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1、PICSample Company PoliciesAnd ProceduresJanuary Printing Industries of California5800 South Eastern Avenue, Suite 400P.O. Box 910936Los Angeles, CA. 90091-0936 Cost-PIC Member Free February 3, Non-Member $300 PURPOSE OF THIS SAMPLEPrinting Industries of California (PIC) recognizes the value of well-

2、written company personnel policies and procedures. Over the years PIC has published sample employee handbook language covering basic employment policies. Members have used this language as a guide in creating written policies and procedures covering the companys employment practices and philosophies

3、.This publication, like others before it, does not claim to be all-inclusive or a final product. New State and Federal laws and legal decisions will require this sample to be updated, along with the companys employee handbook, to reflect these changes. Further, each company must develop an employee

4、handbook, which reflects the employment practices unique to the companys operation and philosophies. Consequently, a publication such as this sample must be flexible and open ended to accommodate these differences in employment practices and philosophies.In initiating or revising your company person

5、nel policies or employee handbook, do not hesitate to call Doug Moore, Vice President of Human Resources, for assistance.Although an effort has been made to provide sample language, which is consistent with applicable law, employers using this or other language may wish to have a labor attorney revi

6、ew their employee handbook before publication.PIC would like to extend a special thanks to the Employment Law Department at the law firm of Silver & Freedman. They have provided a good portion of the language contained in this sample handbook and review its contents from time to time. (EDITORS NOTE:

7、 HEALTH BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES ON WORKERS COMPENSATION DISABILITY AND OTHER LEAVES) The California Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) has decided in Navarro v. A&A Farming that an employer whose personnel policy terminated benefits after a stated period could apply the policy to persons on te

8、mporary Workers Comp disability. A&A Farming obtained its coverage from the Western Growers Trust, a California licensed MEWA, as is the PIASC, PINC and PIASD Benefit Trusts, so it is clear that the decision applies to those firms who obtain health coverage from the PIASC, PINC or PIASD Benefit Trus

9、ts. Firms that do not obtain their coverage from the Benefit Trust may probably rely on the same decision, but it is less certain. If health coverage ceases under such a policy, affected employees (in firms of two or more employees) become eligible for COBRA extension. Companies can choose to make e

10、mployer payments for more or less time than the 12 weeks suggested in the sample language with the following exceptions: Companies covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act must pay for at least 12 weeks, and all companies must pay for up to 31 days for employees activated for military service. Th

11、e companys policy of payments should be the same for all leaves the company grants so as not to be discriminatory. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEIntroduction 6History of Company and Marketing Services Performed.6Foreword 6Your Industry .7Reference Checks 7 Background Checks and Consumer Reports. 7 Terms of

12、Employment 8Employee Classification .8Independent Contractor, Agency Temp or Leased Personnel .9Employment of Relatives 9NonHarassment Policy 9Solicitation and Distribution Rule .11Equal Employment Policy .11Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities, Pregnancy and Lactation . 12Immigration Reform an

13、d Control Act 13Off-Duty Employees .13Conflict of Interest .13 Off Duty Conduct.13 Personal Involvement .14Appearance and Courtesy .14Advancing With the Company 14Performance Evaluations 14Promotions .14Open Door Policy .14Rumors .15Customer Property 15Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure .15Company E

14、quipment Monitoring, Access and Inspection. 16 Voice Mail, E-mail & Computer Files .16Hours of Work Workweek 17 Excessive Tardiness/Absenteeism 18Working Conditions .18Pay Day .18Hours of Work 18Time Records.18 Overtime Authorization and Requirement .19Holiday Pay 19 Vacation Pay .19Sick Leave Pay .

15、20Overtime Pay .21Reporting Time Pay 22Uniforms .22Meal Period.22 Break Periods 23Insurance Programs (Required by Law) .23Workers Compensation . 23Workers Compensation Fraud .23State Disability Insurance .23Paid Family Leave Insurance24State Unemployment Insurance .24Federal Social Security (F.I.C.A

16、) 24Profit Sharing, 401 k or Pension Plan.25Company Health/Life Insurance .25Employee Purchases 25Time Off To Vote 25Jury Duty Time Off. 25Judicial Leaves25 Court Appearances.25 Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault.26 Victims of Crime26Bereavement Time Off 26School Activities Time Off .27Literacy Edu

17、cation Time Off.27Leaves of Absence 27 Compensation and Benefits Accruals While on Leave of Absence27 Non-Retaliation 28 Personal (Non-Industrial) Leave of Absence .28 Family and Medical Care Leave of Absence .29Pregnancy/Childbirth Leave of Absence 30Industrial Medical Leave of Absence .31Military

