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1、(完整版)分拣路径作业作业1、请计算下图的最优分拣路线,图中蓝色位置表示待拣出的货物。【解】依题意得下图1为拣货路径长度,图2为最优拣货路径 图1 图2 所以可以得出最优拣货路径为:16+16+16+12=602、阅读参考教材Warehouse & Distribution Science”139页至153页,并回答Question 10.1至Question 10.510.5 QuestionsQuestion 10.1. Consider the problem of finding the shortest pick path through a warehousewith parall

2、el aisles but no cross aisle。 Give an example of when a shorter pathis possible if backtracking is allowed.答:举例如图所示情况下,采用折返分拣路径走过距离为18,采用蛇形分拣路径走过距离为28,可以看出在平行通道中走折返分拣路径比走蛇形分拣路径要短。Question 10。2. Devise a worst-case example to show how much longer a picker mightbe required to travel if backtracking is

3、 forbidden in a warehouse with parallel aisles(no cross aisle).Question 10。3。 The word “detour” generally connotes the requirement to go out ofyour way. In what sense is it a detour to enter a side aisle to pick an item as part of alarger order in a branchandpick system?答:在折返分拣系统中采用蛇形分拣方式可以优化折返分拣系统,

4、从而达到使整体路线最短的目的。当分支通道较短并且在通道内部放置的物品是存储订货频率低的货物时,使用蛇形拣选法可以减少路径的长度。同时应在巷道边存储分拣频繁最高的货物,并采用折返分拣路径可以实现快速分拣.Question 10。4. In which of the following scenarios might pick-path optimization beeconomically justified?_ A very busy unitload warehouse_ A warehouse in which orders arrive intermittently and each i

5、s picked immediately(no batching). A typical order is for 12 skus._ A distributor of recorded music, with only a very few, very popular skus._ A warehouse that does most of its picking from a few single-aisle pick modulesonto conveyor。_ All of the above_ None of the aboveQuestion 10。5. Which of the

6、following best describes the effect of adding crossoveraisles to a warehouse? (That is, aisles that run orthogonally across the main directionof aisles。)_ It reduces travel because it creates shortcuts。_ It complicates travel-planning because it creates more possible paths。_ It reduces storage capac

7、ity by taking aisle space._ None of the above_ All of the above3、阅读参考教材“Warehouse & Distribution Science”157页至168页,回答Quesiton11.1Question 11。1。 Which of the following three ways of dividing work among order pickersis likely to be most accurate? What information is required in each case? Whatproblems might there be during orderpicking?_ Dividing the storage locations equally among the workers_ Dividing the number of picks equally among the workers_ Dividing the number of picks according to historical pickrates of the workers

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