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1、新思维综合英语(1)Unit 6第1页Unit 6 Learning objectivesvHow to ask for help or a favor怎样请求帮助vHow to offer help怎样主动提供帮助vHow to express an obligation怎样表示有义务做某事vHow to leave a message with someone on the phone怎样电话留言第2页Lesson 38Do you know what time it is?vAnne Jenkins is an administrative assistant.Shes having a

2、 busy day at the office,making calls for her boss,answering calls and helping out an office worker.第3页Focus Questions v1Can you list three things Anne needs to do for her boss,Joan?2When is her boss,Joan,going to be back?3What message does Donald leave for Ms Clark,Annes boss?4What does Anne want to

3、 buy for her daughter?Why?第4页Answers to the Focus Questionsv1.Can you list three things Anne needs to do for her boss,Joan?Anne needs to,1.call Alex Post and tell him her boss is on the way;2.tell Johnny to get ready at six and that his mom is going to pick him up;3.ring Joans husband and tell him t

4、hat she is going to pick Johnny up.2.When is her boss Joan going to be back?She will be back no later than three.第5页Language points in the dialoguev注意Do you know what time it is?这个句子中语序。v原来what time is it?是个完整疑问句,在这里,它充当句子宾语即宾语从句,因为主句 Do you know?是疑问句,这么what time is it用作宾语从句时候就采取了陈说句语序what time it i

5、s。又如:Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station?而不能说 Could you tell me how can I get to the railway station.(这是错句)第6页英语时间表示法:v1几点几分,最简单方法能够直接说这两个数字,如:三点二十五分,three twenty five;八点半,eight thirty;十二点五十分,twelve fifty.v2几点差几分和几点过几分:九点差十分,ten to nine;十一点差二十分,twenty to eleven.差几分,用介词 to 来表示,to 前

6、是相差多少分数,而 to 后是详细几点。v普通来说,英语里跟我们汉语习惯是一样,说“差多少分几点”普通不超出半个小时,不能说“九点差三十分钟”不然就该用“过多少分”了,也就是“八点三十分”或“八点半”。如:四点过一刻,a quarter past four;七点过二十分,twenty past seven.过多少分,用介词 past 来表示,past 前是超出多少分数,而 past 后是详细几点。第7页v人们在谈话过程中为了提请注意或强调时候经常会用到象 listen,say,well 等词。v这种情况下,这些词没有什么详细含义,更多是在谈话过程中强调或引发注意而说,这种使用方法普通在非常熟悉

7、人们间用得多一些。vFavor,帮忙。普通用在 ask a favor of somebody/ask somebody a favor 请某人帮个忙;do someone a favor/do a favor for someone 给某人帮个忙。May I ask a favor of you?能够请你帮个帮吗?Do me a favor and turn the radio down a bit while Im on the phone,will you?劳驾,我在打电话,把收音机音量调小点,能够吗?第8页vOn ones way(to)在去某地路上。On ones way home

8、回家路上,home 是个副词,所以前面不能用介词 to,因为介词后只跟名词。James is probably on his way to the theater.James 很可能在去往剧院路上。To be ready,to get ready,准备好,做好准备。后边经常跟 for,表示为某事做好准备。如:He is trying to get ready for the new teachers welcome party.他在为新教师们欢迎会做着准备工作。第9页vPick up,开车接某人。He picked up a hitch-hiker on his way to the Summ

9、er Palace.在开车前往颐和园路上,他让一个搭便车人上了车。在英美等国家,在郊外路上,偶然能看到有些人竖起大拇指,握着其它手指,举起胳膊,站在公路边。他们是想搭便车人,叫 hitch-hiker。vCount on 信赖,依赖。We can count on the two hundred workers to finish the project.我们能够依赖这200名工人来完成这个项目。第10页vBe off 离开某地。如:Where are you off to?你离开这里是要去哪儿?I should be back no later than three.我最晚不超出三点赶回来。

10、No later than 不晚于,不迟于。The report will be finished no later than seven in the evening.汇报不超出晚上七点能够完成。类似使用方法:no more than 不超出 no less than 不低于,不少于。v第11页v英语里接听电话时候,首先要自报家门,或者直接说出自己姓名或机构名称,或者说 This is (speaking),不能说Im。问询对方是谁,说:Whos that?或者 Is that XXX?普通不说 Are you XXX?假如想找某人说话,能够说 May/Can I speak to?Can

