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1、Unit 3Unit 3Travel journalTravel journalEnglish Teaching GroupLu ZhongguangSpeakingGood morning,class!Good morning,Mr.Lu!How about the song,is it beautiful?Yes.What is the song about?Its about travel.If you have enough time and money,would you like to travel?Yes.Travel is very exciting.So we will ta

2、lk about travel.lLearn some expressions to talk about travel.lMake some sentences to talk about travel.lMake dialogues to talk about travel.lKnow how to make a travel plan.lKnow how to be a polite visitor.Goals(教学目标)Now lets come to the goals of this class.Read it together.Well,you have done a good

3、job.Do you like traveling?And now I want to ask you a question.Do you like traveling?Yes.Tang Xiaodan,where have you been?Why did you go there?andHow did you go?Well done!Sit down please.Nong Meiying,where have you been?Why did you go there?andHow did you go?Good job!Thank you so much!1.Where have y

4、ou been?3.How do you go?2.Why do you travel?When we talk about travel,we always ask these questions:Where have you been?Why do you travel?How do you go?Why do you travel?To eat delicious foodTo see beautiful sceneryFirst lets look at this question,Why do you travel?For example,I travel to enjoy deli

5、cious food.I travel to see beautiful scenery.WhyTo increase our knowledgeTo make friendsTo relax ourselvesWhy do you travel?To learn about culturesTo eat delicious foodTo enjoy lifeTo do some shoppingTo take photosDifferent people travel for different reasons.Now discuss this question with your part

6、ner.While discussing,please write down your answers.Lets begin.Now who would like to tell us Why do you travel?Tang:I travel to enjoy delicious food.Good idea!Zhou:I travel to see beautiful scenery.Do you agree with him?555Now let me show you my opinions,follow me.I will give you one minute to take

7、notes.A:Why do you travel?B:I want to increase my knowledge.This is an example for you.Lets read it together.How do you go?by plane/airby bikeby car?When you go traveling,you may go to a place far away.How do you go there?I would like to travel by bike.I would like to travel by car.A:How do you go t

8、o Beijing?B:I would like to go there by train.This is an example for you.Lets read it together.The National Day is coming,now your group discuss different ways of going where and your reasons.Ok!All of you have done a good job.We have learned why to travel and how to travel.Now its time to practise

9、with you partner.The National Day is coming,now your group discuss different ways of going where and your reasons.You can travel to one of these places,or any other place if you like.A:Do you like travel?B:Of course!A:The National Day is coming,where do you want to go?B:I want to .A:Why do you want

10、to go there?B:I want to .A:How do you go there?B:.A:Great.Have a good time.B:Thanks.When discussing,please make a dialogue like this.First,read it together.And now discuss with your partner,begin.I would like some of you to read out your dialogue,any volunteer.The second groupThe third group so grea

11、t.The National Day is coming,We are going to .It is .We would like to .We will go there .A travel planBefore traveling,we can make a travel plan like this.lets read it togetherAnd then some reporters will go to interview you.Where are our reporters?1.Where do you want to go?3.How do you go?2.Why do

12、you travel?The reporters can ask the others according to these questions:.You can ask these questions.Lets golOk!Lets welcome our reporters to come here to report.Great!Thank you for your excellent performance.3When traveling,what should you pay attention to?No LitteringTravel is very exciting.But d

13、o you know When you are traveling,what should you pay attention to?Yes,you are quite right.We should pay more attention to our environment.What can you see in the picture.So much rubbish.We cant do it like this.No littering.No DrawingNo DrawingNo tramplingNo tramplingNo spittingNo spittingWe should be friendly to our environment.Summary and HomeworkToday,we have learned how to talk about travel,you should practice more after class.And then do the exercises on P56.Thank you!

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