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1、大学英语六段完型填空与段落翻译College English IIIUnit 4 The e-mail was in some respects _1_ to other nasty letters I receive.It _2_ me to task for my _3_ on the Los Angeles Dodgers and _4_ that I had got everything wrong.However,the note was _5_ from the others in at least two ways.A.sent E.written I.contained M.s

2、ignedB.took F.similar J.conclusion N.sealedC.made G.received K.different O.statisticsD.argued H.thought L.commentsCollege English IIIUnit 4 This note _6_ more details than the usual“Youre an idiot.”It included vital _7_ on the teams performance.It was _8_ by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers

3、as well as I _9_ I did.And this note was _10_.The writers name was Sarah Moris.A.sent E.written I.contained M.signedB.took F.similar J.conclusion N.sealedC.made G.received K.different O.statisticsD.argued H.thought L.commentsCollege English IIIUnit 4Translate the following paragraphs into ChineseCol

4、lege English IIIUnit 4 The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I receive.It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong.这封邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他这封邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他刻薄的信件相似。刻薄的信件相似。它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并争辩说我把一切全都搞错了。争辩说我把一

5、切全都搞错了。College English IIIUnit 4 However,the note was different from the others in at least two ways.This note contained more details than the usual“Youre an idiot.”It included vital statistics on the teams performance.然而这个评论与其他的评论至少有然而这个评论与其他的评论至少有两个方面的不同。两个方面的不同。与通常那些与通常那些“你是个白痴你是个白痴”的评论的评论不同的是,这一

6、评论含有更多的细不同的是,这一评论含有更多的细节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键数据。数据。College English IIIUnit 4 It was written by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I thought I did.And this note was signed.The writers name was Sarah Moris.写这篇评论的人对对洛杉矶道奇队的写这篇评论的人对对洛杉矶道奇队的了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。而且这一评论是

7、署名的。作者的名字而且这一评论是署名的。作者的名字叫萨拉叫萨拉 莫里斯。莫里斯。College English IIIUnit 5Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list.College English IIIUnit 5 The old green typewriter sits in my office now,unrepaired.It is a memento,but _1_ it recalls for me is not _2_ what it recalled for Mother._3_ Im ha

8、ving trouble with a _4_ and think about giving up or when I start to feel _5_ for myself and think things should be _6_ for me.A.story E.After I.type M.WhenB.easier F.what J.write N.aheadC.sorry G.did K.made O.quite D.difficult H.away L.gave College English IIIUnit 5I roll a pierce of paper into tha

9、t cranky old machine and _7_,word by painful word,just the way Mother _8_.What I remember then is not her failure,but her courage,the courage to go _9_.Its the best memento anyone ever _10_ me.A.story E.After I.type M.WhenB.easier F.what J.write N.aheadC.sorry G.did K.made O.quite D.difficult H.away

10、 L.gave College English IIIUnit 5Translate the following paragraphs into ChineseCollege English IIIUnit 5 The old green typewriter sits in my office now,unrepaired.It is a memento,but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother.那台绿色旧打字机现在放在我的办公那台绿色旧打字机现在放在我的办公室里,至今没有修理。它是一件纪念室里,至

11、今没有修理。它是一件纪念品,但它所勾起的我的回忆与妈的回品,但它所勾起的我的回忆与妈的回忆不尽相同。忆不尽相同。College English IIIUnit 5When Im having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me,I roll a pierce of paper into that cranky old machine and type,word by pain

12、ful word,just the way Mother did.每当我写文章遇到困难或想打退堂鼓时,每当我写文章遇到困难或想打退堂鼓时,或是自叹不走运、心想事情本该是较容或是自叹不走运、心想事情本该是较容易时,我就往那台破旧的打字机里卷进易时,我就往那台破旧的打字机里卷进一张纸,像妈当年一样,一个字一个字一张纸,像妈当年一样,一个字一个字地吃力地打着。地吃力地打着。College English IIIUnit 5What I remember then is not her failure,but her courage,the courage to go ahead.Its the be

13、st memento anyone ever gave me.这时,我回忆起的不是妈妈的失败,而是这时,我回忆起的不是妈妈的失败,而是她的勇气,她那一往无前的勇气。她的勇气,她那一往无前的勇气。这台打字机是我所得到的最好的纪念品。这台打字机是我所得到的最好的纪念品。College English IIIUnit 6Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list.College English IIIUnit 6 I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after

