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1、Prospective Supplier Profile Questionnaire未來供應商問卷調查Supplier Name(供應商名稱): Product(產品) : Date (日期): Document No(文件編號) : Approval(承認者) Please Return the Chi Mei Questionnaire to SQE of Quality Reliability Assurance Dept. by e-mail to the Following Address (請將完成之問卷調查以電子郵件方法寄至奇美之SQE, 郵件地址以下): -COMPANY SI

2、GNATURE(企业簽章)Thank You for Your Time and Efforts in Completing This Questionnaire. (感謝謝您配合完成此問卷調查)Purpose(目标)The purpose of the Prospective Supplier Profile Questionnaire is to provide Chi Mei top management with an initial suppliers organization, infrastructure, and operational methods to determine

3、 if the supplier meet Chi Meis requirements. (此份”未來供應商問卷調查” 关键是讓奇美高階管理人員瞭解該供應商之組織架構, 運作方法, 以確定該供應商是否滿足奇美之要求。)Scope(適用範圍)The intent of this questionnaire is a tool to be used in evaluating prospective suppliers in general. It should not be a binding agreement between the supplier and Chi Mei. It is a

4、lso not meant to replace the quality process or quality management audits used to audit existing supplier. (此份問卷調查是作為評定供應商工具之一, 並不是代表供應商與奇美之間協定, 也不是意味此份問卷調查替换奇美企业對 貴企业之品質工程或品質管理之稽核。)To obtain the information adequacy of a prospective supplier, the Chi Mei Supplier Quality Engineering Dept. SQE will

5、be the window of contact for the entire supplier qualification development process. (關於未來供應商資格審核程序之相關問題, 請直接連絡奇美企业之SQE。)The questionnaire consists of eleven parts(此問卷調查是由十一個部份所組成):1) Company Profile (企业簡介)2)Location & Address (企业地址)3)Technology (技術方面)4) Quality (品質方面)5) Manufacturing Capacity (製造能力方

6、面)6) Delivery (交期方面)7)Responsiveness (配合度方面)8)Cost (成本方面)9) Environment (環境方面)10) Safety and Health (安全與衛生方面)11) Management (管理方面)Please feel free to attach any additional information for proper understanding of this report.(如有任何助於本企业瞭解 貴企业之資料, 請隨件附上。)Note: Chi Mel will not solicit any disclosure of

7、 proprietary or confidential information to others.(註: 此資料本企业將列為機密文件資料, 僅供企业內部參考 。)1) Company Profile (企业簡介)Office clerk(%): (辦事員人數百分比)1. Supplier Name (企业名稱)2. Year established (成立時間).33. List 5 largest customers by sales volume. (請列出 貴企业之前五大客戶名稱。)1)業務2)3)4)5)4. List all awards that have been recei

8、ved from customers for the past 5 years. (請列出 貴企业近五年來所獲得之客戶頒發之獎章。)品保5. Please attach a copy of your companys organization chart. (請附上 貴企业之企业組織圖。)Yes or No199919986. Total capital (in US$) (總資本額)業務7. Total annual Sales (in US$) (年度營業額)業務8. Net Profit (sales after tax) (in US$) (稅後淨利)業務9.Total Employe

9、es (persons) (總員工數)管理部Management(%): (管理階層人數百分比)管理部Tech./Eng.(%): (技術/工程人數百分比)管理部Production(%): (生產線人數百分比)管理部QA/QC(%): (品保/品管人數百分比)管理部Office clerk(%): (辦事員人數百分比)管理部10. What is your employees turnover rate? (Turnover rate = total employees left / total employees * 100%) ( 貴企业多年來之員工流動率為多少? 流動率=離職員工數/總

10、員工數 * 100%)管理部2) Location & Address (企业地址)1. Head Office Location (企业總部地址)Contact Person (連絡人):業務Address (地址):業務Tel (電話):業務Fax (傳真):業務2. Factory Location(Please list all factory, including subcontractors) (工廠地址請列出全部工廠及外包工廠之地址)Contact Person (連絡人):管理部Address (地址):管理部Tel (電話):管理部Fax (傳真):管理部Contact Pe

11、rson (連絡人):管理部Address (地址):管理部Tel (電話):管理部Fax (傳真):管理部3. R/D Location (研發部地址)Contact Person (連絡人):研發部Address (地址):研發部Tel (電話):研發部Fax (傳真):研發部4. Taiwan Local Office or Agent (台灣地區辦公室或代理商)Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部5. Global Support Center(Please list all support c

12、enter in the world) (全球支援中心請列出全部支援中心之資料): Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部Total persons in global support center (全球支援中心之總員工數): 1. Management Team (經營團隊)FunctionNameTitleReport ToTop Management管理部Manufact

13、uring 管理部Engineering管理部M/P/C管理部Purchasing管理部Quality管理部Marketing管理部Total persons in management team (經營團隊總人數): 2. Engineering / QC /QA Work ForceJob TitleR/DM/EQC/QATotalPresident管理部Director管理部Manager管理部3) Technology (技術方面)1. How long does it take to develop a new product? ( 貴企业在開發新產品時所需要之時間為幾天?)研發2.

