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1、伦理视域中的公共健康的开题报告摘要:公共卫生是保障人民健康和推进全民健康的重要保障,是现代医学和伦理学的交融和共同发展的领域。在伦理视域中,公共卫生涉及到多种价值、原则和利益的协调和平衡,需要在合法、公正、负责和尊重个体自主权的基础上进行。本文从伦理视角分析公共卫生中的争议和问题,探讨了公共卫生伦理的基本原则和价值,以及实践中的具体问题和应对措施。在此基础上,提出了加强公共卫生伦理研究和教育,推进公共卫生管理与治理制度的完善和优化,提高全民健康意识和能力,建设和谐、健康的社会的建议。关键词:公共卫生;伦理;健康;价值原则。Abstract:Public health is an importa

2、nt guarantee for ensuring peoples health and promoting the health of the whole nation. It is an area where modern medicine and ethics are integrated and developed together. From an ethical perspective, public health involves the coordination and balance of various values, principles and interests, w

3、hich need to be carried out on the basis of legality, fairness, accountability and respect for individual autonomy. This paper analyzes the controversies and problems in public health from an ethical perspective, explores the basic principles and values of public health ethics, and the specific prob

4、lems and response measures in practice. On this basis, the suggestion is put forward to strengthen the research and education of public health ethics, promote the improvement and optimization of public health management and governance systems, enhance the awareness and ability of the whole people to health, and build a harmonious and healthy society.Keywords: public health; ethics; health; value and principle.

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