14、 _1_ him the prescribed capsules at eleven oclock I went out _2_ a while.It was a bright,cold day,the ground _3_ with a sleet that had frozen so that it _4_ as if all the bare trees,A.after E.seemed I.down M.givingB.for F.slipped J.by N.standC.once G.covered K.over O.bareD.along H.stopped L.look Col

15、lege English IIIUnit 6the bushes,the cut brush and all the grass and the _5_ ground had been varnished with ice.I took the young Irish setter for walk up the road and _6_ a frozen creek,but it was difficult to _7_ or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog _8_ and slithered and I fell twice,hard,

16、_9_ dropping my gun and having it slide away _10_ the ice.A.after E.seemed I.down M.givingB.for F.slipped J.by N.standC.once G.covered K.over O.bareD.along H.stopped L.look College English IIIUnit 6Translate the following passage into ChineseCollege English IIIUnit 6 I thought perhaps he was a littl

17、e lightheaded and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven oclock I went out for a while.我想,或许他有点神志不清了。我想,或许他有点神志不清了。11点钟,照规定给他服药后,我出去了一点钟,照规定给他服药后,我出去了一会儿。会儿。College English IIIUnit 6It was a bright,cold day,the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the b

18、are trees,the bushes,the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground had been varnished with ice.那是个晴朗而又寒冷的日子,地上覆盖的冻那是个晴朗而又寒冷的日子,地上覆盖的冻雨早已结成一层冰。那光秃秃的树木,那灌雨早已结成一层冰。那光秃秃的树木,那灌木丛,那砍下的树枝,以及所有的草坪和空木丛,那砍下的树枝,以及所有的草坪和空地,都像用冰漆过似的。地,都像用冰漆过似的。College English IIIUnit 6I took the young Irish setter for a wa

19、lk up the road and along a frozen creek,but it was difficult to stand or walk on the glassy surface我带着那条幼小的爱尔兰猎犬,沿着大路和一我带着那条幼小的爱尔兰猎犬,沿着大路和一条冰冻的小溪散步。但在这玻璃般平滑的地面条冰冻的小溪散步。但在这玻璃般平滑的地面上站立和行走是困难的。上站立和行走是困难的。and the red dog slipped and slithered and I fell twice,hard,once dropping my gun and having it slid

20、e away over the ice.一路上红毛狗连滑带跌,我也重一路上红毛狗连滑带跌,我也重重地摔倒了两次。一次猎枪也丢了,在冰上滑重地摔倒了两次。一次猎枪也丢了,在冰上滑出去老远。出去老远。College English IIIUnit 6Translate the following paragraphs into ChineseCollege English IIIUnit 7Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list.College English IIIUnit 7 On a summer evenin

21、g,a birthday celebration is _1_on at Dr.Stocktons.Among _2_ present are his neighbors:the Hendersons,the Weisss and the Harlowes._3_ the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the _4_ the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a _5_ of emergency for suspected enemy missiles A.shel

22、ter E.those I.state M.approachingB.In F.other J.situation N.goingC.By G.people K.radio O.fact D.shortly H.another L.reason College English IIIUnit 7missiles _6_.The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.However,_7_ afterwards they return one after _8_ to the Stockton house for the simple _9_

23、that they want to survivewant to share with the Stocktons the bomb _10_ which is the only one on their street.A.shelter E.those I.state M.approachingB.In F.other J.situation N.goingC.By G.people K.radio O.fact D.shortly H.another L.reason College English IIIUnit 7 On a summer evening,a birthday cele

24、bration is going on at Dr.Stocktons.在一个夏日夜晚,斯道克顿医生在家庆在一个夏日夜晚,斯道克顿医生在家庆祝生日。祝生日。Among those present are his neighbors:the Hendersons,the Weisss and the Harlowes.参加庆祝的有他的邻居:亨德森一家,韦参加庆祝的有他的邻居:亨德森一家,韦斯一家,斯一家,还有哈洛一家。还有哈洛一家。College English IIIUnit 7In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the a

25、nnouncement of the President of the United States正当庆祝在进行中,收音机里出乎意料地传正当庆祝在进行中,收音机里出乎意料地传来了美国总统的公告,来了美国总统的公告,declaring a state of emergency for suspected enemy missiles approaching.因怀疑敌方导弹飞近,宣布全因怀疑敌方导弹飞近,宣布全国处于紧急状态。国处于紧急状态。The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.生日聚会就此结束,邻居们匆匆赶回家去。生日聚会就此结束,邻居