18、Leave of Absence .32Physical Examinations Following A Leave. 33 Personal Loans .34Personal Mail and/or Telephone Calls 34Bulletin Board 34Good Housekeeping 34Radios In Work Areas 34Keep Your Record Up To Date .34Request For Payroll Records 35Health Insurance portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA

19、).35Personnel Records .35Loss of Company Property 35Company Work Rules 36Your Safety .37Hazardous Substance Training 37Injury and Illness Prevention Program 37Smoking Restriction 37Workplace Security Policy .37 Safe Operation of Vehicles. 38Standards of Conduct .39Company Safety Rules 40Life Threate

20、ning Diseases. 42Blood-borne Pathogens .43Reporting On the Job Injuries or Illnesses .43Emergency Medical Service 43First Aid .43Fire Extinguishers 44Employee Handbook Revisions 44Receipt and Acknowledgement for Employee Handbook 44INTRODUCTIONThis is your employee handbook. It was prepared for you

21、to help you better understand what you can generally expect from . This handbook replaces any and all earlier personnel or employee handbooks, policies and procedures, benefit statements, and memoranda, whether written, oral or established by practice.The information in this handbook is important to

22、 all of our employees. Read the manual now and keep it in a convenient place. You will want to refer to your handbook when you have questions about company policies and benefits.Naturally, you wont find answers to all your questions in the handbook. It is neither a law book nor a catalog of personne

23、l policies. In preparing this handbook, we have not tried to give you the minute details of each policy. Instead, we have attempted to present a summary of some of the more important policies. No written statement, no matter how complete, can be a substitute for direct daily contact with your immedi

24、ate supervisor.Throughout your handbook, you will be urged to check with your supervisor or for complete information on employee policies and benefits. This advice is continually repeated because its importance cant be overemphasized.If your supervisor or doesnt have an immediate response to your qu

25、estion, he or she will get the information you seek and pass it along to you promptly.Circumstances will obviously require that the policies, practices and benefits described in the handbook change from time to time. The company reserves the right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement or add

26、 to the provisions of this handbook as it deems appropriate from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion. However, no amendment or modification of the “Terms of Employment” provisions of this handbook shall be effective unless made in writing, and signed by the President of the company. The

27、 company will attempt to provide you with notification of any other changes as they occur.HISTORY OF COMPANY AND MARKETING SERVICES PERFORMEDFOREWORDOur employee handbook is a tool to help promote a cooperative and healthy atmosphere, to spell out policies relative to hours, wages, conditions of emp

28、loyment and to provide for the administration of these policies in the interests of all concerned, in keeping with conditions in our area and industry.We are presenting this employee handbook because we feel that if you understand basically what is expected of you, and what you may expect of the com

29、pany, we shall have an organization which better meets the needs of our customers.The statements as set forth in this book have not been arbitrarily established. Each of them has a sound background of common sense based on the experiences of this company. Employees have suggested many and we will fu

30、rther welcome suggestions from you that will aid in maintaining a constructive and harmonious relationship.Our single most common goal must be to work together to meet the needs of our customers, remembering our customers are mutually our most important asset.YOUR INDUSTRYThe printing industry is on

31、e of the largest and most important manufacturing industries in the United States. It is closely related to every other industry. In its production it borrows from agriculture, the extractive industries, and the machinery, electrical, and computer industries; in its distribution it utilizes the mode

32、rn agencies of advertising, communication and transportation; in its usefulness it is the service industry of all.California has grown into the number one print-producing industry in the nation. The printing industry, in fact, is the largest manufacturing sector in California in number of firms. Whe

33、n the allied industries of commercial printing, publishing, reprographics and various specialty printing were added together in , they produced 14.8 billion in the states economy and employed 111, 356 people.Despite the fact that it is classified as a trade in the minds of many people, printing is o

34、ne of the arts. It is a branch of the Graphic Arts field and as such is the means of preservation of all the other arts known to humanity.REFERENCE CHECKSTo ensure that individuals joining the Company are qualified and have the potential to be productive and successful, the Company will check the em

35、ployment references of all applicants. Every offer of employment is contingent upon the appropriate completion of a reference check.No references will be given concerning any present or past employee of the company unless the Company has received a written request for such a reference. Only _ may re

36、spond to a request for a reference. Such response will only confirm the dates of employment and position held, and will be in writing. If an employee has given written authorization, the Company will also provide information on the amount of salary or wages earned by the employee.BACKGROUND CHECKS A

37、ND CONSUMER REPORTSThe company may require your consent to obtain a consumer report in connection with your initial application for employment, your application for a new postion in the Company, or an investigation into possible wrongful conduct by you. A consumer report may contain information regarding your credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living. The company will use this information for employment purposes only. Refusal to authorize the obtaining of a consumer report by the Compa

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