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1、2010年国际货运代理货代英语第一章讲义一. 了解货运代理最初的职责1-1 课文:Originally, a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his customer, etc这句话是比较长,一句一段,核心句子:.a fre

2、ight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks.注释:freight forwarder 货运代理人commission agent 委托代理人on behalf of 代表.routine tasks 日常工作loading/unloading of goods 装载/卸载货物storage of goods 货物存放,货物存储这句话大致意思是:最开始,货运代理是进出口商的委托代理人,替进出口商做一些常规事务,比如装载/卸载货物,货物的存储,安排

3、地方运输.1-2 课文:However, the expansion of international trade and the development of different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of his services.核心句子:.A and B enlarged the scope of his services.A 是指 :expansion of international trade 国际贸易的扩大B 是指 :development of different

4、modes of transport 不同运输方式的发展注释:Over the years that followed 在随后的几年里;international trade: 国际贸易modes of transport: 运输方式这句话大致意思是:在以后的几年里,国际贸易的扩大和不同运输方式的发展加大了货运代理的服务范围。1-3 课文:Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport. 注释:Play an important role : 扮演重要的角色(引申为:

5、起着重要的作用)International trade and transport 国际贸易和运输这句话大致意思是:现在,货运代理人在国际贸易和运输中起着重要的作用。1-4 课文:The services that a freight forwarder renders may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or customs clearance to a comprehensive package of services covering the total transportat

6、ion and distribution process.核心句子:The services. may often range from .to.注释:render: 在这里的意思是“提供”,= offer, providerange : 在. 范围内变化,后面常跟 from .to.booking of space 订舱a comprehensive package of services: 全面的一揽子服务cover : 包括,涉及 = includetransportation and distribution: 运输和分发这句话大致意思是:货运代理提供的服务通常可能从日常基础的工作比如

7、舱位的预定,清关等,到全面的一揽子服务包括整个货物的运输和分发派送过程。二.重点掌握货运代理人分别代表发货人和收货人所要做的工作。2-1 课文:Unless the consignor, the person sending goods, or the consignee, the person receiving the goods, wants to attend to any of the procedural and documentary formalities himself, it is usually the freight forwarder who undertakes o

8、n his behalf to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved.核心句子:Unless the consignor or consignee wants to attend to.himself, it is the freight forwarder who undertakes to process the movement of goods.注释:consignor: 发货人consignee: 收货人attend to: 关注 = pay attention toprocedural a

9、nd documentary formalities: 程序和单证上的手续undertake to do sth. 承担去做某事,承诺做某事process: 在这里为动词,处理,处置involve: 包含,含有,涉及movement: 移动,动向 ( 在这里引申为“运输”)这句话大致意思是:如果发货人或者收货人不想亲自去办理那些繁琐的手续的话,货运代理人将代表他们去处理货物运输中所涉及的各个步骤。2-2 课文:The freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through sub-contractors or other

10、 agencies employed by him.核心句子:The freight forwarder provide these services.这句话的大致意思是:货运代理人可以直接或者通过次承包商或者另外雇用代理来提供这些服务。2-3 On Behalf of the Consignor ( Exporter ) 货运代理人代表发货人(出口商)所要做的工作(考试重点)1.Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 挑选运输线路,运输方式和合适的承运人。注释:mode of transport: 运输方式 ;

11、carrier: 承运人2.Book space with the selected carrier. 跟选定的承运人订舱。3.Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders Certificate of Transport, etc. 接收货物,并签发货运代理人收货证明书和货运代理人运输证明书。注释:Forwarders Certificate of Receipt 货运代理人收货证明书(是代理人收到货物的

12、凭证);Forwarders Certificate of Transport 货运代理人运输证明书(是证明代理人具备运输能力的凭证); issue: 发行,发布(在这里译为“签发”)4.Study the provisions of the letter of credit and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also

