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新目标八年级英语(下) Unit 5 过去进行时 练习题含答案.docx

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1、一、用when或while填空。1. My cousin came inwe were watching TV.2.I arrived in Shanghai, it was already half past ten.3.I was reading, Mom fell asleep.4.she was reading the paper, he was cleaning the kitchen.5. It was rainingwe got off the bus yesterday morning.二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. When I(arrive)in Guangdon

2、g, it was dark.2. Whatyou( do)when your father came back?3. While my brother( watch) the football match on TV, I was listening to music.4. Tom(read) a book at 8:00 lastnight.5. The children were busy( clean) up the school.三、单项选择。1.did the rainstorm come?- While wea physics lesson yesterday.A. When;

3、have had B. While; are having C. When; were having D. While; have2. - Hi, I didnt see you at Johns birthday party last night.- Oh,Ithe book report at that time.A. prepared for B. prepare forC. am preparing for D. was preparing for3. Lucyher friends the whole morning, but they didnt show up.A. expect

4、sB. will expectC. is expectingD. was expecting4. -Didnt you hear Dad call you?- No, I didnt. Iwith Jack on the phone.A. am talkingB. would talkC. have talkedD. was talking5.- Oh! Whats wrong with your finger? - I hurt it while Ia model plane.A. will makeB. was makingC. am makingD. make6. - I saw you

5、r light still on at 11 oclock last night.- Oh,Ian interesting talk show at that time.A. watchB. watchedC. am watchingD. was watching7. - I went to your home yesterday morning, but you werent in.- Well, Ialong the river at that time.A. walkedB. was walkingC. am walkingD. have walked重难点1 sleepy与sleep的

6、用法1. Be quiet! The patients(sleep).2.(宿迁中考)Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels(sleep).3. Go to the sofa and have a good(sleep).重难点2 pick up的用法1.(凉山中考)On my way home, my friend Bill came by in his car andpicked me up.A. ran after meB. looked for meC. gave me a rideD. cheered me up2.吉姆!我的手机

7、响了。请帮我接一下。Jim! My phone is ringing.for me, please.3.他拿起字典开始查新单词。Heand began to look up the new words.重难点3现在分词作伴随状语的用法1. He sat in the armchair,(read) a newspaper.2. All night long he lay awake,(think) hard about the problem.3.(攀枝花中考)The Monkey King can make72 changes to his shape and size,himself in

8、to different animals and objects.A. turnedB. to turnC. turningD.turn重难点4 with的用法1. -Im thirsty. Id like a glass of orange juice. What about you, Dad?- I prefer a cup of coffeenothing added.2. I bought some flowersmy mom my best wishes on her birthday.3. He carried an umbrella and came in.(同义句转换)He c

9、ame inan umbrella in his hand.重难点5 remember/forget to do的用法1. To live a low-carbon life, we must remember(turn off ) the lights when we leave the room.2. Please tell the students not to forget( pass)the digital products to the teachers before the exam.重难点6 against的用法1. The man kept fightingillness.2

10、.他感到很累,背靠窗户坐了一会儿。He felt very tired andthe window for a while.重难点7 “the rest of .”主谓一致的用法1. Some of the books are mine. The rest of them(be) Lucys.2. The rest of water in the bottle( seem) to be very dirty.重难点8 rise与raise的用法1. As we all know, the sunin the east.2. Pleaseyour hand to answer my questi

11、on.3. The volunteers oftenmoney for the poor children.4. My mothera pet in the garden.答案:过去进行时一、1. while 2. When 3. While 4. While 5. when二、1. arrived 2. were; doing 3. was watching 4. was reading 5. cleaning三、1.C问句中的come是短暂性动词,应由when来引导。答语是while引导的时间状语从句,应用过去进行时。2.D句意:“嗨,昨天晚上在约翰的生日聚会上我没有看到你。”“哦,那时我

12、正在准备读书报告。”由时间last night可知答语用过去时,排除B和C;由at that time可知是过去的具体时刻,故用过去进行时。3.D句意:露西整个早上都在等她的朋友,但他们没有出现。根据下文didnt show up可知此处应用过去时态。4.D句意:“难道你没有听到爸爸叫你吗?”“对,我没有听到。我刚才在和杰克打电话。”根据问句及答语中“No,I didnt. ”可知暗指“爸爸叫我时我正在打电话”,故用过去进行时。5.B句意:“哦!你的手指怎么了?”“我在做飞机模型的时候弄伤的。”while为连词,意为“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句,主句为一般过去时,从句用过去进行时(was/

13、were +动词-ing)。根据上下文可知,手指应该是过去受伤的,故做飞机模型应该用过去进行时。6.D句意:“昨晚11点钟我看见你的灯仍然亮着。”“哦,那时我正观看一个有趣的谈话节目呢。”结合上文的at ll oclock last night和答语中at that time可知询问的是过去某个时间所做的事情,故需用过去进行时。7.B句意:“我昨天早上去你家,但是你不在。”重难点11. 1.are sleeping 2. sleepy 3. Sleep重难点21.C句意:在我回家的路上,我的朋友比尔开车从旁边经过并带上了我。run after me意为“追我”;look for me意为“找我

14、”;give me a ride意为“捎我一程”;cheer me up意为“使我振作起来”。选项C与画线部分意思相近。2. Pick it up 3. picked up the dictionary/picked the dictionary up重难点31.reading 2. thinking3.C句意:美猴王对他的形状和大小可以做72种变化,能把自己变成不同的动物和物体。分析句子结构可知,此处用动词-ing形式作伴随状语。重难点41. with 2. for; with 3. with重难点51. to turn off2. to pass重难点61. against 2. sat against重难点71. are 2. seems重难点81. rises 2. raise 3. raise 4. raises

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