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1、(完整版)定冠词和不定冠词的用法(讲义,练习与答案)中考复习系列之:定冠词the的用法1.特指某人,某事。(这,那;这些,那些) (1)Open the window,please! (2)The boy in a yellow shirt is my elder brother。穿黄色衬衫的那个男孩是我哥(3)The books on the desk are Lucys.课桌上的(那些书)是露西的.2。指上文已提到的人或事。 (1)There is a map(泛指) of China,the map(特指) is on the wall。 (2)Yesterday my parents

2、took me to a zoo(泛指).In the zoo (特指)we saw an elephant(泛指),the elephant (特指)was from America。3。指世界上独一无二的事物。(the sun太阳;the moon月亮;the earth地球) (1)The sunmoon is shining照耀 brightly灿烂地 in the sky。 (2)The sky 天空is blue.4。用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 (1)。the Great Wall.长城(2)。the Summer Palace颐和园(3).the Peoples Farm。

3、人民农场(4)。the Childrens Palace。少年宫5。用在序数词前和形容词最高级前. (1)He lives on the fifth floor.他住在(第五)楼. (2)December is the twelfth month of a year. 十二月是一年中的第十二个月. (3)Youre the youngest in your class.你在班里最年青.(4)The most important thing 最重要的事for us is to keep health.6。用在姓氏复数前,表示夫妇俩或全家人。(1)The Greens格林夫妇俩 work in t

4、he same factory.(2)The Blacks 布莱克一家人went to New York for a vacation last month。7.用在方位名词前,表示时间,地点.或用于习惯用语中。 On the rigntleft在右左边;under the bed。在床下;on the table。在饭桌下;behind the door。在门后;In the end最终;at the same time在同时;in the eastwestsouthnorth 在东西南北方。*不用定冠词的情况。1.表示交通工具,学科名称前.by( bikebustaxitrainplane

5、boatsubway);by sea.坐船;by air乘飞机;on foot。步行Have a Chinese上语文课;Have a math lesson上数学课2.节假日,星期,月份前。 National Day国庆节;Teachers Day;教师节;Womens Day妇女节;on MondayTuesday;in September;3.在一日三餐,体育类,等名词前。 (1)I cooked some noodles for supper/dinner. (2)The old man likes playing chessplaying (soccerbaseball).注意:演奏

6、某种乐器,要加定冠词the.Play the (violinguitarerfupianoltrumpet。music)4.在一些固定词组中,不加定冠词the at home.;at first首先;at last最终;at nigntnoon。;在晚上;at work在工作on time.准时;Be ill in bed卧病在床;be ill inhospital.生病住院;不定冠词A,AN的用法。1。表示泛指,或指某一类人或事(1)Whats this?Its a pen.这是钢笔(2)This is a dictionary.(3)A boy is waiting for you。有个男

7、孩在等你 (4)A horse is a usefuf animal。马是有用的动物。4。用在某些固定词组中. A bit.;A little; A lot of;have a look at瞧一瞧;have a goodgreat time过的愉快;in a word.一句话5.a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前.an用在与原音音素开头的单词前. An egg;an apple;an old man;an English book;an empty bottle。一个空瓶;an hour,一个小时;an advertisement一个广告;an email.address一个邮件地址(注意:a u

8、niversity一所大学。a useful horse。;an umbrella一把雨伞;an uncle一位叔叔)Exercise(练习)一1( )There is_apple tree in my garden。 A.a B。an。 C.the2( )Horse is_ useful animal. A.a. B。an。 C.+3( )LiLy is_ 8-year-old girl。 A。a . B。an. C.the。4( )There is_map of China,_map is on_wall。 A.the. the 。the B.a. the the C。a. a the。5

9、( )Yesterday we had_wonderful time at the park。 A。a。 B.+ C。an6( )Would you please pass me_ sugar on _table? A。a .+ B.an.a C。the,the7( )Go to the open air and enjoy_moon。 A。the B。a. C.an8( )Tom likes playing_guitar,but he doesnt like playing_chess。A.the the B.a a C。the. +9( )This is one of_interestin

10、g books on you subjuject. A.most。 B.the most。 C。the most of 10( )I bought some flowers for my mother on_motherss day. A。the B。a。 C.+11( )We cant see_sun at_night.A.a the B。the an C.the +12( )_elephant has_ long nose 。A。an.a B.a an C.a the13( )Tom missed the class because he was ill in_ hospital。 A.t

11、he B。a C。+14( )My aunt works in_hospital,she is_nurse. A。the。a B。a。the C.+.a.15( )Who is_man with glasses? Do you know _boy in a yellow hat? A。the B。a。 C。an二1( )_month of the year is August. A.The eighth. B.The eight。 C。Eight2( )Jims father usually goes to work by_ A.bus B。a bike C.a taxi3( )Maria l

12、ikes having hamburgers and milk for_dinner. A。the. B。a。 C.+ 4( )Tony usually goes to school_his bike。 A.in B.by。 C.on.5( )September 10th is _. A。the teachers Day. B.Teachers Day. C.Teachers Day。6( )Jack is having _music lesson next Wednesday。 A。a. B。the. C。an7( )Tony is_(of the threeof all in his cl

13、ass). A。taller B。the taller. C.the tallest。8( )-By the way,have you got_e-mail address?(05) A。a B.an C。the9( )_woman in a red dress is a very popular teacher in our school. A。A。 B.The C。10( )More and more foreign students come to China to learn_Chinese. A.a B.the C.11( )Students often play_volleyball in_afternoon。 A。,an B。,the C。the.an12( )-whats_date today? -Its June 26th。 A.a。 B.an. C。the13( )Mike is_university student.He is _honest boy. A.a,a B.an。an C。a,an 14( )We always have_rice for_lunch。 A.。 B.。a C.the,the. Answers:一。15:BABBA; 6-10:CACBC; 1115:CACAA;二。1-5:AACCC; 6-10:ACBBC; 1114:BCCCA

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