11、I talk to?等。第12页v问询挂电话人是否想留言,Would you like to leave a message?Could you show me how to work the photocopier?这里,work 意思是 operate,run.工作,使用,操作。如:Mary does not know how to work the washing machine.vIm not sure where to put the paper.Im not sure 意思是我不知道,在这里她不知道什么呢?where to put the paper.这里意思是把纸放哪儿。v第13

12、页v英语里这么“疑问词+不定式”使用方法是很多。比如:Hes wondering how to get that heavy box onto the high table.他们在琢磨怎么样才能把那个沉重箱子搬到那张很高桌子上,how to do,怎样做,怎样做。Have you worked out what to say to the teacher?你想出跟老师说什么了吗?what to do 做什么。第14页vGet sb sth 给某人买个什么东西,相当于 buy sb sth 或者 buy sth for sb.这里 somebody 一般是宾格代词,如 me,you,her,hi

13、m,them 等等。vCould you get/buy me a copy of that dictionary next time you go to the bookstore?下次你去书店时候可认为我买一本这么词典吗?第15页vThe stores are closing in fifteen minutes.那些商店十五分钟后就关门了。这里用了现在进行时 are closing 来表示即将、马上概念。介词 in 跟时间短语一起用时表示某段时间之后,如:in two months,两个月后;He said he should be able to finish the project

14、in five weeks.他说五个星期之后他就能完成这个项目了。第16页vI guess I lost track of time.我想我是忘记时间了。Lose track of sb/sth 跟不上进展或发展;与失去联络。v又如:Ive lost track of many of my old school friends.我已经跟很多中学同学联络不上了。(回顾在第一单元里学习 keep track of,保持联络。)第17页Lesson 43I was starting to worryvDoug is finishing dinner with his family in Seattl

15、e,Washington.Hes happy because he got the job in Chicago.Now he has to give up his apartment in Seattle and pack his things to go to Chicago.Chuck,on the other hand,is depressed.He wants Laura to give him a ring.第18页Focus Questionsv1.Why does Doug say he should be going?2.Why did Dad make the cake?3

16、.What does Doug ask Ricky to do?第19页Answers to the Focus Questionsv1.Why does Doug say he should be going?Because Doug has got an appointment.Someones supposed to come over at eight to look at the apartment.2.Why did Dad make the cake?Doug has got a new job,so the family wants to congratulate him.3.

17、What does Doug ask Ricky to do?He asks Ricky and his friends to help him pack his things.第20页Language points in the dialoguevDoes anyone know what time it is?注意这句话里语序,what time it is,而不是 what time is it.这部分是做整个句子宾语从句,我们在第 38 课里学习过这个句型。Exactly,准确地,确切地,恰好地。It is said that John is exactly 100 kilograms

18、.听说 John 恰好一百千克。第21页vId better get going soon.我得马上走了。Would better do something 最好做某事。Get doing sth 开始做某事。Get moving,you guys Wed better hurry up.你们大家动作起来,我们得加紧速度了。vYou cant leave before you have a piece of this cake Dad made.吃点父亲做蛋糕后再走。第22页vIts in honor of your new job.In honor of sth/sb,纪念;祝贺;尊重。Th

19、e party was held in honor of our teachers birthday.晚会是为祝贺老师生日举行。这个短语也能够说成 in sbs/sths honor.This event is organized in Mr Lees honor.这次活动是为Mr Lee 组织。第23页vI was starting to worry when two weeks went by with no news.两周悄无声息地过去了,没有任何消息,我都开始着急了。go by,时间流逝,过去。As time went by,they began to get on well with

20、 each other.日子久了,他们彼此变得十分融洽。get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽。词组 go by sth 还有另外一个意思,“遵照,依照”。如:I shall go entirely by what you said to me.我应该完全按照你说去做。第24页vNo news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。这是一句谚语,经惯用来抚慰为何事而着急人。Do sb a favor 帮某人忙,给某人一个面子。He did me a great favor yesterday.昨天他帮了我一个大忙。Give sb a hand doing sth,帮忙做

21、某事。Can I give you a hand getting it down?我帮你拿下来吗?Call sb back 给某人回电话。Right away,at once,immediately.立刻,马上。第25页vDepressed 过去分词,心情压抑,心情不好。在学习这些表示情感、心情和感觉一类形容词时候,要注意区分 ing 形式和 ed 形式不一样含义。v如:interesting,interested;moving,moved;depressing,depressed;surprising,surprised;frightening,frightened.动词ing 形式都表示事