26、们匆匆赶回家去。College English IIIUnit 7 However,shortly afterwards they return one after another to the Stockton house 然而,过了不多久他们有一个个回到了斯然而,过了不多久他们有一个个回到了斯道克顿家。道克顿家。for the simple reason that they want to survivewant to share with the Stocktons the bomb shelter which is the only one on their street.原因很简单,

27、那就是他们想活下去想分原因很简单,那就是他们想活下去想分享斯道克顿医生家的防空洞。这是他们街上享斯道克顿医生家的防空洞。这是他们街上唯一的防空洞。唯一的防空洞。College English IIIUnit 8 Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word from the word list given below.College English IIIUnit 8 The experiences of some athletes seem to _1_ this belief.For instance,John Uelses,a former po

28、le-vaulting champion,used daydreaming _2_ before each meet.He would image himself _3_.He would _4_ picture himself clearing the bar A.vividly E.over I.techniques M.height B.skillfully F.upon J.imagination N.mind C.confirm G.imagine K.performance O.weightD.conflict H.winning L.daydream College Englis

29、h IIIUnit 8at a certain _5_.He would go _6_ all the details in his mind.He would picture the stadium and the crowds.Hed even _7_ the smell of the grass and the earth.He said that this exercise of the _8_ left memory traces in his _9_ that would later help his actual _10_.A.vividly E.over I.technique

30、s M.height B.skillfully F.upon J.imagination N.mind C.confirm G.imagine K.performance O.weightD.conflict H.winning L.daydream College English IIIUnit 8 Paragraph Translation translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.College English IIIUnit 8The experiences of some athletes seem to confirm this

31、 belief.一些运动员的经历似乎证实了这种看法。一些运动员的经历似乎证实了这种看法。For instance,John Uelses,a former pole-vaulting champion,used daydreaming techniques before each meet.例如,前撑杆跳冠军约翰例如,前撑杆跳冠军约翰尤尔赛斯尤尔赛斯每次比赛前都使用做白日梦的技术。每次比赛前都使用做白日梦的技术。College English IIIUnit 8He would image himself winning.He would vividly picture himself cle

32、aring the bar at a certain height.He would go over all the details in his mind.他想像自己赢得胜利。他逼真地想像自己在他想像自己赢得胜利。他逼真地想像自己在某一高度是怎样越过横杆的。他会把所有的某一高度是怎样越过横杆的。他会把所有的细节在脑海里审察一遍。细节在脑海里审察一遍。College English IIIUnit 8He would picture the stadium and the crowds.Hed even imagine the smell of the grass and the earth.

33、他会想像到体育场和观众的情景。他甚至会他会想像到体育场和观众的情景。他甚至会想像到草坪和泥土散发出的气味。想像到草坪和泥土散发出的气味。He said that this exercise of the imagination left memory traces in his mind that would later help his actual performance.他说,这种想像力的运用在脑子里留下他说,这种想像力的运用在脑子里留下记忆痕。这些记忆痕有助于他的临场发挥。记忆痕。这些记忆痕有助于他的临场发挥。College English IIIUnit 9Complete the

34、passage by fill in each blank with a proper word from the list.Cloze College English IIIUnit 9 Terezin had been perverse kind of showcase.In contrast to Auschwitz,Treblinka and other extermination camps,the Nazis _1_ the town near Prague to _2_ the world.For much of the World War II,Nazi propaganda

35、_3_that Jews there enjoyed a life of _4_,even using captive Jewish filmmakers to craft a movie showing“happy”Jews _5_ to lectures and baskingA.leisure E.suggested I.stuffed M.listening B.wealth F.supplies J.went N.performC.reality G.designed K.fool O.gettingD.passed H.overflowed L.personnelCollege E

36、nglish IIIUnit 9in the sun.The _6_ was horribly different.As many as 58,000 Jews were _7_ into a town that had originally held 7,000.Medical _8_ were almost nonexistent,beds were infested with vermin and toilets _9_.Of the 150,000 prisoners who _10_ through Terezin,35,000 died there,mostly from dise

37、ase and hunger.A.leisure E.suggested I.stuffed M.listening B.wealth F.supplies J.went N.performC.reality G.designed K.fool O.gettingD.passed H.overflowed L.personnelCollege English IIIUnit 9 Paragraph TranslationCollege English IIIUnit 9Terezin had been perverse kind of showcase.In contrast to Ausch

