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1、 吴中区初中办学联盟2016-2017学年第二学期期中统一测试 初二英语试卷 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)。共八大题,满分120分,考试用时l00分钟 第I卷(共四大题;满分69分 ) 第一部分听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍) 1. What is Peters favourite fruit? A. B. C.2. How did the man go to the football match?A. B. C.3. What did the boys bro

2、ther do last Sunday?A. B. C.4. Where is the boy going?A. B. C.5. What does Lucy do now? A. She is a teacher. B. She is a doctor. C. She is a student. 6. Who has seen the film? A. Sandy. B. Ann. C. Anns mother 7. What will the man do this evening? A. Hell meet his aunt at the airport. B. Hell say goo

3、dbye to his aunt at the airport. C. Hell fly to another city with his aunt. 8. How much is the white shirt? A. 20 dollars. B. 40 dollars. C. 80 dollars. 9. When will Susan arrive? A. At 4:30. B. At 4:45. C. At 4:15. 10. Where are they talking? A. In a street. B. In a shop. C. In a school. B. 听下面3段对话

4、或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍) 听一段对话,回答第1112小题。 11. Why cant the woman sleep well? A. Because she studies maths too hard. B. Because she spends much time on TV. C. Because she h as too much for dinner. 12. What does the doctor tell her to do? A. Go to bed early. B. Eat more f

5、ruit. C.Relax herself 听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 My friend Amy Age and interest 13 years old Interested in history Things to do in summer Travel with her parents Her favourite place 14 Plan for this summer Come to China Go to Beijing by 15 13. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 14. A. New York B. New Z

6、ealand C. China 15. A. car B. plane C. train 听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。 16. Where did Mr. and Mrs. White go last Saturday? A. To the park B. To the farm C.Tothe theatre. 17. What did Mr. White do when he went into the house? A. He turned on the lights. B. He stood quietly. C. He changed his shoes. 18. When d

7、id they hear the noise? A. In the front door. B. On the way upstairs. C. On the way downstairs. 19. Who answered Mr. White at the door of the bathroom? A. His daughter. B. Nobody. C. His neighbor. 20. What did Mr. White see in the bathroom? A. His children were chatting. B. Two strangers. C. The rad

8、io was on. 第二部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21.-Here is _international call for you. - Thank you. _call is from my aunt. A. a, the B. the, the C. an, the D. an, a 22. -David won mens high jump again. -No surprise. Who else can jump_he does? A. as highly as B. as high as C. as more highly as D. as higher

9、 as 23. - _ my glasses? I cant read without them. - I _ them on the desk, but they are not there now. A. Have you seen; have seen B. Have you seen; saw C. Did you see; have seen D. Did you see; saw 24. - Its so cold today. Would you mind _ the door? - _. Do it as you like. A. to close; Not at all B.

10、 myclosing; Never mind C. my closing; Certainly not D. to close; Better not25.-How long has Mr. White _ Joan? -Im not sure. Maybe they _ five years ago. A. married to; got married B. been married; got married C. married; married to D. been married to; got married 26. I think you should spend as much

11、 time as you can_ Maths and English. A. learning B. to learn C. have learnt D. learned 27.Linda doesnt know _about her problems. A. who to talk B. where to talk to C. who to talk to D. how to talk to 28. - It must be Jim singing next door. - It _ be him. He has already gone to Shanghai on holiday. A

12、. mustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. cant 29. - What do you think of my answer to the questions? - Sorry. I _ about something else. A. thought B. had thought C. am thinking D. was thinking 30. -Your fathers never been to other countries, has he? - _. He plans to go abroad for a second time. A. No, he h

13、as B. Yes, he hasnt C. Yes, he has D. No, he hasnt 31.- Where is Mr. Smith? - He _ Guangzhou. He _ Guangzhou for a week. A. has gone to; has been to B. has gone to; has been in C. has been to; has been in D. has been in; has gone to 32. -Is Mr. Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching _? -Yes, she is. H

14、e always tells us some funny _ after class. A. experience; experience B. experiences; experiences C. experiences; experience D. experience; experiences 33. He cant state clearly how long he has _ the bicycle? A. keep B. buy C. bought D. had 34. -Must I make the bed now, Mum? -No, you _ _. You _ do i

