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1、专升本一英语语法概要Members of the sentence 1.The students of Class Four are attentively reading the book written by Lu Xun.1.1.2.Behaviorists suggest that 2.2.the child who is raised in an 3.3.environment where there 4.4.are many stimuli which develop 5.5.his or her capacity for proper 6.6.responses will exp

2、erience 7.7.greater intellectual8.8.development.分析:(1)该句的主语为behaviorists,谓语为suggest,宾语为一个从句,因此整个句子为 Behaviorist suggest that-clause 结构。(2)在suggest的宾语从句中,主语为child,谓语为experience,宾语为greater intellectual development.故,整个一句话的意思就是:行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素,这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展,则,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。1.1.主语(主语(Su

3、bjectSubject)它是句子的主体,是它是句子的主体,是“什么什么人,什么事,什么物人,什么事,什么物”的问题。常由的问题。常由n,pron,num,to-do,-ving,clause n,pron,num,to-do,-ving,clause 担任。担任。.Professor Wang is a well-known scholar.I read English newspaper every day.To become a professor has been his ambition.Smoking is harmful to health.(5)What we shall do

4、 next is not yet decided.1.1.(6)Two thirds of the students 2.2.are the boys in our school.(7)It doesnt matter whether he will come or not.2.谓语(Precicate)它是说明主语的动作或状态的部分.除了特殊的倒装结构一般位于主语后。His father is a fireman.The children laughed.We should pay attention to English idioms.3.3.宾语(宾语(ObjectObject)宾语是及

5、物动词的对象和内容。宾语是及物动词的对象和内容。不及物动词后不能接宾语。介词后面的名词或代不及物动词后不能接宾语。介词后面的名词或代词叫做介词宾语。可有词叫做介词宾语。可有n,pron,numn,pron,num或与之相当或与之相当的结构担任。如:的结构担任。如:(1)Would you mind coming earlier (1)Would you mind coming earlier tomorrowtomorrow(2)I dont know where he has gone.(2)I dont know where he has gone.(3)The sun gives us

6、light and warmth.(3)The sun gives us light and warmth.4.补语(Complement)用于补充说明主语或宾补。常由adj,n或相当的结构充当。.He doesnt believe the story true.The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week.They saw her walking into the bookstore.(4)He was considered to be the best player.5.表语(Predicative)它在联系动词之后表示主语的性质、特征、

7、状态或身份的部分。可有n,pron,adj,adv,num,to-do,-ving,clause担任。如:.Susan is always careless.Her job is to look after the children.His job is teaching you how to use the machine.The key question is how we should solve the problem.6.定语(Attributive)用来限定或修饰名词或代词。通常由形容词或与之相当的结构担任。它可以是一个词或是几个词或者一个词组,或者是个句子。位置比较灵活,可在名词

8、前后。1.1.(1)The yellow bike is mine.2.2.(2)A very valuable bronze 3.3.Egyptian cat.(3)The man who gave us a report yesterday was a model worker.(4)This is a book which tells rocket technology.(5)After all,he is a five-year-old boy.(6)Commerce with other countries is very important to us.(7)Please give

9、 me a knife to cut with.(8)The boy,tired,hungery and thirsty,fell down on the beach.7 状语(Adverbial)用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子.它常由副词或与之相当的结构担任。(1)Rose speaks English quite well.(2)He went to France to learn French.(3)If I have some spare time,I will take up German.(4)When I grow up,I am going to be a teacher

10、.(5)The children ran away from the orchard the moment they saw the guard.8.同位语 它位于名词或名词性短语之后,说明其内容。常由名词、名词性短语或从句担任。如:(1)The future belongs to you young people.(2)A year is divided into four seasons,spring,summer,autumn and winter.句子的种类一 按照用途分为四类:1.1.1.陈述句(肯定或否定)如:(1)We love our motherland.(2)As they

11、 say,when the age is in,the wit is out.(3)We cant live without air and water.2.疑问句 用来提出问题,它又可分为四类:一般疑问句(1)Do they like playing PC games -Yes,they do.(2)Have you a wrist watch -No,I havent.特殊疑问句(1)Who is singing in the next dormitory(2)What are you doing now(3)Why do they like playing golf(4)When did

12、 you get the very job 选择疑问句/反义疑问句(1)Shall we go by bus or by train(2)Do you love chess or snooker(3)Peter smokes a lot,doesnt he(4)Linda isnt a college student,is she 3.祈使句1.(1)Copy the exercise in your 2.notebook.(2)Dont be afraid of making grammatical mistakes.(3)Lets take the child to the park!4.

13、感叹句(1)What a place it is!(2)What nonsense!(3)How foolish they are!(4)How hard he studies!(5)How beautiful your T-shirt is!二 按照用途分为简单句、并列句和复合句。1.简单句 SV.Everybody laughed.Prices are going up.The guests have arrived.SVC.He is in good health.These flowers smell fragrant.My brother has become an engineer

14、.SVO.I want a return ticket.Nobody could answer the question.The train is building up speed.SvoO.I taught you English grammar.Someone left you this note.David showed me the way.SVOC.We elected him our spokesman.They painted the walls creamy white.The directors appointed him sales manager.1.1.2.并列句(C

15、ompound Sentence)2.2.它包括两个或两个以上并列而又3.3.相互独立的简单句。其结构为4.4.“SP+连词+SP”。5.5.连接两个概念 常见的and,6.6.so,therefore,not 7.7.onlybut(also),neither 8.8.nor等。如:(1)I think,therefore I exist.(2)She not only writes her own plays,she also acts in them.(3)He neither speaks English,nor understands it.表示两者选其一 常见的有or,otherw

16、ise,or else,eitheror.如:(1)Either he is to blame or I am.(2)You must go to work or/or else/otherwise you will lose your job.表示矛盾或对照 常见的有but,yet,still,however,while,whereas 等。(1)Although she felt ill,she still went to work.(2)I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.3.复合句(Complex Sentence)它由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。如:(1)I was about to leave,when the telephone rang.(2)The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard.并列复合句 指的是并列句中含有一个或多个从句。如:(1)Altogether Beethoven wrote nine symphonies,but most of them were written after he had lost his hearing.教学资料整理仅供参考,

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