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1、译林英语6B-期中专项练习-单词拼写选取对的字母或字母组合将单词补充完整,并写出其汉语意思。( )1.w_k A. ae B. ea C. eo _( )2.h_bit A. o B. e C. a _( )3.n_d A. ee B. aa C. oo _( )4.d_et A. e B. a C. i _( )5.s_fe A.a B.o C. e _译林英语6B-期中专项练习-首字母运用A依照所给首字母提示,填入恰当单词完毕下面短文 (5分)There ia big supermarket nmy home. Today is Sunday ,my parents and I are i

2、the supermarket. We wlike to buy a big cakefmy grandpas birthday.B首字母填空(5分) “Early to bed and e_ to rise m_ people healthy,energetic and wise(聪颖).” This is an old saying. Children should have ten hours _ every night,or they cant do w_ in the daytime. They will not be wise. The body needs s.Walking,r

3、unning,s_and playing ball games are all sports.And a good eating h_ is very important for our h. For breakfast,we can have some bread,an egg and a glass of milk. Its not good to eat too much meat or eat only a few v_. We can eat some beef and fish for lunch and d_.C阅读短文,依照文章意思和首字母提示填写单词。(7%每空1分)We C

4、hinese all like erice,and many people from other clike eating rice,too. In China,fried rice(炒饭) is very popular. If you eat Jfood,dont forget Sushi(寿司),its very delicious. Italian(意大利) p_ like pizza very much. A_you getting hungry?Heres an Australian rice dish you can make. If you are not a great c,

5、just ask your mum for h.D依照首字母填空。(5) Its very important for us to know the traffic r_. If you want to cross the road s_,you must look for a zebra c_. Look at the traffic lights and w_ for the green man. There he is !Now you can walk,but d_ run.E阅读短文,依照所给单词首字母填空。(共8分)Im Mike. I am a s_. I have some g

6、ood living h_.Every morning,I g_ up at seven oclock. After washing my face and brushing my teeth,I have a l_ of noodles for breakfast.And I n_ go to school l_. At about eleven thirty,I have lunch. Then I have a rest for an hour.In the afternoon,I have classes again until(直到.)five.I often f _ my home

7、work at seven at home. After that I w_ TV for half an hour. Then I go to bed at nine oclock.F依照句意及首字母提示填空。A:Hi,Tim. How do you like your d_ ?B:Its OK. I like h_ but dont eat t_now. 1 dont likemilk but now I d_some now.A:I like eating s_ but I dont eat them now. Now I eat l_offruit.B:Whats your f_fru

8、it?A:I like b_best.B:Me too. I often play b_ . I n_ stay in bed after d_.A:I dont like p_ basketball. B I like r_ .B:I think we b_ have a h_ diet!译林英语6B-期中专项练习-英汉互译 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse1. 在森林里 2.又大又壮3. 一天 4.路过5. 唤醒她 6.气愤7想要吃老鼠 8.某一天9. 又小又弱 10. 看起来伤心11.让这只老鼠走开 12.第二天13. 用一张大网抓住狮子 14.用她利牙咬网15

9、.出去 16.从网中出来17.就在那时 18.在网上做了一种大洞19. 从那时起 20.变成朋友21. 协助狮子逃脱 22.安静地说23.大声地笑 24.伤心地问25. 高兴地说 26.开心地大笑27. find a hole in the ground 28. sweet shop29. Aesops Fables 30. Chinese idiom book31. 玩得很开心 32.乒乓打得好33.大声地为她们喝采 34.用力击球35. 有一种主意(想法) 36.太深37.不久带来某些水 38. reach the ball39. pour the water into the hole

10、40. 变得开心Unit2 Good habits1.有许多好习惯 2.某些坏习惯3. try to form good learning habits 4.起床早5.睡前 6.从不晚睡觉7.刷牙 8.晚饭前完毕(某人)家作9.把东西整顿得井井有条 10. 晚上作业做得晚11.晚饭后 12.听她教师们说13.保持她房间干净而整洁 14.上午感到困15.很理解她们 16.昨夜17.准时吃早饭 18.在家协助你双亲19. four short horses 20. run through the grass21.跑得不久 22.wash ones face at seven oclock23.来看

