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1、美国文学选择题及答案1. William Faulkner is the author of _.a. Far From the Madding Crowd b. Sound and Furyc. For Whom the Bell Tolls d. Scarlet Letter2. Robert Frost is a famous_.a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. literary critic3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by _.a. Jack London b. Cha

2、rles Dickensc. Samuel Coleridge d. Earnest Hemingway 4. _refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. a. Allegory b. Conflict c. Irony d. Flashback5. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is_. a. Nature b. Waldenc. Experience d. Essays6. Mark Twain shaped the

3、 worlds view of America and made a combination of _and serious literature. a. American folk humor b. funny jokes c. English folklore d. American values7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War? a. Fennimore Cooper. b. Nathaniel Hawthorn

4、. c. Walt Whitman. d. Washington Irving.8. I Have a Dream is addressed by _. a. Abraham Lincoln b. John F. Kennedy c. Martin Luther King d. Ralph Waldo Emerson9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson? a. This is my letter to the world b. I heard a Fly buzzwhen I died c. This is jus

5、t to say d. Because I could not stop for death10. Eugene ONeil is an American _. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. essayist11. The period from 18651914 has been referred to as the _in the literary history of the United States. a. Age of Realism b. Age of Classicalism c. Age of Romanticism d. Age

6、of Renaissance12. With “Collected Poems”, _won the second Pulitzer Prize. a. Ezra Pond b. e. e. cummings c. Robert Frost d. William Cullen Bryant13. Grass is a poem written by _. a. Walt Whitman b. Carl Sandburg c. Langston Hughes d. Allen Ginsberg14. Moby Dick is the most important work by _. a. Ja

7、ck London b. Herman Melville c. Sinclair Lewis d. Ralph Ellison15. O. Henry earned his fame mainly for his _. a. novels b. poems c. short stories d. dramas16. _ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald. a. Tender Is the Night b. Anna Christie c. The Beautiful and Dammed d. The Great Gatsby17. The

8、American literature in modern period is divided into two parts by the event of _. a. the expatriate movement b. the Great Depression c. the First World War d. the Second World War18. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreisers Trilogy of Desire? a. The Titan b. The Financier c. The “Ge

9、nius” d. The Stoic19. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to _for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”. a. William Faulkner b. John Steinbeck c. Saul Bellow d. Earnest Hemingway 20. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _work. a. romantic b. classic c. neo-classic d. naturalistic21.

10、The Octopus is written by _. a. Frank Norris b. Sherwood Anderson c. Willa Cather d. Stephen Crane22. James Baldwins most famous short story is _. a. A Rose for Emily b. The Story of an Hour c. Sonnys Blues d. A Clean, Well-lighted Place23. _wrote several novels with the name of “Rabbit”. a. Arthur

11、Miller b. Thomas Pynchon c. John Updike d. Wallace Stevens24. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by _. a. Robert Frost b. Longfellow c. Ezra Pond d. Carl Sandburg25. “God help them that help themselves” is found in _s work. a. Franklin b. Freneau c. Jefferson d. Paine 26. T. S. Eliots most famous

12、long poem is _. a. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock b. A Boys Will c. The Waste Land d. The Golden Bough27. Daisy Miller is a great work by _. a. Henry James b. Mark Twain c. Dreiser d. Stowe28. Hester is a character in _. a. Gone with the Wind b. The Fall of the House of Usher c. Babbitt d. Scar

13、let Letter29. Jack Londons _is his patently autobiographical novel. a. The Call of the Wild b. The Sea Wolf c. Martin Eden d. The Iron Heel30. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twains _. a. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer b. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn c. Life on the Mississippi d. The Pr

14、ince and the Pauper31. O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _. a. Walt Whitman b. Benjamin Franklin c. Abraham Lincoln d. Martin Luther King32. The Grapes of Wrath is the masterpiece of _. a. John Steinbeck b. John Cheever c. John Updike d. John Dos Passos33. _is NOT a play written by Ten