22、物含有这么那样性质,而 ed 形式普通表示某人被感动(吸引、压抑、惊吓等等)。如:第26页vThis is a very interesting story.I was greatly interested in the story.It was a frightening experience to be in a traffic accident.I was frightened by the traffic accident.vGet off the phone 挂完电话。Have sb do sth让某人做某事。第27页vYou sound kind of depressed.Soun

23、d,这里是动词,听起来。Kind of 有点儿。英语口语中经常用到,类似于 sort of.人们在口语交流过程中为了缓解口气或给自己留有考虑时间,经常用 kind of,sort of,somewhat,a bit 等插入话语中,起弱化所要说内容作用。第28页Focus Questionsv1.Why does the author say if you want a pay raise,you need to ask for it?2.Why dont many people go(to)ask for a pay raise according to the text?3.What doe

24、s“Do your homework”mean?4.What do you focus yourself on when you talk to your boss for a pay raise?5.Can you make a brief list of the strategies given in the text?(This last one may require you to try to remember the main ideas of those strategies.)第29页Language points in the reading textv Know what

25、youre worth before you seek a raise.be worth some money 相当于 价值;值。Worth 后经常跟一些表示钱数词语、数字等。v如:I paid only 10,000 yuan for this used car,and everyone says it is worth much more.我花了一万元买了这辆二手车,大家都说 应该值更多。va(pay)raise/rise 涨工资。v英式英语用 a rise 或 a pay rise,v美式英语中用 a(pay)raise.第30页v课文两个标题 Know what youre worth

26、 before you seek a raise.be worth some money.和 Do you think you deserve a raise?Then ask for it.点出了这篇文章关键内容。首先,打算争取单位给你涨工资前,一定要清楚自己终究实力怎样,单位值不值得给你涨工资。而一旦确定了自己含有充分实力,单位值得给自己涨工资,就要去合理地争取。第31页vIn todays corporate climate,most regular salary hikes have shrunk or disappeared.这句话里 hike 原义是“远足、徒步旅行”,动词、名词。

27、而这里 salary hike 指工资突然提升,涨工资。v在今天企业运作环境里,大多数定时涨工资做法已经缩小范围甚至取消了。那么希望涨工资人们该怎么办呢?Youll have to ask if you want a pay boost.A pay boost 跟 a pay rise/raise 意思一样。Boost 上升,举起,推起。想涨工资,只要自己去争取了。第32页vFight for 据理力争,为而战斗。Its part of your job to make your case.证实你自己是你工作一部分。Make ones case 或者 make the case for som

28、ething.以事实,说理、论证来证实某事。vAnyone of these stories is strong enough to make my case.这些故事中任何一个都足以证实我看法。Make(out)a case(for/against)据理说明支持或反对某事。They made out a case for more arms control.他们充分地论证了需要加强武器控制。下文 make a strong case 有力地证实,充分地证实。第33页vNo one will really know your brilliance unless you tell them.除非

29、你告诉他们,没有些人知道你真很出众。v这句话相当于 Nobody will really know your brilliance until you tell them.Unless=if not.连词 unless除非 和 until直到什么时候 经惯用来引发表示未来意义条件状语从句或时间状语从句。主句里经惯用到表示否定意义概念。第34页vNo one will really know your brilliance unless you tell them.除非你告诉他们,没有些人知道你真很出众。v这句话相当于 Nobody will really know your brillianc

30、e until you tell them.Unless=if not.连词 unless除非 和 until直到什么时候 经惯用来引发表示未来意义条件状语从句或时间状语从句。主句里经惯用到表示否定意义概念。第35页vDeliver it in a professional manner.这里指“要求加薪时候一定要阐述得非常专业”。In a manner,以方式。v对于怎样增加自己加薪机会,文章里提出了一系列详细提议。v首先,作者说 Do your homework.这里是什么意思呢?原来,作者指要求加薪前一定要做好充分调查研究工作。研究什么呢?vIndustry standard for y

