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1、(完整版)选修六基础知识unit1练习 - 副本 选修六unit1 基础练习题一、语法填空1. I would rather the rich man adpoted(adopt) the orphan as his own son now。2。 Without your help, I couldnt have finished my work on time.3. If you had taken my advice, you wouldnt have failed (not fail) the test。4. By coincidence, we arrived here at the

2、same time。5。 The book I saw last week is well worth seeing(see).6。 I failed the exam。 How I wish I had remembered(remember) all those English words before the test.7。 I am busy, otherwise I would do_(do) you a favor!8。 If only she had known (know) that yesterday.9. I demanded that the letter be answ

3、ered(answer) immediately。10。 Organizers appealed_to the crowd not to panic。11. Should it rain, all the crops would be saved ((save)。12。 His tired face suggested that he was (be) really tired after the long walk。13。 He acted as if he had known (know) everything in the world。14. They got up early in o

4、rder that they _could catch ( can catch) they first train。15. It is high time we went (go) home.=It is high time we should go home .二、句型转换或完成句子1.The little girl goes to the library on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as a rule。 =The little girl goes to the library every other day as a rule.2。 If he sho

5、uld come, tell him to ring me up.=Should he come , tell him to ring me up.3If there were no water, there would not be living things in the world.=Without water , there would not be living things in the world。4. I was ill that day. If I hadnt been ill, I would have taken part in the parade. =I was il

6、l that day。 Otherwise, I would have taken part in the parade.5. She didnt take the medicine, so she didnt get well。 (改为虚拟语气)=If she had taken the medicine, she _would have got well。6。 Its time for us to start work now。=Its time we should start work now。7。 Not only the students but also the teacher i

7、s absent from the lecture。=The teacher as well as the students is absent from the lecture.三、改错1. The book is aimed at very young children.2. He has a strong preference for chemistry。3. .The book is well worth reading a second time .4. The vase is worth500 dollars at the most 。5. He is in possession

8、of a large company 。6. He is a great deal more experienced than other colleagues .7. Large quantities of oil have been wasted so far 。8. Without your timely aid, the drowning girl wouldnt have been saved then。9. But for your warn , there would have been many more deaths in the accident 。 10. I would

9、 rather you came tomorrow.11. 。I would have seen you off yesterday but I was busy then。12. If you had taken medicine last night , you would be fine now .13. What he said at the meeting appealed to me a great deal。14. At last , they arrived at what was an old temple in the past。15. I cant figure out

10、why he quit his job.16. You could see he was allergic to the sunlight .17. The student as well as his teacher is in possession of this project.18. By coincidence , I met the person whom I had been looking for19. Ten score students have been sent abroad for further education.20. This kind of plants i

11、s specific to this region.21. He is always the last to hand in his homework in Class 4。22. He has great faith for her timely arrival 。23. The man insisted that he did not make a mistake and that he not get punished .24. His pale face suggested that he was seriously ill and that he be sent to hospita

12、l。25. Its important that everyone have a good knowledge of English at present 。26. It s time that some measures should be taken to settle the traffic problem.27. He preferred reading books to watching TV . 28. He made an attempt to escape from the prison but unfortunately failed at last 。29. The des

13、cription sounds ridiculous not convincing。30. -Where did you meet him ?-It was in the hotel where he stayed . 31. Their proposal that the studying time be put off has been approved .32. The man was to blame for his carelessness 。33. The war broke out in the winter of 1997。34. Much to our delight, we

14、 will have a seven-day leave 。35. The country consists of 54 states .36. Ms Tang was ill , so Ms Zhang will take the place of her 。37. Whether we have a good revision during vacation makes a great difference 。38. He tried to keep himself informed of every event .39. He has been ill for nearly a year

15、 by now 。40. They made great contributions to building New China . 41. With their eyes focused on the blackboard , they took notes carefully。42. Absorbed in the book , they didnt notice their bags lost .43. Being exposed to the sun is bad for your skin .44. They are applied to teaching that they spared no time to care for their family 。

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