13、 prepare all the necessary documents. 研究适用于货物出口国家和进口国家,以及中转国家运输的信用证条款和所有政府规定,并准备所有必须的单证文件。注释:letter of credit : 信用证 applicable to .: 适用于.; as well as: 也,又,以及;transit country: 中转国5.Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods and applicable regulations

14、, if any, in the country of export, transit countries and country of destination.货物的包装,( 在货物包装时) 要考虑运输路线,运输的方式,货物的特性,如果有的话还要考虑出口国,中转国和目的地国家适用的规定。注释:pack the goods 货物包装/打包; take into account: 考虑; the nature of the goods: 货物的特性; if any: 如果有的话。2010年国际货运代理货代英语第二章讲义6.Arrange warehousing of the goods, if

15、necessary. 如果有必要的话,要安排货物的仓储注释:warehousing of the goods: 货物的仓储;if necessary: 如果有必要的话7.Weigh and measure the goods. 测定货物的重量和尺寸。8.Draw the consignors attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor. 提醒发货人注意是否需要货物保险,如果发货人需要投保,则需安排货物的保险。注释:draw one

16、s attention to.: 引起某人注意. ( 相当于“提醒某人注意.”);9.Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier. 将货物运往港口,安排货物的清关,办理相关的单证上的手续并将货物交付给承运人。注释:customs clearance: 海关清关;deliver the goods: 交付货物 documentation: 文件,单证10.Attend to

17、 foreign exchange transactions, if any. 关注外汇交易注释:foreign exchange transaction: 外汇交易11.Pay fees and other charges including freight. 支付手续费和其他包括运费在内的费用注释:fee : (偏向于手续费方面的)费用; charge: (偏向于因服务而索取的)费用; freight: 运费。12.Obtain the signed bills of lading from the carrier and arrange delivery to the consignor

18、. 从承运人那里获得签发的提单并将提单转让给发货人注释:bill of lading:提单13. Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary. 如果有必要的话,安排货物在途中的转运。注释:transshipment: 转运;en route: = on the way 途中的14. Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders agents abroad. 通过联系承

19、运人和海外的货运代理,监控货物的运输直至货物交付给收货人。注释:all the way: 由始至终15. Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods. 记录货物的货损货失16. Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them. 如果货物有损失,需要帮助发货人向承运人就货物的损失提出赔偿。注释:assist sb. in doing sth.: 帮助某人做某事;pursue/

20、make claim against sb. for sth.: 就.向某人提出赔偿。2-4 On Behalf of the Consignee(Importer) 货运代理人代表收货人(进口商)所要做的工作(考试重点)1.Monitor the movement of goods on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo. 当收货人支付运费时,即由收货人负责货物运输,货运代理人应替收货人监控货物的运输。注释:control freight: 支付运费2. Receiv

21、e and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods. 接受并审查所有与货物运输有关的单证。注释:relating to: 与.有关3. Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs. 从承运人手中接收货物,如需要还要支付的运费。注释:take delivery of 接收,收到(与delivery词义相反); freight cost: 运费4. Arrange customs

22、clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities. 安排货物的清关,并向海关和政府当局支付关税,手续费及其他服务费用。注释:duty: 税,税收;public authority: 政府当局5. Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary. 如需要,安排中转仓库。6. Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee. 将清关后的货物交付给收货人。注释:cleared goods: 清

23、关后的货物(根据前文 arrange customs clearance, 所以这里的意思是办理完清关手续的货物)7. Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.如果有必要的话,帮助收货人向承运人就货物的丢失或者任何损害提出赔偿。8. Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. 如果

24、需要,帮助收货人安排货物存入仓库和分发。三、历年考试题分析1.The following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the exporter.A. book space B. pack the goods C. export customs clearance D. import customs clearance.(2004年多选题)答案:ABC分析:A.book space: 参考课文中货运代理人代表处出口商的第二个职责,book space with selected carrier; B.pack the

25、goods: 参考课文中货运代理人代表出口商的第五个职责:Pack the goods, and take into account the route.; C. export customs clearance: 参考课文中货运代理人代表出口商的第九个职责:Transport the goods to port and arrange for customs clearance.; D. import customs. 这个是属于代表进口商的职责2. When the forwarder pack the goods on behalf of exporter, he should cons