31、our job and where you fall on the salary scale at your company.各行各业人员都有个相对一致工资水平,你当然要了解了。还有就是你在企业整体结构中大约属于什么阶层,也要搞清楚。第36页vTime(名词)时间;(动词)选择时机,安排时间。If you want to talk to your boss about your salary,it is very important to choose the right time to talk to him or her.Timing is very important.vTake adv

32、antage of=Make use of.利用。Make a contribution 做出贡献。vQuantify your accomplishments.量化你成绩,用数字来证实你业绩。vDemonstrate,证实。Contribute to 对做出贡献。第37页vKeep it career-focused.话题要集中在职业发展上。Whine,(为小事)埋怨,埋怨。如:What is that child whining about?那个孩子在埋怨什么呢?vSteer the discussion to your contributions over the past year a

33、nd your desire for career growth.把谈话引导到你这一年来对企业贡献和你追求职业发展理想上。vSteer 驾驶,操纵方向。引申为“引导,控制局势”steer to/towards 引导到,转移到。vHe managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money to the internal administration of the company.他想方法把讨论话题从钱转移到企业内容管理。第38页vGive me more money,or Ill quit.这么话显然是在威胁老板,有哪个老板

34、会喜欢不涨工资就辞职下属呢?连词 or 在这里相当于 or else,otherwise,不然。Hurry up or(else)youll be late.vMore often than not.相当于Most likely.最有可能。vI wish you good luck.那就祝你好运吧。显然你已经被炒鱿鱼了。vRehearse.要预先演练一下怎样跟老板讨价还价。而且交流过程中要表达出 serious and prepared(语气诚恳,有备而来)样子,而不是随随便便说说。Outline(名词和动词)(描述)纲领、概要。Practice doing sth 练习(操演)做某事。第39

35、页vKnow what you want.只有明确目标,才能做到有放矢。vIt is crucial to specify either a percentage increase or salary figure that should be in line with your market value and accomplishments.确定一个与你市场价值和贡献相符合涨幅百分比或工资数额至关主要。vIn line with sth 与相符合、相一致。Turn down 拒绝。I was invited,but I turned it down.我被邀请了,不过我拒绝了邀请。第40页v

36、Regardless of 不论,不去计较或考虑。paying no attention to any difficult factor(normally).v如:They are planning to visit Europe regardless of the expenses.他们不论费用多少还是在计划去欧洲旅行。vCourtesy will keep it on track.保持礼貌客气会使你职业顺利发展。Keep sth on track 保持正常进行。On the right/wrong track 方向(思绪)正确/方向错误。第41页vOK,we have covered th

37、e main ideas of the reading text.Im sure tomorrow morning or next week if you go to your boss and ask for a pay raise,you must have a lot of ideas as to how to talk to him or her.还记得刚才给你第五个问题吗?vYou can make a list by yourself and check with the text to see if you have got all the main points.第42页Ans

38、wers to the Focus Questionsv1.Why does the author say if you want a pay raise,you need to ask for it?In todays corporate climate,most regular salary hikes have shrunk or disappeared.2.Why dont many people go(to)ask for a pay raise according to the text?Feeling that theyll be denied a raise,many peop

39、le never request one.3.What does“do your homework”mean?You must get to know the industry standard for your job and where you fall on the salary scale at your company.v4.What do you focus yourself on when you talk to your boss for a pay raise?Focus on your career growth.5.Can you make a brief list of

40、 the strategies given in the text?答案略,见文章内容。第43页Wrap-up TipsvHow to ask for help or a favor怎样请求帮助How to offer help怎样主动提供帮助How to express an obligation怎样表示有义务做某事How to leave a message with someone on the phone怎样电话留言第44页短语或词组:短语或词组:vdo sb a favor,帮某人忙on ones way to,在去路上count on,依赖,依靠as soon as,一就figur

41、e out,处理;弄明白lose track of,赶不上进程或发展;失去联络in honor of,为纪念;以名义go by,经过,(时间)流逝第45页vgive sb a hand doing sth,帮某人做某事disappear,消失vfight for,争取make ones/a case,以事实,说理、论证来证实某事 deny,否定deliver,投递,递送in a manner,以 方式take advantage of,利用make a contribution,做贡献demonstrate,证实;演示contribute to,对 做(有)贡献whine about,埋怨,埋怨 come across,碰到,碰到第46页第47页第48页第49页第50页第51页第52页第53页第54页第55页第56页第57页第58页第59页第60页第61页第62页第63页第64页第65页第66页第67页第68页第69页

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