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1、Lets talk第1页go to the supermarketnext weektake a tripsee a filmtonightthis morningWhatWhats missing?s missing?this eveningthis afternoontomorrowvisit my grandparents第2页 Phrases and sentences下周下周今天早晨今天早晨今天下午今天下午今天今天晚晚上上今今晚晚明天明天去旅行去旅行去超市去超市去看去看电电影影探望我祖父母探望我祖父母next weekthis morningthis afternoonthis ev

2、eningtonighttomorrowtake a tripgo to the supermarketsee a filmvisit my grandparents第3页第4页1.What day is it?2.What day is it tomorrow?3.What time is it?4.What are you doing?5.What are you going to do tomorrow?Its Tuesday.Its Wednesday.ItsIm having an English class.Im going to have an art lesson/第5页普通未

3、来时:普通未来时:表示未来某一时刻(某一段表示未来某一时刻(某一段时间内)将要发生动作,行为或存在时间内)将要发生动作,行为或存在状态。状态。普通未来时态组成:普通未来时态组成:be(am,is,are)going to 动词原形动词原形第6页What?I am go to the science museumthis morningare you going to do this morning?going to the science museum.第7页play sportsWhat are you going to do?I am going to this afternoonthis

4、 afternoon?play sports.第8页clean my roomWhat?I am this eveningare you going to do this evening?going to clean my room.第9页watch TVWhat?I am.tonightare you going to do tonight?going to watch TV.第10页tomorrowread booksWhat?I am are you going to do this evening?going to read books.第11页next weekplay comput

5、er gamesWhat?I am are you going to do next week?going to play computer games.第12页Im going to.do homeworkplay computersread booksgo to the supermarketvisit my grandparentssee a film swimtake a tripWhat are you going to do tomorrow/tonight/next week/?第13页第14页第15页1.Questions:a.What is Sarah going to do

6、 tomorrow?b.What is Mike going to do tomorrow?2.Watch it again and fill in the blanksa.Sarah and her classmates are going to _ in Renmin Park.b.Mike has to _now.draw some picturesdo his homeworkShe is going to have an art lesson.He is going to see a film tomorrow.第16页have a picnicplant flowersplant treesclean the street第17页Talk about your and your friends weekend planWhat is he/she going to do?He/She is going toWhat aregoing to do?They are going to go ice-skatingwash clothesdraw picturesmake a snowmango for a picnic第18页

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