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1、Unit 5 My clothes A Lets talk第1页hatcapskirtdressshirtpantsshoes第2页Let doPut up your shirtHang up your dressTake off your hatWash your skirtPut away your pants第3页I like that/those第4页This is Amys family.This is Amys.Is this Amys mother?No,it isnt.Its Amys aunt.Is this Amys brother?Yes,it is.Are they A

2、mys parents?Yes,they are.第5页 Is this Amys bag?No,it isnt.Its Wu Yifans.Are these Wu Yifans glasses?Yes,they are.Are these Wu Yifans shoes?No,they arent.They are Amys.第6页Lets talk第7页Whats this?Its Huitailangs.No,it isnt.BackIts a hat.Is it yours?第8页Are these yours?No,they arent.Theyre Apples.BackWhat

3、 are these?They are .pants第9页Are these yours?No,they arent.Theyre Lindas.BackWhat are these?They are .shoes第10页 Are these _s?Yes,they are.No,they arent.Is this _s?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.第11页T-shirtshortsAre they in the.?第12页第13页What are they talking about?(他们在谈论什么?)A.shoes and hat B.shoes and T-shirt第

4、14页shoes第15页hat第16页What colour are the shoes?Chen Jies shoes are_.And Amys shoes are_.(pink green)第17页Amy,are these yours?No,they arent.My shoes are green.Theyre Chen Jies.your shoes你鞋子陈杰第18页Chen Jies shoes are_.And Amys shoes are_.pinkgreen第19页Amy,are these yours?No,they arent.My shoes are green.Th

5、eyre Chen Jies.第20页Are these yours?Yes,they are.No,they arent.Theyre.s.Are these.s?确认物品主人第21页Is the hat Mikes or Johns?第22页What about this hat?Is this Johons?No,it isnt.Its Mikes.第23页Is this yours?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Its.s.Is this.s?确认物品主人第24页 listen and repeat第25页 Make up your things in time.养成及时整

6、理个人物品习惯第26页make a dialogue三人一组,每人饰演一个角色,自编一组对话,可选取方框内所给备选单词,注意词汇改变。要求:语音语气正确,对话流畅,声音洪亮。第27页pen(s)ruler(s)book(s)football(s)toy(s).Its time to go home,kids.Goodbye!Bye,Mr Sheep.Is this yours?Yes,it is.Thank you.Are these yours?No,they arent.They are.s.第28页Is this yours?Is this yours?Yes,it is.Yes,it

7、is.Are these Johns?Are these Johns?No,they arent.No,they arent.Is this Chen Jies?Is this Chen Jies?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.Are these Mikes?Are these Mikes?Yes,they are.Yes,they are.第29页 1.当你想问对方“这些书是你吗?”应该说_.A.Are these books yours?B.Are these books?2.-Are these Amys?-_.Theyre Chen Jies.A.Yes,they are.B.No,they arent.第30页 1.-Is this yours?-No,it isnt.Its _.A.Chen Jie B.Amys 2.-Are these_?-No,they arent.They are Sarahs.A.your B.yours第31页homework listen and read the talk listen and read the talk 第32页

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