11、望她 24.show you around our house25.走进客厅 26.又大又干净27.see a lot of toys on the floor 28. 在床下面29.做得好/坏 30.走得快/慢31.上午七点半起床Unit 3 A healthy diet1.有一种健康饮食_ 2.喜欢吃糖果_3.喜欢喝水_ 4一点儿水_5.吃许多米饭_ 6.某些肉_7. 几种鸡蛋_ 8.喝诸多水_9. 喜欢甜食_ 10.每周_11. 吃许多面条_ 12.一点米饭_13. 在一种健康饮食中_ 14.许多蔬菜_15.一次吃一点_ 16.吃些水果_17. 某些饮料_ 18.太多食物_19. 不得不

12、去超市_ 20.喝太多可乐_21.拿一种小瓶_ 22.在冰箱里_23.want this big fish_ 24.take the big bag _25.have a lot of rest _ 26. too heavy _27.in your meals _ 28.have cereal and sausages_29. be good for your health _30.mustnt cross the road_ Unit 4 Road safety1. 道路安全_ 2.许多繁忙道路_3. 在都市_ 4.安全地通过_5. 寻找_ 6.斑马线_7.交通灯_ 8.等待绿灯_9.安全

13、过马路_ 10.为了保证安全_11. 在人行道上_ 12.当心汽车_13. 向左看_ 14. 和其她人一起_15.在马路上_ 16.许多汽车和自行车_17. 某些孩子_ 18. 遵守规则_19. 保持安全_ 20. 交通规则_21.到达你家_ 22.在路左边_23. 在马路上跑_ 24.跑得快_25. turn left _26.drive on the right side of the road _27.except Hong Kong and Macau _28.go to see their aunt _29.take a taxi _ 30.get off the bus_31.go

14、 on _ 32.stop and wait_33.keep your desk clean and tidy _34.look out of the thief_1. 在都市里有许多繁忙道路。_2. 你们怎么安全地过马路?_3.你必要先找到斑马线。_4. 然后你必要看一看交通灯并且等待绿灯。 _5. 为了保证安全,你可以在人行道上等待,并且要当心汽车_6. 你也可以和其她人一起过马路。_7.遵守规则并且在马路上保持安全。_8. 你在马路上必要做到什么?_9.咱们禁止在马路上跑或玩耍。_10.In the UK,People drive on the left side of the road

15、 . _1. 你早饭吃什么?_我吃了些面条。_午餐和晚餐呢? _2. 麦克早饭吃什么?_ He has some porridge and steamed buns_3. Can I have some cola?_4. Milk is good for your body. _5. Sweet food is _ _ your _.(改为同义句) 甜食对你牙齿有害。 Sweet food is _ _ _ your_.6. _ _ a lot of _?桌子上有诸多蔬菜吗?Yes,_ _ .是,有。7. _ there _water? 有某些水吗?No,there _.不,没有。8._ we

16、_rice?咱们需要大米吗?1.当心 6.wake up2.从那时起 7.cheer for3.释放 8.putin order4.完毕作业_ 9.road safety_5.一次_1 0.clean and tidy_1.从那时起 2. hit the windows hard _3.吃太多糖果 _ 4. bring a few sausages _5.把老虎吵醒_ 6. too many vegetables _7.当心小汽车 _ 8 put our toys and clothes in order_9.在人行道上等待_ 10 keep it clean and tidy_ 1.吵醒_

17、2.pourinto_3.某些好习惯_ 4.feel sleepy5.昨夜 _ 6.know him well7.道路安全_ 8. follow the rules _9.健康饮食_ 10.drink too much cola_1.一次喝一点橙汁_ 2.只有几种西红柿_3.喝太多可乐_ 4.在冰箱里某些蔬菜_5.好好休息_ 6.安全地穿过街道_7.禁止在马路上快跑_8.她们班规_9.have some steamed buns and sausage_10.cheer for them 56.有某些好习惯61. hit the windows hard57.一种健康饮食62. bring a

18、 few sausages58.把老虎吵醒63. too many vegetables59.当心小汽车64. put our toys and clothes in order60.穿过斑马线65. drive on the left side of the road译林英语6B-期中专项练习-词形变化1. let(过去式)_ 2.hard(副词)_ 3.bite(过去式)_4. sleep(形容词) 5. tomato (复数) 6. happy(副词)_译林英语6B-期中专项练习-词汇运用A用所给词恰当形式填空1. He brings some water(quick) and pour

