use and low floor area ratio.At the same time,due to its short decision-making chain and low civil construction cost,it is regarded as an urban renewal project that is easy to be implemented by

40、officials and real estate enterprises,and is often the first to be renovated in the development of old cities.1.3 Poor Operation of Renovation Projects Leading to Poor Return on InvestmentThe Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism Architecture(UABB)and the biennial Shanghai Urban Space Art Season(SUSAS)both h

41、ave the characteristics to renovation buildings and activate the the district by means of urban curation.The 80,000-ton Silo Warehouse of Minsheng Wharf,the main exhibition venue of SUSAS 2017,is a successful case of industrial heritage renovation and reuse in recent years,which renovated the silo w

42、arehouse into the main exhibition 上海油罐艺术中心 TANK Shanghai 图虫创意 Tuchong Creatives372022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticehall through dramatic renovation techniques,turning this industrial heritage abandoned for more than 10 years due to industrial relocation into a wonderful exhibition space.However,since

43、the closing of the SUSAS 2017,the silo warehouse has been closed for a long time,except for a limited number of performances.The same phenomenon also happened in the industrial renovation buildings of the 2 sessions UABBthe Floating Glass Factory and Dacheng Flour Factory projects.After the renovati

44、on of venues through event exhibitions,there are often problems of unsustainable operation.The lack of operational thinking of the site,investment of core operation and maintenance team and repeated research and development of products make it difficult to make venues self-hematopoietic,resulting in

45、 vacancy phenomenon.2 Category and Definition of Industrial Heritage Building RenovationThroughout the world,industrial heritage renovation proj-ects could be divided into the following 3 categories:2.1 Exhibition VenuesMuseums and Exhibition HallsAs a site originally with industrial background char

46、acter-istics,it must be the most appropriate container to tell its own story in the process of being renovated into a new era application.Therefore,it is a common design technique for industrial heritage buildings to be renovated into industrial museums.For example,the Jiangnan Shipbuilding Museum r

47、enovated from Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard;National Industry and Commerce Museum renovated from Maoxin Flour Mill;Huangyadong Arsenal Exhibition Hall renovated from Huangyadong Arsenal;Museum building group reno-vated from Beijing Coking Factory and many other cases.These valuable buildings of industr

48、ial heritage present the scene of that time to visitors through the way of space par-ticipation in the exhibition narrative.At present,such venues are purely functioned as exhibition,museum and education,with more top-down one-way output of ideas and facts.Although its educational significance is un

49、doubted,it is still worth pondering whether there are other ways to develop these industrial heritages in the wave of the new age.2.2 Cultural Industry VenuesCreative Design Parks and Artist StudiosFor industrial renovation buildings,apart from display,another big category is the spatial transformat

50、ion of creation related industries.Beijings 798 Art Zone was originally built by the Soviet Union and designed and built by East Germany as the key industrial projects 718 Joint Factory,which was set up in 1952.At present time,there are some of the most core cultural institutions in Beijing in the m

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