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1、Unit 2 Part BMy schoolbag第1页第二课时Lets talk 第2页幸运大转盘第3页redWhat colour is it?第4页blueWhat colour is it?第5页green_ is it?What colour第6页brownWhat colour is it?第7页ChinaFranceItalyWhat colour is it?Do you know?Its red and yellow.Its blue,white and red.Its green,white and red.第8页Whats in it?第9页lost things 丢三落

2、四PresentationPresentation第10页星期一Monday第11页星期二Tuesday第12页星期三Wednesday第13页English booknotebooktoys第14页Look look,English book lost lost lostLook look,notebook lost lost lostLook look,toys toys lost lost lost 第15页Q1:Zhangpeng lost_.星期四Thursday A B Ca schoolbag a book four toys第16页 A B C a schoolbag a bo

3、ok four toysQ1:Zhangpeng lost_.星期四Thursday第17页schoolbagI lost my .丢失Excuse me.(打搅一下。)第18页Lost&Found失物招领Q2:What colour is it?A B C第19页Lost&Found失物招领A B CQ3:Whats in it?里面有什么?第20页Lost&Found失物招领Q2:What colour is it?A B C第21页A:I lost my schoolbag.B:What colour is it?A:Its.Practice第22页Lost&Found失物招领A B C

4、Q3:Whats in it?里面有什么?第23页Lost&Found失物招领A:Whats in it?B:An English book,two toys and a notebook.A:Here it is.B:Thank you so much.第24页 Lost card (丢失物品登记卡)Who?What?What colour is it?Whats in it?Lost and found.(失物招领)ZhangPengschoolbagblue and whiteAn English book,two toys and a notebook.第25页2:00 Lost&Fo

5、und失物招领管理员Consolidation第26页 Lost&Found失物招领notebook第27页A:Excuse me.I lost my _.B:What colour is it?A:Its _.B:Here it is.A:Thank you so much.Lost&Found失物招领notebook第28页 Lost&Found失物招领J:Excuse me.I lost my ball.Z:What colour is it?J:Its black and white.Z:Here it is.J:Thank you so much.第29页 Lost&Found失物招

6、领M:Excuse me.I lost my notebook.Z:What colour is it?M:Its blue.Z:Here it is.M:Thank you so much.notebook第30页 Lost&Found失物招领A:Excuse me.I lost my bear.Z:What colour is it?A:Its yellow.Z:Here it is.A:Thank you so much.第31页But you cant still find your things 不过你去了失物招领处,还是没找到东西What should you do?你该怎么办?第

7、32页 寻物启事I lost my(ruler/pencil/crayon).Its(blue/red/white/yellow).Its(big/short/long/small).Who can help(帮助)me?选一选,说一说第33页I hope:you can take care of your things.所以老师希望你们保管好自己东西Dont lose.别丢了。第34页If you found things,假如你发觉了东西What should you do?你该怎么做呢?Go to Lost&Found 去失物招领处 Lost&Found失物招领第35页SummaryWhats in it?-An English book,two toys and a notebook.I lost my第36页 1.建立班级Lost&Found,并设置管理员,为班级同学服务。2.熟读课文,并读给家长听。3.预习新课。Homework第37页

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