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1、(完整版)except 、 except for、except that 的区别except except for |except that的区别 1。 Except for a few words he didnt say anything. 2。 Everyone is here except Jimmy。 从这两个句子看出区别: 1. everyone 和 Jimmy 都是人,属同类事物,用except,再如: We go to school every day except Sunday. 这种用法表示:从整体中减除部分。 2。 word 和 anything 不属于同类事物,用 ex

2、cept for ,再如: Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes. composition 和 mistakes 不属于同类事物。 这种用法表示:对整体说明做细节修正。 Except that后接从句 但在介词短语之前只能用except,其它,所以: We go to bed before 10,except in the summer。我们除在夏天外,10点前睡觉。except for/that的用法 except 除后跟名词、代词作宾语外,还可跟介词,也可跟从句。except for后一般跟名词或名词性短语;e

3、xcept that后一般跟从句,这是二者最大区别; (1)except for。.是除了因为;要不是;除去一点外的意思,表示对一个人或事物,先做一个整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法”.即一部分被肯定,另一部分被否定,这就是所谓的排除否定式。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的不是同类项”.例如: 1. It was dark in the city _ a few weak lights. A。 except for B。 except C. besides D. but for 2。 Your composition is very good _ a few spelling mistakes.

4、 A. except that B. except for C. besides D。 beside 析:Key: 1. A 2. B.因为除去的与保留的”不是同类项”,故选except for。 (2)except that。.。 也是”除去一点外”的意思,但应注意恰当地使用引导词.若从句句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that.例如: 1. The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter。 A。 except for B. except that C。 except when D。 besides 析:Key: B。本题题

5、意为”除色彩艳了一点儿外,这套衣服很适合他”,从句the colour was a little brighter句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that,故选except that。 2. -Can you tell me all about the earthquake? -Sorry, I know nothing about it _ I read in the newspaper。 A。 except B。 except for C。 except what D。 except that 析:Key: C。因从句中read为及物动词,且其后无宾语,故选except what。 3。 Mr

6、。 Green usually goes to work by bus _ it rains. A。 besides B。 except when C。 except what D。 beside 析:Key: B。由于it rains为从句,故排除A、D,且rains为不及物动词,不需要宾语,故排除C。except when 意为除了当的时候。 (3)except for与except that有时可互相转换。例如: 1. Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes. =Your composition i

7、s very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes. 2。 The village is very quiet except for some birds singing in the woods。 =The village is very quiet except that there are some birds singing in the woods. except for用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定。它不表示同类事物之间的关系,其意思为: 1。 ”除了以外”。如: Smith is a good man, ex

8、cept for his bad temper。 史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人。 The movie was good except for the ending。 这部电影除了结尾之外都很好. 2。 ”除去为了”。如: His mother wouldnt give him any money except for books and stationery。 除了买书和文具外,妈妈不给他任何钱。 3。 如果不是,”若非。如: Except for you, I would pass the exam. 如果不是你,我就会通过考试。 4。 except for+名词结构一般可以改写成exce

9、pt+that从句。如: This will do except for the length。= This will do except that it is too long. 如果不是它太长的话,这会很好。 All are here except for the absence of Tina。 = All are here except that Tina is absent. 除了蒂娜以外,大家都在这里。这是表达“除.。.。之外用于中的两个.其区别如下: 1、except:“除.。.之外(再没有),用于排除其后对象,单独用时常与but互换。 如: There is nobody in

10、 the hall except/but Tim. 2、except for:“除。.。.之外”,用于“对前述内容作修正或补充”,也可是委婉的指出问题,结构上是介词短语。如: Your composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes(除了几处拼写错误外,你的作文写的很好/你的作文写得不错,只是出了几个拼写错误)。 3、except that:“除.。.。之外”,用法与第二个相似,只是 that引导从句结构,而不是介词短语。如: Your composition is well written except that there are some spelling mistakes. You can turn to me for help except when Im busy。

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