14、 Do you have Advanced Design Engineering team? If so, how many? ( 貴企业是否有先進技術團隊?假如有,團隊成員人數?)研發3. Provide a leading edge technology product or technology road map. (提供尖端科技產品或產品技術趨勢說明圖。)研發4. Average working experience in Engineering Management team. (工程管理人員之平均工作年資。)管理部5. Average working experience in E

15、ngineering Design team. (工程設計人員之平均工作年資。)研發6. How many are your suppliers? How to control material difference at MP for each lot product? ( 貴企业有多少供應商?在量產時;每一批產品怎样掌控不一样原材料?)資材7. What is your development Plan? ( 貴企业產品開發計劃為何?)研發8. How to control texture、 injection、 stamping and tooling management qualit

16、y before MP? (在量產前;怎样去掌控模具、射出、衝壓和治具管理品質?)品保/研發4) Quality (品質方面)1. Average working experience in quality Management team. (品質管理階層人員之平均工作年資。)管理部2. Average working experience in quality Engineering team. (品質工程階層人員之平均工作年資。)品保部3. Did you pass ISO 9000、ISO 9001、ISO 9002、QS 9000 certification and grant in?

17、 ( 貴企业是否通過ISO 9000、ISO 9001、ISO 9002、QS 9000之品質認證?)品保部4. Do you have documented quality program? ( 貴企业是否將品質計劃做成文件記錄?)品保部5. Do you have second tier supplier quality management program and document? ( 貴企业是否有第二階供應商品質管理計劃並做成文件記錄?)品保部6. Do you have SPC (Statistical Process Control) system and document it

18、? ( 貴企业是否有SPC系統並做成文件記錄?)品保部7. Do you have AFR (Average Failure Rate) goal and document it? ( 貴企业是否有AFR目標並做成文件記錄?)品保部8. Describe your MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) prediction procedure. (請說明 貴企业對MTBF之預估程序。)品保部9. Do you have quality prevention program and document it? ( 貴企业是否有品質預防計劃並做成文件記錄?)品保部10.

19、Do you have CIP (Continuous Improvement Plan) program and document it? ( 貴企业是否有持續改善計劃並做成文件記錄?)品保部11. Do you have risk management and document it? ( 貴企业是否有風險管理並做成文件記錄?)品保部12. Do you have AVL (Approved Vendor List)? ( 貴企业是否有供應商承認名單?)品保部/資材13. Do you maintain a documented supplier qualification program

20、? ( 貴企业是否有持續做供應商資格審查?)資材/品保14. Whats the warranty of your products? ( 貴企业產品之保證期為幾年?)業務5) Manufacturing Capacity (製造能力方面)1. How long does it takes to provide sample? (樣品製造能力與時間掌握怎样?) 研發2. Does critical process implemented the SPC? (关键製程是否有使用SPC管制?) 品保3. What is the process to improve process efficien

21、cy and capacity? Please describe in detail. (怎样提升生產效率進而提昇產能? 請闡述之。.) 研發4. What is the process to perform the effectiveness of Machine management? Please describe in detail. (是否有一套良好方法或計劃,去控制各種生產機器設備參數? 請闡述之。)研發/品保5. Can you provide a dedicated production line for Chi Mei? (是否願意接收專線生產?)業務6. Can you p

22、rovide the First Article inspection when change production line, or changing shift? (在換線時或機台重新設定與開機,是否有做首件檢查?)品保7. Do you follow the SOP and SIP? (是否有依据標準作業程序與標準檢驗程序指示作業?)研發/品保8. List a manufacturing technology capability. (請列出生產技術之能力。)研發9. Maximum capacity per day (8 hours) per line. (天天八小時每條生產線之最大

23、生產量。)研發10. Manufacturing process bottle neck. (製造過程瓶頸。) 研發11. Average working experience in Manufacturing Management team. (生產線管理階層之平均工作年資。)管理部12. Average working experience in Manufacturing Engineering team. (生產線技術人員之平均工作年資。)製造部13. Do you have any of the following soldering process: COB, COG, etc (

24、貴企业是否有任何跟追焊接製程: COB, COG, 等等)14. How many hours do you need for changing production line? (轉換/變更生產線需要多少時間?)研發15. What is the investment capital equipment? Any plan to purchase advanced equipment in the next 6 month? ( 貴企业現相关键生產設備有多少錢? 是否有任何新增設備在六個月購入?)6) Delivery (交期方面)1. What is the yearly on-time

25、delivery percentage? ( 貴企业之年度準時交貨率為多少?): %業務1999: %1998: %2. Who is your forwarder? ( 貴企业之運輸配合業者為何?)資材3. How many working day lead-time is needed for normal order? (對於客戶之通常定單標準產品交期為幾天?)資材4. How many working day lead-time is needed for emergency order? (對於客戶之緊急定單產品交期為幾天?)資材5. Do you have AMHS (Automa

26、ted Material Handling System)? ( 貴企业是否有自動倉儲系統?)資材6. What kind of stock rotation system do you use for raw materials and finished goods? ( 貴企业在原料及成品上之自動倉儲系統為何種類型?)資材7. Is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system ongoing or not? If not, do you have any plan? ( 貴企业现在是否有EDI電子資料交換系統? 若無, 是否計劃導入該系統?)資材8.

