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新目标七年级英语(下)Unit 5 why 引导的特殊疑问 练习题含答案.docx

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新目标七年级英语(下)Unit 5 why 引导的特殊疑问 练习题含答案.docx_第1页
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新目标七年级英语(下)Unit 5 why 引导的特殊疑问 练习题含答案.docx_第2页
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1、一、根据句意和中文提示写单词。及形容词的用法1. It isnt(容易的) to learn English well.2. - Who is the(美丽的) girl in red?- Shes my sister Mimi.3. I dont like sloths(树懒)because theyre very(懒惰的).4.My grandpa has a parrot(鹦鹉).Its really(聪明的).二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。cutescarefriendinterestdanger1. The little baby is very. We all love he

2、r.2. I dont like lions because theyre.3. Dogs areto us and they are also helpful.4. Koalas are kind ofand cute.5. Lions areto all of us.三、单项选择。1.do you like this TV program? - Because its very interesting.A. WhyB. WhenC. HowD.What2.(淮北期中)My pet dog is very。He can help me find the lost key.A. lazyB.

3、shyC. smallD. smart3. My sister is very. She doesnt like to meet strangers(陌生人).A. shyB.funC.cuteD.interesting4.-What fun The Croods is!- Yeah! I like the movie, too. Its so.A. boringB. scaryC. interestingD. sad5. Susan is very to me. We areA. friend; friend B. friendly; friend C. friendly; friends

4、D.friendly; friendly四、根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.“你为什么喜欢熊猫呢?”“因为它们有点有趣。”-you like?-theyreinteresting.2.“为什么你姐姐喜欢狗呢?”“因为它们非常可爱。”-your sister like dogs?-theyre very.3.“为什么你不喜欢老虎呢?”“因为它们真的很吓人。”-do you like?-theyre.4.“这些狮子来自哪里?”“它们来自南非。”Wherethe lions?- They.重难点1 kind的用法1. There are manyanimals in the zoo. Mos

5、t of them arecute.A. kind of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of C. kinds of; kind of D.kind of; kinds of2.我不喜欢这种节目。I dont likeshow.3.这家商店里有各种各样的服装。There areclothes in this shop.4.“你为什么不喜欢这些狗?”“因为它们有点儿吓人。”-like these dogs?- Because they arescary.重难点2 sleepy/sleep/go to bed辨析1.Paul didntwell last night an

6、d now he feels very.A. sleep; sleepyB. sleepy; sleepC. sleep;sleepD. sleepy; sleepy2.在周末我的弟弟可以睡一整天。My brother canon weekends.3.该睡觉了。Its time.重难点3 get lost的用法1. Elephants have a good memory. They can walk for a long time and never.A. get worriedB. get madC. get lostD.get angry2. - Im afraid we.- Dont

7、 worry. I think the map can help us.A. get out B. cut downC. get lostD. eat out3.我的奶奶经常迷路,所以我必须帮助她。My grandma often,So I have to help her.重难点4 be in (great) danger的用法1. The boy is in the river. He cant go out, so hes.We must save him.A. on timeB. in danger C. at nightD. on weekends2.这些动物正面临巨大危险。Thes

8、e animals are.3.这趟航班的所有乘客正处于危险之中。All the passengers in the flight are.重难点5cut down的用法1. Our contry is taking action toair pollution.A. cut downB. cut upC. cut inD. cut off2.(淮北期中)-Why do youthetree?-I want to make a desk for my son.A. help withB. talk aboutC. arrive atD. cut down3.这条裙子太贵了。你可以把价格降一下吗

9、?The skirt is too expensive. Can you?4.这棵树挡着路了,我想把它砍了。The tree is in the way and I want to.答案:一、1. easy 2. beautiful 3. lazy 4. smart二、1.cute2. scary 3. friendly 4. interesting5. dangerous三、1.A句意:“你为什么喜欢这个电视节目?”“因为它很有趣。”答语用because回答,则问句用why提问。2.D句意:我的宠物狗非常聪明。他可以帮我找到丢失的钥匙。3.A句意:我的妹妹很害羞。她不喜欢见陌生人。shy害羞

10、的;fun有趣的;cute可爱的;interesting有趣的。4.C句意:“(疯狂原始人)多么有趣呀!”“是呀!我也喜欢这部电影。它如此有趣。”boring无聊的;scary恐怖的;interesting有趣的;sad悲伤的。5.C句意:Susan她对我很友好。我们是朋友。friendly友好的;be friendly to对很友好;friend朋友。四、1.Why do;pandas; Because; kind of2.Why does;Because; cute3. Why dont; tigers; Because;reallyscary4. are; from; are from

11、South Africa重难点11C句意:动物园里有许多种动物。它们中的大部分有点可爱。kind of意为“有点儿;稍微”,用来修饰形容词; kinds of意为“各种各样的”,后跟名词。根据animals可知,第一空使用kinds of;根据cute一词可知,第二空应使用kind of。2. this kind of3. all kinds of4. Why dont you; kind of重难点21A句意:Paul昨天晚上没有睡好,现在他感到很困倦。sleep动词,意为“睡觉”;sleepy形容词,意为“困倦的”。前一个分句缺少谓语动词,因此用sleep;后一个分句系动词feels后缺形

12、容词作表语,故应用sleepy。2. sleep all day 3. to go to bed重难点31.C句意:大象的记忆力很好。它们能走很长一段时间,从不迷路。get worried变得焦虑;get mad变得恼怒;get lost迷路;get angry生气。题干中提到了“大象记忆力很好”,由此可推断,它们可以走很长时间,从不迷路,故get lost符合题意。2.C句意:“恐怕我们迷路了。”“不用担心。我认为地图能帮我们。”get out出去; cut down砍倒;get lost迷路; eat out出去吃饭。根据答语可推断,符合题意的短语是get lost。3. gets los

13、t重难点41.B句意:男孩在河里。他出不来了,因此他很危险。我们必须救他。on time按时;indanger处于危险之中;at night在夜间;on weekends在周末。2. in great danger3. in danger重难点51.A句意:我们国家正采取行动来减少空气污染。Cut down减少,砍倒;cut up切碎; cut in打断;cut off切断。2.D句意:“你为什么砍这棵树?”“我想给我儿子做张桌子。”help with帮助做;talk about讨论;arrive at到达;cut down砍伐。3. cut down the price/cut the price down4. cut it down

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