26、ider the .(2004年多选题)A. mode of transport B. nature of the goods C. quantity of the goods D. quality of the goods答案:AB分析:参考课文中货运代理人代表出口商的第5个职责,C和D都不属于这个范围。3. The scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of consignors includes . (2005年单选题)A. booking space with consigneeB. paying the freight to th

27、e insurerC. arranging import customs clearanceD. booking space with carrier答案:D.分析:A和B课文中都未提到过。C. 是属于货运代理人代表进口商的职责。D. booking space with carrier. 正确,参考课文货运代理人代表出口商的第2个职责。4.The freight forwarder takes delivery of the goods from the carrier and issues the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt. ( ) ( 2005年

28、判断题)答案:错分析:从课文中货运代理人代表出口商的第3个职责来看,take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as ., 结合上下文看,这里应该是从发货人/出口商那里接收到货物并签发货运代理人收货证明书,而不是carrier(承运人)。5.Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the consignee . (2005年多选题)A. Taking delivery of the goods from t

29、he carrierB. Packing the goods for exportC. Arranging export customs clearanceD. Arranging import customs clearance答案:A.D.分析:B和C都是属于货运代理人代表出口商的职责。课后练习:一、不定向选择题(答案可能只有一个,或者多个)1.A consignor refers to the person who goods.A. receives B. attends to C. sends D.takes delivery of答案:C2. It is usually the wh

30、o issues relevant documents such as the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders Certificate of Transport, etc.A. consignor B. consignee C. freight forwarder D. carrier答案:C3. Foreign exchange transactions, if any, are usually attended by the as well.A. commission agent B. exporter C. import

31、er D. freight forwarder答案:D4. A freight forwarder originally was a(n) performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks.A. importer B. exporter C. shipper D. commission agent答案:D5. A freight forwarder shall take into account the route, the mode of transport and applicable regulations, if a

32、ny, in theA. country of export B. country of destination C. country of transshipment D. transit countries答案:ABD6. A freight forwarder, on behalf of the exporter, is expected toA. take delivery of the goodsB. pay the freight costsC.arrange transit warehousingD.arrange customs clearance答案:ABCD7.Which

33、of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the import .A. Monitor the movement of goodsB. check the relevant documentsC. Arrange import customs clearanceD. Weigh and measure the goods.答案:ABC8. If there is damage of goods during shipment, the freight forwarder will on behal

34、f of exporter.A. Note damagesB. Pay fees to insurerC. Assist exporter in pursuing claims.D. Arrange for the insurance of goods.答案:AC二、判断题1.When freight forwarder pack the goods on behalf of exporter, should take into account the quality of goods. ( )答案:错2.If necessary, the freight forwarder should p

35、ay the fees and other charges including freight for exporter. ( )答案:对3. The freight forwarder will issue “Forwarders Certificate of Receipt” when he take delivery of the goods from exporter. ( )答案:对4. The freight forwarder can not employ other agency to provide services both for exporter and importe

36、r. ( )答案:错5. The freight forwarder would prepare all necessary documents for exporter if necessary. ( )答案:对三、英汉互译:1)transit country 2) trade terms 3) general cargo 4) special cargoes 5) the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt 6) the Forwarders Certificate of Transport 7) trade contract 8) relevant doc

37、uments 9) take delivery of the goods 10) mode of transport答案: 1)转口国 2)贸易条款 3)杂货 4)特殊贸易 5)货运代理收货证书 6)货运代理运输证 7)贸易合同 8)相关单据 9)提货 10)运输方式1)货运代理人 2)外汇 3)信用证 4) 清关 5)委托代理人 6)转运国 7)货物的运输 8)舱位 9)提单 10)国际贸易答案:1) freight forwarder 2) foreign exchange 3) letter of credit 4) customs clearance 5) commission age

