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1、第一单元 where did you go on vacation?一、词型转换wonder (adj.) wonderful I (反身代词) myselfyou (反身代词) yourself yourself (pl.) yourselves seem (pt.) seemed activity (pl.) activitiesdecide (n.) decision try (pt.) triedbike (同义词) bicycle build (n.) buildingdifference (adj.) different like (反义词) dislikebelow (反义词)

2、above二、短语归纳1. go to Central Park 去中央公园2. go on vacation 去度假3. buy something special 买特别的东西4. meet someone interesing 遇见有趣的人5. go out with someone 和某人一起出去6. take quite a few photos 拍相当多的照片7. most of the time 大多数时间8. go shopping 去购物9. keep a diary 记日记10. of course 当然;自然11. have a good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快12

3、. go to the beach 去海滩13. feel like 感觉像14. the houses of the Chinese traders 中国商人的房子15. a lot of new buildings 许多新的建筑物16. in the past 在过去17. over an hour 一个多小时18. too many people 太多的人19. get to the top 到达顶部20. because of the bad weather 因为不好的天气21. one bowl of fish 一碗鱼肉22. another two hours 另外两个小时23.

4、the top of the hill 山顶24. learn something important 学习重要的东西25. go to the countryside 去乡下26. in the shopping center 在购物中心27. have a fun time 玩得高兴;过得愉快28. after three hours 三个小时以后29. keep going 一直走30. twenty minutes later 20分钟后31. find out 找出,查明32. up and down上上下下33. so that 如此以致于三、重点句子1. Where did yo

5、u go on vacation?你去哪儿度假的?2. Long time no see.好久不见。3. Did you go anywhere interesting?你去有趣的地方了吗?4. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.大多数时间我只是待在家里看书和放松。5. I bought something for my father.我给我爸爸买了些东西。6. Everything was excellent.一切都很棒。7. How did you like it?你觉得它怎么样?8. I arrived at

6、 Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.今天早晨我和家人到达马来西亚的槟城。9. For lunch, we had something very special.午饭我们吃了很特别的东西。10. but many of the old buildings are still there.但是许多旧的建筑还在那里。11. My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.今天我和爸爸决定去槟城山。12. And because of the bad weather, we couldnt

7、 see anything below.并且因为糟糕的天气,我们看不见下面的任何东西。五、 难点讲练1、Oh, did you go to anywhere interesting?哦,你去过有趣的地方吗?此句中的anywhere为副词,意为“在任何地方”,其前面的介词要省略,定语应该后置。Anywhere主要用于否定句或疑问句中,肯定句中应该用somewhere。例如:We went somewhere nice yesterday.昨天我们去了一个美丽的地方。2、Did you do anything special last month?上个月你做特别的事情了吗?(1)由some与one

8、, thing, body构成的不定代词主要用于肯定句;由any与one, thing, body构成的不定代词主要用于否定或疑问句。例如:There is something wrong with my bike.我的自行车出毛病了。I cant see anyone in the classroom.在教室里我没看见任何人。X k B 1 . c o m(2)修饰不定代词something, anyone等的词要放在不定代词的后面。例如:Did you meet anyone interesting?你遇见有趣的人了吗?【注意】这些不定代词作主语时看作单数,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Eve

9、ryone was on vacation.所有的人都在度假。3、I bought something for my father.我给爸爸买了些东西。 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.get sb. sth. = get sth. for sb. 为某人买某物4、Did everyone have a good time?所有的人都玩得很高兴吗?Have a good/great/wonderful time = have fun doing sth. = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴。例如:We had fun playing on the beach

10、.我们在沙滩上玩得很开心。Did you enjoy yourself last weekend?上周末你玩得高兴吗?语法归纳一般过去时1. 概念表示过去发生的动作,常与过去的时间状语连用。例如:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, in 2008等。2. 谓语构成:(1)动词的过去式(2)was/were3. 句式 (1)肯定句 主+动词的过去式 主+was/were 主+didnt(2) 否定句 主+wasnt/werent Did+主? (3) 一般疑问句 Was/Were+主?肯定或否定回答 Yes, 主

11、+did./ No, 主+didnt.Yes, 主+was/were./ No, 主+wasnt/werent例如:He went to the zoo yesterday.昨天他去了动物园。否定句:He didnt go to the zoo yesterday.一般疑问句:Did he go to the zoo yesterday?肯定回答:Yes, he did.否定回答:No, he didnt.Mary was born in Beijing.玛丽在北京出生。否定句:Mary wasnt born in Beijing.一般疑问句:Was Mary born in Beijing?肯定回答:Yes, she was.否定回答:No, she wasnt.(4)特殊疑问句由“疑问词+一般疑问句”构成,例如:He was born in 1985.When was he born? He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. How long did he hiccup?He started hiccupping in 1992. When did he start hiccupping?

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