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1、崇礼太子城雪花小镇SNOWFLAKE TOWN OF PRINCE CITY IN CHONGLI设计:中国建筑设计研究院有限公司李兴钢建筑工作室地点:河北省张家口市Design:Atelier LI Xinggang of China Architecture Design&Research Group Location:Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province52特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis鸟瞰 Aerial view 李季 LI Ji532022.12 建筑实践Architectu

2、ralPractice崇礼太子城雪花小镇位于北京 2022 冬奥会张家口赛区核心区的崇礼太子城冰雪小镇的中心地带,是冰雪小镇文创商街。雪花小镇北倚太子城遗址,西临太子城高铁站,四面被群山环抱,遗址和高铁站的两条轴线交汇于此,基地西北低、东南高,高差约12m。设计受精美绝伦的自然造物冰晶雪花的启发,将其几何形状转换成抽象的雪花母题,在水平方向上错缝拼合,四向延伸,立体演变为雪花建筑及街市。天空中飘舞的“雪花”缓落于山谷,成簇成团,渐生出一个冬日山林中的冰雪世界。不同于自上而下的城市规划体系,雪花小镇的生成法则是自下而上,通过几何原型的自然生长来完成的,是一个“自然聚落”。将雪花状的控制网格,以太

3、子城和高铁站的轴线交点为中心,向四周扩散至整个场地。以几何切削的方式,来形成遗址轴线大道、颁奖广场等仪式空间;以摘掉“花瓣”的方式,在地块中获得街巷、院落等有机空间。建筑师顺应地形起伏,结合控制网格,将地下室底板和顶板设计为坡度1.5%、西北低、东南高的整体斜板,“雪花建筑”落于斜板之上。每 6 个“花瓣”向心组合成一朵“雪花”,覆盖在“花心”高、外缘低的坡屋顶下。通过脊线和檐口的设计,“雪花”可以连续拼合,“雪花”之间形成高差为 0.75m 的台地组团,每个组团由若干完整的“雪花”或不完整的“花瓣”拼合而成,组团之间形成丰富多样的内街和院落。区别于人工聚落明晰的组织层级,雪花小镇的室内和室外


5、云、潘悦、涂嘉欢结构设计潘敏华、董越、孙强机电设计唐致文、安岩、李梅、李嘉、康向东、刘畅总图设计齐海娟施工单位中信建设有限责任公司基地面积165,497 m2建筑面积333,515 m2设计周期2017.112019.4建造周期2018.82021.12设计草图 Concept sketch 李兴钢 LI Xinggang总平面图 Site planN04020100m54特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis小镇南区俯瞰 Aerial view of the south of the town 中赫集团 S

6、INOBO GROUP552022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeN0201050m首层平面图 First floor plan地下室平面图 Basement floor plan1 颁奖广场2 游览小火车3 轴线大道1 Awards Plaza2 Excursion train3 Axis avenue4 商场5 商业区6 民宿区4 Shopping mall5 Commercial area6 B&B area134425656特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis四层平面图 F

7、ourth floor plan二层平面图 Second floor plan572022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeThe Snowflake Town of Prince City in Chongli is located in the center of Chongli Prince Citys Ice and Snow Town,the core area of Zhangjiakou compe-tition zone for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.Surrounded by mountains,i

8、t is close to the ruins of Prince City in the north and its high-speed railway station in the west.The 2 axes of the ruins and the high-speed railway station meet here.The site is low in the northwest and high in the south-east,with a height difference of about 12 m.Inspired by the shape of a snowfl

9、akea beautiful natural creationthe design transforms the site into an abstract snowflake motif.The Snowflake Town is staggered horizontally,extending in 4 directions that evolve into“snowflake buildings”.“Snowflakes”fluttering in the sky slowly fall in the valley and form clusters,gradually creating

10、 a world of ice and snow in the winter forest.Different from the usual“top-down”planning process,the architects formed the Snowflake Town in a“bottom-up”way,through the natural growth of geometric prototype.It can be considered as a“natural settlement”.The snowflake form is used as controlling grid,

11、centered at the intersection at the axes of Prince City and the high-speed railway station.Like its“natural”counterpart,the basic snowflake unit spreads around the site.The cere-monial spaces,including the axis avenue and the Awards Plaza,appear on the site and are formed through the geometric“cutti

12、ng”of the snowflakes.The organic spaces such as the blocks,streets and courtyards are obtained by removing“petals”.Following the undulating terrain,the architects used controlling grid to create inclined basement floor and roof with a gradient of 1.5%(lower in the northwest and higher in southeast),

13、upon which the“snowflake buildings”settle.The 6“petals”of the snowflake merge at the center.Each“petal”is covered by a sloped roof radiating from high to low from the“snowflakes center”.Due to the design of the ridges and cornices,the“snowflakes”can be joined to form terraced groups with a 0.75 m he

14、ight difference.Each group is composed of several com-plete“snowflakes”or incomplete“petals”,forming a rich variety of inner streets and courtyards.Different from the usual hierarchy of planned settlements,the indoor and outdoor spaces of the Snowflake Town has a less distinct boundary and varied sc

15、ale.Whether the town is viewed from the mountain or from the ground,it appears to stretch its gentle sloping roofs onto the terrace by continuous exten-sion.Because the Snowflake Towns construction is based on the modular unit,it naturally has a unified architectural scale,identity,and style,which r

16、ep-resents the integration of northern farming culture and grassland culture.Due to the repeated combination of the standard and hexagonal snowflake shaped units,the build-ings structural and shelter system(above ground)can be prefabricated in factory and assembled on site.The plan,roof,and facade d

17、esign is based on defferent standardized assembly units.Despite the reliance on a limited number of snowflake modules,when these modules are used in combination with each other,the architects are able to create a rich and diverse group of buildings.CLIENTSinobo-Taiwoo(Chongli,Zhangjiakou)CultureandT


19、TION COMPANYCITICConstructionCo.,Ltd.SITE AREA165,497m2GROSS FLOOR AREA333,515m2DESIGN PERIOD2017.112019.4CONSTRUCTION PERIOD2018.82021.12010525m小镇北区街景 Street view of the north of the town 中赫集团 SINOBO GROUP地下通廊内景 Interior view of the underground corridor 易灵洁 YI Lingjie东立面图 East elevation剖面图 Section0

20、10525m58特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis小镇南区街景 Street view of the south of the town 李季 LI Ji592022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice颁奖广场雪景 Snow scene of the Awards Plaza 中赫集团 SINOBO GROUP颁奖广场夏景 Summer scene of the Awards Plaza 中赫集团 SINOBO GROUP60特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis612022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice

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