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1、授课讲义课程名称全能一级课程代码任课教师Smile上课日期及课次11年9月9日第23次Lesson 37 Making a bookcase 做书架Lesson 38 What are you going to do? 你准备做什么?What are you doing now? 你现在正在做什么?生词和短语 new words and expressions1paint(1)v.上漆,涂:What colour is George going to paint it?乔治准备把它漆成什么颜色的?We have painted the gate.(2)v.(用颜料)画:Who painted

2、this picture?这幅画是谁画的?(3)v.描写;描绘:His novel paints a peaceful picture of the country life in Europe.他的小说描绘了有关欧洲乡村生活的宁静画面。His letters paint a wonderful picture of his life in Pairs. 他的信描写了一幅在巴黎生活的美丽图画。(4)n.油漆;涂料;颜料:Wet Paint!油漆未干!I bought a box of paints.我买了一盒颜料。Its a great piece of paint. 这是一幅绘画杰作。2wo

3、rk(1)v.工作;劳动:He works 45 hours per week.他每周工作45个小时。(2)v.从事职业:He works as a bank clerk.他是一名银行职员。(3)v.学习;做作业:If you work hard, youll pass your exams.如果你用功的话,你就会考试通过。(4)n. 工作;劳动;作业;职业:He wants to have a good sleep after a days work.在一天的工作之后,他想好好睡上一觉。The students finished all their work in class.学生们当堂把全

4、部作业都完成了。He is without work.他失业了。work:可做名词、动词,指代一切的劳动、各种各样的劳动job:有报酬的一份工作 work hard:动词词组,努力工作 hard-working:形容词,勤奋3. bookcase:书柜/bookshelf:书架bookshop/ bookstore:书店bookseller:书商bookmark:书签bookworm:书虫、书呆子4. pink n.& adj. 粉红色in the pink 健康pink-collar 粉领的,职业妇女的 white-collar 白领的 blue-collar 蓝领的golden-colla

5、r 金领pink slip 解雇通知书pink lady:(鸡尾酒)红粉佳人5. homework n. 作业:do ones homework 做家庭作业housework 家务活do the housework 做家务活6. listen vi. 听(表示听的动作)listen to 听某人讲话Listen to the music!He is listening to the music.We are listening to the boy read the text.7. dish n. 盘子,碟子:a homely dish 一道家常菜plate 盘子课文详注 Further no

6、tes on the text1 make与domake:表示“做”这个意思时,更强调“制作某个物件”;do:更强调“做某件事”。Eg:He is making a kite for her sister. 他正在给她的妹妹做一架风筝。I usually do my homework in the evening. 我通常晚上做作业。2 listen与hearlisten:听,强调听的动作,不显示结果;hear:听见,强调听见这个结果。语法Grammar将来时将来时 be going to (1)将来时be going to的形式由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。(2)将

7、来时be going to的用法A. 表示“打算”、“准备”在最近做某事。(在非正式语体中,一般多用be going to,而不用will。)I am going to put it on the floor.我打算把它放在地板上。He is going to paint the bookcase tomorrow.他准备明天给书架刷漆。B. 表示按计划、安排要发生的事:The meeting is going to begin at nine.会议将在9点开始。Where are you going to build the road?你们将在什么地方筑路?C. 表示预言一件事即将发生:Th

8、e meeting is going to begin at nine.会议将在9点开始。Its going to rain!天要下雨了!Shes going to faint!她要晕倒了!(3)be going to的疑问式与否定式将助动词be提至句首可将陈述句变为一般疑问句。如:George is going to paint it pink.乔治打算把它刷成粉红色。Is George going to paint it pink?乔治打算把它刷成粉红色吗?在助动词后面加上not可以得到否定句。如上句可变为:George is not going to point it pink.乔治不打

9、算把它刷成粉红色。 什么时候用be going to构成的一般将来时?1 事先经过考虑,安排近期要做的事情;Eg:They are going to the park this weekend. 他们打算这周末去公园。2 根据目前某种迹象判断某事非常有可能发生。Eg:What bad weather! It is going to snow tomorrow. 多糟的天气!看来明天要下雪。常与be going to搭配的时间副词或者词组有哪些? be going to常与表示将来的时间信息词如:this afternoon,tomorrow,the day after tomorrowsoon

10、以及next系列时间短语等连用。ractice.练习 句型转换:I.选择适当的词填空。1. A: What is she_(do)? B: She_(cook)dinner in the kitchen now.2. Listen! Who _(sing) ? 3 A : What _they _(do)? B: They_(run)on the grass now.4. Are they_(fly)kites? Yes ,they are.5.A:_the girls_(catch)the butterflies? B: No, they arent. They_(pick)up leave

11、s.6. Bob _(swim)in the pool now.7. They are_(make) a snowman.8. The boys _(take) picturesinthe garden now.9. Its 12:00,the students _(have) lunch in the canteen now.10. My father_(wash) his car outside now.11. A: _your brothers _(play) computer games now? B: Yes,they are.12. I like_(dive) and_(swim)

12、.14.Look! The kangaroo_(jump) , the panda_(sleep),the monkeys_(eat)bananas.Choose the right answers.选择答案。( ) 1.-What are you going to do this weekend? -I am going _ my grandmother and grandfather. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting( ) 2.What _ you want to be? A. are B. does C. do( )3. _ _ _ Im going t

13、o the science museum.A. What are you going to do this afternoon?B. What are you doing?( )4. _ _ On foot.A. Do you go to school by everyday?B. How do you go to school every day, Helen?( )5. _ _ _ I usually read books.A. What are you doing? B What do you do in the evening?Choose the right words.选择填空wh

14、en what where how what time which who-_ are you going? - I am going to the Great Wall.-_ are they going to school?-They go to school by school bus.-_are you going to the museum? Tomorrow afternoon.-_are we going to buy? We are going to buy some fruit.-_is she going with? She is going to Beijing with

15、 her mum.Connect the sentences.连词成句。1. you, are, do, to, this, evening, going, what 2. my, clean, going, room, am, to 3. by, am, I going, train 4. visit, are, going, we, aunt, my, to 5. this, theme, park, Im, to, going, afternoon 用提示词回答问题。1Where are you going this evening?(the cinema) 2When are you going to take a trip?(tomorrow) 3How are you going to the US?(plane)作业: 1、背Lesson37, 38的单词和词组 2、听录音跟读Lesson 37课的课文,能够熟背课文。.作业完成情况完成 未完成家长确认签字家长意见:

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