15、t later. A. mustnt; must B. mustnt; may C. neednt ; may D. dont have to; must 35. - Lily, youve helped me a lot. Thanks. - _. A. Certainly not. B. My pleasure. C. With pleasure. D. Take it easy. 第三部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One evening last summer,

16、 when I asked my 14- year- old son, Ray,for help with dinner, his response(回答)shocked me.Whats a colander(漏勺)? he asked. I could only blame(责备) 36 . In the family, nobody else went into the kitchen except me. But that night, as I 37 to him that a colander is the thing with holes in it,I wondered wha

17、t else I hadnt 38 Ray for. As parents, while we focus on our sons confidence and character,we perhaps dont always consider that we are 39 raising someones future roommates,boyfriends, husbands,or fathers. 40 I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course. I was 41 to find t

18、hat he didnt say no. For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine. I knew that he would rather have been playing basketball with friends than 42 to mend socks with his mother,but in fact he was learning, and more than just housekeeping. I appreciate(感激)what you do 43 a mom, he told me one day.

19、 Ray now realizes theres 44 masculine(男子气概的)about being helpless. Now,not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his family. Thats 45 I call a man. Im glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter in-law. 36. A. themselves B. ourselves C. myself D. hims

20、elf 37. A. explained B. continued C. thought D. advised 38. A. planned B. prepared C. produced D. punished 39. A. even B. also C. still D. either 40. A. But B. And C. Because D. So 41. A. cheerful B. nervous C. patient D. serious 42. A. learning B.checking C. asking D. affording 43. A. by B. for C.

21、as D. with 44. A. Something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 45. A. what B. how C. why D. who 第四部分 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) A Writer/Time Topic: Whos a better singer, Andy Lau (刘德华) or Jacky Cheung (张学友)? Jim 8-15-2006 5:25 pm. Some people say Jacky is the best Chinese singer. I dont think so! An

22、dy is the best. I went to his concert last year. It was so wonderful, I almost cried! OK, I did cry, but thats because Andy is so handsome (英俊的)! Tom 9-3-2006 4:38 pm. I disagree with Jim. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand, Jackys voice is unique(独特

23、的 ), and his songs are so romantic (浪漫的)! Linda 9-10-2006 8:54 pm. I think theyre about the same. But Andy is a better actor. Ive seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot (飞行员), and his plane crashed (坠毁) near a farm? I love that movie! John 9-16-2006 10:25 pm.

24、I also think Jacky is a better singer. I prefer his Cantonese (粤语) songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language. Tom 10-2-2006 10:12 am. I agree. Jackys Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin (华语) songs. (Though, I still like all his songs!) 46. Who likes Andy Lau the

25、 best? _. A. Jim B. Tom C. Linda D. John 47. Why does John think Jackys Cantonese songs sound the best? A. BecauseJacky has no experience singing in Mandarin. B. Because its his native(本族的 ) language C. Becausehis mandarin pronunciation is bad D. BecauseJackys Mandarin songs are boring. B I have a r

26、ule for travel-never carry a map. I prefer to ask for direction. Foreign visitors are often puzzled(困惑的) in Japan because most streets there dont have names. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travel ers, Go straight down to the corner. Turn

27、 left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop. In the country of the American Midwest, usually there are not many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat. In many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of land

28、marks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas, for example, people will say, Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile. People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map. They measure(测量) distance by telling time. How far away is the post office?

29、you ask. Oh, they answer, its about five minutes from here. You say, Yes, but how many miles away is it? They dont know. People in Mexico never answer I dont know. People in Yucatan think that I dont know is not polite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A visitor can get very, very los

30、t in Yucatan! One thing will help you everywhere. You might not understand a persons words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually turn and then point in the correct direction. Go in that direction, and you may find the post office! 48. What do you think the wo

31、rd landmarks means? It means _. A. street names B. building names C. hotels, markets and bus stops D. buildings or places which are easily seen 49. In which place do people tell distance by telling time? A. Japan. B. The American Midwest. C. Los Angeles, California. D. Mexico. 50. Which of the follo

