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1、Papercuts-a world created with scissors 1.The papercut is a special folk artin China,with a history of nearly 1000 years.2.The materials used are simple:ordinary paper and a pair of scissors(or a cutting knife).3.A skilled paper-cutting craftsperson cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks.A

2、piece of red paper is folded and then cut several times,before being unfolded into an attractive picture.4.Some craftspeople do not even set their eyes on what they are doing;they can even place a piece of paper inside a baggy sleeve and cut it into a beautiful pattern.5.Papercutting is a type of im

3、provised art with powerful expression:a papercut artist does not need a model picture to copy from,but relies on a pair of scissors to produce a work of art,each time with slight differences.Papercuts are very popular in rural areas.6.In the city of Xian,Shaanxi Province,people once used paper inste

4、ad of glass as window-covering.7.8.As white paper was monotonous and considered inauspicious,clever and deft young women started to cut pieces of red paper into joyous baby images or beautiful butterflies,which they put on the windows to add liveliness to ordinary windows.9.10.In ancient China,peopl

5、e enjoyed the tradition of making and hanging lanterns for festivals and joyous occasions.11.The shape of lanterns varied,from red lanterns hung in midair,running-horse lanterns,lotus lanterns on the surface of water,and lion lanterns loved by children.12.People sometimes drew pictures on the lanterns but more often would prefer to paste papercuts of different patterns,which,set off by lantern light,became even more vivid and interesting.13.14.

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