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1、(完整版)英国文学试题习题_2I。 Identify the author with his work.1) William Langland ( c) a. Utopia2) Edmund Spenser ( d ) b. Romeo and Juliet3)William Shakespeare ( b) c。 Piers, the Plowman4) Francis Bacon ( g ) d. The Faerie Queene5) Thomas More ( a) e。 Doctor Faustus6) Geoffrey Chaucer ( f ) f。 The Canterbury

2、 Tales7) Christopher Marlowe ( e) g. Advancement of LearningII. Choose the best answer for each blank。 1. English Renaissance Period was an age of .A。 prose and novel B。 poetry and drama C。 romance and ballad D。 essay and drama2. “ Shall I compare thee to a summers day” is the opening line of one of

3、 Shakespeares . A。 songs B。 plays C. sonnets D。 tragedies3. was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature 。A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shakespeare C. Henry Howard D。 John Lyly4。 first made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama in the Renaissance period. A。 William Shak

4、espeare B。 Thomas WyattC。 Christopher Marlow D. Henry Howard5. The essence of humanism is to _A。 restore a medieval reverence for the church B。 avoid the circumstances of earthly lifeC。 explore the next world in which men could live after deathD. emphasize human qualities6。 Although _ was essentiall

5、y a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era of literature to come。 A. Thomas MoreB。 William Langland C. Edmund Spenser D. William Shakespeare7. Which of the following historical events does NOT directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movement? A. The red

6、iscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture.B。 The new discoveries in geography and astronomy。 C. The Glorious Revolution。D。 The religious reformation and the economic expansion。8。 In 1066, _led the Norman army to invade and defeat England。A. William the Conqueror B。 Julius CaesarC。 Alfred the Great

7、 D. Claudius9. Chaucer died on the 25th of October 1400, and was buried in _。A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey10. In AngloSaxon period, Beowulf represented the _ poetry.A. pagan B。 religious C. romantic D. sentimental11。 A _ is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with

8、the second and the fourth rhymed。 A。 ballad B。 romance C。 sonnet D。 lyric12。 Among the following plays which is NOT written by Christopher Marlowe?A。 Dr。 Faustus B. The Jew of Malta C。 Tamburlaine D。 New Instrument13. _ is NOT written by Francis Bacon. A. Of Studies B. New Instrument C。 Advancement of Learning D. Edward IIIII。 Fill in the blanks.1. A _Morality_ play presents the conflicts between good and evil with allegorical personages such as Mercy, Peace and Hate。2。 A Miracle SS play is chiefly based on the biblical stories or the stories of the saints。

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