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1、吉安县第二中学20122013学年第一学期期中考试高二年级英语试卷命题人:罗晓琴 分值:150分 考试时间:120分钟 2012.11.1第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where did the man meet Rose?A. In a sports club. B. At the womans house. C. At Mr

2、. Thompsons home.2. How is the man feeling?A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Disappointed.3. What is the time now?A. 8:15 B. 8:20 C. 8:254. What is the man going to do tonight?A. Go to the airport. B. See a movie with Sue. C. Have dinner with the woman.5. Where should the man turn left?A. At the second

3、 traffic light. B. At the third building. C. At the end of the street.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从每题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7 题6. What day is it today?A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.7.

4、 What is the man doing?A. Asking for help. B. Asking for information. C. Offering advice.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. How much should each person pay for the taxi?A. About $20. B. About $30. C. About $60.9. When should the taxi go to pick up the man?A. At 6 am. B. At 7 am. C. At 8 am.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. How lon

5、g has the new manager been in the company?A. One month. B. One year. C. Five years.11. Whats the reason the woman gives for her not getting the job?A. Her clothes. B. Her female sex. C. Her education background.12. What kind of clothes does the new manager wear to work?A. A business suit. B. A sport

6、s suit. C. Jeans and a T-shirt.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题 13. When is Lin Shuhaos birthday?A. On August 21st. B. On August 22nd. C. On August 23rd.14. How tall is Lin Shuhao?A. 2.01 meters. B. 1.95 meters. C. 1.91 meters.15. Why does the man think Lin Shuhao is so popular?A. He is a Chinese American. B. His s

7、pirit attracted many people.C. Hes been doing well in matches.16. What do we know about the man speaker?A. He likes Yao Ming the most. B. He doesnt like playing basketball.C. He disagrees with comparing Lin to Yao.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. On which floor did Daniels family live?A. The 3rd. B. The 2nd. C.

8、 The 1st.18. Whats the old ladys grandson like?A. Polite. B. Noisy. C. Clever.19. What do we know about Daniel?A. Hes used to peace. B. He sleeps well at night. C. He is polite to his neighbors.20. What can we know from the text?A. The old ladys grandson moved out at last.B. Nothing has changed in D

9、aniels neighborhood.C. Daniel became friends with the old ladys grandson.第二部分:英语知识运用 (共二节,满分45分)第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21MrWhite, who comes from _ European country, has formed _habit of attending _ church on SundaysAan; /; the Ba; a; a Can; the; / Da; the; /22I cant _ another task, now I have

10、more than I can do In this way, I will ask someone elseAtake on Btake over Ctake up Dtake off23You job here is only _, for you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for youAoriginal Baccurate Cinitial Dtemporary24How did you find your visit to the Summer Palace yesterday?_I got separate

11、d from my 80-year-old grandparentsAIt couldnt be betterBI have no ideaCGood luck to me DIt couldnt be worse25. Ill have all of the readings _ by the end of this term if my plan goes wellA. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed26. I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _ looked

12、 like a large market. A. that B. which C. what D. where27. As long as I can remember, _ I called, my son would answer. A. before B. any time C. until D. while28. I had not been asked to the party, so I felt _ and a bit hurt. A. left out B. left behind C. left alone D. left off29. When _ to danger an

13、d conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, _ nervous and anxious.A. exposed; feltB. exposed; feeling C. exposing; feelingD. exposing; felt30. Now he still remembers _ it _ him to get the chance. A. that; took B. what; cost C. how; cost D. what; forced31. Teachers often use simple examples to _

14、 language points that are _ the students. A. handle ;puzzled B. express; puzzling C. clarify; puzzling D. conclude; puzzled 32. _ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should33. We had thought Carla would say

15、a lot about her job interview, but she _ it.A. doesnt mention B. didnt mention C. hasnt mentioned D. hadnt mentioned34As is known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _AParis is the largest BParis the largest CParis to be the largestDParis be the largest35It is y

16、ou, I think, rather than your wife, _ to blame for your sons bad behavior at schoolAthat is Bwho is Cthat should Dwho are第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。A woman was at work when she received a phone call and learned that her daughter was very s

17、ick with a feverShe left her 36 and stopped by a pharmacy(药房)to get some 37 for her daughterWhen returning to her car, she found that she had 38 her keys in the carShe was in a hurry to get home to her 39 daughterShe didnt know what to do, 40 she called her home and told the baby sitter(临时保姆)what ha

18、d 41 and that she did not know what to doThe baby sitter told her that her daughter was getting 42 She said, “You might 43 a coat hanger and use that to open the 44 ” The woman looked around and 45 she found an old coat hanger on the groundShe 46 it up but she didnt know how to use itWithin five min

19、utes an old rusty(生锈的)car 47 , with a dirty and bearded manHe got out of his car and asked her if he could 48 She said, “Yes, my daughter is very sickI stopped to get her some medicine and I locked my 49 in my carI must get home to herPlease, can you 50 this hanger to unlock my car”He said, “ 51 ” H

20、e walked over to the car, and in less than one minute the car was openedShe 52 the man and through her tears she said, “Thank you so muchYou are a very 53 man”The man replied, “Lady, I am not a nice manI just got out of 54 todayI was there for car theft and have only been 55 for about an hourBut I w