19、s it into the hole.2. Can I have some_(mango) juice ?Sure,here you are.3. The boy was not _ (excited) at the party.4. Helen _ (catch) a big fish last Sunday morning.5. The boy(fly) a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.6. The film usually _(begin) at eight in the evening.7. He is asking Yang Ling ho

20、w _ (get) there.8. They are good_(drive) . They are good at _(drive) .9. There _(be) any cakes here now.B用所给词恰当形式填空1. The baby is asleep. Please dont speak _. (loud)2. The lion_ the net with his sharp teeth,but that did not help. (bite)3. He often _ (finish) his homework on time.4. There _ some frui

21、t and a lot of vegetables on the table. (be)5. Do you know more about road_ (safe)?6. Tom always stays up late at night,so he always feels _(sleep) in the morning.7.From then on ,they _ (become) good friends.8. We shouldnt _ (run) on the road.9. Bobby is shouting_ (excited).10. We need _ (buy) some

22、balloons.(C)选取方框中短语填空,并将序号填在空格上。10%A.clean and tidy B.on the left C. laughs happily D.a fewE.cross the road F.a healthy diet G.stay safe H.a little I.in order J.with other people1. He is a happy boy. He always.2. Liu Tao also has good habits. He keeps his room.3. Do you have ?Yes,I eat some fruit ev

23、ery day.4. The red man tells us,we mustnt now.5. If we cant find the zebra crossing near you,we can cross the road.6. InMacau,people driveof the road.7. Mike eats _ eggs and drinkswater every day. Is it healthy?8. You should put your books and toys.9. Please follow the rules andon the road.(D)用所给词恰当

24、形式填空。8%1. He brings some water(quick) and pours it into the hole.2. Can I have some_(mango) ?Sure,here you are.3.Here is some(meat) for you. Thank you.4. Helen _ (go) for a walk in the park last Sunday morning.5. The boy _(fly)a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.6.The film usually _(begin) at eigh

25、t in the evening.7.He must not(run) or(play )on the road .E词形变化,用所给词恰当形式填空。(10分)66.The film usually(begin) at eight in the evening.67. He is asking Yang Ling how(get) there.68. It(rain) a lot in spring in Suzhou.69. My mother is good at(make) cakes.70. There(be) any cakes here yesterday.71. He bring

26、s some water(quick) and pours it into the hole.72. Can I have some(mango) juice?Sure,here you are.73. The boy was not(excited) at the party.74. Helen(catch) a big fish last Sunday morning.75. The boy(fly) a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.F填入恰当介词词,完毕句子。(共40句,我写对了_句)1. I live _ the ninth floor. 2

27、. His birthday is _ 2nd October.3. How are you getting _ _ your studies?4. Do you live _ Renmin Road.5. What do you do _ art?6. Spring Festival is _ late January or early February.7. We go skiing _ the Snowy Mountains every winter _ June.8. The birds are flying _ the sky. 9.We live _ No. 48 Dongfeng

28、 Street.10. _ the weekend,I often go to my friends house.11. Yao Ye drinks seven glasses _ tea _ lunch.12. _ the end _ spring,the weather is warm.13.That baby drinks plenty _ milk. 14. Take care _ your eyes.15. Dont look out _ the window,Mike. 16. I am never late _ school.17. There are many differen

29、t kinds _ weather.18. Her grandmother is watching _ the school bus.19. Spring lasts _ three months. 20. He swims _ an hour every morning.21.When do you go home _ bed?22. Its _ the east _ Guangzhou.23. Im going _ America _ my winter holiday.24. Here is the weather report _ the next 24 hours _ Guangzh

30、ou.25. Im looking forward _ the holiday.26. He is different _ my grandmother.27.The students in Grade 1 _No.5 Middle School are _ different primary schools.28. The Childrens Park is far _ our school. 29. Beijing is a long way _ Zhuhai.30. Wine is made _ grapes. 31. Books are made _ paper.32. I have breakfast _7.15. _ that I go to school.33. Its ten twentyfive. 34. I live _ my grandparents.35. They often tell us history _ Germany.36. My little brother can write _ a pencil. 37. A dog is jumping

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