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1、Book 4 unit 5 Using languageReading,speaking&writing第1页What can be the theme of a theme park?Food,culture,science,cartoons,movies or history第2页Futuroscopeexcitement and learning第3页Suppose you are going to visit Futuroscope,what do you want to know about the park?FuturoscopeWhatWhereHowWhenWho第4页List

2、en and tick the experiences the author had in Futuroscope.()A.taking a journey deep into space,to the end of the solar system,and being pulled into a Black Hole.()B.taking a trip to Brazil to experience surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.()C.going with famous divers to the bottom of the ocean

3、 and seeing strange,blind creatures that have never seen the sunlight.()D.car racing or skiing on some of the most difficult mountains in the world.()E.meeting face to face with a dinosaur.()F.living on the other planets.on the earthPara 1 Three places:Three times:space,the bottom of the sea,earthpa

4、st,present,future第5页take a journey deep into space第6页Journey to the solar systemPulled into a black hole第7页Surviving an air crash第8页Undersea trip第9页take part in car racingskiing down the most difficult mountain第10页Meeting face to face with a dinosaurHow would you feel if you had a chance to have the

5、se experiences?第11页1.Can you list some information about Futuroscope?2.What else can visitors experience in the park?opened in 1987 in France one of the largest space-age parks in the worlda science and technology-based theme parkuses the most advanced technology3-D cinema and giant movie screens pr

6、ovide brand new experiences of the earth and beyond.Get close to parts of the world they have never experienced.amazing,up-to-date informationhand-on learning Try their own scientific experiments,learn about space travelPara 2第12页Para3:How to visit the park?_buy tickets at the parks entrance_prepara

7、tionindividuals_Most of the hotels nearby provide _If driving,._peopleplan your trip well_ticketstickets are available onlineclasses or other large groupsa shuttle servicewithin easy reach of the freewaywear comfortable sneakers or other walking shoestransportation第13页Where is the?How far is/are the

8、?How can we get to?Can/Could you show me where?1.give a brief introduction of the park2.help the visitor to find three of the parks activities(according to the map on P39)3.what can visitors get or learn from the park?(excitement&learning)Over there is theDown the path and.Then,you can seeIts about

9、minutes walk.Its about metres away.You can reachbySuppose you are a volunteer guide(A)in Futuroscope,You are taking a visitor(B)on a tour of the park.Sentence patterns:(A)(B)第14页Suppose you have 1.5billion yuan,you are going to design your own theme park.What kind you theme park will you build?Name:

10、Theme:Time to open:Activities:1.How can visitors go to the park?What the visitors can learn?第15页 Write a brief introduction of your own theme park.Your introduction may include the following aspects.Writing structurePara.1 What kind of park it is catch others attention Para.2Para.3three most attract

11、ive activities Most important partConclusion(excitement/fun&learning)第16页Homework:Try to find the answers to the questions that dont mentioned in the text.Finish writing the introduction.第17页Attention:1)try to use your own words 2)take notesYou can begin like this:A:Welcome to Futuroscope!Let me giv

12、e you a brief introduction of the park.It is a park,B:Where are .Ive heard they are beautiful!A:Its not fargo down this path and B:How far is it?A:its about minutes walk./Its about metres away.B:How can we get to?/Can you show me where?A:You can reachbyB:what can I get or learn in the park?A:The par

13、k can provide you with for example,第18页Para2:A general description of FuturoscopeQ:what is futuroscope and what can it provide for the visitors?1987one of the largest space-age in the worldscience and technology-based the most advanced technology3-D cinema and giant movie screens provideget close to

14、 amazing,up-to-date informationhand-on learning learning centreFuturoscope-_ and _excitementlearning第19页 1.Futuroscope is a theme park that uses the most 1.Futuroscope is a theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth advanced technology to take people out of the

15、 earth and the present time.()and the present time.()2.Futuroscope is a theme park that provides only 2.Futuroscope is a theme park that provides only fun and excitement for people.()fun and excitement for people.()F FF F4.True/False questions3.Future theme parks allow people to see and do things wi

16、thout danger but with much money.()4.Futuroscope can provide people with up-to-date information and lot of fun and excitement.()5.Future theme parks are places for fun and excitement but not for learning.()F FT TF F第20页做一次深入太空旅行被拽入坠机加入某人作为间歇面对面遇见太空时代以科技为基础主题乐园最先进技术崭新靠近 take a journey deep into space

17、be pulled intoan airplane crashjoin sb.for a breakmeet face to face withspace-agescience and technology-based theme parkthe most advanced technologybrand newget close to第21页最新信息动手学习活跃起来;清醒过来以一个完全新方法网上可取得班级出游提前团体入场价往返车辆服务高速公路附近up-to-date informationhands-on learningcome to lifein a completely new way

18、be available onlineclass outingin advancethe group admission ratea shuttle service within easy reach of the freeway第22页1.up-to-date:1)This factory uses the most up-to-date methods to make machines.2)It was a modern factory-everything was really up to date.out-of-date 过时过时,废弃废弃out of date1)Your out-o

19、f-date methods should be given up at once.2)His idea of teaching the students is out of date up to the minute 最当代最当代,最时新最时新 date from/back to 追溯到追溯到;开始于开始于 (adj.)modern 新近新近,当代当代,新式新式第23页2.hands-on The computer course includes plenty of hands-on training.hand on 传递传递 hand in/out 交上交上,交付交付/分发分发,施舍施舍

20、hand over 移交移交(adj.)重视实践重视实践e to life 4.in advance 活跃起来活跃起来提前提前第24页Pre-readingWould you like to take a journey deep into the sea or travel through space?第25页第26页Para1:What I did at FuturoscopeQ:What did the writer do in the Futuroscope?took a journey deep into spacewas pulled intotook a trip toexper

21、iencedjoined some divers and went totook part inskied downmet face to face with第27页Did you travel to some places during the national holiday?Where did you go and what did you see?Have you ever been to theme parks?第29页第30页What are the three times and three places you can visit at the futuroscope?Past

22、PastPresentPresentFutureFutureTimeTimePlacePlaceEarthEarthBottom of the seaBottom of the seaSpace Space 第31页EntertainmentEducationTo take a journey deep into space.To try scientific experiments.To experience surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.To learn what must be done to prepare for a flight

23、 into space or an undersea trip.Go with famous divers to the bottom of the sea.To understand why we could not live on other planets in our solar system.To take part in car racing or ski on some of the most difficult mountains in the worldTo meet face to face with a dinosaur.第32页Suppose you are going

24、 to visit Futuroscope,what do you want to know about the park?(what,where,how,when,who)What can I see or do there?Whats the theme/characteristic of the park?What is the attractions of the park?Where is it?How can I get there?Who can visit there?第33页A map of Futuroscope第34页ReadingReadingTell the main

25、 idea of the three paragraphs.Para 1.Para 2.Para 3.mainideadiddescriptionvisitWhat I _ at Futuroscope.A general _of the park.How to _ the park.第35页Suppose you are a volunteer guide in Futuroscope,You are taking one of the visitors on a tour of the park.Your conversation should include:1.give a brief introduction of the park2.help the visitor to find three of the parks activities(according to the map on P39)3.what can visitors get or learn from the park?(excitement&learning)第36页Name:Theme:Attractions:What the visitors can learn:第37页

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