32、wing is wrong? A. Travelers can learn about peoples customs (习俗) by asking questions about directions. B. People in some places give directions in miles, but people in other places give directions by telling time. C. A persons body language can help you understand directions. D. People in different

33、places always give directions in the same way-they use street names. C Whats the name of our neighbor? I cant remember right now. Have you ever heard your grandparents ask questions like this sometimes? Usually, we think that older peoples memory becomes bad because their brains get weak. But now a

34、team of scientists at the University of Tubingen in Germany has a new idea. The human brain works slower in old age, says Michael Ramscar, the lead scientist. But only because they have stored more information overtime. The findings are based on a series of computer simulations(模拟)of learning and me

35、mory. Scientists let the computers read a certain amount of words and learn new things each day. When the computer reads only so much, its performance on cognitive(认知)tests is similar of a young adult. But if the computer learns the experiences we might encounter over a lifetime, its performance is

36、similar to that of an older adult. Often it is slower, but not because its processing capacity has declined. Rather, increased experience has caused the computers database to grow, giving it more data(数据)to process-which takes time. This is similar to old people. Imagine a person knows two peoples b

37、irthdays. Another person knows the birthdays of 2000 people, but can only match the right person to the right birthday nine times out of 10. Can you say the first person has a better memory than the second person? 51. The writer uses a question at the beginning of the passage to_. A. invite the read

38、ers to answer the question B. attract the readers attention to the topic C. show how weak older peoples brains are D. tell the readers the latest findings about brains 52. According to the research, why do old people forget peoples names easily? A. Because they have a very poor memory. B. Because th

39、ey are too old to remembe r things. C. Because their brains become weaker than before. D. Because they have stored too much information. 53. What would be t he best title for the passage? A. Do old people have a bad memory? B. Scientists new findings on brains C. Human brains processing capacity D.

40、Which is better, the old or the young?D Animals do many different, amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate. They travel to other places where the weather is warmer or where they can find food. Many birds migrate in autumn. Because the trip can be dangerous, some travel in larg

41、e groups. For example, geese(鹅) fly in noisy, “V”-shaped groups. Other kinds of birds fly alone. Some animals stay active in winter. They must change themselves as the weather changes. Many change their doing or their bodies. For example, snowshoe rabbits grow white fur to help them hide in the snow

42、. Food is hard to find in winter. Some animals, like mice, collect lots of food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some animals eat different kinds of food as the seasons change. Some animals hibernate for part or all of the winter. This is a special, very deep sleep. The animals body temperature

43、drops, and its heartbeat and breathing slow down. It uses very little energy. In autumn, these animals get ready for winter by eating much more food than in summer and storing it as body fat. They use this fat to keep them alive while hibernating. Water makes good protection for many animals. When t

44、he weather gets cold, they move to the bottom of lakes and rivers. There, frogs and many fish hide under rocks or fallen leaves. Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water, and frogs can breathe through their skin. Every type of insect has its own life cycle and that is the way it grows and change

45、s. Different insects spend the winter in different forms of their live s. Some insects also spend the winter without moving. Some insects spend the winter as pupae(蛹). Other insects die after laying eggs in autumn. The eggs change into new insects in spring and everything begins all over again. 54.

46、What does the underlined word “migrate” in the first paragraph most probably mean ? A. move from one place to another B. s leep in the winter C. disappear D. look for food 55. Why do many birds fly in large groups? A. They can easily find food this way. B. They will use little energy. C. They can ge

47、t warm at night. D. There may be danger during the trip. 56. The main purpose of the examples in the last paragraph is to tell us _. A. most insects die when winter comes B. most insects spend the winter without moving C. different insects grow and change in their own ways D. different insects grow

48、and change in the same ways 57. What is the passage mainly about? A. How living things grow and change in the winter. B. How living things spend the winter. C. How living things get food in the winter. D. How living things travel in the winter. 第卷(共四大题;满51分 ) 第五部分 词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 58. Parents should have more _ (交流) with their children. 59. Father put the ladder_ (紧靠) the tree to pick the apples for me. 60. After listening to the song, he felt even _(孤单). 61. Do you have any trouble_

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