21、ould like to be a nice man”36Aschool Bwork Chome Dphone37Apresents Bfood Csweets Dmedicine38Alocked Bhidden Ccovered Dthrown39Ahappy Bclever Csick Dnaughty40Abut Bso Cand Dor41Aappeared Bremained Cchanged Dhappened42Aworse Bbetter Ctaller Dsmarter43Amake Btake Cfind Dbuy44AcupboardBdoor Croom Dpacka

22、ge45Asurely Bnaturally Cstrangely Dfortunately46Apicked Blooked Cturned Dput47Apulled down Bpulled outCpulled off Dpulled up48Aopen Bclose Chelp Drepair49Awallet Bkeys Clicense Dmobile50Aborrow Bcarry Coperate Duse51ASure BNot at allCIt doesnt matter DIt just depends52Aadmired Brespected Chugged Den

23、couraged53Abrave Bstrong Cgenerous Dkind54Atrouble Bprison Ccontrol Dhospital55Aout Bdown Con Dup第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。AHank Viscardi was born without legsHe had not legs but stumps(残肢)that could be fitted with a kind of special boots, People st

24、ared at him with cruel interestChildren laughed at him and called him Ape Man (猿人)because his arms practically dragged on the groundHank went to school like other boysHis grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelveAfter graduating from school,

25、he worked his way through collegeHe swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college officesDuring all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumpsBut one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longerHe would soon have to use a wheel chairHank fe

26、lt himself got cold all overHowever, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs(假腿)Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror, for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be a full five feet eight inches t

27、allBy this time he was already 26 years oldHank had to learn to use his new legsAgain and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back againThere were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marchingHe went out on the streetHe climbed

28、stairs and learned to danceHe built a boat and learned to sail itWhen World War II came, he talked the Red Cross into giving him a jobHe took the regular trainingHe marched and drilled along with the other soldiersFew knew that he was leglessThis was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without le

29、gs56Children laughed at Hank and called him Ape Man because Ahe didnt talk to thenBhe kept away from themChis arms touched the ground when he moved Dhe couldnt use his arms57It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall is Aan average height for a fully grown personBtoo tall for

30、 an average personCtoo short for an average personDnone of the above58The sentence “he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job” implies that the Red CrossAwas only glad to give him a jobBgave him a job because he was a good soldierCgave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the org

31、anizationDwas not willing to give him to job at first59When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, heAdid everything the other soldier didBdid most of the things the other soldiers didCdid most of the things the other soldiers didDtook some special training60The writer suggests that

32、 Hank Viscardi Ahad no friendsBnever saw himself as different from othersCwas very shyDwas too proud to accept help from othersBParents are creating an I want it now generation by satisfying childrens every demand at Christmas, say experts. Youngsters in Britain are becoming increasingly selfish, cl

33、aim the education analysts.Behavioral consultant Chris Calland said: Parents want to make Christmas into magical fairytale for their kids. Theres nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when it means always giving into all our childrens demands- even if they are beyond our price range or not age

34、-appropriate.Ms Calland, who runs Santa Says No style sessions with colleague Nicky Hutchinson, added: Many of us go into so much debt providing the gifts our children want that we spend the rest of the year paying off the bills. But so often the gifts weve carefully wrapped, once opened, are just p

35、ushed away because the very thing our little boy or girl was once so desperate for, they have now lost interest in.Ms Calland and Ms Hutchinson have drawn up a list of guidelines to help parents manage their offsprings(后代) Christmas lists this year. They say that adults can actually improve their re

36、lationships with their children by resisting pester(纠缠) power.Ms Calland said: All too often we say yes because we want an easier life when the fact is that were only building up problems for the future. We are helping create a generation of youngsters who are blind to the needs of others and the ne

37、cessity of hard work.Children learn fast- if we sometimes change our mind, they quickly realize it might be worth lying on the floor and screaming for it. Make sure you and your partner are working together on this. Be consistent. And try not to get caught up in competition with other families or fr

38、iends.61. How is the I want it now generation created?A. Parents cant afford the gifts for their children.B. Parents become heavily in debt.C. Parents are trying to make Christmas into a magical fairy tale.D. Parents give children whatever they want at Christmas.62. What is the main problem with the

39、 I want it now generation?A. They are quite self-centered.B. They like to live in fairy tales.C. They waste a lot of money on gifts.D. They cant keep their interest in gifts.63. What is probably the aim of Santa Says No style sessions?A. To advise on how to wrap gifts properly.B. To keep childrens i

40、nterest in the gifts.C. To tell parents how to say no to childrens demands.D. To advise parents on what gifts to buy for children.64. According to the passage, we can infer that Ms Calland intends to _.A. analyze childrens behaviorB. give advice to parents.C. introduce a new generationD. give her su

41、pport to parents.65. Ms. Calland would agree that parents should _.A. buy nothing for children at Christmas.B. choose gifts carefully for children.C. let children choose their own gifts.D. avoid competing with others.CWhen we see well, we do not think about our eyes very oftenIt is only when we cann

42、ot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes arePeople who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyesEverything else seems blurry(unclear)Many people who do a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become near-sightedThen People who are far-sighted su

43、ffer from just the opposite problemThey can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arms lengthIf they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, tooOther people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shapeThey hav

44、e what is called astigmatism(散光)This, too, can be corrected by glassesSome peoples eyes become cloudy because of cataracts(白内障)Long ago these people often became blindNow however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove thenHaving two good eyes is important for judging distancesEach eye sees things from a slightly different angle(角度)To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object our of your other eyeYo

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