27、Do you have any capacity expansion plan? If yes, please describe detail. ( 貴企业是否有產量擴充計劃? 若有, 請闡述之。)業務9. Do you have local (Taiwan) logistics system? ( 貴企业在台灣是否有發貨倉庫?)資材10. Do you have local (Taiwan) RMA (Return Material Authorization) replacement system? ( 貴企业在台灣是否有RMA處理中心?)資材11. How many days are n

28、eeded for RMA? ( 貴企业在處理RMA時,需要多少天?)資材/業務7) Responsiveness (配合度方面)1. Do you have local (Taiwan) representative? How many? ( 貴企业是否有駐台代表? 多少人?)業務2. How do you handle emergency inquires for weekend? ( 貴企业是怎样處理發生在休假日之緊急狀況?)管理部3. Do you provide new product training? ( 貴企业是否對客戶提供新產品新知之訓練?)業務4. Do you provi

29、de joint design review and qualification? ( 貴企业是否會共同參與奇美之設計檢討與評估?)業務/研發5. Do you have set up factory by overseas? If yes, please describe detail. ( 貴企业是否有在海外設廠? 假如有, 請闡述之。)6. Does you provide design guide reference report? ( 貴企业是否能提供設計參考規範?)研發8) Cost (成本方面)1. Do you have cost down plan? If yes, plea

30、se describe detail. ( 貴企业是否有降低成本之計劃? 如有, 請闡述之。)研發2. How about your stocks control status (how many days?) for raw materials and finished goods? ( 貴企业對於原料及成品之庫存管理為幾天?)資材3. Do you provide a detailed cost structure to customer? ( 貴企业是否能提供產品之成本結構分析給與客戶?)業務4. Do you provide free samples for customers eva

31、luation? IF yes, how many samples you can provide? ( 貴企业是否能提供免費樣品供客戶作為測試之用? 假如是, 最多能提供多少個樣品?)業務/資材/研發9) Environment (環境方面)1. Did you pass ISO 14000 certification? ( 貴企业是否通過ISO 14000之品質認證?)品保2. Do you have environment improvement plan or policy and document it? ( 貴企业是否有環境改善計劃或方針並做成文件記錄?)品保3. Do you h

32、ave recycle plan for packing parts? ( 貴企业是否針對包裝材料做在再生利用?)品保/研發4. Did you implement the environmental training? ( 貴企业是否有無環保教育訓練? )品保5. How to appropriate handling the pollution in the manufacture? (製程污染是否有經過適當處理?)管理部/研發/品保6. Does suppliers waste storage identify properly? (污染廢棄物儲存標示是否妥當?)管理部/研發/品保7.

33、How to identify separate and classify waste material? (廠內是否有作廢棄物管理? 分類是否確實?)管理部/研發/品保8. Does waste treatment company have an appropriate license? (事業廢棄物處理廠商;是否領有職照且適當?)管理部9. Do you have use green design their product? (設計時;是否盡量減少污染源)研發10. Whats management levels resolution of environment at protecti

34、on? (高階主管對環保決心為何)廠長11. Whats acceptance of environment protection concept? (廠內對環保接收程度為何?)管理部10) Safety and Health (安全與衛生方面)1. Do you have health and safety management Dept.? ( 貴企业是否設置安全衛生管理單位?)管理部2. Did you have actually implement the auto checking system? ( 貴企业是否有實施自動檢查系統?)管理部3. Did you have implem

35、ent the health、safety、emergence response training? ( 貴企业是否有實施安全衛生教育及預防災變之訓練?) 管理部4. Do you have employee health and safety handbook? ( 貴企业是否有制订勞工安全衛生手冊?)管理部5. Have you gather accident reported statistics? ( 貴企业是否有辦理職業災害統計?)管理部6. Did you have implement the physical examination for each employee? ( 貴企

36、业是否有對員工實施體格檢查?) 管理部7. Does management team conducted a proper health and safety training programmed? ( 貴企业相關作業主管人員;是否有接收安全衛生訓練?)管理部8. Can you have provide MSDS to employee? ( 貴企业是否有針對危險物品,提供勞工必需安全衛生事項?)管理部9. Do you periodically perform environmental test? ( 貴企业是否有對作業環境定时檢測?)管理部10. Do you have follow

37、 the legal requirement to set fire control safety devices? ( 貴企业是否有依法令設置消防安全設備?)管理部11) Management (管理方面) 1. Whats your management philosophy or company mission statement? ( 貴企业管理哲學或管理宗旨為何 ?)廠長2. Whats percentage of your annual revenues have been invested in R&D over last 3 years? ( 貴企业過去3年投入在研發上經費之比率為多少?)財務部3. Whats your training course plan over last 3 years? ( 貴企业過去3年之訓練課程之計劃為何?)管理部4. Do you have JIT (Just in Time) system? ( 貴企业是否有JIT系統?)資材

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