38、nt 6) country of transshipment 7) movements of goods 8) shipping space 9) bill of lading10) International Trade2010年国际货运代理货代英语第三章讲义一、国际贸易术语解释通则的由来1-1 课文:In order to provide a set of uniform rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade, ICC first published in 19

39、36 a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms known as “Incoterms 2000”.核心句:to provide a set of rules for the interpretation of trade terms in foreign trade, ICC published international rules.注释:In order to: 为了.Commonly: 一般的,通常的,普遍的 = generally, usuallyInterpretation : 解释,说明T

40、rade terms: 贸易术语 (另外:比如 trade practices 贸易惯例 trade contract 贸易合同 等)ICC:全称:International Chamber of Commerce.国际商会。Incoterms: 全称:International Commercial Terms 国际贸易术语解释通则Be known as: 统称为.,以.著称这句话大致的意思是:为了给国际贸易中普遍使用的贸易术语提供一套解释的统一规则,国际商会与1936年发布了一套用于诠释这些贸易术语的国际规则,统称为“国际贸易术语解释通则2000”。1-2 课文:Later amendme

41、nts and additions were made to it to bring the rules in line with current international trade practices.注释:Later : 稍候,随后 (另外latest: 最近的,最新的)Amendment: 修改,修正(尤指对规则,法律,声明等条款的修正,修订,修改)Addition: 增加物(在这里是指添加的条款和内容)In line with: 与.一致,与.相同 (相反的是:out of line with)Current: 现今的,当代的,时下的Trade practices: 国际贸易惯例,

42、国际贸易实践这句话大致意思是:以后又对此通则作了修改和补充,以便使这些规则适应当前国际贸易实践的发展。1-3 The latest edition is “Incoterms 2000”, which includes 13 different international trade terms. Each term specifies whether the buyer or the seller is responsible for arranging such necessities as export license, customs clearance, inspections, a

43、nd other obligations.注释:Edition: ( 书籍,书刊等的)版本,版次。Specify: 具体说明,详细说明,规定(名词:specification: 说明书)Whether.or.: 是.还是.Be responsible for: 负责.,承担.责任Necessity: 必须,需要(在这里是指“必须要做的事”)Export license: 出口许可证Inspection: 检验 (商品检验:commodity inspection)Obligation: 职责,义务后一句话我们可以换成这样一句来理解:Each term specifies the traders

44、 must bear each relevant responsibility and obligation.即贸易商必须承担(bear)各自相关的责任和义务。这段话大致的意思是:最新的版本是“国际贸易术语解释通则2000”,它包含了13个不同的国际贸易术语。每一个贸易术语都明确规定由谁来办理出口许可证,出口清关,商品检验及其他义务。1-4 They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific

45、activities.注释:They = 13 trade termsPoint: 在这里是一个抽象的概念,指“在空间或者时间真实的或想象当中的某一点”例如:at this point = at this moment / at this place (在此刻,在此地)Risk: 风险Activity: 活动,行为(复数形式尤指“所作的事务,待做的工作”)这句话我们理解为:The 13 trade terms specify the transfer of risks(风险的转移)and division of costs.(费用的划分)这句话大致的意思是:这13个术语还明确了丢失及/或损坏的

46、风险在哪一点由卖方转移到买方,以及哪方面承担相应的费用。1-5 A buyer and a seller who conduct their purchase and sale under one of the Incoterms, therefore, will have a mutual understanding of their rights, costs, and obligations.注释:Conduct: 管理,经营,处理=manage, controlPurchase:购买 = buyMutual: 相互的,彼此的(have a mutual understanding: 对于.达到共识)Therefore: 因此,为此这句话的大致意思是:买方和卖方如果采用通则中的一个术语做贸易的话,就会清楚双方各自的权利、需支付的费用以及各自的义务。二、六个主要的贸易术语(其中传统的贸易术语有三个:FOB,CFR,CIF;在传统基础上新发展的贸易术语有三个:FCA, CPT, CIP ) (考试重点)2-1 传统的三个贸易术语FOB Free On Board (.nam

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