38、witz,Treblinka and other extermination camps,the Nazis designed the town near Prague to fool the world.特雷津曾经是处有点反常的展示橱窗。与奥特雷津曾经是处有点反常的展示橱窗。与奥斯维辛、特雷布林卡等灭绝人的集中营不同,纳斯维辛、特雷布林卡等灭绝人的集中营不同,纳粹将这座位于布拉格附近的村镇刻意打扮以欺骗粹将这座位于布拉格附近的村镇刻意打扮以欺骗世人。世人。College English IIIUnit 9For much of the World War II,Nazi propaganda

39、 suggested that Jews there enjoyed a life of leisure,even using captive Jewish filmmakers to craft a movie showing“happy”Jews listening to lectures and basking in the sun.第二次世界大战期间的许多时间里,纳粹的第二次世界大战期间的许多时间里,纳粹的宣传机器宣传犹太人在那里过着悠闲的生活,宣传机器宣传犹太人在那里过着悠闲的生活,他们甚至利用被抓捕的犹太制片人杜撰情节拍他们甚至利用被抓捕的犹太制片人杜撰情节拍摄了一部电影,展示摄了

40、一部电影,展示“愉快的愉快的”犹太人在听讲座犹太人在听讲座和晒太阳。和晒太阳。College English IIIUnit 9The reality was horribly different.As many as 58,000 Jews were stuffed into a town that had originally held 7,000.而现实却是迥然不同。这座原本只能容纳而现实却是迥然不同。这座原本只能容纳 7 千人的小镇,如今却挤着千人的小镇,如今却挤着5 万万 8 千犹太人。千犹太人。College English IIIUnit 9Medical supplies we

41、re almost nonexistent,beds were infested with vermin and toilets overflowed.Of the 150,000 prisoners who passed through Terezin,35,000 died there,mostly from disease and hunger.几乎没有什么医疗设施,床上到处爬满几乎没有什么医疗设施,床上到处爬满虱子等害虫,厕所里污水外溢。曾在特雷虱子等害虫,厕所里污水外溢。曾在特雷津呆过的津呆过的15万人中,万人中,3 万万 5 千人死在那里,千人死在那里,多数死于疾病多数死于疾病 和

42、饥饿。和饥饿。College English IIIUnit 10 ClozeFill in each blank with a proper word from the word listCollege English IIIUnit 10 Thus it is not merely true,_(1)frequently noted,that 90 percent of all the scientists who ever _(2)are now alive,and that new scientific discoveries are being made every day.Thes

43、e new ideas are put to _(3)much more quickly than ever before.The time between the first and the second stages of the _(4)between idea andA.difference B.as C.process D.cycleE.discoveries F.lazy G.work H.that I.passage J.classic K.reduced L.livedM.technology N.stage O.quickenedCollege English IIIUnit

44、 10application has been radically _(5).This is a striking _(6)between ourselves and our ancestors.It is not _(7)we are more eager or less _(8)than our ancestors,but we have,with the _(9)of time,invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the _(10).A.difference B.as C.process D.cycleE.discoveries

45、F.lazy G.work H.that I.passage J.classic K.reduced L.livedM.technology N.stage O.quickenedCollege English IIIUnit 10 Paragraph TranslationCollege English IIIUnit 10 Thus it is not merely true,as frequently noted,that 90 percent of all the scientists who ever lived are now alive,and that new scientif

46、ic discoveries are being made every day.因此,正如人们经常提到的,一个正确的因此,正如人们经常提到的,一个正确的情况是,有史以来的所有科学家中情况是,有史以来的所有科学家中90%的人的人活在今天的世界上,新的科学发现现在天天活在今天的世界上,新的科学发现现在天天都有。都有。College English IIIUnit 10These new ideas are put to work much more quickly than ever before.这些新的思想现在比任何以往时候都得到更这些新的思想现在比任何以往时候都得到更快的应用。快的应用。Th

47、e time between the first and the second stages of the cyclebetween idea and applicationhas been radically reduced.这一循环过程的第一和第二阶段之间这一循环过程的第一和第二阶段之间即想即想法和应用之间法和应用之间的时间已经大大缩短。的时间已经大大缩短。College English IIIUnit 10This is a striking difference between ourselves and our ancestors.这一点是我们和我们祖先之间的一个引人这一点是我们和我们祖先之间的一个引人注目的一个差别。注目的一个差别。It is not that we are more eager or less lazy than our ancestors,这不是说我们比祖先更急于求成或较这不是说我们比祖先更急于求成或较少懒惰,少懒惰,but we have,with the passage of time,invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.而是由于时间的推移,我们已经发明了各而是由于时间的推移,我们已经发明了各种社会手段来加速这一进程。种社会手段来加速这一进程。谢谢!谢谢!

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