15、nessee Williams. a. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof b. The Glass Menagerie c. Light in August d. A Streetcar Named Desire34. Seize the Day is regarded the best novel written by _. a. Flannery OConner b. Saul Bellow c. Ralph Ellison d. Sherwood Anderson35. _is NOT among the postwar poets in modern American lit

16、erature. a. Robert Lowell b. Gary Synder c. Allen Ginsberg d. e. e. cummings36. The image of the famous “henpecked husband” is created by_. a. Washington Irving b. Fennimore Cooper c. Edith Wharton d. William Dean Howells37. The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be_. a. ONeil b. Pou

17、nd c. Robert Frost d. Scott Fitzgerald38. _was the most important person of the transcendental club. a. Hawthorn b. Whitman c. Emerson d. Thoreau39. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following EXCEPT_. a. religion b. love and marriage c. life and death d. war and peace40. American diction in

18、the 1960s and 1970s proves different from its predecessors. It is referred to as _. a. Imagism b. black humor c. new fiction d. the Beat Generation41Stephen Crane is famous for _and other stories. a. An American Tragedy b. The Ambassadors c. Main Street d. The Red Badge of Courage42_has won the Puli

19、tzer Prize four times and one Nobel Prize. a. Earnest Hemingway b. John Steinbeck c. Eugene ONeil d. William Faulkner43Beloved is the masterpiece of _. a. Tony Morrison b. Ralph Ellison c. John Dos Passos d. Willa Cather44Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?a. To elevate the

20、 individual and inner being over the social being. b. To put the stress on traditional values.c. To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man and his environment.d. To advocate a conscious break with the past.45Whitmans poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT

21、_. a. a strict poetic form b. a simple and conversational language c. a free and natural rhythmic pattern d. an easy flow of feelings46Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation? a. Hemingway b. Fitzgerald c. Gertrude Stein d. William Faulkner47The high tide of Romanticism in American literature

22、occurred around _. a. 1820 b. 1850 c. 1880 d. 192048The publication of _ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism. a. Nature b. Self-Reliance c. The Over-Soul d. The American Scholar49Chinese poetry and philosophy have exerted great influence over _. a.

23、 Ezra Pound b. Ralph Waldo Emerson c. Robert Frost d. Emily Dickinson50_is the representative work of the Beat Generation. a. The Great Gatsby b. On the Road c. Look Back in Anger d. The Sun Also Rises51Emily Grierson is a literary figure created by_. a. Willa Cather b. Doris Lessing c. William Faul

24、kner d. Nathaniel Hawthorn 52Thomas Pynchon can also be categorized as a Black Humor writer, as well as a _writer. a. classical b. transcendental c. postmodernist d. realistic53Who is considered the father of American poetry? a. Philip Freneau b. William Cullen Bryant c. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow d

25、. Henry David Thoreau54In America, “a little woman started a great war”. Who is she? a. Anne Bradstreet b. Harriet Beecher Stowe c. Edith Wharton d. Catharine Anne Porter55_is NOT written by Edgar Allan Poe. a. The Raven b. Annabel Lee c. The Fall of the House of Usher d. Song to Celia56Arthur Mille

26、r is an American _. a. novelist b. poet c. playwright d. essayist57Iceberg Theory is a writing principle proposed and closely followed by _. a. Jack London b. Sinclair Lewis c. William Faulkner d. Ernest Hemingway58_is featured by black humor. a. Caricature b. Catch-22 c. The Catcher in the Rye c. D

27、eath of a Salesman59Who is the only woman writer that has won both Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize? a. Pearl Buck b. Virginia Woolf c. Tony Morrison d. Katharine Mansfield1 . b2. c 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a7. d8. c 9. c 10. b11. a12. c13. b14. b15. c16. b17. d18. c19. d20. d21. a22. c23. c24. a25. a26. c27. a28. d29. c30. b31. c32. a33. c34. b35. d36. a37. d38. c39. d40. c41. d42. c43. a44. b45. a46. c47. a48. a49. a50. b51. c52. c53. a54. b55. d56. c57. d58. b59. a60.5

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